Written By a Young Wife and Mother

I loved reading this post. The love and appreciation Ken showed for his wife is lovely to read, especially after seeing Lori constantly attacked by feminists and worldly men and women on social media simply because she sticks to biblical truth and boldly proclaims it. I love seeing Ken’s love and approval of her. 🙂

Anyways, I’m so thankful for TTW blog, and God truly has used Lori to change my life. (Obviously, I mean Lori’s teaching of God’s Word has transformed me.) I’m a young wife, 23, and began reading her blog earlier last year. At the time, I was pursing a bachelor’s degree and working full time. I always had the desire to be a mother but was sucked into the idea of getting a career first, a house, etc. and I was also on birth control.

One by one God began revealing to me His truth on these matters and used Lori to shed light on what God says about a godly woman, wife, and lifestyle. I quit college, stopped taking birth control, and with my husband, began focusing on paying off our debt so I could be a stay at home wife ASAP. I got pregnant the second month I was off birth control, and we quickly bought a house. Because of my desire to be a SAHM, we bought a house much cheaper than we originally thought about. It’s perfect, and I love it.

Our goal is to have the least amount of bills possible. We have paid off one large loan we had and almost have paid off the second loan as well. Lori taught me that you truly don’t need two incomes if you live frugally and budget, prioritizing correctly and being content with less. Fast forward to now. My precious baby was born two weeks ago, I am a stay at home mom, and my husband is fully supportive and excited that he can provide for us while I raise and eventually homeschool our child(ren).

All of this to say, thank you Lori (and Ken) for this ministry, for your biblical womanhood study guide, and your faithfulness to teach young women God’s Word. My old church sure wasn’t teaching me these things. As Ken mentioned, you truly are changing lives and mine is one of them! I am so joyful, happy, and at peace finally knowing that I’m where God designed me to be— at home, caring for my husband and child, and our household. Raising the next generation to know and hopefully love the Lord. Serving my family, rather than a big company or boss. I love every minute and don’t take for granted the way God so graciously brought me to this position in a year or less. Thank you Lori! I just wanted to share to hopefully encourage you to keep on fighting. Much love and blessings 🙂

-A Young Mom & Wife

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1,2

***I shared this comment from this young wife and mom to encourage all of you who are teaching young women biblical womanhood. I receive private messages and emails similar to this one daily. God’s Word never comes back void! Yes, you’ll receive a lot of hate from teaching these things that are so foreign to women today, even Christian women, but it’s worth it! Truth always brings forth good fruit.

Conforming to God’s Word Rather than to the World


“The Proverbs 31 Woman was a career woman! After all, she had servants and these servants watched her children so she could have a career. Besides, these servants are career women. There were absolutely career women back in biblical days!” Yes, the modern woman wants to justify having a career that keeps her away from home all day long, putting her children in day care, and working for a boss, so they scour God’s Word and make up women who are like this.

Here’s the verse they use to justify the Proverb’s 31 woman having servants. “She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens” (Proverbs 31:15). According to the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, maidens are “young women or virgins.” Therefore, they were most likely unmarried or without children. They were probably both. They helped the Proverbs 31 woman with household chores.

We must remember that back then, there was no refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dryers, running waters, indoor plumbing, toilets, dishwashers, toasters, electricity, heating at the flip of a switch, and so on. These are all our “servants” or maidens nowadays. There was a LOT more to running a home before the industrial revolution. Women had to work hard in their homes to keep it going.

The reason these maidens didn’t have children is because there was not birth control. Once a woman married, she had children, if she was able, and had to stay home with her children. These maidens were being trained how to be good keepers at home while they worked for the Proverbs 31 woman. As soon as they married, they went home to care for their own homes. If I was to guess, all of the “maidens” that worked for the Proverb’s 31 woman were not married, since it took so much to run a home back then. If they were married, they would need to be tending to their own homes.

We all are blessed to have these servants or “maidens” with modern technology. A lot of our work is simply at the flip of a switch! Housework takes a lot less physical labor than it did back in biblical days. There was no way for a woman with a family to put her children in day care (there were none), go to work in an office building or factory (there were no factories where she could have made clothing), and work for a boss.  She was known for looking well to the ways of her household and not eating the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27). She was a keeper at home.

It’s foolhardy for women to take women from Scripture to justify their lifestyles. God wants women at home caring for their husbands, children, and home. This is the safest place for women and children. Their children need them full time. Take God’s commands to us as is and don’t try to twist them to say something they are not. The best place to be is in the center of God’s will. If you can’t come home full time yet, keep asking the Lord to provide a way. He wants you home, and with Him nothing is impossible!

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

The Proverb’s 31 Woman’s Servants


John with his wife, Natalie

Written By John Michael Clark

The devil hates your marriage.

He uses lies and temptations and seeks to divide the two who have become one.

