A historical tour guide at the original California State Capital of Benicia becomes irate over the fact that Talmudic Jews control the world.
Communism Politics Transgenderism News, Friday, December 21st, 2018 Is America’s Military loyal to it’s Commander in Chief? HUGE gop-rep-introduces-bill-to-remove-liability-protections-from-tech-giants-will-force-social-media-to-pay-for-political-discrimination Ruth Bader Ginsburg has two cancerous growths… byRyan Messano
Communism Feminism Liberals: Unwitting shills for Communism and Satanism Liberals — Unwitting Shills for Communism and Satanism June 3, 2020 Liberals are dupes, what Communists call “useful… byRyan Messano
Communism Homosexuality The Banking System is Responsible for Our Enslavement (It’s all black magic. Money is just digits on a ledger kept by the Rothschilds. Occasionally they will… byRyan Messano
Communism Israel Judaism & Jewry How Communist Jews weaponized blacks “Blacks have been purposely misled by the Jewish people who, in previous centuries, built their fortunes in the… byRyan Messano