Matthew Henry on women being silent in the churches.

Matthew Henry has possibly one of the best overviews ever of 1 Thessalonians 5:21, IMHO.

He makes it very clear we are never to obey authorities without first checking to be sure the authorities are correct scripturally. It gives me no pleasure to relate that many churches’ teaching on women teaching is unscriptural. Women are not equal with men. Anyone who doesn’t understand this only needs to examine men’s and women’s anatomy. Our bodies, brains, emotions, and spheres designed by God are completely different. To be fair, women in Stanton are among the best women on earth. However, Solomon was right when he said in Ecclesiastes 10:1, “Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor.”. Though the women in Stanton do a marvelous job having all the children they can have, obeying their husbands, mostly, staying faithful to their husbands, keeping a clean house, babysitting, teaching kids classes, being frugal with money, keeping up their exercise, teaching ladies classes, yet, this error of publicly teaching men negates SO much good!!!

Examining what has happened to me when I stated women teaching men and sharing publicly in Bible Classes with men present is unscriptural, and this same adverse treatment happened to the other men who started this truth, you begin to understand why Adam went along with Eve’s deception in the Garden. A woman who refuses to obey plain scriptural commands is extraordinarily difficult to be reasoned with. Solomon didn’t beat around the bush; he called them “brawling women.”

Women are very good at being subtle when they don’t get their way and pretending that it’s your fault. I’m being made out to be this terrible sexist man who wants to put masking tape over all the women’s mouths simply because I repeated what the Christian Church has been doing for…wait for it…One thousand nine hundred and sixty years!!!!!

Do we really think Merie magically found a truth that 2,000 years of Christianity didn’t find? Highly improbable and unlikely.

Imagine trying to correct Merie. “Ummm, Merie, women aren’t supposed to be teaching men in public?” Can you imagine the blast that would have come from her? And if you’re a married man with children, and your wife adores Merie, and women are initiating divorce 80% of the time, do you begin to understand why the men in Stanton have tolerated this from the start?

What man wants to jeopardize his marriage, his wages, and his children over stating the truth that women aren’t to teach men? That is probably why the man who said, “Women keep silent in your churches,” was never married. That would be the Apostle Paul, and the married men were all grateful, as I know every honest Christian man is thankful today for me saying this, who hasn’t been brainwashed by this feminist society. I’m a huge admirer of Paul, and have his name as my middle name, ironically, and I believe, as he did, that “women ought to keep silent in the churches” save for prayer and song requests, confessions, singing, teaching kids classes, and teaching ladies classes.

1 Thessalonians 5:21

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

“This is a needful caution, to prove all things; for, though we must put a value on preaching, we must not take things upon trust from the preacher, but try them by the law and the testimony. We must search the scriptures, whether what they say be true or not. We must not believe every spirit, but must try the spirits. But we must not be always trying, always unsettled; no, at length we must be settled, and hold fast that which is good. When we are satisfied that any thing is right, and true, and good, we must hold it fast, and not let it go, whatever opposition or whatever persecution we meet with for the sake thereof. Note, The doctrines of human infallibility, implicit faith, and blind obedience, are not the doctrines of the Bible. Every Christian has and ought to have, the judgment of discretion, and should have his senses exercised in discerning between good and evil, truth and falsehood, Heb 5 13, 14. And proving all things must be in order to holding fast that which is good.”

A chance to invest on Gab

A chance to invest in the only real free speech platform on the internet.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube all censor and they allow pornography. Why would anyone use them but not use Gab, which doesn’t censor, but bans pornography?

For those not on Gab yet, it’s a far better idea than any other social media platform.

All the other platforms do your thinking for you, and censor truth while spreading lies and filth.

The Banking System Makes Our Enslavement Inevitable


(It’s all black magic. Money is just digits on a ledger kept by the Rothschilds. Occasionally they will produce coupons, i.e. currency, to make it seem real. We already have a digital currency. Chinese-style social credit is coming.) 

In March, a half dozen US regional banks went bankrupt losing $500 billion in deposits.    Did these depositors lose their money? No. The Fed just created $500 billion out of thin air. These Satanists have finagled the US national credit card and are maxing it out until the $USD collapses.
Politicians and cops whose salaries we pay don’t work for us, but for the central banking cartel that wishes to lock down humanity permanently. The same applies to the mass media and most professions. Everyone dances to the money tune, and Rothschild is the Pied Piper. 