This is why it’s so painful when a husband and wife are living under the influence of his lies.

And one area in particular he attacks in marriage is sex.

The devil wants everybody having sex except for a husband and a wife.

And this gift that was made exclusively FOR marriage is celebrated everywhere except IN marriage.

The world sinfully worships sex, and the church can barely bring itself to say the word “sex.”

We’re embarrassed because the coffee maker in the fellowship hall says “Bunn” on it.

Meanwhile, the world is working hard to make their robot sex-dolls more lifelike.

This has got to stop.

Sex is not a four-letter word, and we need teaching in the Body of Christ that goes much further than: “Don’t do it until you’re married!!”

We, Christians, need to reclaim God’s good gift of sex.

We need to start with our own marriage.

Then we need to appropriately teach our own children about God’s good design.

Once we’ve transformed our own households and thoroughly smashed satan’s lies about sex, we must seek to help other believers.

They are everywhere.

I talk to them daily.

They are ashamed.

They are confused.

They are lonely.

It should not be this way.

I HATE seeing God’s saints suffer.

I’m mad about it.

Sex was God’s idea.

Sex belongs to Him.

Sex belongs to the Church.

Sex belongs to married couples.

And Christians should have the best sex.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

#MakeMarriageSexyAgain #TheFamilyCaptain

Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Proverbs 5:18,19

The Devil Hates Your Marriage

Covid Test May Contain “Worm-like” Vaccine


Don writes: “Your recent article from January 28, 2021, Reader Thinks She Got Covid From the Test, may have been confirmed by a recent article appearing in NaturalNews site on Monday, February 01, 2021.”

Because more than half of America is “vaccine hesitant,” meaning most people want nothing to do with the virus jabs, “science” apparently came up with a hidden injection technology to secretly vaccinate people through the nasal or anal PCR test swabs that are jammed into their orifices.

CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”

by Ethan Huff


Back in November, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) published a study that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with “tiny, star-shaped microdevices” capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent.

Because more than half of America is “vaccine hesitant,” meaning most people want nothing to do with the virus jabs, “science” apparently came up with a hidden injection technology to secretly vaccinate people through the nasal or anal PCR test swabs that are jammed into their orifices.

Patrick Smith from JHU wrote that these tiny, star-shaped microdevices were “[i]nspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines.” Sounds fun, eh?

“David Gracias, a professor in the Whiting School of Engineering, and gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru… led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism’s intestines,” Smith wrote.

Known as “theragrippers,” these microdevice chips made of metal and “thin, shape-changing film” are coated in heat-sensitive paraffin wax that is sent into the body unnoticed. Each of these chips is no larger than a speck of dust (see image below):

Once inside the body, the star-shaped devices respond to heat by closing up and affixing themselves onto the intestinal wall with little prongs. The centers of these now-closed stars are then able to deliver whatever drug was implanted inside of them, in this case microscopic Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine chemicals.

“The claim is that the dust-sized ‘theragrippers’ can be implanted in the tips of PCR test swabs and be delivered to the innocent ‘victim,'” writes John O’Sullivan for Principia Scientific International. “It may be utterly immoral – and likely illegal – but it is certainly feasible …”


“Thousands of these sinister miniature theragrippers can be deployed in the GI tract via a simple, innocent swab given as part of the COVID-19 test already taken by millions worldwide. Quite simply, you wouldn’t feel a thing,” he adds – you can watch a video about the technology at this link.

Does Fauci know about hidden vaccines in PCR testing swabs?

If PCR testing swabs contain this hidden technology, which it appears is possible, then people who think they are merely getting “tested” for Chinese germs could also be getting vaccinated for them without permission.

This is music to the ears of Anthony Fauci, who recently whined that getting large numbers of people vaccinated for the WuFlu would be difficult because of “vaccine hesitancy.”

Use of the word “hesitancy” implies that people are just not sure if they should get the vaccine, when the reality is that most of them are beyond a shadow of a doubt sure that they will not be getting vaccinated under any circumstances.

A Gallup Poll from late last year found that roughly half of America is not going to get vaccinated. “People of color” were most sure at the time that they would not be getting the jab, though since that time the number of “vaccine hesitant” of all races has only increased.

Press your legislators for answers about whether or not people are being secretly vaccinated

At this point, it is crucial that everyday folks contact their legislators to demand answers. Since “Congress is owned by pharma,” to quote a top FDA (Food and Drug Administration) medical adviser, chances are you will get the runaround, but it is still worth a try.

President Donald Trump also warned that the pharmaceutical industry contributes “massive amounts of money to political people,” who then do its bidding.

There was even a paper published in the Helpdesk Report about “vaccine hesitancy” and strategies Big Pharma and corrupt lawmakers can employ to overcome it. Does one of these strategies including hiding microscopic vaccines inside PCR testing swabs?

