How the jewish bolshevik revolution came about through, problem, reaction, and solution.

The oppression of the factory workers was used through propaganda by jewish communists to garner support for their revolutionary movement. It was used to demonize the Tsarist government as they were blamed for the oppressions of the workers and to side with them against the Tsar as they would improve the working conditions of the factory worker. We know this was just propaganda and lies as when the jewish Bolsheviks took over Russia, the workers became even more oppressed and enslaved even further and treated like cattle even further. 

The factory conditions were terrible and workers there had little to no rights and would barely get compensated due to injury which happened frequently.

The tsarist government had regulations to ensure that workers would at least get a minimum wage and have limited work hours, however, most industries were the private property of industrialists and they were allowed to get away with mistreating their workers.

We know that ”Factory workers played an important role in destroying the old government (who they thought was behind their oppression through jewish propaganda) and in defending the new Soviet regime as it proceeded to socialize production.”

Who were these industrialists that were behind this oppression? 

Jews played a prominent role in the industry business in Russia from the very start using the wealth they stole from Gentiles.

One such jew was Israel Brodsky, he became very big within the sugar industry and owned many sugar refineries. He controlled a whole quarter of ALL sugar production in Russia.

Izrael Pznanski who was among the three ”kings of cotton” in Lodz.

The jewish Luria family were very prominent merchants, who established nail, plywood, and match factories. The jews ran the entire industry of Pinsk, of the 54 industrial enterprises in Pinsk in 1914, 49 of them were owned by jews.

In Kiev, 1910, of 518 sugar refineries, 182 were owned by jews. In the 20th century, around 30,000 factories were owned by jews. They were also heavily involved in the Russian oil industry, 16% of the state’s oil industry’s manufacturing plants were in the hands of jews. 

In Czechoslovakia, jews were active in oil refining and general branches of trade and industry, particularly textiles. 

They built budding sugar refineries in Warsaw.  

By 1867, 17 % of all industrial workers in Poland were employed in a jewish owned factory. 

It’s important to point out that ‘Jewish owners generally avoided hiring jewish workers’, Most of the oppression of the workers was against Gentiles who were treated as slaves by jews.

WEF Will Starve A Billion Human Beings To Death

n their discussion, Jordan Peterson 

and Michael Yon blame

“Neo-Liberal” fantasies about climate, 

carbon dioxide and nitrogen

for the coming mass starvation 

and mass migration and discuss Mark Rutte’s 

war against Dutch farmers. They can’t say

“Neo Liberal”  means Cabalist Jewish ( i.e. Communism.)

The WEF is Organized Jewry and Freemasonry (Satanism.)

 They plan to exterminate useless eaters.


by Horse 327


I don’t see how we could possibly be stupider here in the West unless we took courses in stupidity. Jordan Peterson

The following are some quotes from a recent Jordan Peterson video:

The World Economic Forum at Davos says 1.2 billion people will be forced to migrate. Lara Logan

The WEF (World Economic Forum) wants to build a tri-state “Smart City” out of farm land taken from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany to be populated by tens of millions of immigrants from around the world. Michael Yon

One billion people will starve to death by 2025. Michael Yon

Kill a billion people and force another billion to migrate from their homes in the Third World knowing that the lack of food combined with massive migration will lead to a pandemic. Perhaps, even the one that Bill Gates predicted.

In their discussion Peterson and Yon lay much of the blame for the coming mass starvation and mass migration to Neo-Liberal fantasies about climate, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. They did heatedly discuss Mark Rutte and his war against Dutch farmers.

Wageningen University in the Netherlands is probably the best agricultural school in the world. In 2019 the Dutch were the second largest exporters of food worldwide. They did tell their academics that their research would be restricted to improving Dutch farming productivity, not allowed would be studies on the history of Alpacas prior to the Spanish era in South America. The Dutch grew 890,000 pounds of tomatoes per acre in greenhouses. In the past they sent lots of food to Britain, the EU and elsewhere.

That was until NATO (or really the US) tried to implement their pipe dream of establishing a first strike nuclear capability by moving their missile launching pads ever closer to the Russian border, maybe even near those 26 biolabs.

The latest step on the path to mass starvation was taken by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte when he announced his new goal – reducing nitrogen emissions 50% by 2030.

PM Rutte, who is also a member of the Bilderberg Society, said that Holland would be coordinating their farm policies with the World Economic Forum. WEF believes that our present system of growing food is fragmented which means that there are too many farmers making too many decisions and that all decision making should reside in Davos and maybe the UN.

