Robert Edmondson: “I Testify Against the Jews”

(Robert Edmondson, 1872-1959)
The covid scam is the culminationof the ancient Masonic Jewish(Communist) 
conspiracy designed to 
enslave and dispossess humanity.

Robert Edmondson sounded the alarm 
in the 1930’s. He has been flusheddown the memory hole while scoundrels, criminals,traitors and perverts occupy high office.
(“Let’s Go Brandon”)


Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason?
For if it prospers, none dare call it “treason.” 
-John Harington 1561-1612

Judaism, based on Cabala and Talmud, is a satanic cult.  Jews have been inducted into this cult, then non-Jewish Freemasons, and through them, society as a whole. We are all victims and accomplices in our degradation and fall.   (See also, “Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult”

(Slightly revised from May 2015) 

By Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Our Zionist mind controllers
have succeeded in eliminating almost all record of Robert Edmondson. Until today, there was no reference to him (or photo) on the Internet. Yet he was thrown into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing hundreds of bulletins alerting his fellow Americans to an International conspiracy consisting of Communist Jews and Freemasons financed by the central bankers. This conspiracy has grown into the New World Order. 

A measure of subversion is when patriots are defamed and forgotten, while traitors are rewarded and honored. Other 1930’s patriots tarred as “anti-Semites” include Charles Lindbergh. Henry Ford, Charles Coughlin, Elizabeth Dilling, William Pelley, Louis McFadden and Huey Long. 

Their fate proves that despite what Americans think, the US is a colony of the London-based Masonic Jewish central banking cartel and its leaders are traitors. Americans haven’t been “free” for a very long time.

In 1936, Edmondson was charged with “libeling the Jewish people.” In his defense, he wrote, “I am not against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a people or as individuals, but because Jewish leadership [i.e. the bankers] is actively anti-American, is attempting to jettison the American political philosophy and take over the country, and that I would continue to be anti-Jewish until Jewry repudiated such subversion. Were the offender any other than the Jewish minority, my attitude would be precisely the same. This problem is the biggest and most acute thing in the world today…

“Knowing that pitiless publicity is the only cure for public evils, in 1934 I started on a campaign to expose Jewish Anti-Americanism and Talmudic Communism which has been called the “Code of Hell”: a “Rabbi Racket” that victimizes its own followers; an international “Satanic System” subverting France, Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present depression and moving to take over the United States through the Jewish Radical administration [of FDR.] ” (p.69)

Faced with exposure, organized Jewry backed down. Edmondson subpoenaed “Princes of Jewry” Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Rabbi Wise, Samuel Untermeyer, Mayor LaGuardia, James P. Warburg, Walter Lippmann and Justice Samuel Rosenman. Whereupon the American Jewish Committee petitioned the court NOT to hear the case because the indictment violated the free speech guarantee of the Constitution. 

 “Jews are afraid of the truth,” Edmondson wrote. “They know that a few grains of it will blow the lid off when publicized.” (137)

Today more than ever, we are victims of brainwashing which equates defending our country, freedom, family and values with Nazi bigotry and genocide. We are under merciless hate-filled attack from the bankers and their minions, yet it is we who are accused of “hatred” when we identify them.  It’s a pathetic disingenuous ruse.  Remember the little boy who said the Emperor has no clothes? The Zionists put him in jail.


The majority of Jews are not aware of the Jewish leadership’s secret agenda, which is that of the central banking cartel. Yet unless they oppose this centuries-old plan for world government, they will be blamed for it. By their silence, Jews condone the anti-Americanism of their leaders, Edmondson said. (82)

In 1954, Edmondson published a collection of his bulletins entitled “I Testify Against the Jews.”

He quotes rare documents such as a letter published in 1880 in the Review of Jewish Studies, financed by James de Rothschild. The letter, dating from 1489, is from the head of the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople. 

It advises a rabbi in Arles France to infiltrate gentile society. Convert to Christianity as the French King demands but “keep the Law of Moses in your hearts;” make your sons merchants so “that they may despoil Christians of their [property]; doctors so that “they may take away Christian lives.” 

 “Make your sons canons and clerics that they may destroy the churches…..Arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with affairs of state in order that by putting Christians under your yoke, you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.” (71) 

Edmondson also quotes a May 11,1933, address at the Hebrew University by the famous Jewish poet N.H. Bialik which confirms a Jewish agenda few Jews are aware of. He says Jews have undermined Christianity by “deliberate Jewish conniving…it has been effected in great measure by crypto-Jews (secret Jews) who have permeated Christianity and spoken through the mouth of Christianity.”  (51)

He says these crypto-Jews are also the creators of “the Renaissance, of Liberalism, of Democracy, of Socialism, and of Communism.” (151) 

Remember Bialek was speaking in 1933: “The Gentiles have at last realized this secret–that Judaism has gradually penetrated and permeated them like a drug. The Gentile nature is in revolt and is trying to organize the final battle…They would ‘smoke us out’ of all the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They would exterminate us like bacilli and be rid of us.” (152) (Judaism in History-A Jewish Conception in “Lines of Communication” July 1933)

This is proof that millions of innocent Jews, including my grandparents, died partly because of the demented megalomania of the Jewish leadership. Ironically, the Nazis were financed by the Masonic Jewish bankers as a way of bringing war upon the gentiles and forcing Jews to support Zionism.


Cabalist Judaism is a conspiracy against Christian civilization so successful that now it cannot be mentioned. It has inspired the bankers to recast society so that in the future, there will be no families, no marriages, no nations, no religion, no private property and no freedom.

It has divorced society from God, who is synonymous with absolute truth and justice. It has inundated us with pornography and trivia and it has debased culture. It has poisoned the well of gender and degraded relations between men and women. 

We live in a decadent, superficial, hypocritical society where people sell their souls for money and sex, and where mass media and education are devoted to pious propaganda and indoctrination. Denied the truth, we are kept in a state of arrested development, befitting children or “cattle.” 

They regard the peoples of the world and even their governments as “only children under age.” (Protocols of Zion, 15) 

We can be as politically correct as long as we want, but we can’t escape the fact that mankind is in the thrall of a Satanic force bent on enslaving us. 