Keep in mind that the pharmaceutical industry spends far more money than any other industry trying to influence politicians. It is almost a certainty that some of them are on board with schemes like this that essentially trick people into getting vaccinated who otherwise would say no to the jab.

“This is particularly worrying because if for some reason you need to go to the hospital as I did, they test you,” wrote one concerned Principia Scientific International commenter.

“Just the other day this exact thought crossed my mind out of the blue,” wrote another. “Whether true or not matters not, but I am just glad I decided under no circumstance, regardless of consequence (no family so nothing to lose), would I ever take a test of vaccine. I would rather slowly starve to death. Not a joke.”

More breaking news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be found at

Sources for this article include:

Related – Gary Barnett- More Murder by the State 

—————--Barnettt — Vaccines are Planned Democide


Many women do not like it when I teach them to not deprive their husbands sexually, but I will continue to do so since it’s biblical.

“Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency” (1 Corinthians 7:5).

Defraud means to “to withhold wrongfully from another what is due to him.”

Incontinency means “lack of self control.”

Yes, this verse is to the husband and the wife but since I only am commanded to teach women, I will.

Wives are not to defraud their husbands sexually (1 Corinthians 7:5).

When they married their husbands, they have become a wife, a help meet (Genesis 2:18), to their husband.

They are commanded to be obedient to their husband (Titus 2:5).

They are commanded to submit to him in everything (Ephesians 5:24).

They are to treat him how they want to be treated (Luke 6:31).

They are to esteem him higher than themselves (Philippians 2:3).

They are to learn what pleases him (1 Corinthians 7:34).

They are commanded to love him (Titus 2:4).

If he is disobedient to the word, they are to win him without the word by living in subjection to him with godly behavior (1 Peter 3:1,2).

These verses and commands are hard for women who don’t have soft hearts towards the Lord and His ways. Their hearts have been hardened by feminism, selfishness, and sin. They accuse me of teaching women that rape is okay. They will distort what I teach to make it ugly and evil. They know not the bondage that they are in due to the deception they are believing.

Dear women, obeying God has nothing to do with your emotions and feelings. You may not feel like obeying God or you may not be “in the mood,” but as you mature in your faith, these will no longer be excuses you use to disobey God and defraud your husband. Obeying God and pleasing your husband will take over your selfish desires, and you will learn that there truly is freedom in Christ!

Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Esteem Him Higher Than Yourself

There Is No Pandemic
A British View of the Imposture
Nick Kollerstrom • January 25, 2021 •

2020 saw 14% more deaths than average, last year in England & Wales and that amounted to seventy-five thousand extra deaths. We here use the Office of National statistics figures, as it gives total weekly deaths, plus also for comparison an average value of corresponding weekly deaths over the previous five years.[1]

That compares with the figure of ninety thousand deaths for the entire United Kingdom, due allegedly to covid-19.

We here ask and answer the question, what caused that excess of deaths? The answer will not be certain, but will be the simplest possible explanation. By Occam’s razor we are obliged to take it.

For the first quarter of last year, deaths in England and Wales were down: for whatever reason, overall weekly mortality was 3% below the yearly average. Then around the spring equinox on March 23rdLockdown was announced and suddenly, deaths surged right up so that thousands of extra deaths started happening week after week. That continued all through April and May and then finally, in the first week of June Britons were allowed out again: with relief we could walk the streets and parks, cafes and pubs opened up again.

Those months of Lockdown saw fifty-nine thousand excess deaths (see graph). That comes from counting the eleven weeks ending 27 March to the 5th June, as being the lockdown period.

The question arises as to what caused them? Could it have been, for example, the shock? The month of April averaged ninety percentmore deaths than usual! Then May was not quite so bad, as folk got used to the grim new reality.

In the weeks after the Lockdown i.e. after the first week of June the whole excess of deaths suddenly vanished. Over the next four months deaths remained exactly average compared to previous years.

The graph shows this distinct, three-stage process.OBNS data for weeks ending3rd Jan to 20th March12 weeks138,916143,738-4,822-3%27 March to 5 June11 weeks168,396109,703+58,693+54%LOCKDOWN12 June to 9 Oct18 weeks166,392165,808+5840%

These figures suggest that it is the lockdown itself and not any virus, that caused the excess deaths.

We’re here reminded of a careful survey done last May which found that, in all countries with reliable death-figures, their increase in mortality began after the lockdown was imposed and not before. There is a very simple difference between cause and effect: the cause comes first,before the effect!

A second Lockdown was imposed over the month of November. This lacked the same terror and shock value of the first and so only reached a net 18% excess of mortality: for the five weeks from week ending 6 November to that of 4th December there were nine thousand excess deaths, compared to the seasonal average.

Figure: weekly data from the Office of National Statistics for 2020, comparing total mortality per week with an estimated average from the previous five years.