It should be pointed out that the Bilderberg Society was founded by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. David Rothkopf, the former CEO of Kissinger Associates, wrote Superclass in 2006 in which he said the West was ruled by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions. Our climate policies which designates carbon dioxide and now nitrogen to be pollutants would not stand serious debate if those 6,000 Minions allowed us to have free and open debate on climate change or anything else that mattered.

Tim Ball is a retired college professor from Winnipeg Canada. He pointed out that only 2% of all the gases in our atmosphere are called greenhouse gases. Supposedly these gases allow sunlight to strike the surface of the earth but do not allow the heat to escape. Of the greenhouse gases 95% are water vapor. Carbon dioxide is 4% of all greenhouse gases. But only 3.4% of all carbon dioxide is caused by human activity. So we are going to shut down farms and tax people trillions of dollars to regulate the 3.4% of the 4% of the carbon in the 2% of the atmosphere that are greenhouse gases.

The problem is that all actual scientific data tells us that the temperature increases before the carbon dioxide does.


I went to college for ten years but never studied agriculture until a few years ago when I became interested in gardening and climate battery greenhouses. Let me explain what is happening in the soil in our gardens and our forests. If a leaf on a tree wants calcium, it can send down a message to the roots demanding it. Mycorrhizal fungi can deliver any one of 41 elements to your tree, your corn crop or your rose bush in exchange for sugar produced in the leaves of your trees, bushes, flowers and plants. The soil biology below your feet includes, microbes, nematodes, arthropods and other creatures in addition to worms. The soil biology hibernates until the soil reaches 12 degrees Celsius (53.6 F) with worms waiting until 18 C (64.4 F). When it warms up, the soil biology in your garden breathes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide.

Your plants thrive on that carbon dioxide rising out of your soil. American agricultural scientists who have studied at Wageningen University tell us that experiments with carbon dioxide have increased plant biomass by 30% which is a good thing as most people like to eat.

Hint: Worried about frosts killing crops? Increase the soil biology in your fields by feeding those little creatures compost and old leaves. The increase in soil biology will increase the temperature of the soil and save your crops from the same freeze that bankrupted your neighbor who spent his money on Big Ag inputs.

Previously, I have said the West will face total economic devastation and that we might not even have presidential elections in November of 2024. I also said that in America we have a federal form of government so that when, not if, Washington DC collapses, we will still have state governors, state and local police, a state judiciary plus an army of sorts, the National Guard. Just don’t depend on a Democrat governor to save you. And avoid all areas with a drought as you will be growing your food locally.

Below are two videos. One is of Dr Tim Ball explaining the lack of science behind carbon pollution. And the second is of Jordan Peterson discussing the vile creatures of the WEF and their plans to kill people by the billions.

The Ukrainians have taken 60,000 ethnic Russian children away from the Donbass back behind their frontlines. They might be being held as hostages. The local people in the Ukraine fear that the children might be trafficked to sexual predators, never to return.Please do what you can to save them:

The American Empire will collapse as early as 2023 or 2024 at the latest. You might consider this article:

Other Things of Interest.

This is one of my more recent articles. It sparked a lot of attention if you had not seen it.Gonzalo Lira On Ukraine, NATO and Our Future:

This article should receive more attention than it did:Putin’s Words, Putin’s Deeds:

One of my most recent articles was about the sale of the US HIMARS system by Ukrainian soldiers to the Russians. It has been confirmed a second time by the Russian Ministry of Defense:

I recently wrote a 2 part series.

Part I was: The US Government Is A Criminal Enterprise:

Part II was: WW III Has Begun: You Are The Enemy:

Arnold Leese wrote about the longstanding relationship between Judaism Inc and China: THE JEWISH ROTTING OF CHINA. Read it here:

This next article did not get the attention it deserved: There is an active BRICS plan to kill the dollar, pound, euro and yen in May of 2023 or 2024 at the latest.

David Rothkopf said the world is ruled by the 30 families and their 6,000 Minions. One group they use to control politics and the media is the Bilderberg Society. Jens Stoltenberg is a member of the powerful Steering Committee and the head of NATO. The Bilderbergers got us into the disastrous war in the Ukraine. After their last meeting he said that the war should end and the Ukraine should ask for terms. For the past 10 years I have published short bios of everyone attending the Bilderberg meeting.

One of my most popular articles of late has been on Catherine Austin Fitts conclusion that the Globalists have been using various means including covid vaxxes to poison us. She said in a video that they want to poison the US military. She also said she thought all this gender confusion nonsense was designed to destroy families because in the future they want to gene edit babies so they are not quite human.Catherine Austin Fitts And The Great Poisoning.

