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Letter to judge about the frivolous Restraining Order filed against me by the City of Sacramento. Judge Martin Tejeda denied the request. Letter was not read in court.

“I am the gadfly of the Athenian people, given to them by God, and they will never have another, if they kill me. And now, Athenians, I am not going to argue for my own sake, as you may think, but for yours, that you may not sin against the God by condemning me, who am his gift to you. For if you kill me you will not easily find a successor to me, who, if I may use such a ludicrous figure of speech, am a sort of gadfly, given to the state by God; and the state is a great and noble steed who is tardy in his motions owing to his very size, and requires to be stirred into life. I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long 1and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and persuading and reproaching you. You will not easily find another like me, and therefore, I would advise you to spare me.

Plato on Socrates

Dear Judge,

With stunned amazement, I received the restraining order this past Saturday as I walked out my front door to walk my dog. I find it ironic that Ms. Milstein claims she is afraid for her safety when I’ve never been to her home, never had any conversation with her in my life, and never had a single thought about harming her. Meanwhile, she is turning the earth apart in her vengeful desires to get rid of me for challenging her. I’ve been speaking at City Council meetings for twelve years now. In that time, I have been cursed, interrupted by councils dozens of times, interrupted by audiences dozens of times, been followed to my car by thugs, been challenged to fights, had men who came with me physically attacked in the Sacramento Council chambers, been lied about my newspapers, television, and radio, and not a single time have I used violence or threatened violence. Ms. Milstein has seen me speak in Sacramento for over a year. But suddenly, when I mentioned that there is disproportionate power among Jews in the Sacramento government, she became highly agitated. She almost went berserk.

To understand her response, let us refer to Malcolm X’s autobiography, where he describes the phenomenon very well.

“I think I could be speaking blindfolded and after five minutes, I could tell you if sitting out there before me was an all-black or an all-white audience. Black audiences and white audiences feel distinguishably different. Black audiences feel warmer, there is almost a musical rhythm, for me, even in their silent response. Question-and-answer periods are another area where, by now, again blindfolded, I can often tell you the ethnic source of a question. The most easily recognizable of these to me are a Jew in any audience situation, and a bourgeois Negro in “integrated” audiences. My clue to the Jew’s question and challenges is that among all other ethnic groups, his expressed thinking, his expressed concerns, are the most subjective. And the Jew is usually hypersensitive. I mean, you can’t even say “Jew” without him accusing you of anti-Semitism. I don’t care what a Jew is professionally, doctor, merchant, housewife, student, or whatever— first he, or she, thinks Jew. Now, of course I can understand the Jew’s hypersensitivity. For two thousand years, religious and personal prejudices against Jews have been vented and exercised, as strong as white prejudices against the non-white. But I know that America’s five and a half million Jews (two million of them are concentrated in New York) look at it very practically, whether they know it or not: that all of the bigotry and hatred focused upon the black man keeps off the Jew a lot of heat that would be on him otherwise. For an example of what I am talking about—in every black ghetto, Jews own the major businesses. Every night the owners of those businesses go home with that black community’s money, which helps the ghetto to stay poor. But I doubt that I have ever uttered this absolute truth before an audience without being hotly challenged and accused by a Jew of anti-Semitism. Why? I will bet that I have told five hundred such challengers that Jews as a group would never watch some other minority systematically siphoning out their community’s resources without doing something about it. I have told them that if I tell the simple truth, it doesn’t mean that I am anti-Semitic; it means merely that I am antiexploitation.”

Malcolm X said Jews are hypersensitive to criticism, and that’s indeed the truth. I have been falsely labeled as racist, a Nazi, sexist, and an antisemite, which can be hurled at anyone who is White who criticizes anyone who is non-White, at anyone White who criticizes Jewish wrongdoing, or any White man who criticizes a woman. I have never received more threats and danger from criticizing those in power in any city, and I’ve been in at least half a dozen, as I’ve received in Sacramento for noting disproportionate Jewish power and Jewish wrongdoing. Not all Jews are involved; I’ve stated that. However, not a single member of the Council or any City employee will speak to me. For the employees, I’m persuaded that if any of them is caught saying anything to me that is nice or being in the slightest bit friendly to me, they will likely experience hardship on their jobs or lose their jobs. It is an extremely tyrannical and oppressive environment in Sacramento and in many big cities, for government employees and employees of big corporations, who are both run by Talmudic Jew overseers, are threatened with severe consequences at work, up to and including losing their jobs.

