A man on Facebook named Dr. K. N. Jacob wrote the following:

“If you are not attracted to him, DON’T MARRY HIM.

“It’s never too late to get married. Marriage matters, never act out of panic. It’s better to be single than with a man you are not attracted to. The primary purpose of marriage is intimacy. Companionship can be found with your family and friends. Children can be adopted.

“A lot of ladies past 30 years make this blunder and later complain how their marriage is sexless. Intimacy cannot be sustainable if you were not attracted to the dude in the first place. Very few men make this mistake. Most men are real on this issue – they go for the woman they’re attracted to.

“The Man of God Moses advised single men to marry the girl they see beautiful and attractive.

“Deuteronomy 21:11 (NIV) – If you notice among the captives a beautiful woman and are attracted to her, you may take her as your wife.”

Do you agree with him? I don’t completely agree with him since he makes it seem that being attracted to someone is solely based upon their looks. For women, this isn’t everything. When I first met my husband, I was not attracted to him physically, but I was attracted to his personality, his height, his athletic ability, his love for the Lord, and his intelligence. (I didn’t know how good looking he was until he stopped parting his hair in the middle, wearing his big horn-rimmed glasses, and wearing a rust colored sweat suit! :)) He was NOT trying to attract any girls at college, that’s for sure.

So, it wasn’t his looks that attracted me to him but who he was. I believe this is far more important to women than the man’s outer appearance. This is why you see some beautiful women married to unattractive men. It’s rare to see the opposite, since men are highly visual. The downside for only marrying for physical attractiveness, which there are probably many, is that our looks quickly fade. What we look like in our twenties is far different than what we look like in our fifties and beyond.

For most women, it’s the personality, the way a man treats them, and the closeness they feel to the man that’s more important than how they look. Yes, most women do want a man who takes care of  himself, is in reasonable good shape (shows he has self-control), and dresses like a man. Most women do want a masculine man. I believe this is more important that physical looks. They want a man who will work hard to provide for them and can protect them. Most women don’t want a wimpy, effeminate man.

Finally, we must remember that love is a choice. It’s a choice you make each day to be patient, kind, and loving towards your husband. It’s a choice to be led by Truth rather than by feelings. Once you have committed your life to your husband, your body is not your own. Your body belongs to your husband, so give it to him freely (1 Corinthians 7:4). In this way, you have a far greater chance of growing old with the man of your youth, and it’s a HUGE blessing!

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:113,14

Headlines for March 12, 2022 — Ukraine is a War Between Satanism & Civilization


(Russia may already have saved us from the virus hoax and Agenda 2030) 
Send links and comments to   Hit BACK to return to this site after reading links.Russia has been Certified NotKosher!

Klaus Schawb, WEF Cut Ties with Russia Over Ukraine Conflict

On Wednesday, The World Economic Forum (WEF) said it was freezing all relations with Russia, and that it would not allow anyone on the sanctions list to take part in its annual meeting in Davos. “Following its condemnation of Russia’s ongoing attack on Ukraine, the forum is complying with the evolving international sanctions and following the rapidly-developing situation,” the WEF said in a statement sent to AFP.


George Soros Calls for Regime Change in Russia and China

Putin Delivers Speech on Moral Crisis of Western States

Shockingly, Putin’s Inner Circle is Not Jewish Oligarchs – 
These are the people actually controlling the Kremlin. The people in charge aren’t the oligarchs. They are anti-American ideologues who believe in something akin to what Pat Buchanan promotes.—-

(Sam Brinton, Assn’t Sec. in Dept of Energy. Ukraine comes down to a war between civilization and Satanism.)

Ukraine’s NATO membership was never “imminent” and will not be on the agenda in the near future, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Friday.

Schmielenski ambassador cites Israel’s decision to cap number of non-Jewish Ukrainian refugees allowed to stay in country at 25,000, claims appeals of those denied entry ‘ignored’

Only Jews can be racists

Israel’s parliament has passed a law denying naturalization to Palestinians from the occupied West Bank or Gaza married to Israeli citizens, forcing thousands of Palestinian families to either emigrate or live apart.

The so-called citizenship law passed on Thursday just before the Knesset disbanded for a holiday recess by a 45-15 majority vote that crossed coalition-opposition lines.