This is my most up to date article on their current bioweapon. Covid was made in a lab at the University of North Carolina. Covid Truths.

This Is The ‘Spartacus COVID Letter’ Written By A Medical Professional That Went Viral.”Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America”

1990s: Dr Fauci Killed 80 Black And Latino Children.

My most popular article in recent years was this:Deagel: 233 Million Americans To Die Before The End Of 2025.

I wrote this some years ago. It was quite popular. 25 Reasons To Absolutely Despise Bankers And Their Minions.

On the theme of the Great Reset. I wrote the following two companion articles. The first tells how the Bankers plan to take everything you own. And the second tells you how they plan to kill you after they have bled you dry on drugs and medical care.

The Great Reset: Part One.

The Great Reset: Depopulation.

I am also interested in 911. Did you know that a billion dollars in gold and silver went missing from the COMEX vault at the World Trade Center the night before 911? What did Osama bin Laden do? Did he impersonate David Rockefeller from his hospital bed in Pakistan? 911 Truths.

The best authority on the 911 attack at the Pentagon is Barbara Honegger. On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld admitted that $2.3 trillion had gone missing from the Pentagon. On 9-11-2001 the auditors tracing the Missing Trillions were killed. Barbara Honegger And The Pentagon Attack Papers

So far this century has been a Jewish century as was the 20th. You need to understand Jewish people and more importantly the mind of their self-appointed leaders.

Israel Shahak: The Laws Against Non-Jews In 2 Minutes

Quotes About Jews You Will Never Hear In Schools.

Israel Killed JFK And Has Ruled America Ever Since.

Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.

Video- Ernst Zundel: Jewish Voraciousness Will Create Weimar Like Conditions In America And A Final Solution For the Jews In The US.

We Are Not Anti-Semites We Merely Oppose The Psychopathic Religion Judaism.

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish And Getting Away With It.

Conversations With Young Assimilated Jewish People.

If you are at all concerned about what happens to people who work for a living, please read this.

Deep State Democrats To Cut Wages 60%. Then It Gets Worse.

In the future you will have to raise your own food to make sure you get something to eat. And you will have to learn how to prevent disease. To learn about gardening in a Grand Solar Minimum try this:The Wisdom of Mother Nature.

Read this before planning your future health needs:Video: Enzymes, Cancer And Healthy Blood Pressure.

These articles should also be of interest:

Update: America’s Secret Multi-Trillion Dollar Black Ops Slush Fund.

Screw Up: 8 Million Americans Are On The List To Be Disappeared.

You can read about Kim Dotcom’s analysis that America is way beyond broke here:

This is Julian Assange’s explanation of the war in Afghanistan as a money maker. Please share it. It applies to the Ukraine.

The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe and back into the hands of the transnational security elite. Julian Assange.

The two videos.

Tim Ball on carbon

Jordan Peterson on Davos.


My husband, Ken, helped me on this one!

It is not by accident that all of the Churches greatest preachers and theologians have understood God’s clear command forbidding women from preaching in the Church.

“Women pastors and women preachers are the most obvious rebellion against the word of God.” (John MacArthur)

“We will add that our surprise is all the greater when women of piety mount the pulpit, for they are acting in plain defiance of the command of the Holy Spirit, written by the pen of the Apostle Paul.” (Charles Spurgeon)

Sadly, many churches are now having women pastors and preachers. You should be wise, women, on why God forbids this so you can have a good response when some in your fellowship start bringing up the many feminists talking points. Many in the churches are trying to undermine and do away with the clear teachings of the Word on this matter.

God’s Word forbids women from preaching and teaching in the churches and having authority over men. In 1 Timothy 2:11-14, we are told the following:

“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.” This is God’s will for women in the churches.

“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” In case women didn’t understand verse 11, God made it very clear and all-encompassing. Women are not to teach in the churches, nor usurp authority over men but to learn in SILENCE.

And what is God’s reason for this? Paul goes back to Creation, long before any culture was established for why women aren’t to preach or have authority in the churches. “For Adam was first formed, then Eve.” Adam was created first and the one in whom authority was invested. He received the blame from God for the first sin that plunged all of mankind into sin, not Eve. It takes little study of the scriptures to understand that God created men to be in authority, to rule the world, to rule the Church, to rule the family, and his wife. God is absolutely a Patriarchal God. Such leadership should give us comfort, not alarm us or push us to contend for control.

