LIVE NOT BY LIES. Alexander Solzhenitsyn

On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” The next day, he was exiled to the West, where he received a hero’s welcome. This moment marks the peak of his fame. Solzhenitsyn equates “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be reshaped to predetermined specifications. And his last word before leaving his homeland urges Soviet citizens as individuals to refrain from cooperating with the regime’s lies. Even the most timid can take this least demanding step toward spiritual independence. If many march together on this path of passive resistance, the whole inhuman system will totter and collapse.

by Edward E. Ericson, Jr. and Daniel J. Mahoney, The Solzhenitsyn Reader

There was a time when we dared not rustle a whisper. But now we write and read samizdat and, congregating in the smoking rooms of research institutes, heartily complain to each other of all they are muddling up, of all they are dragging us into! There’s that unnecessary bravado around our ventures into space, against the backdrop of ruin and poverty at home; and the buttressing of distant savage regimes; and the kindling of civil wars; and the ill-thought-out cultivation of Mao Zedong (at our expense to boot)—in the end we’ll be the ones sent out against him, and we’ll have to go, what other option will there be? And they put whomever they want on trial, and brand the healthy as mentally ill—and it is always “they,” while we are—helpless.

We are approaching the brink; already a universal spiritual demise is upon us; a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children, while we continue to smile sheepishly and babble:

“But what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength.”

We have so hopelessly ceded our humanity that for the modest handouts of today we are ready to surrender up all principles, our soul, all the labors of our ancestors, all the prospects of our descendants—anything to avoid disrupting our meager existence. We have lost our strength, our pride, our passion. We do not even fear a common nuclear death, do not fear a third world war (perhaps we’ll hide away in some crevice), but fear only to take a civic stance! We hope only not to stray from the herd, not to set out on our own, and risk suddenly having to make do without the white bread, the hot water heater, a Moscow residency permit.

We have internalized well the lessons drummed into us by the state; we are forever content and comfortable with its premise: we cannot escape the environment, the social conditions; they shape us, “being determines consciousness.” What have we to do with this? We can do nothing.

But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not “they” who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we!

Some will counter: But really, there is nothing to be done! Our mouths are gagged, no one listens to us, no one asks us. How can we make them listen to us?

To make them reconsider—is impossible.

The natural thing would be simply not to reelect them, but there are no re-elections in our country.

In the West they have strikes, protest marches, but we are too cowed, too scared: How does one just give up one’s job, just go out onto the street?

All the other fateful means resorted to over the last century of Russia’s bitter history are even less fitting for us today—true, let’s not fall back on them! Today, when all the axes have hewn what they hacked, when all that was sown has borne fruit, we can see how lost, how drugged were those conceited youths who sought, through terror, bloody uprising, and civil war, to make the country just and content. No thank you, fathers of enlightenment! We now know that the vileness of the means begets the vileness of the result. Let our hands be clean!

So has the circle closed? So is there indeed no way out? So the only thing left to do is wait inertly: What if something just happens by itself?

But it will never come unstuck by itself, if we all, every day, continue to acknowledge, glorify, and strengthen it, if we do not, at the least, recoil from its most vulnerable point.

From lies.

When violence bursts onto the peaceful human condition, its face is flush with self-assurance, it displays on its banner and proclaims: “I am Violence! Make way, step aside, I will crush you!” But violence ages swiftly, a few years pass—and it is no longer sure of itself. To prop itself up, to appear decent, it will without fail call forth its ally—Lies. For violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence. And it is not every day and not on every shoulder that violence brings down its heavy hand: It demands of us only a submission to lies, a daily participation in deceit—and this suffices as our fealty.

And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!

And this is the way to break out of the imaginary encirclement of our inertness, the easiest way for us and the most devastating for the lies. For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.

We are not called upon to step out onto the square and shout out the truth, to say out loud what we think—this is scary, we are not ready. But let us at least refuse to say what we do not think!