First Comment from JW

Thanks for posting the article on Robert Edmondson, whom I had never heard of before – (due to his name being dropped down the Memory Hole).
What a great and courageous spirit he was ! I search for him on Wikipedia, and was surprised – apart from labeling him as an ‘anti-semite’ – that it offered a fair summary of his views.
I clicked on one of the links, on the Jewish ancestry of FDR, which you might find of interest. This no doubt explains why his administration was chockful with leftist Jews, like Morgenthau, Ickes, and Perkins in his cabinet – and many of them, like Harry Dexter White outright communists .It also explains why financier Bernard Baruch, the George Soros of his time in the influence he wielded, exercised such influence over FDR.
Congressman Martine Dies, Jr. (D-TX) blasted the terms of FDR and Truman (1933-1953) as “twenty years of treason.” Baruch, who was called “The King of the Jews” in his time, exercised much influence over Truman as well, whom he bailed out once, and aided in his rise in Missouri politics.

The American “Right” is Largely False Opposition

elzl4xy1makgamgx.jpg(McCarthy — March 8, 1954 Edition of TIME) 
In 1954, businessman DeWest Hooker discovered
that Jewish central bankers (i.e. Bernard Baruch) funded “anti-Communism” to obscure the fact that Communism (i.e. the covid scam today) is in fact  
Jewish satanist supremacism. Illuminati bankers manipulate public 
perception using false opposition like Donald Trump or Alex Jones. 
If they get mainstream media exposure, it means they are certified kosher.(E.g. Alex Jones ghosted Henry Makow.) 
We live in a de facto Communist (Masonic Jewish) society.In short, we are satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (and their Masonic flunkies.) 
You’d think Christ’s Crucifixion by the Cabalist Jews would have been a tell. 

Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that “he is the best friend the Jews ever had.”

“We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy  back in West Virginia that started his build-up into the famous  anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up, he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by the investigations through his sub-committee.”

But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)

The Secret Masonry is setting up “our own, to all appearance, off position which in at least one of its organs [Nazis] will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.”
 (Protocols of Zion, 12.11)

“Our countersign is–Force and Make-believe. Only force conquers in political affairs, especially if it be concealed in the talents essential to statesmen. Violence must be the principle, and cunning and make-believe the rule for governments which do not want to lay down their crowns at the feet of agents of some new power. This evil is the one and only means to attain the end, the good. Therefore we must not stop at bribery, deceit and treachery when they should serve towards the attainment of our end. In politics one must know how to seize the property of others without hesitation if by it we secure submission and sovereignty.”
  (Protocols of Zion 1-23)

“The Goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?”…Protocols 11.4


 The Communist Jews Behind Sen. Joseph McCarthy
by Michael Collins Piper 
(from his 2006 book, “The Judas Goats”)
(First posted here Nov. 24, 2010) 

What follows is the sworn statement that Hooker executed on September 30, 1954 outlining his findings about the role of the self-styled “American Jewish League Against Communism” and how it was manipulating then Sen.  Joseph R. McCarthy’s efforts to investigate Communism in high places  in the American system. The affidavit reads: 

 “I had an astounding interview for two hours some time ago with Norman  L. Marks of the American Jewish League Against Communism, Inc.  As a matter of fact, I was brought along by another party, and Mr. Marks did not know anything about me (hence he really opened up because the person who took me was “trusted” by him).  The AJLAC has offices at 220 West 42nd Street, New York City. Its  national chairman is Alfred Kohlberg. Its executive director is Rabbi  Benjamin Schultz, and its treasurer is Harry Pasternak. Listed on its  national board are the following: Bern Dibner, Lawrence Fertig,  Theodore Fine, Benjamin Gitlow, Hon. Walter R. Hart, Herman Kashins,  Eugene Lyons, Norman L. Marks, Morris Ryskind, Rabbi David S. Savitz,  Nathan D. Shapiro, George E. Sokolsky, Maurice Tishman, Rabbi Ascher  M. Yager.

[Businessman DeWest Hooker, 1918-1989 left)

I swear under oath to you that the following is as accurate as it is possible to put down from memory an hour or so later. Also, the  information can be verified by the other unnamed party. 

Mr. Marks, listed above and on the letterhead of the AJLAC as a member  of the national board, said: “Far and away the principal financial contributor to the AJLAC is Mr. Bernard Baruch.” When questioned on this point as to what percentage he would say Mr. Baruch contributed, he answered: “About 85% or 90% of the funds.”

 I said that I had thought Mr. Kohlberg was the main contributor to the  AJLAC and Mr. Marks answered: “Well, he contributes some but nothing  like what Baruch contributes.” I asked Mr. Marks why Baruch’s name did not appear on the letterhead. He stated that Baruch was very emphatic about NOT having his name appear on the letterhead, and that it was to be unknown that he contributed funds to it.

 Mr. Marks said that the organization was entirely Jewish but that a funny thing was that many of the founders of it seemed to have  “Christian” wives. He said that they used to meet every Thursday at the Ambassador Hotel for lunch and talk about the world situation.  Marks said that the organization would not accept either a “Christian in it” or a “Christian dime of support” and that no Christian money  had ever been accepted in the past–that it was completely a Jewish  organization and financed by them.

 He said there were only two purposes for its founding: That the Number  One purpose was to take the heat off the Jewishness of Communism, and  a secondary aim was to get the Jews out of Communism and to support  Zionism. He said that: “for a while there, almost all the spies of the  Communists that were turned up were Jews and that they had become  concerned, and thought that something should be done to take the sting  off the Jews. They wanted to show the Christian world that ALL Jews  were not Communists.”

 When asked just how they went about this whole project, Mr. Marks  said: “It’s impossible for a Christian to get away with criticizing  the Jews. Only a Jew can do that.”

 He went on: “And so we got together a strong group of Jews that “were  known to be anti-Communists” and started our campaign of pressure from our point of view.”

 [According to Hooker’s original affidavit, Marks’ reference to those  who were said to be “anti-Communists” actually meant that the Jewish  leaders in question were, as Hooker put it, “meaning  anti-Stalinist.”–Ed.]

Marks stated: “We were the ones that wrote the speeches for McCarthy back in West Virginia that started his build-up into the famous  anti-Communist that he is today. Our pressure on the press resulted in  his getting as much attention as he has. In return for this build-up  he agreed not to call up or expose Jews in the Communist movement by  the investigations through his sub-committee.”

 Mr. Marks stated that a lot of Jews called McCarthy an anti-Semite but little did they know that “he is the best friend the Jews ever had.”

 [Hooker noted of McCarthy that “Eventually they destroyed him anyway when he started calling up Jewish Communists later on.”–Ed.]