Furthermore, “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” You can try to read into this whatever you like but either man is to lead because of Eve’s sin, or God is saying through the apostle that women are more easily deceived. We have a tendency to be led by our emotions and feelings. God created us to be the nurturer for our home and family with greater empathy. We are nurturers. Most women preachers are being deceptive with what they teach (twisting Scripture to support what they are doing), but even more troubling is to watch many of them slip away completely from the authority of God’s Word and begin to align themselves with those who would defend homosexuality, abortion, and the likes. Most of them ignored celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade but instead continued teachings that advance social justice and wokeness.

The Apostle Paul laid out the order of church gatherings in 1 Corinthians 14. He defines “prophesy” in verse 3: “But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” The 1828 Webster Dictionary defines prophecy this way: “In Scripture, to preach; to instruct in religious doctrines; to interpret or explain Scripture.” God tells us that He has given us all we need for life and godliness in His Word. There are no more prophets “foretelling” God’s Word but rather preachers “forthtelling” what has already been given to us to better understand and obey. We have God’s Word, and it’s a dangerous thing to add or subtract from it (Revelation 22:18,19).

Near the end of 1 Corinthians 14, we are told: “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.”

Yes, women can sing in the churches and recite Scripture as a congregation, but other than this, they are to be silent. Some will argue that these verses only mean they can’t preach/teach or have authority over the men. If this were so, Paul would have said women are forbidden only from teaching/preaching, but he clearly used the word “speak” over and over again. Be silent in the churches, women!

If you find that being silent in the church service is onerous, consider that 99 percent of all the men are also silent during the service. They too must meet certain qualifications in order to preach and teach beyond simply being a man. Why is it that these men do not fuss but listen in silence? Is it because if they wanted to speak or felt led to speak, they could? Is it the privilege of the speaking that so aggravates women who desire such a role?  Or is it the same rebellion of Eve desiring to usurp the authority God has established?

Then we turn to qualifications for elders and deacons, the leaders in the churches. They are to be “the husband of one wife” (1 Timothy 3:2 and 3:12). The elders are to be the preachers/teachers in the church and God’s authority structure is clear. Nowhere does it speak of female elders but rather the Word refutes them as to be an elder violates God’s command “not to usurp authority over the man.”

God also made husbands head over their wives (Ephesians 5:23). It becomes quite a mess when a wife is to be submissive at home to her husband yet is a teacher/elder in the Church with authority over her own husband. God does not put up with such confusion but is clear in that in both home and Church men are to lead.

We have such clarity from God’s Word on this matter yet some desire to muddy the waters with 20 little feminist pokes, that somehow, taken all together can bring down God’s commands.

Deborah is a favorite because she is one of the very few in all of OT history who actually has God-given authority. Yet, she was a judge in Israel during rebellious times who sat under a tree and made judgements among the people. She never taught God’s Word, and she was never a pastor nor a preacher in a church since the Church had not yet come into existence. Is the moral of the story to be that the Church has become so wicked that women preachers and leaders are necessary? If so, why do these women teachers run alongside of society and champion the things of the world and not the things of God?

Priscilla is often named as key example of a woman teacher. She and her husband traveled with the Apostle Paul. One time, a man named Apollos was preaching the Word of God but had some error in what he taught, so Priscilla and her husband took him aside and explained the Word more clearly (Acts 18:26). Priscilla was with her husband and was not preaching in a church.

Any Christian woman is welcome to expose the Word of God and evangelize one-on-one alongside of her husband. Some argue that her Priscilla is mentioned before her husband’s as being proof that she was more important than he was, yet this is not the case every time they are mentioned. Regardless of status, why would this be a reason to disregard the rest of Scripture, especially when Priscilla would have come under the apostle Paul’s clear teaching on this matter?

Then Phebe, who they say was a deaconess, therefore, she must have preached in the church. “I comment unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church…” (Romans 16:1). She was a servant of the church, yet deacons are to be “the husband of one wife.” But there is zero proof of any message she delivered yet somehow her example is used to negate God’s clear command.

Women teachers claim Junia is a woman apostle, proof positive that a woman led in the early Church. This comes from a brief reference to him: “Salute Adronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles…” (Romans 16:7). Paul called Junia a kinsman which always refers to a man, so Junia was a man and was “of note (in, by, with, among) the apostles.” Choose the word you like as they all come from the little Greek preposition “en.”

