Truth is only hateful to those who hate the truth.
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Recently, I watched a video about Brandon Kirkland called, “From a Life of Sin to a Family Music Ministry.” In it, he shares that he was raised in a Christian home yet rebelled in his youth. What was the catalyst for his rebellion? The first thing he mentioned was secular music and bad company. I was curious to know why other women had rebelled in their youth so I asked those in the chat room and on Instagram. I believe it’s good for all of you mothers who are raising children to heed these warnings and do all you can to prevent the same happening with your children.

Secular music and pop culture were a huge reason. Secular music’s goal is to appeal to the sensual nature. The lyrics are ungodly and far from the heart of God. They mimic the culture around us which is decaying rapidly. I only listen to hymns and Christian songs that are biblically accurate. I want to fill my mind with the Lord and His beautiful ways, not with the world and its godless ways. Raise your children to love and enjoy solid biblical music. My DIL’s mother had them memorize the words to many great hymns of old.

We are warned in Scripture that bad company corrupts good morals. You must take this warning seriously, women. You must keep watch over who your children’s friends are. If you see them beginning to hang out with bad friends, stop it immediately. We are to walk with the wise! This is why homeschooling is far superior to any other type of schooling. Mothers can diligently watch over and protect their children.

Some parents leave it up to the churches to teach and train their children in godliness. This is a HUGE mistake! You must raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. This is the ministry the Lord has given to you. Read the Bible to them on a consistent basis. Have them memorize Scripture. Talk about the Lord throughout the Lord. Be a joyful and thankful mother! They need to see the incredible blessing of living for the Lord being lived out by their mother! If they don’t see it in you, they won’t see any reason for following Christ. Parents with no boundaries and guidelines, divorced parents, and hypocritical parents were all given as reasons why some rebelled.

Divorce causes tremendous pain and rebellion in children. Do everything in your power to have a good, solid marriage, women. Fight for your marriage. Live out biblical womanhood in front of your husband. Be the wife that God calls you to be. Your children are watching you. They need their father since fatherlessness is another reason children rebel. Pray daily for your husband and marriage, that it may be an example of Christ and His Church to your children.

Public school and college are more reasons why children rebel. They are taught false doctrine and bad company abounds at both places even in Christian schools. A huge percentage of children raised in Christian homes walk away from the faith in college. There’s a good reason that we are warned about false teachers and false doctrines in every single book in the New Testament except for one. Instead of trying to justify sending your children to these places, trust and obey God.

Sexual abuse was given as why some rebelled. Sexual abuse is rampant in our culture. I believe the number one reason that God commands women be keepers at home so they don’t blaspheme His Word is to protect their children from sexual and physical abuse, from bad company, from secular music and entertainment, and from every other way that Satan is on the prowl to destroy your children. You must teach your children diligently so they know the signs of someone who wants to harm or influence them wrongly in any way. You must raise wise children who know the Lord and His ways.

These were all of the reasons given why children rebel. God wants us to raise up godly offspring. This requires a godly mother who is home full time protecting, teaching, training, disciplining, and modeling Christ-like behavior to her children. Is this easy? No, but you must remind yourself that you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you! Show your children by your life that living for the Lord and His ways are FAR superior to anything the world will offer and entice them with.

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deuteronomy 6:7

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