 Marks went on to say that “other investigations might have turned up  Jews and McCarthy had been given credit for them, but that if we traced the record back, we would find that McCarthy actually did not call up a single Jew in that period when the heat was on the Jews.” He  later qualified these remarks by saying that “while McCarthy was  operating as a temporary subcommittee under the Truman administration,  he did not call up any Jews; that when he once got himself elected as  the chairman of the permanent investigating committee, in the new  administration, he then began to call witnesses “as they came.”  [That is, whether the witnesses were “Jewish or not,” according to Hooker–Ed.]



Mr, Marks continued: “But that doesn’t make much difference now because he accepted our own men to work right with him. For example,  he accepted as his top man next to him our man Roy Cohn, left, which was  arranged through another of our men, George Sokolsky.”

If memory serves me correctly, Marks stated that Julius Kahn was also  their man on the McCarthy committee, but who was now on the Senate  Foreign Relations Committee. He definitely stated that David Schine  was NOT with the AJLAC but that he was put there by “another group  which I don’t know about.”

 Mr. Marks went on to say that “not only is McCarthy under our control  but so are Jenner and Velde, who also took our men to work right with  them. Benny Mandel and Robert Morris represent us on the Jenner  Committee.” He mentioned Robert Kunzig as “their man” for Velde.  Marks also stated definitely that Professor Louis Budenz was under  “their control” and one of “their men,” and that he was working to  take the “heat” off the Jews.

 [Budenz was a well-known “ex-communist” who became a leading figure in  the so-called anti-communist movement, key elements of which had come  under the control of the Zionist and Trotskyite elements. Hooker’s  revelations explain why–Ed.]

 (left, Florida Gov Ron De Santis at the Western Wall in Jerusalem)

Biden kneels to Jews.jpg

He stated that [Alfred] Kohlberg, their national chairman, was the one  who “found” Budenz when he was testifying in Washington and Kohlberg  “picked him up and practically supported him for a while in order to  get him started and built up to the man he is today in the  anti-Communist movement.”

 Marks also stated that they got “their man Robert Morris” elected  recently as a judge in New York City, and that Victor Lasky was  another one of their men who did a lot of “press work” for them, and  “made speeches favoring their people, for example, Robert Morris.” He  said, “All these people agreed to take the ‘heat’ off the Jews.”

 I recall now another statement by Mr. Marks that “there is a vast pooling of information in the New York City area and throughout the  country which is connected with our organization.”

 I asked if J. B. Matthews and his files were in on “the deal” and he  said: “Yes, we have access to all of his files.”

 [J. B. Matthews was a prominent “anti-communist crusader” in the  period, but, clearly, under the control of the Zionist-Trotskyites.–Ed.] 

He said that they have at least “thirty Communists on our payroll who report information to us,” and that “we know everything that goes on  in this field.”

 Mr, Marks told all the above information as if there was nothing  “wrong” with what he was saying. He even invited me and this other unnamed fellow to go to a meeting the following Tuesday night at the  University Club, sponsored by Norman Lombard.

 When they finally found out who I was, however, I was told by Norman Lombard and Norman Marks not to come to the meeting. I sure hope that the true patriotic American nationalists will be able to straighten out a few of these “pseudo-patriots” who are trying to lead the  so-called “anti-communist” movement.

(left, Biden kneels before Israeli President

Don’t misunderstand me: I’m just as anti-Communist as any of you, but I don’t want our country to be led head-long into traps which enable  these pseudo-patriots to “use” the fine instincts of the American  people and the anti-Communist movement for their own diabolical ends.  In other words, some of these pseudo-patriots are “anti-Communist,”  meaning “anti-Stalin communism,” but are pro- as hell another form of  Communism (American brand) leading to dictatorship by them in our own  country and the rest of the world under Bernard Baruch and the crowd  he represents.

 [The “American brand” of communism to which Hooker referred, although  he didn’t say it directly, was precisely the Trotskyite brand, then in  its evolution, that has come today to be known as “neo-conservatism.”  –Ed.] 

(Signed) DeWest Hooker

(—Makow comment: Reading this, it’s hard to imagine that the same forces didn’t put Hitler into power. Or that The John Birch Society and some anti-NWO websites are truly independent.)

After World War Two ended, the Illuminati needed to create the bogus Cold War to justify the arms race and the national security state (just as the “war on terror” replaces the Cold War today.) The problem was that Communism could be traced back to the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Most Communist spies were Jewish and Soviet Communism was Illuminati Jewish. They used McCarthy to fuel Cold War hysteria while de-emphasizing the role Jews play as agent/dupes for the Illuminati bankers. Apparently McCarthy outlived his usefulness and they murdered him at Bethesda Naval Medical Center after disgracing him earlier.    

This article impugns Organized Jewry but most Jews are manipulated by these machinations, just like non Jews. It’s pathetic that anti-Communist/ anti-NWO forces need to be organized and subsidized by the enemy. It proves my contention that grass roots or populist resistance is negligible and nothing gets done politically unless someone pays for it. And you know who can afford that.

Thanks to Tony Blizzard for sending me this excerpt.

Related-How Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn helped the Jews hijack the anti-Communist movement
Piper Collins- The Judas Goat/The Enemy Within 
The Strange Death of Michael Collins Piper 
Kevin MacDonald reviews a book on McCarthy & the Jews   

First Comment from Dan Butler 1955-2018:I recall that the former staff director of the Congressional Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt Foundations. Mr. Norman Dodd said to John Birch Society’s Edward Griffen in 1984. [See the full transcript here. [1]  This part of Dodd’s testimony didn’t seem very important to me until reading your article today.  Dodd said that none other than the chairman of the Republican National Committee and White House use accusations of anti-semitism to shut down the investigation.  This ‘back room’ aspect was unreported in the press. NORMAN DODD: The Republican National Committee got wind of what I was doing and they did everything they could to stop me. They appealed to counsel to stop me, and finally they resorted to the White House.
 ED GRIFFIN: Was their objection because of what you were doing or because of the fact that you were doing it outside of the official auspices of the Committee?NORMAN DODD: No, their objection was, as they put it, my devotion to what they called anti-semitism. That was a cooked up idea. In other words, it wasn’t true at all, but anyway, that’s the way they expressed it.ED GRIFFIN: The charge of anti-semitism is intriguing. What was the basis of that charge? Was there a basis for it at all?NORMAN DODD: The basis of what the Republican National Committee used was that the intelligence officer I’d taken on my staff when I oriented this investigation to the exposure and proof of a conspiracy was known to have a book, and the book was deemed to be anti-semitic. This was childish, but this was the second in command of the Republican National Committee, and he told me I’d have to dismiss this person from my staff.ED GRIFFIN: And what was his book? Do you recall?NORMAN DODD: The book they referred to was called Waters Flowing Eastward, which was a castigation of the Jewish influence in the world.[1]  If this is the first you’ve heard of Norman Dodd’s testimony please download and study.  Crucial hidden history. Tax Exempt Foundations and Collectivist Treason  INTERNET ARCHIVE videoTranscript of the video original 1953-54 Dodd Report: Committee to Investigate Tax-exempt FoundationsRecommended:  FOUNDATIONS: Their Power and Influence. ISBN 0-925951-28-9download PDF format
Tony writes:

I was in this war before John Birch was created.  When it came into being with lots of media fanfare it began gobbling up most of the small, true anti-communist, organizations.  It struck me as way too dictatorial to its members.  I quickly tabbed it as an enemy having three major undesirable aspects:

1.  It’s members were “forever learning and never coming to the truth.”  Millions of details (lots of trees) but never even mentioning true causes, the forest.

2.  It was the first in my knowledge (along with major insurance corporations) to equate capitalism and free enterprise as synonyms when, in reality, they are 180 degrees opposite.  Capitalism, which it praised, is simply the concentration of capital into the hands of the few (mainly for their own profit) while free enterprise is capital diversified as much as possible with local businesses taking care of local business.  Under free enterprise franchises, malls, and chains, which drain local capital to national or international headquarters, hardly exist.  Capital mostly stays in the local community, constantly re-circulated by local business.

3. The Birch society destroyed any local “chapter” which decided on its own to “study the Jewish question.” I saw that take place with my own eyes in So. California at least twice. A dead giveaway of the true reason for its existence.

Letter to Mayor and City Council of Vallejo, CA.

Dear Mayor, Men and Women of the City Council, City Staff, and fellow citizens,

The planners of the New World Order did not envision this conversation taking place.  They planned on Twitter and Facebook being the main forums of discussion for politics, and they would remove troublesome voices telling the truth, such as yours truly, which has largely worked.

Why any American is still on Twitter or Facebook, and why the City of Vallejo has Facebook and Twitter accounts is beyond me.

It’s pure stupidity.  You know fellow Americans are being banned on these platforms, which is a violation of our Free Speech rights, but you stupidly think it won’t happen to you?  Are you daft?  Get off those platforms right now.  And get rid of your televisions while you’re at it, it has been controlled information since its inception.

I want to begin by saying it’s difficult for me to strongly denounce any of you, because I have levels of appreciation for what the Mayor and members of the City Council have done.  I’m assuming you have achieved your leadership roles through your own determination and hard work, and had no assistance from secret societies, like the Freemasonry lodges, the Elks Lodge, Lions Club, Moose Lodge, or other Jew run organizations.  Vast majority of these clubs are unaware of Jewish control at the highest levels.

Incredible that this book is still on Amazon, but it nicely details the Jewish involvement in Freemasonry.

A very good read, considering Vallejo has had Freemason lodges for well over a century, and the first Freemason Lodge in California was first built in neighboring Benicia.

I have had good relationships with Council member Rozzana Verder-Aliga, Mayor McConnell, and Council Member Mina Diaz.  I have been treated courteously by you three, though when my First Amendment rights were publicly violated, none of you defended me, and Mayor McConnell actively promoted violating my First Amendment rights, by having police remove me, when I insisted on receiving the remainder of my speaking time, after being interrupted by a mob.  Simply because members of the audience have screaming fits over truthful criticism of Jewish wrongdoing, is not an excuse for my First Amendment rights to be trampled on.

As for the four new council members, I have high regard for Council member Matulac and Palmares, though I have seen little indication of public virtue or wisdom from either of you.  My estimation of you comes from the fact you appear to be diligent and hard working men with common sense.  Whether either of you has the bravery to stand up for right against massive opposition, an attribute that has been sorely lacking in members of the City Council for at least the last forty years, remains to be seen.

As for Council member Arriola, I was unimpressed by my one interaction with you on Facebook, where you scornfully dismissed my ideas that you didn’t bother to research or consider, you instead lazily rejected them.  Highly unimpressive.  Only a fool answers a matter they do not consider, as Proverbs 18:13 says.

And for Council Member Bregenzer, you are only on the City Council because of the woke agenda that elevates homosexuals like you into positions of leadership.  It’s Cultural Marxism, and it uses the most degenerate Americans, like you, to wage war on, and terrorize all wise and virtuous Americans.  This already happened in Communist Russia and China, and 100 million were slaughtered.  It’s high time people wake up so this same bloodshed doesn’t come to America.

However, let us proceed to the main issue.

For eleven years I have been attending City Council meetings, and opposing the city of Vallejo’s clear descent into corruption and tyranny.  My words have been ignored, interrupted, and attacked, and why wouldn’t they be?  The truth is a massive threat to the corrupt elites who loot Vallejo, California, and America daily.

I have managed to be very patient, and have been very magnanimous in overlooking the personal offenses done to me, rarely deciding to personally attack individuals in my public remarks.

However, that is about to change.  No longer will I accept that you are leaders who are simply ignorant, and that if you are told the truth, you will decide to change course.  Time tells all tales, and the tale of the last eleven years has clearly shown that few of you have any  intention of guiding Vallejo back to the virtuous and wise foundations she was founded upon.  

Now, you will be held accountable.  If you wish to be leaders, you now will be held fully responsible.  I know the tactics.  You have your victim groups that march up to City Hall causing mayhem, and you meekly cower in your seats and claim to be powerless.  Well you aren’t.  If you cannot uphold order in Vallejo, you need to resign.  Let others do the job you either cannot or will not do.

One of the most vocal victim groups, are the grieving relatives of many of the 19 men shot and killed by Vallejo police in the last twenty years.  Of course, every human with a heart wishes the deceased were still here, but, that means you need to train your police force better, so the entire city isn’t interrupted by the terrible results of the incompetence of the police.  And, you need to revise your hiring standards.  You are nearly forty officers short, needing 120, having just over 80, and what police officer wants to work in a city where police are commanded to arbitrarily trample on citizens free speech rights, and then are terrorized by thugs?  Vallejo, as nearly every big American city, has a problem with black crime.  