Some manuscripts do use the feminine version of the name Junia, but even if she was a woman, what does it mean “who are of note (with, by) the apostles”? There were no female apostles among the twelve, no female priests, nor female Kings of Israel. Jesus could have easily chosen one or two women as His disciples, yet he did not; for God’s leadership is the responsibility of the men in the Church.

We hear that somehow a woman preached the first sermon that “Jesus rose from the dead.” The women who went to the tomb, saw it was empty, and two men in “shining garments” told them about Jesus and that He had risen from the dead. They ran to the disciples and told all these things unto the eleven disciples. “It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and the other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles” (Luke 24:10). Telling good news, no matter how good it is, is not preaching or teaching. They “told” the Apostles these things. This was no church service nor church gathering. This argument that Mary preached would be laughable if it was not used to deceive many in our modern feminist churches.

Perhaps the strongest argument against the clear teaching of the Word is the “cultural argument.” That women today are not what they were like back in biblical times, hence one is okay to ignore the clear commands and say they no longer apply. This argument is shattered by the apostle Paul in the context of his command when he appeals to the Garden as the rational as to why women are to remain silent in the churches and not exercise authority over a man. The garden predates culture, so was the Holy Spirit just giving some lame excuse to try to get the Corinthian women in line? No way! God does not use lame excuses but speaks truth all of the time.

Women preaching and teaching in the churches or having authority over men is wrong and unbiblical. There isn’t one example in the entire Bible of a woman who preached nor taught in a church, yet there are clear commands against it. No, this is not a salvation issue but an issue of the authority of God’s Word and obedience to Him. Once a church or Christian University starts down this path of ignoring God’s Word in this important area, it invariably, given enough time, will also begin to compromise in other areas until that church or college looks just like the world. You cannot hold onto Jesus apart from His Word; for He is the Word of God.

Find a church that obeys God’s Word. Wouldn’t it be great if when a woman went to the front of the church, stood behind the pulpit, and began to preach, that all of the men would stand up and leave! My husband did once and would do it again, but it’s shocking that so many are so ignorant on this important matter of theology.

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1 Timothy 2:11

Illuminati Use Sex to Degrade Us

libraryporn1.gifby Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Porn is so freely available on the Internet, I can’t believe anyone would actually pay for it. 

Yet, it is a $12 billion a year industry in the US, of which the Internet represents $2.5 billion.

I suspect porn receives a hidden subsidy from the Illuminati so it can be free. This subsidy may take the form of money laundering.

Porn serves a vital function for the Illuminati. We know they want to enslave us using debt, mind control and false flag terrorism. But we are not aware they have a deliberate program to enslave us spiritually using sex.

The Illuminati is a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala. The course of “modern” history and culture has been designed to induct the human race into this pagan sex cult. 

Cabalists believe that sexual intercourse somehow restores cosmic harmony. We have imbibed the idea that intercourse is an edifying mystical-religious experience. This has resulted in the deification of sex and young beautiful women. The exaggerated place of sex/romantic love in our collective psyche is evidence of mass deviance and satanic possession.

In reality, anonymous sex is an incredibly degrading experience for both men and women. 

Sexual degradation is the primary instrument used by the Illuminati to induct people into Satanism. 

Thus, they promote everything that is unnatural and perverse: anonymous sex, bestiality, incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality (which usually involves  anonymous sex and more.) This is how they enslave mankind. 


Monogamy and family are wholesome and life affirming. When sex is consecrated for marriage,it bonds husband and wife. Marriage provides a wholesome secure environment for raising children.

“Sexual liberation” was a ruse designed to undermine marriage and family.

“Sexual liberation” is the crucial first step to Satanism. It reduces all relationships to the lowest sexual common denominator. Men, and increasingly women, now think in terms of “hot or not,” of “hitting” this and “doing” that, no matter how inappropriate.  Sex has become a tiresome cultural obsession and fetish. Homosexuality is normalized and promoted.

Anonymous sex is the antithesis of monogamy and family. 
Yet anonymous sex is now the norm. We have been conditioned to think of anonymous sex as “self expression” and “liberation.” 

In fact, it is the unfolding of their satanic methodology. It is how they dehumanize and destroy their members, how they win them for their evil deity.

Progression in the higher ranks of Freemasonry entails a series of increasingly degrading and perverse sexual practices, all designed to flaunt God and nature (i.e. what is healthy and good.)

Craig Heimbichner writes in Blood on the Altar, “the secret knowledge of High Degree Freemasonry had been distilled by the OTO into a system of eleven degrees…the eighth and ninth degrees consist of sex magick (the eighth involves “magical masturbation” and the ninth, coitus–the “Sanctury of the Gnosis” …while the eleventh contained a homosexual version of the ninth.” (p.88) 

 Unwittingly, we have been inducted into this cult.