Truth is “hate” for people who hate the truth

$1.5 trillion federal spending bill allocates $2.6 billion to programs that fight “disinformation” and “hate”–

Oliver Stone’s Ukraine on Fire is on YouTube and comes highly recommended



Australia nears living with COVID-19 like flu, PM Morrison says–

It appears AANIRFAN has been de-platformed

(Age 25. Do you feel any schadenfreude?)Hailey Bieber is hospitalized after suffering ‘stroke-like symptoms’ due to developing a ‘small blood clot’ in her brain following COVID

Sure, it was COVID and not COVID vax

British Columbia drops Vaccine Passport April 8th

France Revokes Nearly 4 Million Vaccine Passports

Authorities are now requiring everyone over the age of 16 to receive their third booster dose within four months of their second dosage, which has been dramatically shortened from the original seven-month period


Watch the deluge of Pharma CEO’s, politicians and health officials trying to escape blame for one of the worst travesties of justice in history

 Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla claims Pressured Into Producing ‘Counterintuitive’ mRNA Injections

“Actually, mRNA was a technology that never delivered a single product until that day, not vaccine, not any other medicine,” says CEO Albert Bourla. “So it was very counterintuitive, and I was surprised when they suggested to me that this is the way to go, and I questioned it.”

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tried distancing himself from the COVID mRNA vaccines on Friday, suggesting he only developed the “counterintuitive” technology under pressure from colleagues.

The Alexandre Stavisky Affair: Jewish-Immigrant Swindler Takes Down 2 French Premiers 

Serge Alexandre Stavisky (1886 -1934) was a Ukrainian-born Russian-Jewish immigrant to France who sufficiently captured the government of the Third Republic to bring about a massive financial fraud, and then avoided successful prosecution. The case is an excellent template for today’s New Underworld Order (NUO) Crime Syndicate situation.


Canadian Freedom Trucker Convoy – Where Did the Money Go?

Before Hijacking America, Zionists Hijacked US Jews


Before Zionists took over the US government, 

they took over the American Jewish community 

and made it their instrument.

They silenced Jewish attempts to define 

American Jewish life in non-Zionist terms.

“Today in America, Jewish culture and even Jewish religion have degenerated into ‘Jewish’ nationalism, and Jewish philanthropists, Jewish schools, Jewish segregated services, have been all subverted (with a few noble exceptions) into serving…the upbuilding of the ‘Jewish homeland’…Moshe Menuhin

Oh, my people! They who guide you lead you astray.”  (Isaiah 3:12)

(revised from 2005 and 10/08/2015)

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

The worst antisemites are Zionists who create antisemitism to dupe  Jews into advancing the Illuminati bankers’ plan for world government dictatorship.

In the past, I have argued that Zionism is a protection racket and conspiracy against Jews. 

Before Zionists took over the US government, they took over the  American Jewish community and made it their instrument.

They have suppressed the normal cultural/spiritual/political aspirations of US Jews and drafted them to their pernicious cause.


Henry Hurwitz’s Menorah Journal and  Menorah Societies  were  an  attempt  by American Jewry to see itself culturally and spiritually as an end in itself, rather than a support system for the “Jewish homeland.”  Zionists  suppressed this  free  and democratic  group,  in the same way as they have deprived Americans of their  political and cultural  freedom.


Henry Hurwitz started the first Menorah Society at Harvard University in 1906 and its journal The Menorah Journal in 1915. The Menorah movement stood “for the study and advancement of Jewish culture and ideals in America.” 

By the end of the First World War, the movement had expanded to include the Intercollegiate Menorah Association, Summer School, Education Conference and Board of Lecturers.

Essentially the movement fostered non-dogmatic, non-political study of Jewish history, spirit and culture. It was open to different points of view and initially received support from the central bankers. But when Hurwitz insisted that Judaism had nothing to do with Zionism, and Jews ought to feel perfectly at home in America, the bankers froze the  Menorah movement’s Jewish community funding.


In 1958,  Hurwitz wrote a friend, “We have had more than one coy proposal from this and that wealthy organization to take us over. Our financial problems would then be solved. And our freedom–that is, our true life–dissolved.”  (Menuhin, The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time,  1965. p.366)

In the Autumn-Winter 1959 issue of the Menorah Journal, Hurwitz describes the effect of “bigotry” i.e. Zionist banker control of organized Jewry.

 “This bigotry strikes beyond one old established independent organization and its magazine, which have perhaps rendered some service  to Judaism  through more than half a century. 

“This bigotry poisons the air of Jewish communal life in America. It tries to suppress…the basic American principles of free speech and free press. It penalizes honest analysis [of those] who control the Jewish public tax-exempt philanthropic funds, and hence have the power to enrich favorite organizations, while starving others that do not bend the knees…Thus, they actually hinder here a rational long-view consideration of the best interests of the people of Israel themselves.

 ” Moreover, as is well known, a very large proportion of the supposedly voluntary philanthropic donations are extracted from business and professional men on threats of punitive economic and social sanctions. This must be described as what it is–a species of terrorism. Such terrorism has become a most effective technique in large Jewish fund raising.” (Menuhin, p. 367)

  Unfortunately the Menorah movement died with its founder in 1961. Its work was partly continued by the American Council for Judaism, under its dynamic founder Rabbi Elmer Berger (1908-1996.) 


(l. Menuhin’s son is the famous violinist, Jehudi Menuhin.)