Amidst all of this repression and oppression, Ms. Milstein has the audacity to accuse me of trying to harm her and actually consorts with two other employees of the City of Sacramento, both either coerced or deceived, I know not which, to waste city time and resources in filing frivolous lawsuits. I’m frankly very disappointed this temporary restraining order was granted at all, Judge. If you had done your proper homework, you would have quickly found that the City of Sacramento, led by the Mayor, Councilwoman Kaplan, and Ms. Milstein, among others in the government and outside of it, desperately have been trying to silence me for over a year.

It’s the same strategy used in the book of Daniel. Many members of the King’s council wanted to silence Daniel, so they flattered the King into creating a new law to punish anyone who prays. They knew Daniel prayed three times a day. Well, sure enough, Daniel went on with his prayers. The jealous counselors had him arrested and thrown into the lion’s den, and God spared Daniel. I know God will also spare me in this lion’s den, which is the Sacramento City Council chambers. We have another example in the same book of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were all told to bow down to a Golden Idol, or they’d be thrown into a fiery furnace. They all refused to do it, and God delivered them as well. God delivered me, too, as I was put in jail for 16 hours with people who were not all harmless and was spared. Being placed in a jail cell with men arrested for various crimes, some violent is not anything any citizen deserves for simply exercising their First Amendment rights.

Ironically, the phrase that prompted this, which Ms. Milstein doesn’t recall exactly, was when I told her, “Your Day is coming,”. I’m only repeating what the Bible has told oppressive rulers for thousands of years. Psalms 37:13: “The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.” Ms. Milstein and the Sacramento City Council have been savaging my and others’ First Amendment rights for years, which has never ended well in history. Ms. Milstein has a good reason to be afraid. When you interrupt other’s God-given First Amendment rights, it’s like you are riding on a tiger, and you hope you don’t fall off. I don’t have to worry about harming Ms. Milstein. I wish her no harm, but she should be concerned about the God of all creation, who doesn’t appreciate the constant oppression she participates in. The nerve to oppress others and then turn around and whine that you feel anxious and afraid. She certainly wasn’t scared on Tuesday, as Howard Chan normally sits in the City Manager’s chair, and there was Ms. Milstein, sitting as proud and defiant as ever, just like the Queen from Snow White. She does think she is a Queen and gets to use this court to determine who gets to speak in Sacramento. She doesn’t mind abusing the police and the courts to get her will established. I find it interesting that the Talmud tells Jews that they alone are precious to God and that all other races are animals and beasts, and THIS IS EXACTLY THE TREATMENT THAT THE MAYOR, MS. KAPLAN, AND MS. MILSTEIN DEMONSTRATE TO ANYONE WHO CRITICIZES JEWISH WRONGDOING. None of them have any merit whatsoever; they are all corrupt and unfit for leadership, with the rest of the City Council, who are all either corrupt or ignorant, and they desperately try to silence criticism to maintain their power.

Also, ironically enough, the incident on April 3rd that prompted the first exchange ever between Ms. Milstein and me, AFTER A YEAR OF ATTENDING COUNCIL MEETINGS (extraordinary that exchanging two sentences with her and she’s running to the courts for help) was that I had quoted this passage from Proverbs 6.

[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

And, apparently, she wasn’t listening because she distorted the truth, thus becoming the lying tongue and the false witness that speaketh lies. The reason why I was so indignant, to begin with, was that Ms. Milstein and the Council had interrupted my speech for the umpteenth time with their silly quoting of an esoteric code that they use to interrupt anyone who legitimately criticizes their evil doing. They claim you must speak on topics within their jurisdiction, when this council unashamedly supports the terrorist state of Israel, which is 7, 459 miles away from California. Yet, they have difficulty listening to a man who works in West Sacramento and lives not 40 miles away. As you can imagine, after researching for thousands of hours and taking time out of my busy schedule, UNPAID, to prepare remarks, I do not APPRECIATE being constantly interrupted by a council who is too lazy to read my website and who allows ignorant audience members to frequently interrupt too. Any rational human can see the council has been trying to interrupt me from speaking for the entire past year, aided by the Sacramento Bee and other news organizations, such as television. All are paid and controlled by the same body.

Further, we saw some suspicious happenings at the Council meeting on Tuesday. First, when I walked in, Officer Macphail approached me and asked if I was aware of the restraining order. I told him I was, but I never came to the council meetings to harm anyone. Besides, the words I speak in public, telling the truth about what is going on in Sacramento and America, are far more dangerous to the council than if I showed up in front with 10,000 armed men because the pen is mightier than the sword. A man (or woman) convinced against their will, is of the same opinion still. He told me I had to stay 10 yards away from Ms. Milstein. I vaguely wondered if they would try to stop me from speaking but estimated that the lectern was about 10 yards away from the dais anyway. In retrospect, if they were so serious about keeping the fragile Ms. Milstein away from me, she could have gone to the back when I spoke, or they could have given me a megaphone to speak from the back. But, as anyone with half a brain can tell, they don’t care about Ms. Milstein’s safety at all; this is just a clever ruse to silence me. They didn’t mind when I walked into the room and sat quietly in the back, but when I came close to the front to prepare to speak, they became very alarmed, and their prepared plan went into effect. As soon as I sat in the third row from the front, four police officers entered the room. Then, some more deceitful theater was played out.

