Putin’s SOTU … he has a RED LINE also

The link below contains both the video and transcript.  It’s a long speech. Some of it is boring … stuff that deals with Russia’s internal politics. some of it is far from boring … like international relations.  Might be worth your time to speed read through the transcript because, you know, a nuke war with Russia is increasingly being bandied around.  Here are some highlights:

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The vast majority of the country’s Soviet-era atomic stockpile will soon be replaced by modern weapons. Putin said, Russia;

“wants to have positive relationships with everyone on the international stage, including those with whom relations have broken down recently. We really don’t want to burn bridges.”

But, he cautioned that;

“those who mistake this stance for weakness need to know that Russia’s response to any aggression will be asymmetrical, swift and harsh.”

Sounds like a harsh warning. Anyone planning  provocations;

“will regret their deeds in a way they have not regretted anything else for a long time.”

Lots of new military hardware … two thirds of all Russian equipment will be new within the next 3 years, as well as 88% of its nukes;

—  advanced heavy ICBM RS-28 Sarmat missile, 15 warheads directed against individual targets and each deliver 350 kilotons, already being deployed

— ship-mounted missiles and other  next-generation projectiles

— a laser cannon which can shoot down both enemy aircraft and incoming missiles … already being deployed …. and more secret hypersonic and laserarmaments the West doesn’t know about

Putin says Russia developing high-tech nuclear & laser weapons, warning ‘provocateurs’ will regret crossing country’s red lines

Putin had a Red Line In The Sand … but, he ain’t saying what it is;

“We have patience, self-confidence and righteousness on our side. I hope no one will think of crossing red lines in their relations with Russia. Where that line sits is ours to determine.”



In 1996, Pastor John MacArthur preached a number of sermons called The Fulfilled Family. I quoted one in a post a few days ago. The first sermon in the series is called “A Plan For Your Family.” Feminism’s goal was to destroy the family, and they have been successful at doing this. When the family is destroyed, the nation is destroyed. We can’t expect to wander far from God’s design for us and have anything good come from it. Here’s a quote from the sermon:

“Dr. Armand Nicolai II, of Harvard Medical School, sees the trend to destroy the family as a devastating trend. He points to married women with children working outside the home. The tendency for families to move frequently, almost constantly. The dominance of television in the home. The lack of controls in society. The chaos of moral confusion, the lack of communication among families and divorce and all of those things, he says are threatening the very life which we live. Let me quote from him.

“He says, ‘These trends will incapacitate the family, destroy its integrity and cause its members to suffer such crippling emotional conflicts that they will become an intolerable burden to society. What about the future? First the quality of family life will continue to deteriorate, producing a society with a higher incidence of mental illness than ever before. Ninety five percent of our hospital beds may be taken up by mentally ill patients. This illness will be characterized by a lack of self-control. We can expect the assassination of people in authority to be frequent occurrences. Crimes of violence will increase, even those within the family. The suicide rate will rise, as sexuality becomes more and more unlimited and separated from family and emotional commitment, the deadening effect will cause more bizarre experimentation and wide spread perversion.’

“A frankly frightening picture and we are watching it being painted right before our very eyes. There is no question about the fact that the family is under a major assault that people want to redefine family in absolutely any terms they want. There is no question that we are watching a generation of young people rising up who have no socialization skills and no moral sense at all. There is chaos. There is murder. There is crime at a rampant level. There is even pleasure in shooting people incidental to you, just for the sheer thrill of killing.

“Sociologists, psychologists, analysts, and so called marriage and family experts, psychiatrists and all the rest are scrambling all over the place to try to come up with some kind of solution, and they have been doing that now for a couple of decades with absolutely no impact on the slide. Nothing that they are doing seems to slow down the process of the disintegration of human relationships at the very core of life which is the family. You can tamper with society in a lot of places, but if you destroy the family, you destroy society.”

God’s design for marriage is perfect. He created marriage and said it was good. It was not good for man to live alone, so He created a help meet for him. They are to become one flesh and raise godly offspring. The wife is to submit to the leadership of her husband and be a keeper at home. The husband is to protect and provide for his family. Sadly, many of those who claim to love Jesus Christ are not obeying His commands concerning family life. Older women need to teach young women biblical womanhood. We must go back to the old paths that God has laid out for us. In this way, we are lights in a crumbling, chaotic world.

