Jewish media explodes with outrage over 4 callers at Walnut Creek City Council meeting 6/6/23, who disagree with Jew supremacy

Wow, Sensitive Jew owned media flipping out.

Umm, we have the right to criticize any belief system. If you don’t like that, move to China, where they don’t have free speech.

Four calls, makes statewide news.

Judge for yourself, do the comments seem “racist” or “antisemitic” to you?

And why does the media leave out 90% of what was said?

Is this what you’d expect from the media, since it’s owned by Jews?

Here is what was said,

Here is the media’s response.

Walnut Creek City Mayor, when commanded by Jewish councilman, censors criticism of Jewish wrongdoing.

What really happened at the Walnut Creek City council meeting. Note Jewish council member frantically gesturing to the female mayor to “shut it down”, when the first caller begins criticizing Jewish wrongdoing. She immediately obeys, shows you who runs things.

Here is what the lying Jewish media said happened, notice they will tell you only that “antisemitisms” happened, but will ignore that what was said was true.

First Amendment rights violated by Walnut Creek Mayor over Jewish criticism.

Thank you for the courage of Scottie, Jeff Perrine, and another patriot, who all called into the Walnut Creek, CA, council meeting to address how criticism of Jewish wrongdoing is being constantly silenced.

Notice, in the video, the Jewish councilman begins to frantically gesture when criticism of Jewish wrongdoing begins by Scottie. It appears he has a distinct allergy to it. Not a doctor, but that’s what I’d diagnose, 😂

And the female mayor responds to the pressure, just like the Romans did 2,000 years ago when they crucified Christ, and she violates Scottie’s First Amendment Rights! She cuts him off!!

Jeff did a great job following up and showing how the First Amendment protects ALL speech, then I went, and the last Patriot upheld “Europa, The Last Battle.”

I have never seen a public council meeting in the last 60 years, where 4 men spoke up against Jewish tyranny. And it happened in Sonoma too, tonight as well. That video be coming up soon.

“Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.”

Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution


PLAYBOY founder, Hugh Hefner, 

died September 27, 2017. 

No man has done more 

to destroy family values 

by making sex an end in itself.While the PLAYBOY philosophywas touted as theheight of masculinity, it was reallyhomosexual 

in essence


This key article describes how baby boomers were brainwashed to behave like homosexuals, and eschew family in favor of promiscuity. This social engineering was designed to induct society into a satanic cult, Jewish cabalism (Freemasonry.) see also: Makow  How Society Became a Sex Cult(Originally posted in 2001)by Henry Makow PhDWhat sort of man reads PLAYBOY?He is fastidious about his appearance, his home, and his possessions. He wants as much sex as possible and chooses sexual partners mostly on the basis of appearance. He is self-absorbed and doesn’t want emotional involvement or commitment. He thinks a woman would stifle him and children would be a burden.Does this sound like homosexual behavior? 

It is also the masculine ideal purveyed by PLAYBOY magazine to men since the 1950’s. At the End of Time, when they open the envelope labeled “What is the essence of manhood?” I suspect it will say: “Looking after women and children. Men act as God’s agent by creating and supporting new life. The family is the red blood cell of society.” But in 1972, when circulation peaked at seven million, 75% of college men got their ideas about masculinity from PLAYBOY, at an incalculable price to themselves, women, children, and society.The similarity between the PLAYBOY and homosexual ideal is no coincidence. “The Kinsey Report” (1948) shaped current mainstream attitudes to sex. It championed unfettered sexual expression and became the manifesto of the counterculture and sexual revolution. Kinsey said that deviant and unhealthy sexual behavior was so common as to be normal. Thanks to psychologist Dr. Judith Reisman, we now know that the “Kinsey Report” was a fraud. Alfred Kinsey, left, a Rockefeller-funded University of Indiana zoologist, pretended to be a Conservative family man. In fact, he was a child molester and homosexual pervert who seduced his male students and forced his wife and associates to participate in pornographic home movies.Kinsey’s agenda, in Reisman’s words, was “to supplant what he saw as a narrow procreational Judeo Christian era with a promiscuous “anything goes” bi/gay pedophile paradise.” (Crafting Gay Children: An Inquiry, p.4) More than 25% of his sample were prostitutes and prison inmates including many sex offenders. Kinsey, who died prematurely of “orchitis,” a lethal infection in his testicles that followed years of orgiastic “self-abuse”, said 10 percent of American men were gay when, in fact, only two percent were. Kinsey and his team of pedophiles abused 2,000 infants and children to prove that they have sexual desires. Reisman concludes: “America’s growing libidinous pathologies…taught in schools…and reflected in our fine and popular arts, the press, law and public policy largely mirror the documented sexual psychopathologies of the Kinsey team itself.” (Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences)HEFNER’S DEBT TO KINSEYThe Kinsey Report inspired Hugh Hefner to start PLAYBOY in 1953.