Black men make up 6% of the population of America, yet, make up 50-75% of all violent crime, rapes,  and murders, mostly black on black.  This is largely due to the machinations of the bankers, who introduced illiteracy and illegitimacy in the black community with the bogus Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, quickly followed by Lyndon Baines Johnson’s “War on Poverty”, incentivizing black women to kick black men out of the home to get welfare.  This was followed by the bankers funding rap music in the 1970’s, leading to role models for the black community lionizing drugs, promiscuity, and violence.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be able to predict the resultant chaos, and when it came, the same bankers who plotted the disaster, quickly stepped in with their media to sensationalize how “racist” America is to blacks.  They have been planning on using the black community as their victim group for their Communist Revolution for well over 100 years. They knew they couldn’t destroy America with the Marxist tactics they used on the largely unarmed and illiterate peasants of Russia and China, so they knew they would have to use race and the other diversions of Cultural Marxism.

Now, there are three recent actions in the last four years that have caused me to rethink my approach.  First is your response to the coronavirus hoax plandemic, second is your response to the George Floyd rioting in Vallejo, and lastly, is your response to the requests to post “Black Lives Matter” mural on the street in front of City Hall.

These must be addressed in a letter, as it would take far too long to discuss this individually with each of you, and I’d be here for the next three years trying to lay this out in the three minutes I’m allotted for public comment in community forum.

First, the coronavirus was a planned disruption of the United States, of that there can be no doubt.

Plenty of evidence there, and it’s likely the coronavirus, as predicted in the book “The Invisible Rainbow”, was a direct result of 5G towers being turned on.  Ask yourself, if 5G towers and vaccines are so safe, why are we unable to sue telecommunication companies and vaccine companies?

Anyone who follows the money knows the United Nations (UN) was set up BEFORE the end of World War 2, by the same Jewish bankers who had rigged the war, rigging Pearl Harbor ( ) to engineer Americas entry into the war.  And they were the same bankers rigging World War 1, plotting the sinking of the Lusitania (, to engineer Americas entry into that war, and failing to obtain their previous “League of Nations”, their precursor to the United Nations.  Out of spite, they loaded Germany up with disastrous reparations, leading to economic ruin for Germany after World War 1.  This set the stage for World War 2, and this time they got their United Nations.

The U.N. Is over the World Health Organization (WHO), which must immediately call  into question the legitimacy of both organizations and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  All three organizations are a farce, are completely unaccountable to the elected public they are supposed to represent, and are simply organizations used by shadow rulers to rule the world.

So, all of the mandates to wear masks and to get vaccines were totally bogus, and yet, four of you went along with the charade.  Mayor McConnell, Council members Diaz, Verder-Aliga, and Arriola, why were you so naive and gullible?  Why didn’t you oppose these tyrannical actions?  I came to a City Council Meeting in March of 2020, and I told you then that this was bogus, I sent numerous emails, and you did what you nearly always do.  Stony silence, stubborn rejection, and an insistence on following the wrong course of action.  The entire City of Vallejo was thrown into confusion because of the lack of wisdom and courage from you, the leaders who are supposed to guide and protect us?!  Who cares that the lying media, television, radio, Vallejo Times Herald, and corporations were screaming for masks and vaccines, they all are controlled by the same people. Speaking of vaccines, they have always been about depopulation, for their entire history.  Smallpox, mumps, and measles were already on their way out before vaccines were introduced, due to better sanitation.

Moving on, the City of Vallejo was severely disrupted by the media induced George Floyd rioting.  The media never focuses on the fact that we have a problem with black crime, thoroughly documented in these two books, both by the recently deceased Colin Flaherty, “Don’t make the black kids angry”, and “White Girl Bleed a Lot”.  

‘Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry:’ The hoax of black victimization and …


Instead, they constantly ignore black on white crime, which makes up 90% of all black/white violent crime and murders.  But they will sensationalize Rodney King, George Floyd, and many others.  They do it in Vallejo too.  The Vallejo Times Herald has little to nothing to say about the thousands of victims of violent black crime in Vallejo over the last ten years, but they screech bloody murder when Willie McCoy falls asleep in a car with a loaded stolen gun in his lap, and is shot by Vallejo police when he wakes up and reaches for it.

In nearly every Democrat city in America, the police hide the massively disproportional rates of black males committing murder, violent crime, and rape.  We are then told that it’s “racist” to mention these facts.  But, it’s not “racist” to silently cover up the cries of innocent victims of all races of these hardened criminals.  

Totally bogus.  I understand people being deceived by the lying Jewish media, television, radio, schools, newspapers, and internet social media algorithms, but, you are supposed to be leaders.  I was deceived by this disinformation too, just a decade ago.  I remember being relieved in 2008 when Obama was elected President, because poor deceived me believed that maybe now black men wouldn’t be killed by police.  I didn’t realize a black man is 18 times more likely to kill a police officer than to be killed by them.

Lastly, is your response to the requests for a “Black Lives Matter” mural in front of City Hall.  Your response should have been to acknowledge that all lives matter, that no police injustice should ever happen.  I never heard you say one peep about Kelly Thomas being killed, a white man.  It’s doubtful you know about him, because the Jewish media has criminalized whites.

You should have done your research, and learned that all victim groups, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL, started to defend the guilty child rapist and murderer Leo Frank in 1913,, the NAACP (Founded around 1913 by Jewish bankers trying to use blacks as a victim group), the ACLU (founded by Jewish bankers to attack Christianity), and Black Lives Matter, are nearly all funded by Jewish bankers.

Black Lives Matter is admittedly communist.

Communism murdered 100 million worldwide in 100 years.  It’s the biggest death machine in world history, so why are you allowing Cultural Marxism, a Communist variant into Vallejo?

You did nothing to avert or stop the George Floyd rioting, and we had to have the NATIONAL GUARD called into Vallejo!!! Do you feel any remorse or guilt over that?  You are at fault, because you actively promoted, for the three on the City Council longer than four years, this black victimization myth.  

I would like to talk individually with every member of the City Council, preferably in person, to review your response to this massive negligence on your part.  If you can admit your fault publicly, and pledge to listen in the future, and to stop participating in this Marxist agenda, then we will have peace.  But if not, to borrow the misguided oft-used motto of the deceived protesters at Vallejo City Hall, “No Justice, No Peace”.  

If we cannot reasonably resolve your egregious past errors which you never corrected, then, I’ll be forced to publicly denounce you, as you were warned in private, and refused to hear it.  Of course, you will be supported by the usual deceived rabble rousers in the audience, but only fools care for their opinions.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you, 


Ryan Messano

Ukraine War — Chabad’s Strategy for Slavic Genocide


1994 article by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson:

“Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.”

“The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us. The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, “illegally” taken away from them, and so on.”