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.
Jeremiah 6:16

Why is Our Culture Falling Into Chaos?

Vaccines: Why Are People So Reckless?


COVID VaccinesPeople make no sense …
by Jennifer(henrymakow.com)
I have had occasion to discuss the COVID vaccine with people who believe in it, who have already gotten and/or who plan to getting it.  
When I try to warn then of all the dangers and side effects including death 
Here are the responses I get. 
 “I hate my life –I would be grateful to die from the vaccine –it can’t be worse then my life” –50 year old male married computer engineer graduate degrees

“We all have to go sometime”  unknown woman 50s waiting in line at the pharmacy to get the COVID vaccine

“If its my time -then its my time I’m ready go…” 85 year old woman widowed, attorney – JD from University of Chicago 


“I don’t care if I die from COVID or the COVID vaccine –I’m just getting the vaccine so I don’t spread it to other people–a courtesy.”  -woman unmarried, 45 years old hispanic teacher. 

“Only a very small percentage die or have side-effects from the vaccine, but there is a bigger risk of dying from COVID.  So, it’s worth it to me to take the risk.  I already go my first shot.” 70 year old male unmarried attorney 
” I got the shot !  No mask.  I had to go out of my way to get my husband and I the shot. We drove to another county because its so packed with long lines in Los Angeles.” –60 something year old woman married, educated Middle Easterner.
One Week Later:  I run into this same woman in the park walking my dog and she is wearing a mask.  “I thought I wouldn’t have to wear the mask anymore. But now they are saying we still have to wear the mask…I got the shot because I was under the impression it would protect me from getting COVID and passing COVID –but evidently that is not the case… I don’t know why I got the shot …. Do you think the vaccine is dangerous ?”


My Reply: ” Yes, I think people who got the shot will be dead in six months to a year.”
The woman just wondered away from me in a state of disbelief and dissociation. Another woman in her 60s was in ear shot and she said thats not true. The vaccines are safe and they work.
Well we will see in one year who was right.



Yesterday, I shared a tweet by a man who goes by the name “King David – the Coach of Kings.” It read: “Unpopular opinion. Single mothers who ‘don’t need men’ are actively denying their sons the ability to become a man. Women cannot solely raise boys into men. They need a father, a father figure, or a masculine influence to enter manhood. Nothing else can replace it.”

This triggered many single mothers. I don’t see why, however. You would think that they would understand the need that boys have for a father. The statistics are very grim for those who are fatherless. It seems that rather than be offended by this, they would convicted to do all they could to have strong, good male role models in their lives.

63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.

90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.

85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)

80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)

71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)

Women do need men. They need them to get pregnant and have a baby. The lie that feminism has caused them to believe that they don’t need men is a lie. BUT, they need good men. In order for them to find and marry a good man, they must become good too. How do they do this? By believing in Jesus Christ. Then His Spirit begins to work mightily within them. They need to work on becoming godly women before hoping to marry a godly man.

The breakdown of the family has been devastating upon this country. Feminism has been destructive upon this country. Marriages no longer last until death do they part. Millions of unborn babies have been slaughtered in their own mothers’ wombs. Children are left in daycares and godless public schools to be raised instead of at home with their mothers.

We, as believers in Jesus Christ, must obey God. Get married. Bear children. Raise them for the Lord. Be a keeper at home. His ways are so good and produce such good fruit. Our children and grandchildren are our greatest treasures in life!

Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6

No One Can Replace a Father


In 1996, John MacArthur preached a series of sermons called The Fulfilled Family. In my opinion, his two sermons on God’s Pattern For Wives are my favorite sermons of his on this topic. Here are some quotes from Part 2 on this series.

“What kind of woman is the prototype of the ‘90s woman? What is the modern super-woman supposed to be? Maybe something like this: she works, builds her own career, demands equal pay, refuses to submit to her husband, demanding equality with him in everything, has an affair or two, and a divorce or two. She exercises her independence, relies on her own resources, doesn’t want her husband or children to threaten her personal goals, has her own bank account.

“She hires a maid or a cleaning service, eats out at least 50 percent of the time with her family or without them, makes cold cereal and coffee, the standard breakfast for her family, quick frozen meals usual dinner fare, or she calls Domino’s Pizza, and expects her husband to do his share of the housework. She is tanned, coiffured, aerobicized, into body-building shape, shops to keep up with the fashion trends, makes sure she can compete in the attention-getting contest, puts the kids in a day care center, makes sure each has a TV in his room, or a radio, or a CD player so they can be entertained. She is opinionated, demanding, wants to be heard, eager to fulfill all of her personal goals.