 Hefner said the Kinsey Report “produced a tremendous sexual awakening, largely because of media attention…I really view Kinsey as the beginning. Certainly, the book was very important to me.” 

With messianic fervor, Playboy took its message of sexual freedom to the American male who, in the 1950’s and 1960’s, still consecrated sex for marriage. But the freedom was illusory. Playboy’s aim, the aim of all pornographers, was to hook men on the glossy fantasy. To do this, they had to prevent them from finding true satisfaction in marriage. In Reisman’s words, “Playboy was the first national magazine to exploit college men’s fears of women and family commitment. Playboy offered itself as a reliable, comforting substitute for monogamous heterosexual love.” (Soft Porn Plays Hardball, p 47)Thus “sworn enemies,” Playboy and feminists, found common ground in their hatred of healthy heterosexuality expressed in the nuclear family. As a result of the (homo)sexual revolution, society now suffers from epidemics of family breakdown, pornography, impotence, child sexual abuse, sado sexual violence, teen pregnancy, a cocktail of STD’s and, of course, AIDS. The birthrate has plummeted by 60% since 1960 and is now below replacement level. HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT HEALTHYHomosexuality is a developmental disorder caused when a male child fails to bond with his father. Psychologist Richard Cohen, in “Coming Out Straight: Understanding and Healing Homosexuality” (2000) argues persuasively that, by having sex with men, the adult gay is trying to compensate for father-love denied in adolescence. 

Cohen was a homosexual himself and is now married with three children. 

He attributes lesbianism to a woman’s reaction to being rebuffed or abused by her father. He has cured hundreds of homosexuals but is under constant attack for undermining the gay political agenda, (i.e. redefining societal norms.)Psychiatrist Jeffrey Satinover has pointed to another cause of homosexuality. A 1990 survey of 1000 gays shows that an older or more powerful partner physically assaulted 37% of them before the age of 19. (Homosexuality and American Public Life, 1999, p.24). In addition, according to Anne Moir in “Why Men Don’t Iron,”some men may be “born gay” due to fetal hormone imbalances. They seem to be a minority.In 1973, the Rockefellers bullied the American Psychological Association into proclaiming homosexuality normal. Together with feminists (who believe heterosexuality is inherently oppressive), gays began to dismantle all heterosexual institutions: masculinity, femininity, marriage, the family, the boy scouts, sports, the military, and the education system. Using their control of the media, the Rockefellers (i.e. Illuminati bankers) largely dictate our cultural sensibility. They are responsible for the obsession with pornography and the occult that pervades television, music videos and the Internet. This state of arrested human development is characteristic of homosexuals who cannot form long-term relationships with the opposite sex. With straight women acting like men and vice-versa, with TV and schools promoting it, we are being turned into homosexuals. SHOCK TACTICSGay activists talk about “normalizing” their gross-out sexuality and “de-sensitizing” straights by flaunting it. I was livid when I took my 10-year-old son to see Adam Sandler’s movie Billy Madison and heard one teenage male youth in the film casually ask another: “Would you rather bone Pamela Anderson or a young Jack Nicholson?” Just as Communists once conned do-gooders to think radicalism was chic, gays define trendy for gullible liberals today.Gay and feminist activists think traditional morality was invented to perpetuate an unjust status quo. In fact, morality is the accumulated wisdom of mankind regarding what is healthy and fulfilling. 

Perversion is the deviation from what is healthy. 

(Relic of bygone days?)