In 1965, Moshe Menuhin, left, characterized American Jewish life in the following terms:

“Today in America, Jewish culture and even Jewish religion has degenerated into ‘Jewish’ nationalism, and Jewish philanthropists, Jewish schools, Jewish segregated services, have been all subverted (with a few noble exceptions) into serving…the upbuilding of the ‘Jewish homeland’…(468)

(A measure of this: Moshe Menuhin had to self-publish his book.)


My guess is that American Jewry is about evenly divided: half is  alienated from all things Jewish; half is under the control of organized Jewry, i.e. the central banking cartel. 

This cartel, synonymous with the name  Rothschild, is behind all major warsand depressions of the past 300 years, behind Communism, Fascism and the Holocaust, behind 9-11 and the bogus war on terror. Nothing in this world happens without money and they control government credit.

They need to enslave us in order to protect this world monopoly.  Their goal is to remake mankind into a slave race by destroying the basis of our humanity: nationhood, religion (God), race and family.

This enemy sits at the heart of our political, financial and cultural life. It has co-opted all groups in the same way as it has co-opted Jews. However, organized Jewry is leading the assault on our freedom. 

They are the real antisemites. They have sacrificed Jews to their agenda before (Communism, Nazism, Zionism)  and will do so again. All Jews will be blamed for the New World Order, even though half are indifferent, and the other half are willing dupes.


Proof of Zionist-Nazi Collaboration

— Eichmann told another story of his dealings with the Zionist Dr. Rudolf Kastner, which ultimately resulted in the deaths of countless assimilated Hungarian Jews, and the survival of the fittest Zionist Jews for Israel, Jews who were Kastner’s friends. Eichmann stated, inter alia, 

 “As a matter of fact, there was a very strong similarity between our attitudes in the SS and the viewpoint of these immensely idealistic Zionist leaders who were fighting what might by their last battle. As I told Kastner: ‘We, too, are idealists and we, too, had to sacrifice our own blood before we came to power.’ I believe that Kastner would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. 

But he was incredibly persistent in trying to save biologically valuable Jewish blood–that is, human material that was capable of reproduction and hard work. ‘You can have the others,’ he would say, ‘but let me have this group here.’ And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful, I would let his groups escape. After all, I was not concerned with small groups of a thousand or so Jews.”–A. Eichmann, “Eichmann Tells His Own Damning Story”, Life Magazine, Volume 49, Number 22, (28 November 1960), pp. 19-25, 101-112; and “Eichmann’s Own Story: Part II”, Life Magazine, (5 December 1960), pp. 146-161; at 146.

Hannah Arendt wrote in her book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil,  “Of greater importance for Eichmann were the emissaries from Palestine, who would approach the Gestapo and the S.S. on their own initiative, without taking orders from either the German Zionists or the Jewish Agency for Palestine. They came in order to enlist help for the illegal immigration of Jews into British-ruled Palestine, and both the Gestapo and the S.S. were helpful. They negotiated with Eichmann in Vienna, and they reported that he was ‘polite,’ ‘not the shouting type,’ and that he even provided them with farms and facilities for setting up vocational training camps for prospective immigrants. (‘On one occasion, he expelled a group of nuns from a convent to provide a training farm for young Jews,’ and on another ‘a special train [was made available] and Nazi officials accompanied’ a group of emigrants, ostensibly headed for Zionist training farms in Yugoslavia, to see them safely across the border.)

Related — Rothschilds Keep Jews Mental Prisoners 

New First Comment from Dan Butler:

A question, would you say that Hollywood and television’s persistent Holocaust and other persecuted Jews narratives are aimed just as much at fostering Jewish paranoia as it is for sustaining European guilt and American sympathy?    

When I was in college in Illinois, a Jewish student got an acceptance letter to teach at a college in Georgia.  He asked me, “you grew up in the south. Will the KKK burn a cross on my yard?”   He was serious.  At the time I thought it was just funny, but now I wish I’d asked him what stories he’d been told to make him afraid of travelling south of the Mason Dixon line.  

It seems to me television, some movies, and all magazines contain a lot of propaganda directed at keeping Jews herded inside the proverbial Pale.   Much of it is fear based and just as transparent as the phony ‘race war’ propaganda that’s been aimed at blacks and whites the last few years.  

On the other hand, the Israeli government tipped it’s hand in 2011 with a commercial in Hebrew directed at young Israelis in college in the United States, urging them not to marry American Jews. The ad was pulled due to complaints from American Jewish groups. Israel gov removes ads

Mike Stone – Mankind Approaches a Biblical Reckoning


“Kind of reminds you of the homo-obsessed

 inhabitants of Sodom, doesn’t it?

Remember that story? 

They were foaming at the mouth to rape the male angels 

who were visiting Lot’s house. 

The entire city was destroyed by fire and brimstone 

because of their perversity.”By Mike Stone(

It’s a miracle. Los Angeles, the beachhead of brain-dead liberalism, the most corrupt and ignorantly-run city in the world, has relaxed its mask mandates. 