We suffer from blood poisoning.“Money” is the blood supply of society. This “medium of exchange” circulates like blood in a human body. With it, everyone is sanguine; without it, you have a corpse.   Unfortunately, our feckless ancestors gave control over money creation to Cabalist Jews and Freemasons who find excuses (wars, scamdemics) to produce it endlessly in the form of a debt to themselves
Their goal is to expand their monopoly over money creation into a monopoly over literally everything(e.g. thought, “wokeness”) inducting humanity into their Satanist sex cult. They weaponized the common cold as a pretext to decimate and enslave humanity. This is the essence of Communism and the New World Order.

Mankind is doomed unless the central bank is nationalized, “debt” is disowned and money is created debt-and-interest free. 

This is not likely to happen as long as its minions control everything. 

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Money is a Mind Game
“…They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. …it is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith….” 
Illuminati Insider Chaim Rakovsky  Updated from 28-7-18and 12-12-21

by Henry Makow Ph.D. 
In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for “diversity” –homosexuality and immigration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalis

t songbook.  For example, Citibank just announced they will not do business with clients who do not meet progressive gun-control requirements.  Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild World central banking system, much like some MacDonald’s stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for “money.” That’s why banks and corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation, and minority status for Caucasians.  

WHAT DOES ‘MONEY? LOOK LIKE? (When it’s not currency)

What follows is my best guess but I could be wrong. I welcome correction from better-informed people. 

When I write a cheque to the gas company, an armored car does not pull up to my bank, collect the cash from my account and deliver it to the gas company’s bank. All that REALLY happens is some digits change at the two banks. 
My bank account is not a little letterbox with cash sitting in it. My account is just a number in their books signifying what they owe me should, God forbid, I decide to withdraw the cash. 
When we use our credit cards or when we buy a stock, the only thing that happens is that accounts are adjusted. 
We are really banking with the Rothschilds. Our little nest egg is actually their magical “credit”, a slice of the national “debt” owed to them, “money” that they created from nothing and “loaned” to the government. It is a reflection of the government’s ability to repay, although it never will. 
The banking system is a vast system of accounts. Money doesn’t actually exist except for a small amount in paper coupons (currency). “Money” is an abstract concept denoting value.Our currency is a medium of exchange. Think of it as an electrical current instead of currency. It is basically a virtual credit system that is the lifeblood of every economy. Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit? Who decides who gets to play? A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds. 
Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything — real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.)  This isthe essence of Communism; and New World Order which is largely in place. The goal is to gradually enslave humanity. When they finally get rid of cash, they can cut off our “credit” at a moment’s notice. 
How do they maintain control? They control the corporate cartels who are all dependent on banks. These corporations fund the politicians who follow bankers’ orders. 
Many of these politicians are Freemasons. Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are accomplices in the banking racket. In general, complicity in the banking fraud is the price of success today. 
Why is it a fraud? Because sovereign governments could “generate their own electricity”   interest-and-debt-free. We wouldn’t need to sell our soul and our children’s birthright.
In the future, it is conceivable that human life will be no better than that of the animals we breed for food. The “Deep State” is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers’ enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.Everyone — MDs, cops, politicians, journalists — is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding our dilemma.
Related– Money as Occult Spell 

———  Satanism Explained 

Related — Central Banks 

—————– What is Communism?

Asha Logos

Consider the Italian or Sicilian mafia, for a moment..
We know they attained a fair bit of success and power, in the past.. we know they’ve been involved in some of the largest scale crime(s), across the past century or so. They eventually cultivated relationships with police and FBI, politicians, even media, in some cases managing to almost completely hide their tracks.

Now push this idea of their success to the absolute extreme.
Pretend they’d been so successful, that they attained control over the very printing of our money, much like the federal reserve for example – pretend they had fellow Sicilians in nearly every noteworthy nation, managing the largest banks. Imagine they’d become so successful that they began to largely control the information flow, and begin to cultivate and present a picture as if their host nations were free and fair and transparent democracies, in which the organic will of the people still elected their leaders.. all the while, in reality, they were using their hard won organs of influence and control to all but guarantee election outcomes – perhaps even stoking scandals and engaging in character assassination when someone outside this tribe or circle begins to make serious inroads.