Heterosexual morality places sex in the context of love and/or marriage because it “humanizes” the sexual appetite. It ensures that the most intimate physical act between two people expresses a commensurate emotional-spiritual bond. This is the only way sex can be truly satisfying for both men and women. It is also healthy for society because it provides for the natural and necessary outcome of sexual love, children.With Hugh Hefner’s help, Alfred Kinsey detached sex from love and procreation. He reduced it to titillation like an amusement park ride, or relief like urination. Homosexuals seem to champion anonymous bathroom sex; some fornicate through a hole in a cubicle wall. Most have 10s -100s of partners each year. In less extreme form, this is the model heterosexuals have adopted. Recently a social columnistenviously described straight couples she knows who have just broken up: “they’re out partying, having the time and the sex, it seems of their lives.”In conclusion, the “sexual revolution” was really a triumph of perverse homosexual norms and values. The gay-feminist agenda is to redefine healthy as pathological and vice-versa and they have succeeded. In 60 short years, almost all sexual constraints have dissolved and heterosexual society is reeling. The cultural and social breakdown will only get worse. We need a counterrevolution.

RelatedHefner- A Crypto Jew?    Playboy’s “team of Jewish editors” Makow – Is this Gay Behavior Sick?
Makow – All Porn is Gay  (Hefner watches gay porn)Background on Alfred Kinsey
Excuse Me, Gay is Not Good, by Charles Socarides MD

First Comment by Jude: The corporate sexual revolutionaries worked in the certain knowledge that there’s nothing human beings are more insecure about than sex. As C.S Lewis wrote many years ago, many men engage in extra-marital shenanigans, not out of overwhelming desire, but in order to reassure themselves of their virility, modernity, or whatever. In my experience, the most avid bed-hoppers among men are rarely the ones most appreciative of women – even on the physical level. Instead, they tend to have pronounced narcissistic personality traits. This ties in with something else Lewis said: the lascivious man thinks of women’s bodies, the lascivious woman thinks of her own. The Playboy style stud has a feminine personality when it comes to sex – he’s thinking primarily of his own starring role as Don Juan.The most promiscuous (in the heterosexual sense) guy I ever knew outed himself to his friends as bisexual on a drunken night out. Hefner himself admitted to engaging in homosexual swinging.


The Amazon show “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets” is a lie, women. The entire agenda is to discredit biblical teaching on God’s authority structure, sexual purity, homeschooling, biblical roles for men and women, protecting children from worldly influences, accepting children as blessings, and disciplining children. They made all of these look wicked and lead to abuse. They also made false accusations against Gothard and the Pearls. They said that they promoted spanking children even when they were adults and support domestic discipline in marriage. “If a wife doesn’t call her husband ‘lord,’ there must be a consequence so inflict pain until the wife complains.” This is so completely false! Neither of these men promote this. If they did, they would have had clips of these men saying these things, but they didn’t because there aren’t any.

I carefully listened to the many clips they had of Gothard speaking. I didn’t hear him say anything that was heretical or out of line. Yes, he had convictions about modesty, allowing God to have control of your womb, homeschooling, protecting your children, and many other things that were common among most Americans before the 1950s. He saw how wicked our culture was becoming and taught parents to protect their children from it. Many were raised with his teachings and turned out great. Our culture sure isn’t turning out many great children now; that’s for sure. (Please understand, I am not condoning his behavior that caused him to resign from the ministry, and I don’t know all that he taught.)

 Most of the people who spoke on the show probably had abusive parents which they blamed on Pearl and Gothard. Amy, a Duggar cousin, seemed to have rebelled against the Lord a long time ago. Derrick and Jill were on the show. I don’t know where they are with their faith but accusations were made about Jim Bob owing them money. There’s always two sides of the story, and we have no idea what Jim Bob’s side is.

These people claimed that Gothard’s teaching gave women no rights and that children are to be taught “instant obedience.” They weren’t allowed to go to dances or wear jeans. There were no TVs or radios. They accused the Duggar children of never arguing and being meek and mild, and the parents were peaceful. For some reason, these were bad things? The daughters were raised to do the cooking and cleaning and help with the younger siblings.

They hate the umbrella of protection authority picture with God over all, then the husband, then the wife, and finally the children. They also thought it was wrong for these men to be against public education. They didn’t like that they focus upon character qualities and teach servanthood. ALL of these things that they spoke against Gothard and Pearls can easily be convictions people hold from their study of the Bible!