I can actually walk into a store now without getting yelled at and threatened with arrest for not wearing a mask. 

I never thought this day would come. I thought we were headed for Australian-style lockdowns and quarantine camps, and maybe we still are. 

But for right now it’s a temporary reprieve.
The kicker is that roughly 90% of the city’s brainwashed inhabitants are still wearing their masks, many of them double and triple masked. My next door neighbor wore his yesterday. 

He used to be a tough guy in a T-shirt. Now I feel sad for him.
Why the sudden change in city policy, you ask? 

The answer is easy. The same people who have pushed the virus hoax for the last two years have shifted gears and are now pushing for World War III with Russia and China. 

That’s the thing with hoaxes, you can only push one at a time. The human cattle can’t keep their minds on more than one thing, so if you’re going to push for World War III, then the virus hoax has to go.
There’s actually a screenwriting term for pushing double hoaxes. It’s called Double Mumbo Jumbo. 

What that means is you can have a superhero movie or you can have a voodoo movie, but you can’t have both in the same story. 

Doing so will only confuse the audience, so you’re allowed only one suspension of disbelief, not two.


What the hoax pushers are saying is they place a higher priority on pushing globo-homo and pedophilia than they do on enslaving mankind and herding them into quarantine camps. Because that’s one of the major reasons behind the Russian invasion: to stop the onslaught of homosexuality and the forced sexualization of children.
Think about that for a moment and two things jump out. The first is that almost everyone operating at the top levels of both the virus hoax and the new “we have to start World War III” hoax is not only obsessed with homosexuality and pedophilia, they’re actually enslaved and possessed by it. 
Who else would kickstart World War III in order to force their perversity on other people?
Kind of reminds you of the homo-obsessed inhabitants of Sodom, doesn’t it?
 Remember that story? They were foaming at the mouth to rape the male angels who were visiting in Lot’s house. The entire city was destroyed by fire and brimstone because of their perversity. Is starting World War III in order to force children into homosexuality really any different?
The Bible says homosexuality is one of four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, and the hoax pushers, by subverting their Mark of the Beast virus hoax agenda to make way for this new hoax are putting their cards on the table. They’re telling you, plain as day, that homosexuality, pedophilia and the forced sexualization of children is their number one priority. 
The second thing that jumps out at this decision of theirs is how they are perfectly willing to engage in nuclear war, to destroy the entire planet and everything on it, in order to pursue their objectives. Either the whole world goes homo and children are allowed to be raped, or everything goes up in smoke, them included. 
Doesn’t that again sound like the people of Sodom in Lot’s time? Who else, other than people completely possessed, would pursue such a plan? Who else, other than those mired in sin and on the road to hell themselves, would support such a plan. Yet the supporters are all there. The very same morons who fell for the virus hoax are now falling for this hoax.
One good thing to take from all of this is the knowledge that those pushing the hoax are completely incompetent. Their lack of intelligence is stunning and will ultimately be their downfall. Let’s hope it doesn’t lead to our downfall.


Mike Stone is the author of:
COVID-19 and Kids: A Parent’s Guide to the COVID-19 Pandemic” available here:“Reversing the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccine: How to Heal Yourself from Adverse Reactions to the Trump Vaccine and Protect Yourself from Shedding,”available here.
COVID-19 and the Mark of the Beast: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Trump Vaccine”
He is also the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.


Women tend to look at what worked for them rather than examining the big picture. This is why I am not a fan of the 19th amendment. I will give you a few examples.

College. Whenever I speak against college, undoubtedly there will be women who will tell me they met their husbands at college and have a back-up plan in case something happened to their husbands. This is great BUT look at the big picture! College has wreaked havoc upon many women. They become sexually promiscuous in college and many turn from the faith of the parents. Then they graduate with a ton of debt and carry that burden for many years.

Women owe two thirds of the $1.7 billion in student loan debt! This debt causes them to work if they have children and have strangers raise their children. In many cases, the husbands don’t want them to quit their jobs since their wives make more money than them, or their husbands decide they like the money their wives make. College is a HUGE trap that has caused great destruction to marriages, families, children, women, and our nation. THIS is the big picture!

Keepers at home. Women will tell me that their mothers were in the workforce, and they turned out fine. They use their own experience to justify why something is good rather than looking at the big picture. What is the big picture? Divorce has skyrocketed since women left their homes. Women are more depressed and suicidal than ever before. Children are being raised by strangers. Women are more stressed out than ever trying to juggle many balls. Wickedness is invading this land. Satan wants women out of their homes. THIS is the big picture. God wants women to be keepers at home.