Figure: weekly data from the Office of National Statistics for 2020, comparing total mortality per week with an estimated average from the previous five years.

After the autumn equinox as the nights grew longer the government again started to terrorise the population with talk of the ‘dark winter’ to come. Somehow they knew that a ‘second wave’ was coming, and so there would have to be a ‘second lockdown’ and no Christmas. Here’s what I said in a podcast on 20th October:

They are trying to resuscitate another big scare, trying to claim there is a second wave … come this autumn, they have started drumming up fear again, they have imposed these levels of Lockdown which are rather terrifying. A lot of stress they are putting on people, I’ve been wondering, are the deaths going to go up again like last time?

Did that happen? The figures show as before a surge around the time of the lockdown and just before it, however this time it did not vanish after the lockdown. That’s because there was not really any easing up. On the contrary yet more draconian measures were announced, with the unheard-of measure of police stopping people walking outdoors, to ask them if they had good reason to be out of their house? Meeting friends was forbidden, etc. That pressure pushed up the mortality even more and we here especially note the ‘Christmas week’ ending 25th December, with a whopping 45% excess mortality. That is not a merry Christmas, it’s an extra three and a half thousand people popping off (as compared to previous years) in a week, caused presumably by shock and despair of Xmas being cancelled. The week after that it was still very high, 26% excess, as folk faced the bleak new year.

It helps to express that excess mortality as overall monthly means, for the last few months of 2020. Thus taking each month as a whole and selecting four weeks of data for each month:September from weeks ending11 Sept to 2 Oct.+4%October9 Oct to 30th Oct+7%November6 Nov to 27 Nov+18%December4 Dec to 1st Jan+21%

Slowly the excess deaths (comparing, as before, with previous years) have increased through the autumn and winter. The month of December had ten thousand extra deaths. Should one take the government’s view, that these deaths were caused by the CV19 virus, and that the increasingly severe restrictions were a necessary response to ‘contain’ the spread of this virus? A simpler hypothesis would be that there is no virus killing people, whereas the stress of bankruptcy, solitude, loneliness, etc. imposed by government edicts really has been killing people. Thus for example ‘tier 4’ was announced on 19th December for large parts of England and that resulted in the highest mortality for the week following. That knockout blow to everyone’s Christmas – never banned since the days of Oliver Cromwell – had the deep impact, driving up the mortality index.

Overall it would appear to be the government’s lockdown policy that has been killing people and not some new disease. Stress, loneliness, fear and despair have been causing the excess of deaths: together with emptying out of hospitals, especially of old folk and cancellation of normal services because of the ‘pandemic.’ If the government knows this, then it is a population-reduction program.

A recent US CDC report agreed with the approach we’ve here taken, that the significance of CV19 can only be appreciated in terms of total mortality. Published on the John Hopkins University website on 22ndNovember (but soon removed), it endorses the view that no virus is killing people, any more than normal flu, whereas deaths from other causes are being re-classified as Covid19:

According to new data, the U.S. currently ranks first in total COVID-19 cases, new cases per day and deaths. Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Hopkins, critically analyzed the effect of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in her webinar titled “COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data.”

From mid-March to mid-September, U.S. total deaths have reached 1.7 million, of which 200,000, or 12% of total deaths, are COVID-19-related. Instead of looking directly at COVID-19 deaths, Briand focused on total deaths per age group and per cause of death in the U.S. and used this information to shed light on the effects of COVID-19.

She explained that the significance of COVID-19 on U.S. deaths can be fully understood only through comparison to the number of total deaths in the United States.

After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.

Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said.

Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged. Therefore, according to Briand, not only has COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it has also not increased the total number of deaths. 

These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States…

When Briand looked at the 2020 data during that seasonal period, COVID-19-related deaths exceeded deaths from heart diseases. This was highly unusual since heart disease has always prevailed as the leading cause of deaths. However, when taking a closer look at the death numbers, she noted something strange. As Briand compared the number of deaths per cause during that period in 2020 to 2018, she noticed that instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to heart disease. Even more surprising, as seen in the graph below, this sudden decline in deaths is observed for all other causes.

This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years. Interestingly, as depicted in the table below , the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19. This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19. 

Base on this analysis, the best way to end the ongoing mass-killing of elderly Britons would be to terminate the lockdowns and resume normal life. As Dr Simone Gold (of Frontline Doctors ) well explained, CV19 is just ‘killing’ elderly people who were about to die anyhow. It cannot be shown that ‘having’ CV19 i.e. testing PCR-‘positive’ contributed to shortening their life. So that isn’t a causal connection, i.e. the alleged illness has not ‘caused’ their death. That’s why the age-distribution of CV-19 is indistinguishable from that of the normal population.

The average age of death in England & Wales is 81.5 years, while the average age of ‘Covid-19 fatalities’ is 82.4 years (ONS data). What this tells us is very simple: the disease does not exist.