Speakers turn in cards at the beginning of the meeting. I had turned in three. One for item 7, one for item 10, and one for public comments not on the agenda. So, after hearing the names announced for item number 7, I became alarmed, as I didn’t listen to mine. Fearing there was some mistake, I approached the front to let them know I also turned in a card. After the final speaker on the item, clerk Mindy Cuppy LIED and said, “We have no more cards.” They knew they had my card and tried to hide what they were doing from the public. This is what the wicked always do, always hiding and lying; if they had truth on their side, they’d have nothing to hide. I announced I had put in a card, and an officer told me I couldn’t speak. Finally realizing what was going on, I approached the podium and was immediately surrounded and handcuffed by police officers. This was premeditated. Sacramento politicians and city employees conspired to use the police to accomplish their goal of silencing me, which they have been brazenly trying to achieve for over a year.

Let us review Ms. Milstein’s document. I find it interesting that Pravda, or excuse me, the Sacramento Bee, desperately tries to hide who filed a restraining order against me and what the charges are. Why are you hiding the information from the public if it’s so bad? Obviously, the Bee is trying to deceive the public, as is Ms. Milstein and the City Council.

I don’t go to City Council meetings to ask the council for anything. They are all corrupt puppets, like most City Councils in America, and they hate being exposed publicly. I’m there to expose them. They know if everyone in Sacramento finds out what’s on my website, every single City Council member would be unemployed, and the rotten political system would collapse overnight. So, Ms. Milstein is smart. She knows there is a threat to the rotten political structure she has flourished in, and she tries to distort the facts to protect it. The only danger I present to her is simply telling the truth, which will get her in trouble. Not with me, but with God and every citizen of Sacramento who dislikes being swindled.

Let’s begin with Administrative Analyst Teresa Montesinos’s testimony, which contains the worst lies of the three Declarations. It’s amazing, because Sacramento is $50 million in debt, and Ms. Milstein has time to waste organizing frivolous lawsuits. It’s unclear if the employees will be getting promotions for testifying against me or if Ms. Milstein actively solicited them. As soon as I told her, “Your day is coming,” you would have thought I insulted a Queen. She furiously walked outside and asked my friend, “Are you going to let him say that?” Trying to sow division. She immediately started clutching her pearls and running for police officers. The officers approached me, and I told them I’d done nothing wrong; she was the one who had interrupted my First Amendment right to speak.

On P.2, lines 8-9, she mentions that I was reading Bible verses and spoke directly to the Mayor. This is a common delaying tactic used by many city councils. Even though the First Amendment gives all citizens the right to grieve, which means they can criticize the council, members of the council, relatives, etc., these rogue city councils have taken it upon themselves to order the public to speak to all of them. Any time one city council member is attacked, the rest flock in to try to defend them. So, as a speaker, you are so busy dealing with interruptions and points of order that your entire message is muddled, your time is wasted, and you are incapable of effectively addressing the issues you wish to discuss. Sacramento has used this tactic with me and many others. This isn’t new. I suspect they have been trained in this. So when Mai Vang pulled this same tired stunt AGAIN, I was fed up and told her to shut her mouth. I have only two minutes to speak, I have to endure hours of listening to their nonsense, and I don’t appreciate my lousy two minutes being interrupted by petty bureaucrats who would be obliterated in any reasonable debate by 18-year-olds. The First Amendment is not for speech that politicians agree with. Mao and Stalin also agreed with free speech for those they agreed with. But our First Amendment was designed to protect virtuous speech that politicians HATE to hear.

Why can I listen to them without interrupting, but somehow, they can’t sit still and quiet for a minuscule two minutes!!! I understand if a two-year-old can’t sit still and listen for two minutes, but I can’t understand grown adults, and I definitely can’t understand grown adults who are SUPPOSED to be leading and guiding a city. To watch grown adults routinely throw temper tantrums is outrageous. Lisa Kaplan and others are on video turning their chairs when I approach the podium. These are the juvenile tactics that the Sacramento City Council has been pulling for over a year now. In May of last year, Ms. Kaplan shut down a council meeting, with thirty Antifa thug supporters of hers in the room and thirty police officers within thirty seconds of her, BECAUSE she was afraid when four friends of mine had come to stand up for free speech and against the threats and intimidation that the Sacramento City Council has a history of tolerating and encouraging. This was completely irrational like Ms. Milstein filing a frivolous restraining order. Milstein’s restraining order likely had the full support of the Sacramento City Council which has demonstrated hatred and contempt for the truth being told to them to their faces. This restraining order is just another facet of the royal temper tantrum Sacramento has been engaging in.