This is the way, then, the easiest and most accessible for us given our deep-seated organic cowardice, much easier than (it’s scary even to utter the words) civil disobedience à la Gandhi.

Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies! Having understood where the lies begin (and many see this line differently)—step back from that gangrenous edge! Let us not glue back the flaking scales of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing garb, and we will be amazed how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away, and that which is destined to be naked will be exposed as such to the world.

And thus, overcoming our temerity, let each man choose: Will he remain a witting servant of the lies (needless to say, not due to natural predisposition, but in order to provide a living for the family, to rear the children in the spirit of lies!), or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries? And from that day onward he:

· Will not write, sign, nor publish in any way, a single line distorting, so far as he can see, the truth;

· Will not utter such a line in private or in public conversation, nor read it from a crib sheet, nor speak it in the role of educator, canvasser, teacher, actor;

· Will not in painting, sculpture, photograph, technology, or music depict, support, or broadcast a single false thought, a single distortion of the truth as he discerns it;

· Will not cite in writing or in speech a single “guiding” quote for gratification, insurance, for his success at work, unless he fully shares the cited thought and believes that it fits the context precisely;

· Will not be forced to a demonstration or a rally if it runs counter to his desire and his will; will not take up and raise a banner or slogan in which he does not fully believe;

· Will not raise a hand in vote for a proposal which he does not sincerely support; will not vote openly or in secret ballot for a candidate whom he deems dubious or unworthy;

· Will not be impelled to a meeting where a forced and distorted discussion is expected to take place;

· Will at once walk out from a session, meeting, lecture, play, or film as soon as he hears the speaker utter a lie, ideological drivel, or shameless propaganda;

· Will not subscribe to, nor buy in retail, a newspaper or journal that distorts or hides the underlying facts.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the possible and necessary ways of evading lies. But he who begins to cleanse himself will, with a cleansed eye, easily discern yet other opportunities.

Yes, at first it will not be fair. Someone will have to temporarily lose his job. For the young who seek to live by truth, this will at first severely complicate life, for their tests and quizzes, too, are stuffed with lies, and so choices will have to be made. But there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest: Not even for a day, not even in the safest technical occupations can he avoid even a single one of the listed choices—to be made in favor of either truth or lies, in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual servility. And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.

For us, who have grown staid over time, even this most moderate path of resistance will be not be easy to set out upon. But how much easier it is than self-immolation or even a hunger strike: Flames will not engulf your body, your eyes will not pop out from the heat, and your family will always have at least a piece of black bread to wash down with a glass of clear water.

Betrayed and deceived by us, did not a great European people—the Czechoslovaks—show us how one can stand down the tanks with bared chest alone, as long as inside it beats a worthy heart?

It will not be an easy path, perhaps, but it is the easiest among those that lie before us. Not an easy choice for the body, but the only one for the soul. No, not an easy path, but then we already have among us people, dozens even, who have for years abided by all these rules, who live by the truth.

And so: We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands—we will not recognize our country!

But if we shrink away, then let us cease complaining that someone does not let us draw breath—we do it to ourselves! Let us then cower and hunker down, while our comrades the biologists bring closer the day when our thoughts can be read and our genes altered.

And if from this also we shrink away, then we are worthless, hopeless, and it is of us that Pushkin asks with scorn:

Why offer herds their liberation?
Their heritage each generation
The yoke with jingles, and the whip.

Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel


(left, Bernard Fay during WW2; his dates 1893-1978)

Because the Allies were controlled by Freemasonry,
 Nazi Germany had to pretend to be anti-Masonic.
Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to 

extricate his beloved France from the Cabalist death grip.

(From Nov. 12, 2013, and Aug 28, 2018) 

aatrumphitler (4) (1).gif

by Henry Makow PhD

For a brief moment, during the Nazi occupation of France,(1940-1944), Freemasonry met its nemesis. He wasn’t a mighty general but rather an intellectual. 