The concept of PCR ‘testing’ has always been fraudulent. The so-called PCR ‘test’ multiplies up fragments of nucleotide-chains and the number of ‘positive’ cases depends on the multiplication factorused as well as how many persons are tested. There will never come a time when the virus is ‘cured’ or ‘solved’ or whatever people imagine the government is trying to do (if it knows!), such that the PCR test ceases to generate ‘positive’ tests. No-one will ever give you evidence that people who test ‘positive’ get ill more often than others. Is there an aim of government policy, aside from terrorising the populace? Is it to kill the virus? That can never happen because the virus isn’t alive.

he World Health Organization has now backtracked over the PCR ‘test’, saying (January 13th) it is merely a diagnostic tool that can assist. It now advises –

Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.

In other words, a single PCR test should not be used for diagnosing Sars-Cov-2 infection. It’s merely a guide!

Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.

So we finally have it that the PCR cannot be relied upon a diagnostic test. Which is exactly what its inventor Kary Mullis said. So forget all of the figures you’ve heard about ‘cases’ and ‘covid deaths’ – they cannot be relied upon.

If one did want to believe there was a disease associated with this virus, then surely we’d agree with Dr Alexander Myasnikov, appointed last year as Russia’s chief medical advisor. In an interview he explained how the world had greatly over-reacted to the CV19 story and death numbers in the West were greatly over-counted. He added:

“It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease with minimal mortality.”

Thus the former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario has recently challenged his government’s policy saying, “We’re Being Locked-down for an Infection Fatality Rate of Less than 0.2%?” and the lockdown is not “supported by strong science.” He here means, that for those who test PCR-positive one in five hundred will die. The time-period here involved needs to be defined, eg it could be one month: we all die, and given the median age of alleged-CV19 deaths is around 80 that could well be a normal rate of mortality – especially if they are PCR-testing everyone admitted to hospitals.

Last November a Cornish nurse went public, saying the hospital wards had been empty over months when it was claimed they were overflowing. She said whenever they had flu patients they were classified as Covid: ‘flu and Covid cases are now recorded as ‘the same thing’ on death certificates.’ . That wouldn’t be necessary if the disease really existed. Not surprisingly, the flu this winter has mysteriously vanished. One woman who walked round her local hospital filming its empty wards was arrested by police entering her home the next day.

The virus itself cannot be shown to exist, by which we mean that it cannot be reliably differentiated from all the other normal coronaviruses, that have been with us since time began. It has never been isolated, let’s be clear about that. Last April an EU science department admitted:

No virus isolates with a quantified amount of the SARS-CoV-2 are currently available …“

And the same thing was echoed a few months later by the US Centre for Disease Control:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”[2]

In other words, nobody can hold a test-tube or petri-dish and say, ‘Here is COVID-19.’ Published gene-sequences of the alleged virus are mere hypothetic constructs. Yes some disease broke out in Wuhan in November 2019 and yes the Chinese authorities published a gene-sequence allegedly of it, but so what?

Fear Porn Promotion

The government needs your fear. It wants your attention but knows that it has no prospect of improving your life in any way. Thus we have a health minister who knows nothing about health or well-being: he can get your attention by telling you that you won’t be able to fly without a vaccine. They need your fear, and in the last century the government was able to arouse your fear by threatening to press the nuclear button. That doesn’t work any more. The UK govts latest exercise in fear-porn advises citizens to behave as if they are ill. (‘Act like you’ve got it’) Yes, that sounds just like how to promote health.

It further promotes the diabolical idea that perfectly healthy persons can transmit disease (‘anyone can spread it’). Here one could quote the WHO expert Dr Maria van Kerkhove: ‘From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onwards to a secondary individual. Its very rare.’ (Head of the WHO Emerging disease and zoonosis unit at a news briefing from the UN agency’s headquarters at Geneva, 6.6.20). Admittedly she was pressured to backpedal and retract, but she did say it.[3]

In the words of the Daily Mail, ‘Terrifying new TV ads’ are being promoted by the Government (23 Jan 2021) The above fear-porn promotion is through the US media agency Omnigov, who signed a 110 million Lockdown advertising deal – on March 2nd, three weeks before the Lockdown.

The journalist Neil Clark commented[4] on ‘the report in the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the UK government struck a deal worth £119m with an American advertising company, OMD Group, urging people to ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ a full three weeks before Boris Johnson ordered a lockdown. Think about what this means.’ That meme ‘Stay home Stay safe’ would have been blueprinted the previous year at the US ‘Event 201’ by Bill Gates et. al. Fear blocks out rational, coherent thought which is why the government needs it.