Picture such incredible success that all of the most powerful political families began to marry their children into this Sicilian mafia.. imagine *every single recent President of the most powerful nation in the world* doing just this – causing this exceptional subset to grow more powerful with every succession generation, by co-opting those willing to sell themselves for personal advancement. Imagine these same politicians eventually putting Sicily, in many ways, above their own nation – passing laws preventing their own people from criticizing Sicily or its people, sending them billions of dollars and the most powerful military technology in the world, even engaging in wars to help secure their safety and prosperity, and/or expand their borders. 

This dominance might even creep into the religious sphere.. these Sicilian families could slowly but surely begin to rewrite history, to place themselves at the epicenter, in those ways that most boost their reputation.. to embrace any label or badge or mask that might best serve their aims and keep them safe from any reaction or pushback. If successful, they might win over a subset of people on the deepest levels – who saw it as their very spiritual and moral *duty* to strengthen and empower these people.. a naive subset who might then act as an army of devoted servants, who believed they were serving God as they did so.

I suspect that if the Sicilian mafia attained this level of power and dominance, a strange thing might happen, as result – they’d start to become LESS visible to the average man on the street, not more so. They’d exercise such immense power and influence over the ongoing conversation, such domination of the bottlenecks of the flow of information, that they’d be able to create a storyline or narrative that not only proactively hid their degree of power, but perhaps even painted themselves as victims – spurring kind hearted people everywhere to feel the constant desire to help them, psychologically conditioned on the deepest levels to defend and protect them – even to send them money out of their own pocket, despite these hypothetical Sicilians being the wealthiest group in the world by a large margin. Even if these mafia families were kicked out of countless nations in the past, I suspect that so powerful would be their dominance over the public mind and public consciousness that they’d manage to bury these stories – or so distort and mischaracterize them that the public might become convinced that every last one of these expulsions was the fault of the citizens themselves, and not the corrupt or criminal or parasitic machinations of these mafiaso.

I have a feeling that, while we’re good at recognizing low-level and mid-level crimes and criminality, there exists a unique type of criminality that is so large scale, so all-encompassing and broad level, that it flies under the radar – one might even say ‘above’ the radar, because it would even serve to redefine and reorient this radar. Peoples that were the product of high-trust nations and cultures would be like sheep among wolves, and might gradually come to be utterly dominated (and subsequently reprogrammed) before a critical mass began to even understand what was occurring.

Anyhow.. it’s an interesting thought experiment.

Patrick O’Carroll – Ukraine Has Left the West Defenceless



“By now, the Marxist Biden Regime (which is 95 percent Zionist or Bolshevik-Zionist) has wholly succeeded in depleting the USA’s stock of arms and ammunitions, by using the ploy of the Ukraine War and by collapsing the supply chains (notably from China) so that the USA will soon have great difficulty in replenishing its stocks of arms and ammunition.”

“In the plan of the satanic CHABAD, the age of the Antichrist is intended to coincide with the genocide of most Christians.”

by Patrick O’Carroll
In 1968, Gen. Jan Sejna tipped off Czech leader Alexander Dubcek that Russia was about to invade Czechoslovakia; then Sejna promptly defected to the USA (via the US Consulate in Trieste-Italy) to become one of the most prominent Eastern Bloc functionaries to ever defect during the entirety of the staged “cold” war. Sejna later became a counterintelligence analyst for the Central Lack-Of-Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley VA.


In his 1982 book “We Will Bury You”, Jan Sejna warned that communism was soon about to “fake its own death” by collapsing the Warsaw Pact but also by ultimately disarming the USA and NATO. In a way, Sejna was proven right, but with some reservations.

He was RIGHT about communism “faking its own death but not going away”: He was also RIGHT about communism “disarming the USA”:
By now, the Marxist Biden Regime (which is over 95 percent Zionist or Bolshevik-Zionist) has wholly succeeded in depleting the USA’s stock of arms and ammunitions, by using the ploy of the Ukraine War and by collapsing the supply chains (notably from China) so that the USA will soon have great difficulty in replenishing its stocks of arms and ammunitions. Recently, analyst Steve Quayle highlighted this alarming fact.