Harvard-educated historian, Bernard Fay, a member of the College de France and Director of the National Library, headed an investigative unit that rooted out Freemasons.  

Working for Vichy President Philippe Petain and the Gestapo, Bernard Fay compiled a list of 170,000 Freemasons, of whom 989 were sent to concentration camps where 549 were shot. In addition, about 3000 lost their jobs. All Freemasons were required by law to declare themselves to authorities. 

Fay also seized the secret archives from the Grand Orient in Paris and from Masonic lodges throughout the country. He compiled the information at the Bibliotheque National and edited a monthly Journal, Les Documents Maconniques.

The lead articles had titles like “Freemasonry and the Corruption of Morals.” “Freemasonry Against the State,” and “The Masonic Lie.”

In 1943, Fay produced a film entitled Forces Occulteswhich depicted Masonic subversion worldwide. The film recounts the life of a young Depute (Congressman) who joins the Freemasons in order to relaunch his career. He thus learns of how Illuminati Jewish finance in England and the US used Freemasonry to involve France in a war against Germany. The Director Jean Mamy was executed as a collaborator in 1949.  Thanks to YouTube, the film with English subtitles can be seen online


Of course, after France was “liberated” by the Masonic powers in 1944, the tables were turned. 

Fay was arrested and sent to a concentration camp. When he finally came to trial in 1946, he was unrepentant and defiant.

“My great imprudence was to remain in France from 1940 to 1944, to dream of its regeneration, to consecrate all of my forces to it, to risk my life for it, and to believe in it, ” he said.

According to Barbara Will, author of Unlikely Collaboration, “perhaps the most striking aspect of his trial was the unwillingness of prosecutors to argue with Fay about the political opinions he still freely expressed.” 

For example, he stated to the court that “for many years I have considered Masonry a dangerous institution, and on this point, for some twenty years I have changed neither opinion nor language. The presence of the Germans had no effect on my ideas.” (p. 181) 

It is a measure of the vice-like grip that Freemasonry has on the liberal mind that Barbara Will, an English professor at Dartmouth College, persists in describing Fay’s views as “paranoid” and “bilious.”  

Fay had access to the secret archives of the Grand Orient in Paris. If he said they were establishing a Luciferian world tyranny, he was well informed.

The French Masonic power investigated more than 300,000 cases of collaboration between 1944 and 1949; 6783 sentences of death were handed down in France and 1600 carried out. In contrast, only 200-300 Nazis were hanged in Germany.  

Fay didn’t have much faith in his trial. The judge, he noted, was an “Israelite and Freemason.” Surprisingly, he was not hanged. On Dec 6, 1946, at the age of 54, he was sentenced to hard labor for life.

In 1951, while convalescing in a prison hospital, he managed to escape to Switzerland with the help of fellow anti-Masons. Two years later, he was pardoned by Charles de Gaulle. Nevertheless, he remained in Switzerland, where he continued to teach and write books until his death in 1978.


Our minds have been conditioned to shut down at the mere mention of God. However, the New World Order is ultimately an occult exercisedesigned to replace God (Reality) with Lucifer, who represents the Illuminati’s self-serving rebellion. 

This cult consists of Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who proclaim God has no form and is unknowable. They step into the breach and anoint themselvesGod. 

They create a solipsistic man-made reality. This is why they must control the mass media and education. We are prisoners of this matrix. Modern (i.e. Masonic) culture is a fraud dedicated to undermining marriage and family (through gender-bending and promiscuity), race, religion (God) and country (through migration and miscegenation.) It is a dead-end. 

In fact, mankind is connected to God by our soul (which the Illuminati deny exists.)  God has attributes which we all crave, spiritual absolutes such as Truth, Love, Goodness, Justice, Beauty and Harmony.

These attributes ultimately are Reality. That is why we feel confused, listless and empty without them. The Illuminati is dedicated to turning Reality on its head, making what is healthy seem sick, good seem evil, true seem false and ugly seem beautiful.  