Submission. Women cry abuse and try to convince me that submission causes abuse. This mostly comes from women who were actually abused by cruel men, or think they were abused by their husbands. Instead of seeing submission as a good thing in marriage since God ordained it and He is good, they attach their own experience to it and pronounce submission as bad. In every institution, there is an authority structure. If the man isn’t the leader in the home, the wife will be. Someone is always wearing the pants and in most homes, it’s the women. God intended the man to wear the pants and designated him as head of his wife and home. This leads to peace and order in the home when followed. THIS is the big picture!

Voting. Women come unglued when I try to convince them that giving women the right to vote has been so destructive to this nation. They try to convince me that they are Christian Conservatives, so it’s great for them to vote! Look at the big picture, women! Women overwhelmingly vote Democrat. There would have been few Democrat Presidents if any elected if women didn’t vote! Women vote for abortion and large government. These are both highly damaging to our nation. Men tend to see the big picture far better than women do. They see the damage that big government has done and is doing to this nation. THIS is the big picture!

Female preachers. “What about all of the people they have led to the Lord?” Women will give me all kinds of reasons and excuses for female preachers. They think they’re wonderful because they tickle their ears and make them feel good about themselves. All the female preachers have done is to water down the churches and the clear teachings of the Word. Women are now more easily deceived, since they aren’t learning truth. Yeah, female preachers can give truth once in awhile, but they are living in rebellion to God by doing what God forbids. God has ordained men to preach and teach the Word in the churches. This will grow up Christians strong in their faith and be prepared to be salt and light to this wicked generation. THIS is the big picture!

I could go on, but you get the point. Women, become wise. Study God’s Word. Look at the big picture. If you can’t see it, ask your husband! What’s good for you may be horrible for the Church and this nation. Seek to do good and what’s right, not what you think is simply good for you.

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.
Titus 2:11,12

Headlines for March 11, 2022


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(Left, Now that the damage is done, Organized Jewry hopes we will forget their crimes.)

More evidence that Russia is taking a stand against globalist Jewish Satanism. 

Woke Jewish media have been shut down.

Memories of Pre-World War Two — Organized Jewry (i.e. WEF/the world central banking cartel) banging the war drums. 

Jews of the World Unite Against Russia – The Real History Channel

From the suites to the streets, from London to Paris to Jew York to Chicago to Los Angeles to Tel Aviv to Kiev, the usual suspects have got their blood-stained fingerprints all over the “crisis” in Ukraine

Demonrat-Buddy Jussie Smollett sentenced to jail time over 2019 hate crime hoax
Actor Jussie Smollett has been sentenced to 150 days in jail, 30 months probation, restitution and a fine for his elaborate 2019 hate crime hoax blaming white Trump supporters for a beating. He shouted in anger to the court that he’s innocent.

Roger has compiled an exhaustive study which shows that most of our “leaders,” Right and Left, are WEF bumboys

Roger. “I’d love for this to play a role in eradicating the idea that the conspiracy is theory.”

The WEF and the Liberals’ agenda for Canada  by Chris George

MP Colin Carrie rose in the House of Commons to enter into the debate on the use of the Emergency Act, and began posing a question to the government benches, “Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum, and he bragged how his subversive WEF has ‘infiltrated’ governments around the world. In the interests of transparency, could the member please name which cabinet ministers are on board with the WEF’s agenda…” 

The MP was interrupted by the Speaker who claimed the parliamentary audio and video were not working. Then MP Charlie Angus immediately took the floor on a point of order to say that Carrie was “openly promoting disinformation.” With that outburst, the Speaker looked passed Carrie and recognized another MP to speak. 

Carrie’s question about the WEF and the Trudeau Cabinet was purposely ignored. So, “in the interests of transparency,” here are the pertinent facts that were denied parliamentarians.

United Airlines to Let Workers Who Didn’t Get COVID-19 Vaccine Return to Work

British man goes to Kiev but can’t find any signs of war. Describes it as a movie set

Harvard University silenced its best professor for debunking the race narrative

He is a bad Uncle Tom.  So Jews charge him with “sexual harassment.”—

Stephen Lendman  — Russia gives JewAmerica the raised Middle Finger

“(M)easures designed to support the Russian economy (include) a mechanism for the nationalization of the property of foreign” enterprises that suspended or otherwise shut down their operations in the country.


Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion

“There is nothing cruder than the Jewish religious books: the Talmud, the Chulchan-aruch, the Books of Moses and the prophets.”

Judaism is Ruin, Destruction, Downfall and Murder!

This is an excerpt from a Nazi book by Robert Ley. Eighty per cent of Jews are clueless about the Jewish religion. Ley’s generalizations about Jews are as gross as the teachings he condemns. Yes Jews do have a disproportionate number of criminals, satanists and perverts which might be due to the “religion.” But we seem to have a disproportionate number of everything, including some positive things. The few Jews I know are ethical. I am the inventor of the game Scruples based on the principle that Morality (God, Spirit) is the Fourth Dimension. You cannot feel good unless you are Good.

