Why Nuremberg Expelled its Jews in 1499


Alfred Rosenberg’s “The Track of the Jews Through the Ages”  
is the best history of antisemitism I have found.

First published in 1919 when Rosenberg was 26, it is largely

based on Jewish sources.  The book shows that throughout history, 

Organized Jewry has regarded the goyim as material for exploitation. 

led to antisemitism and expulsion. 
Makow – The Masonic Jewish (Satanist) conspiracy against God and man 
is the only story worth telling, and the only

 story that is never told in the MSM. 

pp.19-21by Alfred Rosenberg

(excerpt by henrymakow.com)

If one browses through the pages of the Annals of Nuremberg and asks oneself what indeed had moved the citizens to expel the Jews in 1499, the laconic answer is: “The Jews settled in Nuremberg had it very good. They became increasingly more arrogant and unrestrained. The immoderate usury that they conducted, the insatiable greed that they devoted themselves to, the calumny of the Christians, the daily increase in numbers, finally made it irksome to the council and the citizenry to accommodate among themselves such guests and leeches harmful to commerce”. 52
 If in earlier times already different economic and religious questions had broken out on account of the uprisings, one saw that the problem was not to be solved with these and, in 1499, the Jews were led out under military protection (so that nothing bad happened to them) from the city “in which they had lived for so long and in which they had acquired such great wealth through devouring usury”. 53
That this complaint was totally justified can seen already from the fact that, in 1310, Kaiser Heinrich VII granted the Nurembergers a “privilege” in which the Jews were forbidden to take from citizens more than 43.73 percent and from foreigners more than 55 percent weekly interest. 


Certainly a good privilege! 54 In other cities of Germany it was the same, and everywhere the people heaved a sigh of relief when the Jews had to leave the city. 

The preacher Hartmann Creidius speaks in this way on the occasion of the expulsion of the Jews from Augsburg: “And it is a great advantage of the local citizenry which it has above other cities since the cursed Jews not only suck the blood of the poor Christians through cruel usury and excess but also take away the bread from their mouth through all sorts of commerce and business so that many citizens have been forced along with their wives and children into ruin and beggary”. 55 

It would take too much time to discuss in detail the history of every German city, and it would also be superfluous since the same thing is repeated everywhere. In 1539, an edict was issued throughout Germany in which one read that one should forbid usury to the Jew, that they should be urged to do manual work so that they may learn thereby how to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, like the Christians. Naturally all that was useless.
 If one reads reports on the Jewish trade of the Middle Ages, as recorded by German chroniclers, one notes in them their recurring astonishment at the ever sprouting Jewish sharpnesses that they have to narrate. 

Falsifications of exchange, fake bankruptcies, seduction of young inexperienced people, the children of rich parents, to dissipation, letters of debt written in Hebrew accepted in good faith but, when translated later, containing nothing but a gross proposition, changing packages during purchase, whereby the buyer discovers, instead of the true wares, stones or straw, etc. 


(Alfred Rosenberg)
Often there is added to all the complaints a humorous note of the writer who makes fun of the credulity of the Germans, often he searches for images to drastically describe the relations between as, for example, when he says: “A prince who sets Jews among his subjects acts like a householder who owns a pond with young fish and throws in a rather big pike which eats the lot; Who is indeed so foolish as to keep a goat as a gardener? Who would want to keep a fox as a goose-herd or as a chicken-warder? Be sure, dear authorities, if you wish to torment poor people, just set Jews in your lands”. 56 

It would go beyond the scope of this book if I wished to go into all this in greater detail. Let it be ascertained that in all ages and in all countries where Jews lived in large numbers the same complaints of the people against Jewish fraud and Jewish usury were raised. 

To this fact and its incontestable justness is added another more important insight. Even if there were unhealthy elements among Christians too and there were certainly no lack of thieves and rogues, at least all are united in the judgement of their cheating, whereas Jewish law makes a pronounced difference in the conduct of Jews among themselves and among non-Jews


Related – “Anti-Jewish” 1882 Dresden Manifesto Conceded Defeat

Covid, Ukraine, the Devil & the Jews
Organized Jewry is Essentially Organized Crime

Mark Twain — AntiSemitism Due to Jewish Monopolies 
“With precocious wisdom [the Jew] found out in the morning of time that some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, and that over these ideals they dispute and cannot unite – but that they all worship money; so he made it the end and aim of his life to get it.”  

Mark Twain Identified the Bankster Vampires 

Ever since Joseph’s rule in Egypt, nations have regularly evicted Jewish money lenders in order to survive, Mark Twain wrote in 1898. 

What is the Secret of Jewish Success? 

Written in response to Mark Twain’s “Concerning the Jews” by Sam Peyo
Werner Sombart – Jews and their Temperament 

First Comment from Gordon

This has been obvious to me from the start of the Covid con. I’ve been exposing Jews and their spawn, the Freemasons and Jesuits as the core of the genocidal battle against the rest of humanity and Life itself on this sacred planet for over fifty years. Still it is remarkable to see Jews themselves so joyously declaring this fact. Thought you would appreciate this.


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