“That is the modern woman of the ‘90s that is applauded by the culture. She can’t stay married, or for that matter happy, and her kids get into trouble, and sometimes drugs. She’s far from the woman God has called the excellent woman.”

Now, he compares the modern woman to a godly woman:

“She is to the home keeper, to take care of her husband, to provide for him and for the children, all that they need as they live in that home. Materially, she is to take the resources the husband brings home and translate them into a comfortable and blessed life for her children. She is to take the spiritual things that she knows and learns and pass them on to her children. She is a keeper at home. God’s standard is for the wife and mother to work inside the home and not outside.

“For a mother to get a job outside the home in order to send her children even to a Christian school is to misunderstand her husband’s role as a provider, as well as her own duty to the family. The good training her children receive in the Christian school may be counteracted by her lack of full commitment to the biblical standards for motherhood. In addition to having less time to work at home and teach and care for her children, a wife working outside the home often has a boss to whom she is responsible for pleasing in the way she dresses and a lot of other matters, complicating the headship of her husband and compromising her own testimony. She is forced to submit to men other than her own husband, likely to become more independent, including financially in fragmenting the unity of the family. She is in the danger of becoming enamored by the business world or whatever world she’s in, and finding less and less satisfaction in her home responsibilities.

“Many studies have shown that most children who grow up in homes where the mother works are less secure than in those where mother is always at home. I think that should be obvious. Her presence there, even when the child is in school, is an emotional anchor. Working mothers contribute so often to delinquency and a host of other problems that lead to the decline of the family.

“It’s not that mothers who stay at home are automatically or categorically more spiritual. Many mothers who have never worked outside the home do very little in the home to strengthen their families: gossiping, watching ungodly and immoral soap operas and a host of other things can be as destructive as a working mother. But a woman’s only opportunity to fulfill God’s plan for her role as wife and mother is in the home.”

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1 Timothy 5:14

The Modern Super Woman Compared to the Godly Woman

CCP Official: Chinese are Wary of Jewish Threat


Dongsheng makes it clear that the Chinese are fully aware that for almost 50 years, Jews have been subversively using their control over America to try and ingratiate themselves with China’s political elites.

Chinese Official: We Subvert America Through Wall Street Jews

by Eric Striker  (Dec 2020)(henrymakow.com)

A Tucker Carlson segment putting the spotlight on a November 28th, 2020 talk by Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) foreign relation’s expert, Di Dongsheng, is being circulated throughout social media, including by Donald Trump.

According to Carlson, the video reveals that Joe Biden and his supporters are agents of the Chinese government.
What was dishonestly edited out of the segment was what professor Dongsheng really said: Joe Biden is controlled by Wall Street Jews, who the CCP deal with directly when they need something from America.
Dongsheng recounts his experiences with an “old friend,” an American power broker who, in the original video, he mockingly describes as a “big nosed Jew”that speaks fluid Mandarin and has been trading influence over the US government in exchange for a foothold in China over the years.
During the speech, he talks about his initial reluctance when the Jew told him that she was a Chinese citizen, as dual citizenship is illegal in China. Dongsheng hints at homegrown corruption going back to the 1970s, stating that it is otherwise unlikely the figure in question would sacrifice her “Israeli or American” citizenship.