 Black Jews Are Being Chased Out Of the Jewish Community By Racism. Here Are Their Stories. – The Jewish Forward


Joseph Mercola–

Globalists are intent on mandating digital IDs. Here’s how you can fight back

Disguised as a tool for convenience and safety, digitized ID’s, such as mobile driver’s licenses, are coming and will be embedded into everyday life and used to control everything from food and sustainability to travel and mobility.

 Convoy organizer recounts repercussions of Trudeau’s convoy crackdown

Tom Marazzo has had his bank account frozen, his name on a $306-million lawsuit, and is now in the midst of a massive criminal investigation due to his role in the Freedom Convoy’s organization.

Meanwhile gay Jew BJ Dichter walks free

Headlines for March 10, 2022 – Jewish Planner Predicted WW3 Would Start in Ukraine


Please send comments and links to Jacques Attali, France’s Henry Kissinger, predicted in 2014 that World War III would start with Ukraine.

He predicted a future of borderless nations, stating, “Above all, what remains especially important is to invent a republic without territory, without walls. Diasporic.”  No nation states allowed in the Jew World Order. 

Attali then pivots to “Income,” which he predicts “Universal Income” and working from home via “telecommuting”:

Every person will perhaps one day have the right to a decent income paid by the state independent of any activity: The Universal Income….More than half of all workers will no longer be employed…Working from home via telecommuting (home office) will account for half of all jobs.In 1981, he wrote-  “Euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good. 

“We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their  own.” 

More “prophesies” here.


The Saker say Russia is winning the war but losing the PR battle. He says Ukraine was planning to attack the Donbass.

——Ukrainian soldier credits England with providing the anti-tank weapons used to destroy Russian column. This does put the UK at war with Russia. 

Russia Tells the US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons” (VIDEO)

————–The biolaboratories were closed in a hurry, the department explained, because of the Pentagon’s fears that “Russian experts would confirm the violation by Ukraine and the United States of the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons . “
          (This translated in Chrome) 

—-Black Rock’s Russian Losses suggests that not all Jews got the call, as they did on 9-11

Oliver Stone
“Ukraine On Fire”
Bombshell Documentary
Censored By YouTube
Russian Aggression or American Interference?
You Decide



from Natascha Janssen in the Netherlands:
As many of you may know, my mother was born in the former Soviet Union, in Ukraine, where my extensive family is a mix of Russians and Ukrainians. Because of this, I feel called to share my vision on the developments in Ukraine.
With my Russian/Ukrainian roots, I love both nations very much, centuries-old brotherly nations merging with each other. When you asked my Ukrainian-born mother if she felt more Russian than Ukrainian, she replied, ‘That’s a weird question I have no answer to. There is a difference in our language, our music and dance but our hearts are one.’
This is how I was raised and spent 40 years — the most beautiful holidays of my life — in love and togetherness, experienced in Russia and Ukraine, in the former Soviet Union.
It’s good that everyone in the Netherlands is now speaking out against waging a war. No one supports war. 
But why was everyone silent when that war started 8 years ago?
Why didn’t everyone swear at the slaughter of thousands of citizens in Eastern Ukraine?
Why didn’t everyone swear at Ukraine for not following the Minsk agreements?
Where was everyone who looked away when 52 people were burnt alive in Odessa?
Where was everyone who thought it was fine that a 2014 elected government was overthrown and a major European country was taken over by bunch of neo-nazis?
Where was everyone when the Ukrainian regime took away from Russian Ukrainians their basic human rights? 
Speaking Russian was banned, the right to pensions disappeared for Russian Italians, and children who spoke Russian and had Russian names and were no longer welcome at school.
Where was everyone when torch rallies were organized by neo nazis spouting slogans like “Russians on the gas”?—-This video makes Ukraine look like the pharmaceutical poison-capitol of the world


Austria suspends mandatory Covid vaccination law
EU’s first such rule dropped just a month after it took effect, as minister says it can no longer be justifiedIt was never justified.


The Disappearance of the Annual Flu Which was Replaced with COVID-19 Shows Corruption at its Highest Level at the CDC

At the beginning of March, 2022, official government health statistics in Europe and the United States are reporting that 65,615 people have now died following COVID-19 injections.
These are “passive” reporting systems, so the true lives lost is much higher. One study estimates that the unreported factor for COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths is 41X, which would put these totals at closer to 2.8 MILLION deaths, and that is just in the U.S. and certain countries in Europe.

People who had their accounts frozen for donating to the truckers’ Freedom Convoy will have them marked for life, says the Canadian Bankers Association.
Blacklock’s Reporter said bankers also disclosed they froze accounts of individuals who never appeared on an RCMP blacklist of 257 names.