But he was WRONG about true communism: Britain’s Marxist Fabian Society in London has been a key organization directing the spread of communism throughout the world since 1884.
George Orwell was a committed Fabian and a top-degree Freemason. In his novel “1984”, he used the name “IngSoc” to denote the Marxist Fabian Society. His term “Outer Party” signified what is today the Zionist combo of London’s Chatham House (RIIA) and New York’s CFR (Harold Pratt House NYC). His term “Inner Party” signified even more powerful world-tyranny bodies such as the Committee of 300, Council of 13, Bilderberg, Skull & Bones and other groups (many nameless) centered on All Souls College Oxford. 


Finally, the name “1984” (for his entire book) reflected the Marxist Fabian BOAST that they would only need 100 years to completely enslave Britain (and the world too, given that Britain has always served as “the embryo of world tyranny”). Because Orwell’s title was really celebrating the date 4 Jan 1884, on which Britain’s Marxist Fabian Society was originally founded. In the event, Orwell’s “100-year boast” has not panned out YET but its gradualism or incremental method simply means that Marxist Fabianism is still biding its time before Marxism shall completely strangulate the whole world. Today’s students at major US universities are regularly given courses from, or at, the London School of “Economics” in order to ensure that all future US leaders and captains of industry will embrace the Marxist ideology. 
Indeed, in paraphrased form, Larry Fink stated that democracy is “no longer suited to modern capitalism because people have disparate opinions that are NOT MINE, so hence TOTALITARIANISM is infinitely more suitable nowadays”.

Overall, Jan Sejna was right that communism was not going away, but for the wrong reason. The real reason communism was not going away is because it is, and always has been, backed by all four of the main entities of the Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal (the English monarchy, the City of London, the “Monopoly Capitalists” of Wall Street (often called the “Illuminati” bloodlines), and the Zionist House of Rothschild). Many “sheeple”-slaves are shocked to learn that, for 200 years, the top oligarchs have always been STRICT Marxists.

Communism was never a grassroots affair to “save”, “serve”, or “protect” the slave class but always a top-down-driven tyranny to MANAGE the slave class for the oligarchs, and to transfer the wealth of the middle class up to the oligarchs. The main aim of Marxist Fabianism, or communism, has only ever been to create a TWO-TIER society, where the top tier in Russia was called “Nomenklatura” but all other folks were referred to as “Proletariat”.

And today, the same Zionist London-NY-Alliance or Zionist Cabal is behind the new and revamped version of communism that was given the newer “cool and trendy” label of Technocracy. By 2050, the middle class is to be completely fleeced and enslaved, while all mid-sized enterprises are to disappear.



Separately, communism and Technocracy are also supported by the satanic CHABAD. In a ceremony in 1990, the satanic CHABAD effectively declared Benjamin Netanyahu to be the “Moshiach ben Joseph” for this age. That is the satanic equivalent of John the Baptist since Netanyahu’s role (as “Moshiach ben Joseph”) is to prepare the way for the Antichrist (whom the satanic CHABAD calls “Moshiach ben David”). In the following solemn ceremony, Benjamin Netanyahu behaves like a pandering bootlicker to the CHABAD despot Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who keeps reminding him incessantly of his DUTY to usher in the Antichrist:

Many speculated that Schneerson himself was the Antichrist (“Moshiach ben David”) but he denied that because, he explained, the Christians had “unfortunately” NOT YET been genocided during his lifetime (1902-94) and one TOP condition for the Antichrist is that most Christians get “wiped from the face of the Earth” under his rule. In the plan of the satanic CHABAD, the age of the Antichrist is intended to coincide with the genocide of most Christians.


Up to 80 percent of divorces are initiated by women. The main reason is because these women want “me time.” They’re tired of sacrificially giving their lives to their families. It’s time for them to find “fulfillment” and experience life to its fullest, so they leave and destroy their children’s lives.

Many of them have husbands who work hard to provide for them. Their husbands are faithful to them and love their children, but this just isn’t enough. There’s more “out there.” They don’t understand that they are pilgrims on this earth just passing through.

They don’t understand that as they pour their lives into their husbands as their helpers and into their children as their mothers, they are fulfilling God’s perfect will for them, thus storing their treasures in heaven if they are believers in Jesus Christ. They don’t understand that they will reap what they have sown.

Instead of having her husband and children rise up in her old age and call her blessed and praise her, they will want nothing to do with her since she pursued her wants and desires instead of doing what is right and good. She was a lover of pleasure rather than a lover of God and will only reap bitterness and sorrow.

She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house.
Proverbs 7:11