Then, in lines 12-14, Ms. Montesinos says that I said “hateful things” against Jews and women. She doesn’t specify what they are. We must remember the First Amendment has NO EXCEPTION for hate speech; this was Unanimously voted for in 2017 by an 8-0 vote in “Matal vs. Tam.” Also, there was nothing hateful about what I said. Denouncing evil is not hateful, and specifying women’s spheres isn’t hateful, either. If women or Jews can’t handle criticism, may I recommend you resign? If I’m in error, kindly point it out, but none of my facts have ever been refuted by anyone in the City Council or outside of it. Knowing they cannot win a debate, they savagely try to kill the messenger. But it’s appalling that we witness repeated conniption fits when people hear ideas they don’t like.

Also, in lines 13-14, Ms. Montesinos says, “members of the public became upset and started yelling.” She fails to mention that Mac Worthy was in the audience, and he was upset the council was interrupting my First Amendment rights. Amazingly enough, after I was arrested this past Tuesday, Mr. Worthy criticized Jews, and the Mayor interrupted his speech and shut the meeting down. We have dozens of interruptions like this on video where the mayor and city council have interrupted speakers, and they have encouraged and tolerated members of the audience (likely paid activists) to do it.

In lines 15-17, Ms. Montesinos then says she began to read “government code section 57957.9,” which is how many councils usually try to silence and interrupt speakers who criticize them. That code is a gross violation of the First Amendment and is unconstitutional. Of course, Ms. Montesinos hasn’t worked for the city for a year, and she’s being thrown into a position to try to violate her fellow citizen’s civil rights. Of course, she has to do as she’s told, or she will lose her job. It’s highly doubtful Ms. Montesinos has studied the Constitution for three hours of her life, so she’s exceptionally unsuited for a position where she’s being forced to decide what members of the public can and cannot say. No politician or employee of the government anywhere has the right to tell speakers what they can or cannot say unless it’s to limit profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, or racial slurs, which I’ve not only never used, I’ve disagreed with others using them to, both those with me am against me. In these same lines, Ms. Montesinos tells two eye-popping lies. First, she claims I said, “Shut the f*** up.” I’ve never used profanity once in my twelve years of public speaking, and none of the thousands of articles on my website contain profanity. So, we are to believe I suddenly used profanity when I never had before?

Interestingly, Ms. Milstein and Mr. Coletto both don’t say I used profanity, so Ms. Montesinos’s testimony conflicts with her two other colleagues. They contradict each other. It’s amazing when they can’t even keep their stories straight. When witnesses have conflicting testimonies, you know something is often wrong. Ms. Montesinos then says I went on to say, “F*** you too, you’re Jewish.” I never used an F-bomb, nor did I ever accuse Ms. Montesinos of being Jewish. Why would she make up statements? If she’s making this up, what else is she making up? And if one witness is lying, would it be safe to say all the witnesses are lying? Lying to a court is a serious offense known as perjury. Ms. Montesinos has perjured herself, and I’m requesting you strike her entire declaration from the record.

That’s not all. She then says I said, “You’re gonna be next,” which I never said. Then Ms. Montesinos mentioned the City attorney told me to leave, and I refused, which is correct, as it was my turn to speak.

In lines 1-3 on page 3, Ms. Montesinos notes that my actions caused her to feel fear and to have a hard time reading the “admonishment” and doing her job. Well, it’s not anyone’s job to interrupt speakers, so when you interrupt the rights given to citizens by God and cooperate with tyranny, perhaps you ought to be fearful. She wasn’t fearful enough, though, because she didn’t mind trampling on the Constitution. She fears weak men who pay her more than she fears the God who created all men. The fear of man and man-pleasing are both sad weaknesses. Ms. Montesinos means well, and, unfortunately, she’s being forced into a job that her unscrupulous overlords force her to do. I feel sad for the employees of Sacramento. Under a repressive and dictatorial regime, they are incapable of seeing they are supporting tyranny.