People may be forgetting how debilitating winter flu can be and how it can last for weeks. Now they want to call it COVID. Let’s here support Prof. Dolores Cahill, who has been looking at the sequencing of PCR testing. In Ireland it was found that of fifteen hundred PCR tests ‘all of them were influenza A and B, not one of them were SARS-COV2.’ Her group will be seeking legal action where the tests come back as influenza rather than the specific CV19 and doctors can be sued for medical negligence. (Corbett Report, 23 mins) That sounds like a promising way of dealing with this phantomic virus.

‘Is this an epidemic of despair?’ asked that perceptive commentator Peter Hitchins. Scientists are trained not to take notice of emotions and instead to look for things, objects as causative agents, whereas here we agree with Peter Hitchens that the negative soul-conditions of the populace caused by government policies are leading to death. Hitchens’ article quotes the distinguished professor of medical microbiology, Sucharit Bhakdi:

‘He said that older people had the right to make efforts to stay fit, active, busy and healthy. But he warned that the shutdown of society would condemn them to early death by preventing this.

‘Social contacts and social events, theatre and music, travel and holiday recreation, sports and hobbies, all help to prolong their stay on earth. The life expectancy of millions is being shortened.’

In a prediction that has turned out to be terribly accurate, he added: ‘The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. The consequences for medical care are profound. Already services to patients who are in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society.’

That is what is killing people, there is no other pandemic.

We’re here concerned with UK, however for comparison let’s end with a graph showing the US weekly mortality rate over 2020, showing the very same effect.

The graph shown an excess of 280k deaths above normal-expected levels, following the lockdown. The web-page hosting this graph states ‘The large spike in deaths in April 2020 corresponds to the coronavirus outbreak.’ I’m here suggesting a different view.

By Nick Kollerstrom, PhD, author of The Great British coronavirus Hoax, A Sceptics view (banned by Amazon.)


[1] Using fifty-two weeks i.e. 364 days of the year, from the week ending 3rd January 2020 to that of 1st January 2021, the ONS compares a week in 2020 with the average value for 2015-9.

[2] CDC ‘2019-Novel Coronavirus Real-Time PCR Diagnostic Panel performance characteristics’ p.39, 13.7.20. This has been scrubbed from the Web, but see BMJ response to it.

[3] A huge Chinese study of ten million around Wuhan between May and June showed ‘no evidence that positive cases without symptoms spread the disease’: Nature 20.11.20 ‘Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening’.

[4] RT ‘Covid-19 reverse psychology’ by Neil Clarke, 28.10.20, deleted but preserved on the Hugo Talks video

“Domestic Terrorism Bill” — Witch Hunt on Patriots


“Combatting the threat of domestic terrorism and white supremacy is not a Democratic or Republican issue, not left versus right or urban versus rural. Domestic Terrorism is an American issue, a serious threat the we can and must address together,” said Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10) sponsor of the bill.”

This bill will be used to set up a witch-hunt for mainly white people in America, mostly white males. Half the country will be considered guilty. It will be used to destroy businesses, steal property, incarcerate those that oppose the state narrative, separate families, to censor speech at every turn, and even murder. Ex-CIA head, John Brennan listed “an unholy alliance of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.” 
Below this article, Makow’s suggested strategy: “Passive Resistance and Non-Compliance.”

The Domestic Terrorism Act Boils Down to State Prosecution of White People for False Sedition
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”


~ Baron de Montesquieu

by Patriot Rising(abridged by
A very horrendous bill was introduced recently in Congress called the “Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021.” The irony of this bill title is that it is not about preventing terrorism; it is about legalizing terrorism by the state against the citizenry. It would be more appropriately titled the U.S. Government Terrorism Authorization Act of 2021.
The motivating factor for this atrocity was said to be the recent purposely staged and intentionally allowed false-flag coup at the Capitol on January 6th. The entire situation was planned in advance to assure that Biden would be the ‘selected’ president, while the members of Congress could pretend to be fearful for their lives. 
The police led both legitimate and criminal protesters inside the Capitol building, allowed them to remain there, all while doing nothing but brutally murdering one innocent woman. The cowardly Congress was shuttled into safe places to hide until enough pictures and video could be taken, and enough facial recognition could be gathered so that the desired Trump supporters could be gathered up and jailed while others would walk free. This was the plot and now the scene is set. The feigned ‘indignant’ Congress got everything they wanted out of this directed production.
This non-threatening Hollywood-like creation ended peacefully of course, but was made out to be another 9/11. This minor event has been called a terrifying attack, a domestic terrorism attack, a hate crime, devastating, an experience of terror by white nationalists, and heinous violent crimes; all said to have been prosecuted by homegrown domestic terrorists made up of white supremacists, and other racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists. In other words, white people!
Co-sponsor for this tyrannical bill, Democratic Representative Brad Schneider, said this in a press release on January 20:
“Following the terrifying attack on the Capitol this month, which left five dead and many injured, the entire nation has been seized by the potential threat of more terrorist attacks in Washington and around the country. Unlike after 9/11, the threat that reared its ugly head on January 6th is from domestic terror groups and extremists, often racially-motivated violent individuals. America must be vigilant to combat those radicalized to violence, and the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act gives our government the tools to identify, monitor and thwart their illegal activities.”
“I am proud to be an original cosponsor of this bill, which we need now more than ever,” said Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (NY-10). In the wake of the domestic terrorist attack on our Capitol two weeks ago, it is painfully clear that the current approach to addressing the real and persistent threat posed by white nationalism and similar ideologies is not working. We must not allow hate crimes and domestic terrorism to continue unchecked. I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this important and timely bill as quickly as possible.” 
In this ridiculous press release, he used the word white, white nationalism, and white supremacist at least ten times. Democrat Vincente González from Texas said “the Domestic Terror Prevention Act is more important than ever as we work to root out and rid America of this cancer.” The cancer he is alluding to is concerning white people that either are not Democrat, are against Biden, or against this government.WHITE PEOPLE