While Dongsheng does not specify who this person is, some are speculating that it is Roberta Lipson, left, a US Chamber of Commerce figure who serves as CEO of Chindex International in Beijing.
What is most striking about the video in question is that Dongsheng makes it clear that the Chinese are fully aware that for almost 50 years, Jews have been subversively using their control over America to try and ingratiate themselves with China’s political elites.
The CCP expert goes on to speculate that China’s “old friends” have been less effective in winning them concessions in recent years due to what he assumes is the waning influence of Wall Street.
Experts in the United States disagree, however. Permanent Washington under Biden is expected to maintain Trump’s aggressive posture towards China for the foreseeable future.
Yesterday, Democrats and Republicans voted together to bring the entire population of Hong Kong to the United States. The bill’s sponsor, New Jersey Democrat Tom Malinowski, rationalized the decision using Cold War rhetoric.
It’s increasingly looking like China’s Jewish “friends” are starting to give up on ever gaining an upper hand over the world’s oldest continuous civilization. The powerful state, its control over the economy and media, and the turn towards ethno-nationalism inside the CCP under Xi Jinping, who Jeffrey Goldberg’s influential Atlantic recently accused of being inspired by the philosophy of the Nazis, is closing tried and true vectors traditionally used by Jewish interlopers.
China’s assertion as a military and economic superpower is also a problem for the Zionist-liberal world order. China has become a vital military and economic lifeline for Iran and has been supportive of Basher Assad’s government against America and ISIS in Syria throughout the civil war. China also exerts enormous economic influence over Israel, a potential checkmate officials in both America and Israel are desperate to break out of.
Bringing the ascendant Chinese to heel is beginning to look like an impossible task. China is not America. World Jewry may have just met its match.


Less than 5% of America’s landmass was populated as of 2003. Overpopulation is a massive hoax.

In an ever-growing effort to provide valuable weather information — or just a vulgar display of automated GIS skills — the National Weather Service is tweeting out images that show how many people are impacted by severe weather. The exercise shows just how little of the United States is populated.

The United States is home to over 318 million people and 2.27 billion acres of land. By 2003, we had only developed about 108 million acres, or about 4.47% of the total land area of the United States. The map above is a great way to visualize that unused land — the areas highlighted in green show all of the U.S. Census blocks that show a population of zero. 

That’s a lot of land we don’t use, and it’s apparent in the National Weather Service’s impact based statistics product.

The graphics, automatically tweeted out by @NWSTornado, are mostly generated for tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings, showing the radar image at the time of the warning’s issuance, the warning box itself, a population density map of the area affected, and some statistics of the areas impacted by the expected severe weather, or…impact based statistics.

Here’s a tornado warning from a couple of days ago around Moline, Illinois. The warning covered 71,248 residents, 20 miles of interstate, one hospital, and 39 miles of railroad.

Here’s another one covering Madison, Wisconsin. Almost 314,000 people were impacted by the warning, as were 80 public schools, one airport, and seven hospitals. 

Thankfully, these are the exception. The vast majority of the 700+ impact based statistics graphics published by this Twitter account over the past few weeks affected less than one or two thousand people. 

Population: 2

Population: 14

Population: 5

Population: 20

Population: 2

For as telling as it is that the land is so unpopulated, it’s also a comforting thought that whether severe weather threatens 314,000 people in Madison, Wisconsin or two people who live in rural Butte County, South Dakota, forecasters issue advanced warning to the best of their ability regardless of population or location. The graphics prove that the agency lives up to its mission statement of, among other things, “the protection of life and property.”



In an article in WSJ called “Cheap Sex and the Decline of Marriage,” you will find that the free, cheap sex that feminism promoted is not so cheap. There are some very interesting facts in this article that isn’t even written from a Christian perspective.

A man named Kevin said this, “Girls are easier to mislead than guys just by lying or just not really caring. If you know what girls want, then you know you should not give that to them until the proper time. If you do that strategically, then you can really have anything you want…whether it’s a relationship, sex, or whatever. You have the control.”

He knows girls are easier to mislead than guys. One of the reasons that God forbids women from teaching men or being in authority over them is because women are more easily deceived (1 Timothy 2:14). God created us more emotional in order to be home with children. It’s our nature. Rather than fighting it, it’s best to admit it so we can be aware of this fact. Women have been heavily deceived by feminism and have lost everything good in life as a result.

“For American men, sex has become rather cheap. As compared in the past, many women today expect little in return for sex, in terms of time, attention, commitment or fidelity. Men, in turn, do not feel compelled to supply these goods as they once did. It is the new sexual norm for Americans, men and women alike, of every age.”

I expected a LOT in return for sex as a young woman. I expected a ring on my finger and an “I do until death do we part.” I am thankful that I was wise enough to understand this fact even though I grew up in a very promiscuous high school with very promiscuous friends. I dated two guys in high school. They both wanted to have sex with me, but I wouldn’t let them. They both wanted to marry me.

“This transformation was driven in part by birth control. Its widespread adoption by women in recent decades not only boosted their educational and economic fortunes but also reduced their dependence on men. As the risk of pregnancy radically declined, sex shed many of the social and personal costs that once encouraged women to wait.”