Rus Vs. Khazar Jews (Ukraine) – An Ancient Enmity 

The Khazars bought the “Jewish” franchise in the 8th Century to distinguish themselvesfrom their Christian and Muslim neighbors.

 Ashkenazi Jews (Israelis) have no connection to the ancient Hebrews. They are Khazars.The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge for the Kievan Rus destruction of the Khazar Empire in 965 AD. The Russian – Ukrainian war continues this millennia-long hate.The NWO is a rebirth of the old Khazar empire, extended to the whole planet.NATO is Khazaria in Drag (literally)  
We appear headed for the third Masonic Jewish world war.
A 1994 speech by Chabad leader Mendel Schneerson suggests that the Ukraine war might be a part of a larger plan for Slavic Genocide. However, although many Ukrainians soldiers have died, Russian reluctance to target civilians would belie this analysis.On the other hand, Russia’s failure to trace the problem to Organized Jewry and Chabad, referring to NATO as “Anglo Saxons” would support it.

NATO is Khazaria in Drag

Revised from April 4, 2022
by Edward Menez( 

Was the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict planned by Chabad? 

Eduard Hodos was born in Kharkov, Ukraine in 1945 to an Orthodox Jewish family. In 1990, he was recruited by Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Schneerson but resigned once he realized that Chabad aimed to destroy the Ukraine. Since then, Hodos has been an outspoken critic of Chabad, warning the public about their agenda — and the political figures and oligarchs who do their bidding. Hodos has since converted to Ukraine’s Orthodox Christian church


In his trilogy called “The Jewish Syndrome,”  Eduard Hodos explains that we are in the midst of “The Third Khazaria”.

    The First Khazaria: The Great Khazar Empire (VII-X Centuries);
    The Second Khazaria: Bolshevik Rule (1917-end of the 1920’s);
    The Third Khazaria: The C.I.S. (1991-?)

(left, Eduard Hodos)

In the First Khazaria, the native people in the Ukraine were taken over by Jews and converted to Judaism.  From this beginning in the 7th to 10th centuries, a battle-line had been drawn with Russia: 

“Forts were located from 10 to 20 km. apart, creating what was in effect an unbroken line of military fortifications along the border of modern Ukraine and Russia: Voronezh – Stary Oskol – Belgorod – Kharkov. Further, from the southwest of Kharkov: Krasnograd – Dnepropetrovsk – Krivoj Rog. To the northwest: Kiev – Chernigov.”

So from the beginning, the conquering Jews of present-day Ukraine were at war with their neighbors, the Russians.  This article is from an interview with a Ukrainian General who bitterly describes how Ukraine was prepped for Chabad takeover.

In a 1994 speech published in the Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson outlined his plans for destroying both Ukraine and Russia.


Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994)

“Slavs, and among them Russians – are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.”

“First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russians) into the small countries with weak and severed connections. For this, we will use our old method: Divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction.”

“The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us. The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, “illegally” taken away from them, and so on.”

Left, 540,000 square foot Dnepropetrovsk Jewish Community Center is world’s largest JCC. Dnepropetrovsk is 250 miles SE of Kiev. 

“Looking back in history, it must be admitted that these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev’s Rus’ (the ancient state of Russia with the capital in Kiev) in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria – the Jewish state -on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out. Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population — a reservation, like Indian reservations in America.”

In “The Jewish Trilogy” Hudos identfied the origin of this long-festering hatred between the Khazarians and the Russians: “The Great Khazarian Empire existed for several centuries, until the Russian Prince Svyatoslav, “in the 965th year took both their City and their White Temple”. 

“The Third Power was wiped off the face of the earth, its population scattered in all directions. Most asked for Svyatoslav’s protection, while the Jewish elite moved to the Khazar District in Kiev….”

Related – Ukraine is the Real Jewish National Home
Texe Marrs Khazars Re-Invade Ukraine 

———————     How Chabad Orchestrated the Current War

Ukraine will become a “‘big Israel’ with its own face,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy declared on Tuesday, indicating that his country intends to emulate the Israeli security state in the wake of Russia’s invasion.


Recently, I watched a video about Brandon Kirkland called, “From a Life of Sin to a Family Music Ministry.” In it, he shares that he was raised in a Christian home yet rebelled in his youth. What was the catalyst for his rebellion? The first thing he mentioned was secular music and bad company. I was curious to know why other women had rebelled in their youth so I asked those in the chat room and on Instagram. I believe it’s good for all of you mothers who are raising children to heed these warnings and do all you can to prevent the same happening with your children.

Secular music and pop culture were a huge reason. Secular music’s goal is to appeal to the sensual nature. The lyrics are ungodly and far from the heart of God. They mimic the culture around us which is decaying rapidly. I only listen to hymns and Christian songs that are biblically accurate. I want to fill my mind with the Lord and His beautiful ways, not with the world and its godless ways. Raise your children to love and enjoy solid biblical music. My DIL’s mother had them memorize the words to many great hymns of old.

We are warned in Scripture that bad company corrupts good morals. You must take this warning seriously, women. You must keep watch over who your children’s friends are. If you see them beginning to hang out with bad friends, stop it immediately. We are to walk with the wise! This is why homeschooling is far superior to any other type of schooling. Mothers can diligently watch over and protect their children.

Some parents leave it up to the churches to teach and train their children in godliness. This is a HUGE mistake! You must raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This is the ministry the Lord has given to you. Read the Bible to them on a consistent basis. Have them memorize Scripture. Talk about the Lord throughout the Lord. Be a joyful and thankful mother! They need to see the incredible blessing of living for the Lord being lived out by their mother! If they don’t see it in you, they won’t see any reason for following Christ. Parents with no boundaries and guidelines, divorced parents, and hypocritical parents were all given as reasons why some rebelled.

Divorce causes tremendous pain and rebellion in children. Do everything in your power to have a good, solid marriage, women. Fight for your marriage. Live out biblical womanhood in front of your husband. Be the wife that God calls you to be. Your children are watching you. They need their father since fatherlessness is another reason children rebel. Pray daily for your husband and marriage, that it may be an example of Christ and His Church to your children.

Public school and college are more reasons why children rebel. They are taught false doctrine and bad company abounds at both places even in Christian schools. A huge percentage of children raised in Christian homes walk away from the faith in college. There’s a good reason that we are warned about false teachers and false doctrines in every single book in the New Testament except for one. Instead of trying to justify sending your children to these places, trust and obey God.