Let us move on to Ms. Milstein’s testimony. Let’s note first that she’s been with Sacramento for 19 years and has participated fully in its descent into crime and chaos. A rational person wouldn’t survive amidst all the chaos, but Ms. Milstein seems to fit in just fine with the dysfunction. She begins by talking about her participation with the racial equity committee. She’s nothing other than a pawn as this agenda is being pushed in cities across America, and we have citizens willing to sell out, like Judas, if they are paid enough. Racial equity is nothing other than White genocide. This is why diversity, inclusion, and equity are pushed in America but not in Africa, China, Japan, Israel, South America, or other non-White countries. Because it’s an agenda to exterminate Whites, and Talmudic Jews primarily promote the agenda, and Ms. Milstein happens to be a dedicated adherent.

Ms. Milstein is correct in noting I pointed out her and the Mayor being Jews, as they are disproportionately represented in power in Sacramento, in California, and America. They make up less than 2% of the population, yet makeup 22% of the city council; how is that not disproportionate? That’s not all of the story either; we have no way of knowing what percentage of the employees at City Hall are Jewish. Interestingly, we also don’t study race breakdown of crimes in Sacramento, but nowhere in America studies Jewish crime, which is a big problem from what I’ve gathered in my studies. But when Talmudic Jews control the media and the money, I guess they can remove themselves from any scrutiny.

Ms. Milstein then alleges I told her, “You’re going to get yours,” which is patently false. I told her her day is coming. This is a direct quote from the Bible in Psalms 37:13. So she is also perjured. She and Ms. Montesinos have twisted facts on p.2. Line 25, she tells another lie saying she asked me if that was a threat. I responded, “Take it how you want.” And she decided to take it as a threat. Was she trying to frame me? It sure looks like it. She’s sat and listened to me for an entire year and suddenly feels overwhelming fear. Is that reasonable to believe? If she can’t control her fear and anxiety, maybe she should find a new job. I’ve had to face far more dangerous situations with Antifa activists, and it didn’t bother me. It’s funny how Ms. Milstein doesn’t have a problem with angry Antifa thugs interrupting us and threatening us, but she’s bothered by my saying, “Your day is coming,” when she interrupts my free speech. She believes in her rights but selfishly disregards the rights of others. She lies again in line 25, saying I told her, “That’s a threat,” She wasted no time, scurrying around to try to get the police to arrest me right there. She was disappointed that she couldn’t get anyone to do it, as the police understood what she didn’t, that I posed no threat, so she began conspiring and hatching a new plot, working on it, until about a month later, I received the temporary restraining order. Please make no mistake: Leyne Milstein fears the truths I tell every meeting about her corrupt administration; she has no fears for her safety.

It’s funny how Ms. Milstein claims to fear for her safety and that of Jews when she hasn’t endured a fraction of the threats and interruptions that I’ve encountered. Her fears are irrational, misplaced, and are likely simply a malicious plot to silence me.

Let us proceed to the statement by Sacramento finance director Peter Coletto. His declaration is the closest to what happened out of all three, as he largely avoids emotional exaggerations.

On P. 2, lines 16-18, he states that I said, “Your day is coming,” which was a threat, but that’s false. To witness me speaking for a year and seeing me deliberately avoid conflict with violent combatants who attacked my friends, threatened me, and challenged me to fights, and suddenly, he feels, after 12 years of me being peaceful and not violent, that I’m a threat, is entirely irrational. I have thousands of posts on Gab and on my website, and not only have I never advocated violence, but I also discouraged those who wish to use reckless force. So it’s complete nonsense that I’ve suddenly, for no apparent reason, after dozens of heated verbal clashes over the years, decided to attempt physical harm. Mr. Coletto’s statement that he believed my statement and intent to be a threat of bodily harm are not accepted by any rational person. He may have slightly examined my one year in Sacramento, but I’ve had 12 years of doing this without a single violent act or threat to anyone that he is unaware of. Also, it’s unlikely that Ms. Montesinos, Ms. Milstein, or Mr. Coletto ever examined my website, where I go into detail about my beliefs, and never once do I advocate violence or harm to public officials. It’s ludicrous to think a 44-year-old man with no history of violence or violent threats will suddenly become violent over a two-sentence exchange with a petty bureaucrat.

I appreciate your consideration,

I hope and pray that you will disregard this frivolous attempt to silence one of the biggest critics of the City Council in Sacramento.

If you do decide to uphold this foolish and malicious lawsuit, you are engaging in a severe attack on the First Amendment rights of an American Citizen. The city is already being sued, and all who cooperate with this city’s attempts to silence speech they don’t like will also be sued.

Thank you,


On the morning of Friday, May 17th, 2024 Judge Martin Tejeda struck a huge blow for free speech and denied the restraining order.

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