Birth control has been so incredibly destructive. Radical feminists brought it to America in order to “free” women. All it did was enslave women to a nine to five job and working for a boss, without a faithful husband and children to care for at home.

“Many young men and women still aspire to marriage as it has long been conventionally understood – faithful, enduring, focused on raising children. But they no longer seem to think that this aspiration requires their discernment, prudence or self-control.”

This aspiration definitely includes discernment, prudence, AND self-control. Women must be discerning in the men whom they may want to marry. They must be prudent with their behavior and keep themselves modest and chaste IF they want to marry a good, godly man. Self-control is desperately needed in order to attain these goals.

“Kristin (29 year old woman) rightly wants the men who she dates to treat her well and to respect her interests, but the choices that she and other women have made unwittingly teach the men in their lives that such behavior is noble and nice but not required in order to sleep with them. They are hoping to find good men without supporting the sexual norms that would actually make men better.”

Feminism wants its cake and eat it too, but it doesn’t work that way. An eternal principle is that we will reap what we sow. Feminists are reaping the godless, ugly fruit they have sown. Don’t be one of them. Seek God’s ways instead.

For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.
1 Thessalonians 4:3,4

There’s No Such Thing as Cheap Sex

CNN Tech Director Admits Black-on-Asian Violence is a Problem, But Network Focuses on White Criminals to ‘Help BLM’

CNN employee tacitly admitted on tape that the network is a propaganda arm of the Black Lives Matter movement, and won’t pursue any stories that undermine its racial grievance narrative.

CNN Technical Director Charlie Chester told an undercover journalist for Project Veritas that he knows black-on-Asian crime rates are high, but doesn’t dwell on it because “the optics” are not good for the Black Lives Matter agitators the network is trying to help.

Chester discussed the network’s unwillingness to cover racial issues fairly in Project Veritas’ third installment of its #ExposeCNN series. In Part Two, the liberal employee proudly declared that CNN practices the “art of manipulation” to “change the world.”

“I was trying to do some research on the Asian hate, like the people [who] are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men have been attacking Asians. I’m like ‘What are you doing? Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM,’” he said.

Chester explained CNN’s refusal to report honestly on the issue  “The optics of that are not good. These [are] little things that are enough to set back movements,” he said, falsely claiming that reporting the truth allows *conservatives to create stories “criminalizing an entire people,” rather than focusing on individuals.

But the truth doesn’t have an agenda. It is merely the truth.  And generally speaking, it is the left that focuses on groups, and conservatives who focus on individuals.

Chester went on to claim that former President Trump had demonized everyone of Chinese descent when he called Covid-19 the China Virus, saying it put “so much blame on an entire group. But of course, Trump was only continuing a long tradition of naming a disease after its country of origin.

The technical director went on to admit that CNN won’t report on racial issues, unless the narrative goes against white people.

“I haven’t seen anything about focusing on the color of people’s skin that aren’t white. They [CNN] just aren’t saying anything. You know what I mean?” he said, admitting what conservatives have noticed for years — that the story “loses steam” when the suspect is found to be a non-white individual.

He claimed to not know why this was the case, attributing the enigma to “trends,” and “what people will latch onto.”

Chester reiterated what he said in Part Two about the media being “the greatest weapon” for manipulating the public with propaganda. In a previous clip, he also admitted that the network’s coverage of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz was pure propaganda.

“You can shape an entire people’s perception about anything [depending] on how you do it,” he said.https://www.youtube.com/embed/R7mdc1r5-vw?feature=oembed

Chester’s revelations about how the network deals with race issues comes as CNN covers the Black Lives Matter riots in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota.

While CNN was in front of a police precinct reporting on the “peaceful protests” Wednesday night, a CNN crew member was struck in the head with a bottle, knocking him over, and the entire crew was chased away from the scene.

*Chester initially said the far left would “latch onto” the issue and criminalize an entire people, but later corrected himself, saying it was conservatives who would do that.