In this planned legislation, whiteness is vilified, as the bogeymen are white supremacists, white nationalists, and supposedly those that that are guilty of ‘hate’ crimes, hate crimes being anything thought ‘offensive’ by idiot leftists, progressives, and globalists. None of this is qualified of course, and this pending bill is just as vague in its description of the targeted class. All these people and more should be silenced, “reprogrammed,” and eliminated according to those supporting this act that is nothing less than a plan to prosecute false sedition.
The list of supporters endorsing this tyrannical piece of legislation is telling to say the least. They include:
Anti-Defamation League, Arab American Institute, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism, Human Rights Campaign, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Muslim Advocates, NAACP, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., Sikh Coalition, Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund, and Unidos.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will gain massive additional powers, and funding, in order to monitor (surveil), investigate (spy), and prosecute (terrorize, murder, and jail) so-called cases of generally undefined “domestic terrorism.”
This legislation is a travesty, and can only lead to extreme totalitarian political policing of all that believe in freedom and that stand against the state.—
Related – The Biden Globalist Agenda is to Delete Humanity
Manufacturing Consent For Patriot Act 2.0U.S. domestic terrorism alert warns of politically motivated violenceTucker Carlson – The American Government is at War with its On People

The Best of Gary D. Barnett

My Wife Tested Negative Yet Taken to Secret Quarantine Facility


Authorities rejected my wife’s negative test result when she arrived at Calgary airport last night. 

Apparently, Chris Mathis is Pastor at Summit Church in Edmonton. Hs wife may have been targeted. 

Facebook Post byby Chris Mathis (

It’s time to wake up. I can’t be silent any longer.
I have honoured the C0V|D process, I have kept silent when I’ve wanted to disagree and I have have chosen to take the high road when I haven’t agreed with policies or procedures.
However tonight something has happened that is wildly concerning and I can’t stay silent anymore.
My wife was in the States for work; she left 4 days ago. There were precautions she needed to take in order to travel safely, which she was more than willing to do, and did. Canada introduced a rapid test program in December which made traveling safe and easier during the ‘pandemic’. She was free to travel as long as she had a negative test before she left for the states, and another one before she came home. Canadian airlines will NOT let you board if you do not produce a negative result before boarding. She produced her negative result before boarding the flight home tonight on January 28th, 2021. She arrived in Calgary tonight and when she got there she was greeted by a Police Officer and an AHS official. They rejected her results and told her she needed to go immediately to an isolation facility.
She was told if she resisted she would be arrested. She called me, and I immediately asked to talk with the officer.
I talked with both a Police Officer and the AHS official, they reiterated what she had said to me.
I asked for the address of where she would be, they said they could NOT give me the location address as it was confidential.
I asked for their names, again they would not give me any information or their names. I pushed, I questioned, I tried to fight but they said they would arrest her if she resisted.
They would NOT give me any information on where they were taking my wife. She was not allowed to get her vehicle from the airport; she was immediately put in a white van surrounded by police escorts and taken to an unknown facility that is under full surveillance and has security at every entrance and exit.
You can imagine I am barely keeping myself together wondering what in the world has happened in our country in what seems to be overnight.
Will you pray with me to that my wife would be kept safe, and our family and children would be kept in perfect peace while this continues to unfold. She’s an incredibly strong women who is full of faith, but she is still a young woman and mom who is traveling alone.
Our rights are slipping right before our eyes and our freedoms are being stripped. It’s time to wake up.


Written By John Michael Clark

Normal Christian Husband: What does the Bible mean when it says a husband is the “head of his wife?”

Milquetoast Pastor: Well it doesn’t mean you’re some kind of tyrant!!

Normal Christian Husband: Riiight… I didn’t assume that it did… So what DOES it mean?
Milquetoast Pastor: Well it doesn’t mean your wife is some kind of doormat!!