All true religions are based on this paradigm. That is why Freemasonry is dedicated to destroying them.        


Bernard Fay belongs to the France of the ancien regime,the true France of Monarch, Church and army. This France was rotted out and destroyed by Illuminati Jewish finance and their Masonic lackeys who sponsored the French Revolution and the Dreyfus Affair. 

Modern history is an account of how power and wealth have been transferred from the church and aristocracy to Illuminati finance using liberal and democratic ideals as pretexts. 

Nazi Germany had to make a show of being anti-Masonic since its enemies were controlled by Freemasonry.  Bernard Fay seized this brief moment to try to save his beloved France. Of course, this window closed quickly since the Nazis also were financed and controlled at the top by the Illuminati.

Modern history and culture are saturated by Masonic assumptions yet the cult is largely unknown and unmentioned. Masonic Illuminism is the (satanic) religion of mankind yet its name is never spoken.

I was channel surfing yesterday and landed on the program “Decoded.” A 33-degree Freemason in Washington DC was disavowing any Masonic plot for world domination. This is another case of “listen to what we say, not what your eyes tell you.”  Illuminati conspiracies always deny with their lips what they do with their hands.  

If Freemasons don’t control the world, why do their symbols dominate Washington DC and other world capitals? Why are Donald Trump, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and most politicians Freemasons? 

If they were dedicated to good (as they claim), the world would be a different place. 

Our society continues to be dysfunctional, corrupt and scandal-plagued. Yet it refuses to address the underlying cause: subversion and control by a pernicious satanic cult.      

This article is indebted to Barbara Will’s Unlikely Collaboration (2011) for the info on Bernard Fay.

Related-   Freemasonry – Mankind’s Death Wish
———-“Nazis were Against Freemasonry” — Masonic Ruse
“Nazis were Against Freemasonry” — Masonic Ruse
Proofs Pope Benedict is a Freemason

Fay book described here Illuminati Created US to Advance NWO

Harrell Rhome on Bernard Fay

Women in leadership

Article from Jew Drudge Report today. From CNN. Anything CNN, FOX, or the rest of television releases, you need to do serious research on, as 90+ is propaganda. They omit and distort truth, and lie ceaselessly.

Women in leadership is very dangerous, as it is easy to deceive them, just as Eve was deceived in the garden. They will fight for power too, as it was prophesied after the Garden of Eden debacle.

They were the last creation, the most beautiful, but they were created to be a helpmate, not a guide and leader. Wise women acknowledge this, foolish women fight it.

Biblical churches do not allow women to speak in formal public meetings, i.e. Bible classes and Worships, with men present unless it is to ask prayer requests or to sing.

The war between good and evil continues in Sacramento.

The war between good and evil continues in Sacramento.

Video included at bottom.

I spoke for about four minutes, laying out the facts; HT follower Scottie spoke for 10 seconds and said, “F the Jews and F the N****rs.”. He was immediately cut off. Accomplished nothing harmed the cause much—an optics nightmare.

2-hour 13-minute mark: my first comments.

Notice in my remark, the transgender Antifa member, Samuel, in the green cap, at the bottom of the screen, directly to the left of the timer, gesturing to the Mayor to silence my speech, and the Mayor, to his credit, answers to the TRANSGENDER, “but he hasn’t said anything offensive.” Who elected this transgender to police speech in Sacramento? It doesn’t matter if the transgender was elected; free speech isn’t subject to politicians, votes, judges, or juries.

2-hour 40-minute mark, the three Antifa screaming banshees begin, Samuel, a transgender, not sure of birth sex, the ringleader, N, and O. So brave, they wear masks and go by letters. They likely haven’t worked a 40-hour-a-week job in their lives. These three have terrorized the Sacramento City Council meeting for the past four months. They can’t seem to contain their remarks into 2 minutes, though they’ve had four months to practice. They will aggressively exceed their limits, and the Mayor and City council tolerate it. They are also allowed to interrupt speakers. If Sacramento had a competent mayor and city council, these three ignorant loudmouths would have been tossed the first meeting they tried pulling their stunts. Instead, they are still going strong, with no end in sight.