Thursday afternoon, OANN’s Jack Posobiec reported that Twitter had permanently suspended Project Veritas Founder James O’Keefe.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=true&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfX0%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1382779993659482115&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Famgreatness.com%2F2021%2F04%2F15%2Fcnn-tech-director-admits-black-on-asian-violence-is-a-problem-but-network-focuses-on-white-criminals-to-help-blm%2F&sessionId=c2793727bf1632088318d8abe4eacc6a3767f1f8&theme=light&widgetsVersion=ff2e7cf%3A1618526400629&width=500px

In a now deleted Tweet, Daily Dot reporter Mikael Thalen said that Twitter told him O’Keefe was suspended because he had violated rules on “platform manipulation and spam.” Thalen said that Twitter cited their rules on the operation of fake accounts to “artificially amplify or disrupt conversations.”

CNN Tech Director Admits Black-on-Asian Violence is a Problem, But Network Focuses on White Criminals to ‘Help BLM’

Bring Back Toxic Masculinity


Feminism, sexual promiscuity, porn, homosexuality prepared us for communist tyranny we face today.
They were designed to emasculate men and ensure they had nothing — wives and families — worth fighting for. 

And that’s where we find ourselves today. Listlessly watching while society is transformed into a Communist dystopia.

Society has been deliberately subverted by satanic Jewish central bankers and their Masonic flunkees, our “leaders.” These are the same people behind the Covid scam.

by Henry Makow PhD

1) The real message behind “toxic masculinity” is all masculinity is toxic. Satanist social engineers have been undermining gender identity for over a century. 


2) A measure of our satanic possession is that we accept concepts about gender that are emasculating and self destructive.
3) What is masculinity? Courage. Vision. Self-sacrifice. Leadership. Strength. Power. Ingenuity.Of course these qualities represent a challenge to Communists.
4.) What is feminine? Self-sacrifice. Loyalty. Love. Nurturing. Beauty. Grace. These qualities represent a challenge to satanists who want to eliminate the natural active-passive, yin-yang dynamic of the universe. They wish to displace the male. 
5. Most women want to be dominated by the man they love.Dominated NOT by force but by his lifelong love and commitment. The heterosexual dynamic is the exchange of female (worldly) power for male power expressed as love.  Women empower men by being submissive. They emasculate and feminize by challenging male dominance. 
6. Men are not going to assume the responsibilities of marriage and fatherhood unless he feels that he is in charge, and his wife is clearly on his team. 


7. Men and women were not designed to compete. They become one when a woman self-effaces for the sake of love. By encouraging women to seek power instead of love, feminists are cutting women’s throats. They are squandering their few short years of peak fertility when men find them irresistible. 

8. Sexual fidelity is the symbol of the heterosexual bond. Sexual intercourse is an act of male possession of the female. Woman want to be possessed by the man they love. The man must know children are his.  Men were designed to obey God. Women were designed to obey God-fearing men. 


(Left, pursuing a woman is toxic, Gillette tells men. Actually, women want to be pursued.)
9. That’s how heterosexuality works: Total power in exchange for total love. We can be kinky too. Heterosexuality is based on a man taking the initiative and winning a woman’s trust. It is based on patiently overcoming resistance. 
10. “The man makes the house; the woman makes the home.”

“The male must present a woman with a spirit that she can embrace. Men generally use money or power to appeal to women. However, a man is much more than a provider or doer. He is an agent of God. Every man has a divine mission and purpose on earth. This mission imbues him with a confident masculinity, which appeals to a woman’s higher instincts.

Do women lose their identity in this process? Yes. Partly. Psychiatrist Marie Robinson calls this their “essential altruism.” Women were designed to find identity and self-fulfillment in their husband and family. This is positive. Ultimately, women do not get satisfaction in worldly achievement. They find fulfillment from giving and receiving love. They are creatures of love, God’s creatures.
The essence of womanhood is the maternal. A woman nurtures and makes things grow. She gives her husband and children unconditional love. Similarly, the essence of manhood is the paternal. A husband gives direction, purpose and security to his wife and family. Everything leading up to marriage is preparation for these complementary roles.
Marriage is a mystical union. Man and woman become one. The sword in its sheath; the record in its sleeve. This union in love is the wholeness we all seek. It is a prerequisite for happiness and personal development. Otherwise, we are stalled, i.e. obsessed with sex. In order for union to take place, a woman must identify her self-interest with her husband’s and vice versa. She becomes part of him. He becomes part of her. Their happiness is one.
Couples who remain “independent” are in competition with each other. They cannot know true intimacy. They cannot know true contentment.——Related Marriage is about Possession