Sexual abuse was given as why some rebelled. Sexual abuse is rampant in our culture. I believe the number one reason that God commands women be keepers at home so they don’t blaspheme His Word is to protect their children from sexual and physical abuse, from bad company, from secular music and entertainment, and from every other way that Satan is on the prowl to destroy your children. You must teach your children diligently so they know the signs of someone who wants to harm or influence them wrongly in any way. You must raise wise children who know the Lord and His ways.

These were all of the reasons given why children rebel. God wants us to raise up godly offspring. This requires a godly mother who is home full time protecting, teaching, training, disciplining, and modeling Christ-like behavior to her children. Is this easy? No, but you must remind yourself that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you! Show your children by your life that living for the Lord and His ways are FAR superior to anything the world will offer and entice them with.

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deuteronomy 6:7

Larry Romanoff – Jewish Bankers Own it All


“A small number of Jewish banking families

 operating out of the City of London have

 for generations held wealth records 

with fortunes that are orders of magnitude 

above anything we might have imagined…”Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. 
He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, 
and owned an international import-export business. He has been 
a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studiesin international affairs to senior EMBA classes.

Makow–They gained these fortunes because they finagled our national credit cards by bribing our corrupt ancestors. 
Not satisfied with exorbitant wealth, they want it all, telling us we will own nothing but will be happy.  
The COVID scam and deadly vaccine, Agenda 2030 and weather change are all pretexts to dispossess and enslave mankind.The only thing making them hesitate in their dementia is Putin’s Russia. 

The Richest Man in the World

by Larry Romanoff(Excerpts by

A great many of the world’s largest corporations are owned and controlled by Jews,
 many of these by the select few in the City of London, but also very many outside this small group. The world’s major oil companies are controlled by Jewish interests, as are the major pharmaceutical companies, many of the weapons manufacturers and the world’s airlines, a preponderant amount of the world’s shipping capacity, and many other industries that might not normally come to mind…

 Virtually all of the media in the West, and a great deal of the prime media outlets in the rest of the world, including movies and book publishing, are owned or controlled by Jews. There are international companies worth in total many trillions of dollars that are entirely Jewish; Nestle, Sanofi, Monsanto, being a few among hundreds such. We cannot easily know what part of this reverts to our handful of Jewish bankers in the City of London, how much of that was financed by, and is controlled from, that center, but it isn’t negligible.

 One of the Rothschilds financed Rockefeller’s creation of Standard Oil, and did the same with Andrew Carnegie’s steel empire and the Harriman railroad fortune in the US, among others. The financing was usually done through J. P. Morgan, who was a Rothschild agent for all of his career, and in fact Morgan’s banking interests themselves were much more European Jewish than they were American. It is worthy to bring this to the attention of readers since it appears that much of the wealth of the famous American and European families may not have been really theirs but belonged instead to the ultimate Jewish financiers in the background. Today, Google, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, Starbucks, and many others are in this category, firms that could not possibly have attained their extent of market control without both heavy financing and intense planning originating elsewhere.

own-earth.jpgMany European banks fall into this category, most of these Jewish-owned and tightly-held. The few dozens of Europe’s largest banks like HSBC, BNP Paribas, Lloyd’s, have a market cap in the trillions and an asset base of over €30 trillion. The major North American banks, like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, again owned by Jews, have a market cap of well over $1.5 trillion and assets to match. Plus, we have literally hundreds of Jewish-owned banks in Switzerland and other countries that appear on no list anywhere.

 Many European banks fall into this category, most of these Jewish-owned and tightly-held. The few dozens of Europe’s largest banks like HSBC, BNP Paribas, Lloyd’s, have a market cap in the trillions and an asset base of over €30 trillion. The major North American banks, like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, again owned by Jews, have a market cap of well over $1.5 trillion and assets to match. Plus, we have literally hundreds of Jewish-owned banks in Switzerland and other countries that appear on no list anywhere.

 The people with whom we are concerned here, are family dynasties that have been accumulating their fortunes for perhaps ten or even twenty generations. With the Rothschilds, Sassoons, and so many others, we are going back to the 1600s and 1700s, with family dynasties that have expanded enormously over the centuries and maintained control over their increasingly vast wealth through avoidance of inheritance taxes, rigid intermarriage, and shared intentions.

The greatest of all family dynasties are hidden from view, expunged from the media, deleted from the history books, and almost never attract public attention. All of these are Jewish – Rothschild, Sassoon, Sebag-Montefiori, Warburg, Lehman, Goldman, and so many names you may have never heard of. Here is a listing of a few of the Jewish bankers, representing perhaps only 25% of them, most having begun banking, financing and industrial operations in the early to mid-1800s, so an average of nearly 200 years, and many resulting in Jewish family dynasties that continue to this day, entirely out of the public eye.

Rothschild, Sassoon, Warburg, Moses Montefiori, Sebag-Montefiori, Kadoorie, Lehman, Israel Moses Seif, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Salomon, Schiff, Joseph Hambro, J. Henry Schroder, Samuel Montagu, Emile and Isaac Péreire, Lazard Brothers, Speyer brothers, Seligman brothers, Stern brothers, Barnato Brothers, Ernest Oppenheimer, Abraham Oppenheim, Carl Fuerstenberg, Jacob Goldschmidt, Oskar Wassermann, Hirsch, Raphael Jonathan Bischoffsheim, Hambro, Isaac Gluckstadt, Levy Martin, Markus Rubin, Goldsmid, Rosenthal, A. Dunkelsbueler, Eugen Gutmann, Herbert Gutman, Wagg and Co, Medici family, Speyer, Speyer-Elissen, Emile Erlanger, S. Japhet, Ernest Cassel, Carl Meyer, Achille Fould, Luigi Luzzatti, Wertheimer and Gompertz, Lippman.

I have a graphic on my computer that displays the holdings of the Rothschild dynasty, displayed rather like an organisation chart with small boxes indicating holdings and lines everywhere indicating ownership and control. It is so large that to print it in the smallest readable type would require a sheet of paper half a meter in size. Rothschild recently created a new bank just to manage his land holdings confiscated from poor countries. It is difficult to obtain hard information because so much of this is done through no-name banks, agents, related companies, and run through innumerable tax havens. Rothschild owns, among other things, Sanofi Pharma with a capitalisation of $125 billion, the Economist, and IHS which is the largest mobile tower operator in Africa.[9]

Anglo American was founded by Ernest Oppenheimer, a German Jew. Headquartered in the City of London, this is one of the 250 largest companies in the world, producing gold, diamonds, other metals, and nearly half of all the world’s platinum. Their subsidiaries and investments are too many to list. When Ernest died, he was succeeded by his son Harry, who also became chairman of De Beers, so you can see how the families integrate and rationalise their holdings.