Normal Christian Husband: Riight… I didn’t think that either… but what DOES it actually mean?
Milquetoast Pastor: Well it doesn’t mean that you rule your wife with an iron fist!!

Normal Christian Husband: BRO WHAT DOES IT MEAN THO?!
Milquetoast Pastor: It means be a servant leader.

Normal Christian Husband: Okay… thank you… I’m listening. What does it mean to be a servant leader?
Milquetoast Pastor: It means you love her like Christ loves the Church.

Normal Christian Husband: Ok, cool… and what does that look like, PRACTICALLY?
Milquetoast Pastor: *blank stare*

Normal Christian Husband: Hello? Pastor Melvin?
Milquetoast Pastor: Oh, um… it looks like washing the dishes.

Normal Christian Husband: *taking notes* Okay… now we’re getting somewhere. What else?
Milquetoast Pastor: You know, just die to self!

Normal Christian Husband: So, like, die to protect her?
Milquetoast Pastor: Yes, but not only that!! You need to wake up every single day of your life and look for ways to die in your own soul so that hers can thrive! Serve her and ask her what she needs from you, and even if it’s unreasonable, do it, because that’s what love really does! Eventually, you should be totally dead inside, a hollow shell of a man, then you’ll be like Jesus!!! And meee!!!

Normal Christian Husband: Dude, this has been so helpful. I always thought all the verses in the New Testament that mentioned a husband’s authority over his wife, and a wife’s respect for, and submission to her husband meant that she was like, his helper, and that he was to actually provide godly direction for their marriage and family.

But now I see that all those verses actually mean the exact opposite of that!

Milquetoast Pastor: Now you get it! I think you might be called to the ministry!

“For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.”
Ephesians 5:23

***Lori here: I think a good thing to ponder is how Christ leads His Church. Does He cater to all of her whims and wants, or does He do what He knows is best? Does He only serve the Church, or does He lead and guide her too?

What does “Head of the Wife” Mean?

Reader Thinks She Got Covid From the Test


“About a week after my COVID Test, my symptoms took a drastic turn for the worse and I lost my sense of smell and my sinuses become inflamed and just will not heal.”

“I think I got some sort of toxic COVID bioweapon from the COVID Test.”

By Jennifer


For months I have been working overtime –exhausted I was always on the verge of getting sick with a flu of some sort –so I would double down on vitamins and just limped along – preventing a full blown flu
I decided to get some general overall blood tests  in December 2020–just to check.
My blood tests came back good except that my thyroid and adrenals were off a bit. I have classic burnout.  Then in early January 2021, a close friend got very sick and was diagnosed with COVID and my Naturalistic Doctor really insisted that I take the COVID test too.

Now I had heard the COVID test were not reliable and that the COVID test could be tainted 
But my Doctor is also an Anti-Vaxxer and she assured me that her COVID Tests were safe and that I could swab my nose myself and that I did not have to stuff it all the way to the back of my brain.
Under extreme pressure and my Doctor telling me that unless I got the test she would not see me again nor could I come back to her clinic –I caved and took the COVID Test.   I lightly swabbed both nostrils about an inch in.
About a week after my COVID Test. My symptoms took a drastic turn for the worse and I lost my sense of smell and my sinuses become inflamed and just will not heal   
In hindsight,  what I found odd is that the COVID Test Q-Tip was in a vial in a wet solution.  I did not put a dry Q-Tip in my nose it had some moist solution on it.
What was in the solution ? 
I think I got some sort of toxic COVID bioweapon from the COVID Test.  Even though my doctor thinks it is safe  COVID Test. How would she really know – she does not know.  My doctor doesn’t make the COVID test kits. She, like everyone else is just relying on someone else -that they think they can trust. It is insane.
Right after I did the COVID test, I asked for an alcohol wipe –and I wiped both nostrils –but whatever it was, it absorbed right into my body.
This COVID thing I have is not like a regular flu where your nose is stuffy then you have a temperature and then you blow your nose -get everything out then heal.
My nose is just swollen and inflamed but nothing to blow out.  My temperature goes up and down -start to feel better then feel like crap 

My friend is also still sick. He met people at a special COVID treatment clinic they have been sick for 2 months NO improvement
Did your hear the video from COVID bioweapon exposer Celeste Solum? She said –once tagged by the COVID Test or Vaccine, this COVID Bio weapon slowly destroys people and they do not get well. Solum said probably not all COVID Test are tainted –only some.
I am so mad at myself for getting tricked into taking that COVID test –and I should have known better –but what threw me off is the fact that my doctor is an anti-vaxxer –Now I am thinking “They” are sure to know that –she is probably targeted –she goes to protests with Robert Kennedy Jr. the big anti-VAXXER. So “They” have probably targeted her — Ug : ((((