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Reader Thinks She Got Covid From the Test


“About a week after my COVID Test, my symptoms took a drastic turn for the worse and I lost my sense of smell and my sinuses become inflamed and just will not heal.”

“I think I got some sort of toxic COVID bioweapon from the COVID Test.”

By Jennifer


For months I have been working overtime –exhausted I was always on the verge of getting sick with a flu of some sort –so I would double down on vitamins and just limped along – preventing a full blown flu
I decided to get some general overall blood tests  in December 2020–just to check.
My blood tests came back good except that my thyroid and adrenals were off a bit. I have classic burnout.  Then in early January 2021, a close friend got very sick and was diagnosed with COVID and my Naturalistic Doctor really insisted that I take the COVID test too.

Now I had heard the COVID test were not reliable and that the COVID test could be tainted 
But my Doctor is also an Anti-Vaxxer and she assured me that her COVID Tests were safe and that I could swab my nose myself and that I did not have to stuff it all the way to the back of my brain.
Under extreme pressure and my Doctor telling me that unless I got the test she would not see me again nor could I come back to her clinic –I caved and took the COVID Test.   I lightly swabbed both nostrils about an inch in.
About a week after my COVID Test. My symptoms took a drastic turn for the worse and I lost my sense of smell and my sinuses become inflamed and just will not heal   
In hindsight,  what I found odd is that the COVID Test Q-Tip was in a vial in a wet solution.  I did not put a dry Q-Tip in my nose it had some moist solution on it.
What was in the solution ? 
I think I got some sort of toxic COVID bioweapon from the COVID Test.  Even though my doctor thinks it is safe  COVID Test. How would she really know – she does not know.  My doctor doesn’t make the COVID test kits. She, like everyone else is just relying on someone else -that they think they can trust. It is insane.
Right after I did the COVID test, I asked for an alcohol wipe –and I wiped both nostrils –but whatever it was, it absorbed right into my body.
This COVID thing I have is not like a regular flu where your nose is stuffy then you have a temperature and then you blow your nose -get everything out then heal.
My nose is just swollen and inflamed but nothing to blow out.  My temperature goes up and down -start to feel better then feel like crap 

My friend is also still sick. He met people at a special COVID treatment clinic they have been sick for 2 months NO improvement
Did your hear the video from COVID bioweapon exposer Celeste Solum? She said –once tagged by the COVID Test or Vaccine, this COVID Bio weapon slowly destroys people and they do not get well. Solum said probably not all COVID Test are tainted –only some.
I am so mad at myself for getting tricked into taking that COVID test –and I should have known better –but what threw me off is the fact that my doctor is an anti-vaxxer –Now I am thinking “They” are sure to know that –she is probably targeted –she goes to protests with Robert Kennedy Jr. the big anti-VAXXER. So “They” have probably targeted her — Ug : ((((

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