The show showed a clip of Jill and Jessa being interviewed by Megan Kelly many years ago after the Josh Duggar incident came out. Both girls said they didn’t even know it happened. Their parents told them about it after Josh confessed. They adamantly said that Josh was not a pedophile or sexual pervert (at that time). They were distraught that all of this was exposed to the media. Jill didn’t update anything she had said in that interview, but you can clearly see that she holds bitterness towards her parents now which is sad. (I absolutely do not support Josh and his recent allegations and imprisonment.)

None of the other siblings are supporting Jill and her new book coming out in January that I can see. In fact, one Duggar son was defending his parents in the comment section and was viciously attacked by many. Time will tell, but it seems the rest of the siblings are walking in the faith and have come to their own convictions. Their marriages seem strong, and they seem joyful. I am sure they are heartbroken about Josh and pray daily for true repentance and belief.

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
3 John 1:4

Jews Beheaded King Charles in 1649


King Charles 1625-1649

Most people think that the murder of King Nicholas of Russia in 1918 was the first Jewish excursion into regicide but, in fact, England’s long descent to satanist hellhole began almost 400 years ago when Organized Jewry had King Charles I, left, beheaded. We could add King Louis XVI’s murder in 1793 to this list.

These four revolutions were steps leading to the Jew World Order: The English Revolution (1650); The American Revolution (1776); the French Revolution (1789) and the Russian Revolution (1917.) 


by Brother Nathaniel

(Excerpt by 

JEWISH BANKERS FROM AMSTERDAM led by the Jewish financier and army contractor of Cromwell’s New Model Army, Fernandez Carvajal and assisted by Portuguese Ambassador De Souza, a Marano (secret Jew), saw an opportunity to exploit in the civil unrest led by Oliver Cromwell in 1643.

A stable Christian society of ancient traditions binding the Monarchy, Church, State, nobles and people into one solemn bond was disrupted by Calvin’s Protestant uprising. The Jews of Amsterdam exploited this civil unrest and made their move. They contacted Oliver Cromwell in a series of letters:

Cromwell To Ebenezer Pratt of the Mulheim Synagogue in Amsterdam,16th June 1647:

— “In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.” —

To Oliver Cromwell From Ebenezer Pratt, 12th July 1647:

— “Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.” —

Cromwell had carried out the orders of the Jewish financiers and beheaded, (yes, Cromwell and his Jewish sponsors must face Christ!), King Charles I on January 30 1649.

Beginning in 1655, Cromwell, through his alliance with the Jewish bankers of Amsterdam and specifically with Manasseh Ben Israel and his brother-in-law, David Abravanel Dormido, initiated the resettlement of the Jews in England. (See Sources #2 Below original )



WILLIAM STADHOLDER, a Dutch army careerist, was a handsome chap with money problems. The Jews saw another opportunity and through their influence arranged for William’s elevation to Captain General of the Dutch Forces. The next step up the ladder for William was his elevation by the Jews to the aristocratic title of William, Prince of Orange.

The Jews then arranged a meeting between William and Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England. In 1677 Princess Mary of England married William Prince of Orange.

To place William upon the throne of England it was necessary to get rid of both Charles II and the Duke of York who was slated to become James II of the Stuarts. It is important to note that none of the Stuarts would grant a charter for an English national bank. That is why murder, civil war, and religious conflicts plagued their reigns by the Jewish bankers.

In 1685, King Charles II died and the Duke of York became King James II of England.

In 1688 the Jews ordered William Prince of Orange to land in England at Torbay. Because of an ongoing Campaign of L’Infamie against King James II contrived by the Jews, he abdicated and fled to France. William of Orange and Mary were proclaimed King and Queen of England.

The new King William III soon got England involved in costly wars against Catholic France which put England deep into debt. Here was the Jewish bankers’ chance to collect. So King William, under orders from the Elders of Zion in Amsterdam, persuaded the British Treasury to borrow 1.25 million pounds sterling from the Jewish bankers who had helped him to the throne.

Since the state’s debts had risen dramatically, the government had no choice but to accept. But there were conditions attached: The names of the lenders were to be kept secret and that they be granted a Charter to establish a Central Bank of England. Parliament accepted and the Jewish bankers sunk their tentacles into Great Britain.