At the 2 hour and fifty-minute mark, I began my remarks. The mayor hypocritically allows Antifa speakers to speak over their time and cuts me off when I start targeting their bogus “anti-semitism campaign. Notice how he will enable the audience to freely interrupt.  

At the 2-hour 52-minute mark, HT admirer Scottie, trying to wittingly or unwittingly single-handedly hijack and sabotage the movement, calls in with these observations right after me!

What is the wisdom he has to offer Sacramento?

“F*** the N*****rs,” and “F*** The Jews”

Notice I received 99% of my time; he was cut off in 10 seconds and convinced no one of anything.

This is the contrast between HT’s tactics and mine. This is why Jewish bankers love HT and his followers.

We need wise and virtuous men to speak up in this meeting and meetings all over America. We cannot sit here silently and allow evil to run roughshod all over America.

People will post all day on Gab, but when a city Council meeting comes up, they are too busy to speak out in a place where it really matters. Gab is like the practice field; the City Council and school board meetings are the actual battle. Whatever you believe so strongly on Gab, you need to be able to publicly say it, or you are wasting your time on here.

Rothschilds Owe Humanity Trillions in Reparations


(Jacob Rothschild, right, with his chief go-fer George Soros) Reparations to the descendantsof black slaves 


the real debt 

the Rothschilds 

owe to humanity.  The Rothschilds may discharge this debt by forgiving all “debt” due to money creation and relinquishing ownership of central banks to national governments. This is letting them off easy, but the return to national sovereignty, personal freedom, and truth is worth the price.  Updated from March 15, 2021
by Henry Makow PhDA Tentative Invoice The Covid Scam  – 10 Trillion 
World War Two – Ten trillion (includes Dresden, Hamburg and Jewish holocaust) World War One – Five Trillion
Destroying the Catholic Church and Christianity – Three trillionRemoving God from social consciousness and public discourse – Five trillionDestroying millions of lives through feminism (marriage and family destruction)  – Three trillion
The war on masculinity and femininity has damaged heterosexuals and robbed the world of masculine virtue and feminine charm. One trillion.
Mass murders by Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists – Five trillion 
General depredations of Communism – One trillion
The Cold War and other wars of the twentieth century – Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Libya   –  Five trillion 
The Great Depression, the Credit Crunch, and the #scamdeminc of 2020 —  Five Trillion
The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK, and 9-11  – Two trillion

Wars previous to the twentieth century- i.e. US Civil War, etc. Two trillion 

Attempt to start a race war in America –  300 Billion

Destruction of the democratic process, journalism, education, and the arts –  five trillion 

Damage to national cultures and identities caused by multi-culturalism and illegal migration  — One trillion 

The Rothschilds will finance and distribute ten honest movies about Communist subversion and espionage in America, 

as well as ten movies extolling American patriots like Louis McFadden, Charles Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh, and Henry Ford.

Airports and public places named after Illuminati traitors like G.H.W. Bush will be renamed.   

The Rothschilds may discharge this debt by forgiving all “debt” due to money creation and relinquishing ownership of central banks to national governments. This is letting them off easy, but the return to national sovereignty, personal freedom, and truth is worth the price.

A foolish woman

A foolish woman tears her home down. How? By being contentious, quarrelsome, loud, stubborn, lazy, led by emotions and feelings, spendthrift, easily offended, controlling, manipulative, discontent, unkind, selfish, and walks in the flesh. 

A wise woman builds her home up. How? By living in submission to her husband with a meek and quiet spirit, accepts him as he is, led by Truth, pours love and grace upon him, not easily offended, renews mind with truth daily, takes every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, works hard in the home, lives simply, content, kind, sacrificial, and walks in the Spirit. 

“Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.” (Pr. 14:1)