In his Commentary on the Book of Laws, Alasdair Crowley
advocated a “Thelemic candour” whereby men proudly behave like beasts.

He argued that “incest, adultery and pederasty: should be openly practiced without “shame, slyness, cowardice or hypocrisy.”

Crowley demanded nothing less than childhood’s end: “the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act…” (Craig Heimbichner, 113.)

This is taking place before our eyes. The media and the education system are carrying out the Illuminati’s satanic agenda with government complicity. 


Pornography ensures that we judge people in terms of sex appeal. The damage it has done to male-female relationships is incalculable. 

It is a “turn-off” not a “turn on” for many men. Many men have nothing but contempt for women who display themselves wantonly, and this contempt spreads to all women.

Thousands of beautiful young girls (models) are debauched and made unfit for marriage and motherhood. The stated Illuminati-Communist goal is to destroy marriage-family and make women a public sexual utility, i.e. amateur prostitutes. 

All this is part of the hidden agenda of pornography. But the most important thing to understand is: We are under   massive psychological attack. Sex is being used to enslave and induct us into Satanism. This deluded fascination with sex is a large part of what we call “modernism.”

To neutralize this attack, we must eschew pornography and anonymous sex, both in fact and in fantasy.

UK Five-Year-Olds to be Introduced to Sex

–scroll down for Richard Evan’s “Weaponized Porn”

Related- Read E Michael Jones “Monsters of the Id” or “Libido Dominandi”

The Seven Degrees of Being Red Pilled


“Arcy,” a new reader, charts his awakening 
in terms inspired by Freemasonry.

“My son was diagnosed with autism back in 2010.  I had heard of the autism-vaccine link, of course, but I dismissed it because I had blind trust in the mainstream media and doctors.  I avoided the alternative media as well and only trusted the “experts”.  It took me years of research into medicine/health (in order to treat my son) before I finally became cynical enough to look into the autism-vaccine link in depth and begin waking up.  Luckily, this happened (1st degree) just before the COVID lockdowns started.”

The 7-Degrees of COVID Red Pill 
by “Arcy” 
I’m currently a 6th-degree COVID RedPiller  who hopes to be promoted to the 7th degree someday.  

Higher degrees are obtained by learning fundamental truths which are but facets of the Full Truth.  Obtaining the 1st-degree is the hardest one because only YOU can wake yourself up. 
Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called “experts”.  Sheeple are at this degree.   

1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective. I graduated with this degree in 01/2020. 

2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials.  Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.    

3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots. I obtained this degree in 04/2021. 

4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts ($300 Trillion) and a derivatives Ponzi scheme.  The Federal Reserve printed $11 Trillion in 2019/2020 to bail out banks! 

5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks.  (Those who control the money supply control the world.  The Illuminati create fiat currency out of “thin air” as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!)   The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite “bloodline” families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF.  The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are “useful idiots”.    

Politicians are just puppets and Democracy is a hoax. The New World Order, a massively depopulated One World government, is the real goal and planned financial collapse and WW3 will be used to achieve it. 

The US, which was founded by Freemasons, was fully taken over in 1913 with the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve.  Benjamin Franklin famously said we have “a republic, if you can keep it”.  Franklin was part of the cabal so he meant this as a threat, not a warning. The cabal has controlled Europe for millennia and now also controls Australia, Canada, Israel, New Zealand, China and the US.  The global Deep State is owned by the cabal and encompasses Hollywood, the music industry, the Mainstream Media, Big Tech and the medical-military-intelligence industrial complex.  The key insight is that an elite satanic cult runs the world.  Nothing else makes sense unless you know this.  
6th-degree: Many “conspiracy theories” (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.   

7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal?  There are 3 options: 

Lucifer leads the cabal.  The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations.  In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice. 
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.    

    Many CLAIM to be 7th degree COVID RedPillers and there are endless debates about option 1 (Fallen Angels, Nephilim, the Shroud of Turin, the Anti-Christ, etc.); option 2 (Annunaki, Archons, Elohim, Grays, etc.) and option 3 (“religion is a PSYOP/control mechanism”), but where’s the PROOF?     

Higher degrees may exist as well. But I’ll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.



Altyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry
The Fall of the Cabal
Follow the Money
Wall Street Banks Have an Alibi for their $11.23 Trillion in Emergency Repo Loans from the Fed – It’s a Doozy