—-Amy Lee on website devoted to reports of adverse reactions experienced by medical professionals-
6 months after second Pfizer shot. I feel inflammation over my body here and there but lately it’s getting worse. Sometimes it’s just a sensation, tender to touch skin and/or reddish skin. Other times the inflammation is visible especially on my hand, wrists and knees.

Has anyone experienced this? I have no doubt this is vaccine related as I had multiple system and heart inflammation after the first dose and had to go to the ER.

Any tips on how to overcome this would be greatly appreciated. I feel like crawling out of my skin…

Targeted Individuals, all over the world, are being burned with microwave weapons.  These microwave attacks generally come from Cell Towers (digital beamforming) and satellites (Vircator).  The weapons are controlled from Schriever Air Force Base near Colorado Springs, under General John Raymond.  The program is secretly funded and directed by the CIA.  

We are political activists, whistleblowers, and scientists.

#DeFundCIA——————-CAUTION:  Images are disturbing.

Shackleton’s lost ship is FOUND: Endurance is discovered at the bottom of Antarctica’s Weddell Sea, 107 years after it sank – and it’s still in remarkable condition
 Endurance has been found 107 years after it became trapped in sea ice and sank off the coast of Antarctica
    Sir Ernest Shackleton’s wooden ship had not been seen since it sank in Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean in 1915
    The Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust said Endurance was discovered at a depth of 9,868 feet (3,008 metres)
    Shackleton planned the first land crossing of Antarctica from Weddell Sea via the South Pole to the Ross Sea 
    Remarkable footage of the wreck shows it has been astonishingly preserved, with the ship’s wheel still intact
    The Antarctic circumpolar current has acted as barrier to the larvae that could have degraded the ship’s wood

Gonzalo Lira — The Ukraine Thing is Jewish Link

Golanzo Lira is a Chilean Roman Catholic living in Ukraine. He says  Jewish billionaires PURPOSELY started this war to destroy Russia and unseat Putin. 

“This is what its all about–and still STEAL Crimea for Kolomoyskyi. Soros, Bloomberg, Kolomoyskyi, Tom Steyer, Zuckerberg–THEY ALL WORK TOGETHER–It is the Jewish mafia but on the World Stage” 

Who Is Zelensky? A Puppet–and Here’s Why  (2 hrs)

by W. Lindsay Wheeler

We all know that Zelensky is Jewish. Right? 

Did you know that 3/4 of his cabinet is Jewish? 

Did you know that he has a Jewish Handler? 

Golanzo outs the rise of Zelensky and the guy who shepherded him into politics and still guides him today. 


Have you heard of Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi? He is a prominent member of Chabad. (left)

According to Golanzo, this guy is a very very very bad man; he used mafia tactics to rise to the top and he is one of the many billionaires of Ukraine. 

He started his own media Empire (aka Rudolf Murdoch of Fox News). 

He then created a show about a teacher becoming president of Ukraine. He chose Zelensky and then used his money to promote the show. 

Golanzo states that Zelensky is a puppet of Kolomoyskyi. Kolomoyskyi HATES RUSSIANS. He has business dealings in the Donbass where there are huge mineral and metal companies. 

Golanzo says Kolomoyskyi has BOTH religious and racial animosity towards the Russians and seeks to destroy them. 

It is Kolomoyskyi that set up the Azov brigade and the other neo-Nazi units in the Donbass area. 

Golanzo has a tremendous knowledge about the history and goings on in Ukraine. 

Do you know that there are pics of John McCain at the Maiden revolt in Ukraine praising the coup? 

Do you know that Lindsay Graham was in Ukraine in 2019 praising the Ukrainian push to oust the Russians from the Donbass? …praising the nationalism of the Ukrainians?

Let me bring to you the BIG picture, the Global Overarching goal that ties this all together. Ask yourself, 

Why did we go into Iraq and unseat Saddam Hussein? 

Libya and unseat Mohammar Ghaddafi? 

And tried to take out Assad in Syria? 

What does Russia, Iraq, Libya and Syria have in common? 

Dictatorships….Authoritarianism. –Separationism! What is a Dictatorship? A pseudo-Monarchy! 

Why is it that George Soros called Xi as a betrayer? 

The WHOLE thing is Jewish. 

The people who pushed the Iraq War were Neocons–who were what? —ALL Jewish! 

It is the Rich Jews who laid it upon themselves to accomplish the World Republic-and that means EVERYBODY has to have democracy! 

Democracy is the vehicle for the Jewish World Republic and their “messiah” to come. 

It is about rebuilding the Tower of Babel so one of them sits on top. 

This whole thing is a continuation of the modern Republican movement that ended Christendom, Western Civilization of Throne and Altar! 

And THAT is why you see this massive propaganda campaign, economic warfare against Russia. 

They PURPOSELY started this war to destroy Russia; they want unrest IN Russia to unseat Putin. 