The Jewish Wallenbergs in Sweden have been in business for 200 years, where today they own most large Swedish industrial groups like Enskilda Bank, Ericsson, Electrolux, ABB, SAAB, SAS Group, SKF, Atlas Copco, and Nasdaq. As far back as 50 years ago, the Wallenberg family businesses employed 40% of Sweden’s industrial workforce and represented 40% of the total worth of the Stockholm stock market. The market capitalisation of only ten of their companies is nearly $350 billion, and much has been buried in trusts and hidden in tax havens. Swarovski, with their fake “crystal” is another 150-year-old Jewish dynasty.


The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank


In researching for my last post about courtship and dating, one article from the New York Post had this to say about makeup:

“’The cosmetics industry exploded in the 1920s,’ Weigel writes. ‘Previously, only prostitutes and actresses ‘painted.’ Victorians had viewed ‘natural’ outer beauty as a sign of clean living. But around 1900, more and more women were starting to apply cosmetics. By 1912, the Baltimore Sun reported that even respectable society women ‘are seen on our streets and fashionable promenade with painted faces.’

“To counter society’s negative association with painted faces, the cosmetics industry invented a new term: makeup. Not only was ‘making yourself up’ permissible; advertisers were soon claiming it was positively virtuous,’ Weigel writes. ‘By making herself up, a woman showed that she valued her femininity and was willing to spend time and money on her appearance.’”

Do you know how much money women spend on makeup? “According to the same survey data, the average American woman will spend roughly $300,000 on face products alone in her lifetime. American women apply an average of 16 products to their face per day, from eye creams to serums to mascara, according to the same survey.”

How much money do women spend on clothing? “It is estimated that the average woman (with a life expectancy of 80 years of age) will spend approximately $125,000 in her lifetime on clothing and accessories. This will equate to just over 3,100 different items and include 145 handbags, 185 dresses and yes you’ve guessed it, over 270 pairs of shoes. With that being said, age is a huge factor in spending habits, as the surveys show that women under the age of 25 are more likely to average $200,000 during their lifetime, based on their current spending habits.”

What about hair and nails? “The hair and nail industry boosted $56 billion in revenue last year. These numbers begin to make sense when it’s common for women to get a manicure and pedicure twice a month in addition to getting their hair cut, colored, and styled on a monthly basis.”

What is all of this doing to their health? “‘If you think about the chronic conditions that the world is experiencing now – like fertility problems, thyroid conditions, diabetes, ADHD – these are all heavily impacted by hormones,’ said Carol Kwiatkowski, the executive director of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX), a not-for-profit research foundation focused on reducing harmful chemicals in the environment. ‘Prevalence rates are skyrocketing. It’s undeniable that environmental chemicals are part of the picture. And we just continue to ignore them. More than 200 possible endocrine-disrupting chemicals currently in use in cosmetics and personal care products have been identified by TEDX.’”

It’s just not worth all of the money for beauty products that are damaging your health, women, and are incredibly expensive. God cares FAR more about your inner beauty than anything you do trying to make yourself more beautiful. People will notice your inner beauty far more than your outward beauty too. Stop spending so much money on yourself and work hard on becoming the godly woman that He calls you to be. All else is vanity and is fleeting.

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
1 Peter 3:3,4


“What is the difference between courting and dating,” a woman asked me on my last post. Courting has boundaries and accountability. Dating has no boundaries and no accountability. I decided to research the history of dating in America.

“As cultural historians Alan Carlson and Beth Bailey put it in the Mars Hill Audio Report, Wandering Toward the Altar: The Decline of American Courtship, prior to the early 20th century, courtship involved one man and one woman spending intentional time together to get to know each other with the expressed purpose of evaluating the other as a potential husband or wife. The man and the woman usually were members of the same community, and the courting usually was done in the woman’s home in the presence (and under the watchful eye) of her family, most often Mom and brothers.

“However, between the late 1800s and the first few decades of the 1900s the new system of ‘dating’ added new stages to courtship. One of the most obvious changes was that it multiplied the number of partners (from serious to casual) an individual was likely to have before marriage.

“Bailey observes that by the 1930s and ’40s, with the advent of the ‘date’ courtship increasingly took place in public spaces such as movie theaters and dance halls, removed by distance and by anonymity from the sheltering and controlling contexts of the home and local community. Keeping company in the family parlor was replaced by dining and dancing, movies, and ‘parking.’

“We see a change in sexual norms in the West. With the onset of the sexual revolution the question arose, ‘Why would a man court and woo a woman when he could gain a chief benefit of marriage, namely sexual gratification, for free with no commitment?’ (Friendship ‘with benefits’ is a contemporary example.)”

Birth control came onto the scene and separated having sex from being married. Courtship centered around the talk of home and family. Dating gave way to competition and consumption. “Instead, it was a ‘competitive game,’ a way for girls and boys to demonstrate their popularity…You had to rate in order to date, to date in order to rate. By successfully maintaining this cycle, you became popular. To stay popular, you competed. There was no end: popularity was a deceptive goal.” From here came the concept of “going steady” which was long-term sex without commitment. This has contributed to the present day divorce merry-go-round.

“Out of necessity, this cultural confusion has forced Christians to re-evaluate from where we are taking our cues — from the secular culture at-large or from a wise contemporary application of what is taught in Scripture. In many Christian communities, there seems to be movement toward rediscovering, or creating anew, some sort of script that conforms itself to the way God created man and woman to relate to each other. New types of courtship systems where family, friends, and church communities are involved in the relationship provide support and godly counsel to individuals in a relationship.”

A woman told Elisabeth Elliot that she was in a “relationship.” Elisabeth asked her what kind of a relationship. The woman just responded “a relationship.” Elisabeth told the young women that a relationship between a man and woman outside of marriage should only be referred to as brothers and sisters in Christ or engagement, meaning absolute purity before marriage. I agree with her.

We have come so far from biblical standards of relationships between men and women. Most Christians look no different than the world. The world stopped courting and went to dating and “parking” so the Church eventually followed. I admire those parents who are raising their children in the courtship style of accountability and boundaries. This is protection for their children. They are doing what they believe to be is biblical and upholding their children’s sexual purity. They should be applauded, not mocked as many in our fornicating culture are doing.

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
1 Corinthians 6:18