This is what its all about–and still STEAL Crimea for Kolomoyskyi. Soros, Bloomberg, Kolomoyskyi, Tom Steyer, Zuckerberg–THEY ALL WORK TOGETHER–It is the Jewish mafia but on the World Stage! 

Everybody and anybody in Power has a Jewish Handler. Nixon his Kissinger. Bush his Neocons, Trump his Kushner. 

It is ALL about destroying Dictatorships and implementing “Democracy.”
Democracy is Jewish government!
Related– Israel Shamir- The Fateful Triangle – Israel, Ukraine and the Jews

Headlines for March 9, 2022 – Russia Challenges Satanist World Order

Send links and comments to“The Russian army is the last bastion against the satanic new world order.” —Russian Officer’s Handbook

This supports the ‘Putin is a WEF defector’ theory

4. Russian officer – warrior by soul. Its been like this for centuries. Russia and the Russian army – the last frontier, “holding” back the satanic “new world order” from the offensive. Until faith becomes officers support, the army itself can’t support the society and the government. “Don’t be nervous, don’t fall into cowardice, don’t hurry God… if you’re a warrior, then fight!”
Makow Comment— The fact that most US corporations are shuttering their Russian operations, and countries like Japan, South Korea and Singapore are sanctioning Russia suggests that this invasion is a legitimate challenge to the Cabalist JEW WORLD ORDER, and not just a charade. Ukraine was the tip of the satanist spear aimed at Russia’s heart. If this is true, I can’t see either side backing down. 

The people who support Zelensky are pushing the jabs. The Masonic Jewish central banking cartel is behind both. The coercion, lying and gas lighting come from the same sources.I can’t understand why so many Ukrainians are fleeing. Clearly Russia is not targeting civilians. I expect the Ukrainian army is causing this exodus in order to garner sympathy. 

Report: Putin not demanding regime change as ceasefire talks reach critical junctureIsraeli officials familiar with negotiations say Zelensky will have to decide whether to accept Russian proposal for demilitarized Donbas region or risk significant escalation

But Ukraine’s comedian is in no mood to compromise. ‘We’ll fight in forests, fields, streets’: Zelensky channels Churchill in UK speech

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, invoking the wartime defiance of British prime minister Winston Churchill, vowed Tuesday to “fight to the end” in a virtual speech to UK lawmakers.

“We will not give up and we will not lose,” he said, giving a day-by-day account of Russia’s invasion that dwelt on the costs in lives of civilians including Ukrainian children. “We will fight to the end, at sea, in the air. We will continue fighting for our land, whatever the cost.”


Irish Savant says Russia can survive without the West but can the West survive without Russia’s raw materials?

Crisis Actors Pretending to be dead Ukrainians Can’t Keep Still and Fox News Talking Heads Can’t Stop Lying

Reader—“YOU MUST read this blogpost. I almost can’t believe it—-but the US Navy in cahoots with Ukraine tried to take Sevastopol back in 2014. What this story relates makes me sick to my stomach and I can’t fathom on who the hell thought this up.”

 2019 BBC short item on Zelinsky’s campaign for Presidency 

Interviews With Residents of Donbas – ‘Ukrainian military has been attacking is since 2016’
JewArmerica is the aggressor 

What’s happening with Russia follows the plan elaborated by the Rand Corporation in 2019.

“This brief summarizes a report that comprehensively examines nonviolent, cost-imposing options that the United States and its allies could pursue across economic, political, and military areas to stress–overextend and unbalance–Russia’s economy and armed forces and the regime’s political standing at home and abroad.”
Reader–“Putin HAD TO  invade because for some reason—America was going to seize Crimea anyway!  What in a million years do we want to take Crimea for? It has ALWAYS been Russian! I was wondering why Zelensky kept on demanding Crimea when I even know it was never “Ukrainian”!



My family farms. My brother got the pricing Friday. He sent this to me last night regarding prices. This isn’t just about gas.

Russell Brand —– “The Narrative Is Collapsing” on YouTube
Florida Becomes First State to STOP Vaccination of Children–

Medical Evisceration of America’s Military
Guest post by Kelleigh Nelson

2/3 of soldiers have been vaccinated

–32 min video compares US and Chinese versions of TikTok. The Chinese version is designed to make viewers better citizens. The US version is designed to infantiIize and corrupt. Video argues Chinese seek world conquest.

A peak into the real world of US Entertainment
Britney Spears-Illuminati slave.

Reader–“Anatoly Golitsyn said sometime around 1960 that there was a deliberate strategy on the part of the Soviets to make it seem like the Soviet Union would fall, while in reality it would only change name and shape. He called it “The Perestroika Deception”, and he correctly predicted a lot of things that happened since he made his claims – such as the fall of the Berlin Wall!  Here are two excellent interviews about it – I found them highly worthwhile watching – total viewing time is 1,5 hours, but you’ll quickly see if you find it useful or interesting:
(check out the first (pinned) comment, too!)