The “Plan” — Vax Holocaust Will Ignite Total Anarchy


(The “Plan” is for the betrayed vaccinated to revolt and create a state of anarchy, such as seen in the Mad Max movies, left. The global government will save the day.)

A billionaire in NZ supposedly leaked this info to a service provider he befriended. 
The goal, of course, is a return to feudalism in a one-world government tyranny.
“The PLAN is to turn each citizen violently against his own government” when the vaccines result in mass deaths. The people promoting the vax will take the fall. That’s why they are so disposable. Biden is almost dead. Fidelito is a twit.
The damage timeline for the mRNA vaccines is 2-3 years. The mRNA uptake “has exceeded their wildest expectations.”

There is an antidote which only a few will get. They will still need people to serve them.
The anger of the vaxed who are maimed and dying will result in the destruction of all social institutions. They will “burn their government to the ground.”In the wake of anarchy, a new global government will emerge as “the great saviour.” 
Is this why some prominent anti vaxers belong to a Masonic organization?  They believe in telling us in advance what they’re going to do. Are these some of the people the billionaire says they “recruited?” Is this why Twitter now allows anti-vaccine info to circulate?
Disclaimer- Obviously I don’t know if this worst case scenario will play out. I certainly hope it doesn’t. But we should be mindful of it.

Source- Reddit Conspiracy


Two articles recently caught my eye. One was titled The Married Will Soon Be the Minority and the second one Traditional Masculinity Officially Labeled Harmful by the American Psychological Association. This past summer, I wrote a few posts about the harm of psychology. This article should seal the deal for all of you.

From the first article about marriage: “Marriage as the prevailing ideal is losing its grip. And the stigma of being unmarried is also losing its grip, as it should. Now government policy that rewards the married while punishing the single must also loosen up.” Why is marriage losing its grip? Fornication and porn for one. Men don’t need to marry since they can have sex for free. Feminism for another. Women no longer need a man since they can have careers and make their own money.

God never intended any of this for His children. Fornication is a sin against one’s own body. I listened to a fantastic sermon by Costi Hinn recently on sexual purity. He taught that young people need to be taught to be sexually pure in order to please God. Pleasing the Lord should be our aim in life. His ways are for OUR good! Just as children who have been deeply loved and diligently disciplined by their parents grow up wanting to please their parents, those same children who have been also taught the depths of the riches of the Lord will grow up to want to please the Lord.

Our culture is trying to idolize singleness, and the Church isn’t doing much better. Singleness is an affliction for those who desire marriage, who love the Lord, and who burn. God created marriage and called it good. He said that it was not good for man to be alone, so God created a help meet for him. Marriage is God’s design for humanity. Stable nations have stable families. When the family falls apart, so does the nation, as we are witnessing in our nation.

Not only has our wicked culture tried to water down the definition of marriage and even do away with it, they have also tried to get rid of Patriarchy and masculinity. From the above mentioned article: “‘Traditional masculinity ideology has been shown to limit males’ psychological development, constrain their behavior, result in gender role strain and gender role conflict and negatively influence mental health and physical health,’ according to the 36-page report, featured in January’s issue of Monitor on Psychology…The APA also invoked a series of of sobering statistics to emphasize that ‘traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful.’”

They essentially want men to be women! Feminism’s goal was for women to become men. It’s all so messed up! We wouldn’t have had this once great nation without masculine men. They were created by God Almighty to be the providers, protectors, and builders of societies. Solid intact families who love the Lord and His ways are the ones who must be raising up godly, feminine women who love God’s roles for them, and godly, masculine men who also love God’s roles for them. This is what we need! We don’t need less marriage and less masculinity. We need more solid, biblical marriages and more godly masculinity. These were created by God, but, of course, a wicked culture wants to get rid of them.

Strengthen your marriage, women, by becoming the wife that God has called you to be. Show the world how marriage is done! Let your man be a man. Don’t try to make him into your girlfriend. Men are wired differently for a reason, and it’s good. Let him lead and guide your family as God has commanded him to do. God’s ways are perfect. Trust Him.

And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Matthew 19:4-6

Culture is Destroying Marriage and Masculinity

Texe Marrs in 2018- Cabalist Agenda is to Enslave Mankind

blood_covenant_cover (1).jpg

“The plan of the Jews is to employ the tools of chaos magic –to use deception, lies, craft and magic —to obtain… the conquest of the Gentile world… and the establishment of a [satanic] Kingdom on earth.Thus the world will eventually be “mended” (repaired or restored) and “made perfect.” Perfect for them, the Jews that is. For Gentiles, unholy hell will have arrived on earth.” (p.26)This is “the Jewish Utopia.”  Sounds farfetched,  but it explains much of what is happening today.  

This article was posted on March 10, 2018Texe Marrs, a great prophet, died November 23, 2019. Now it’s all coming to pass. 

by Henry Makow PhD

In his latest book, Texe Marrs provides a rude reminder of the “big picture” behind world events. The West is already controlled by satanistJews whose goal is to establish a technological police state akin to Stalin’s darkest days and to slaughter any Christians or Muslims stubborn enough to adhere to Christ or Mohammed.  
This seems farfetched but daily events confirm this analysis. They have used the banking system to subvert and control all social institutions worldwide. They carry out a mass shooting in Florida and no one is questioning the authenticity of this event? Here are the real shooters. yMHpU3vMzuRJCTWK.mp4 Instead, they enlist an army of child fanatics to disarm adults. 
Why do they have to disarm the goyim? So the goyim cannot defend themselves from a planned terror such as took place in previous Masonic Jewish revolutions in France and Russia.  
They censor free speech on the Internet. They sabotage gender and coerce girls into seeking high-powered careers instead of becoming wives and mothers. By destroying femininity and masculinity (heterosexuality) they are thwarting the fundamental alchemy of reproduction. This upending of nature is at the heart of Satanism. Western society is being inducted into a satanic cult, call it Communism. 
They promote migration and miscegenation. There is blanket mass surveillance. We are the target of the most hateful campaign of social engineering but are accused of “hate speech” if we so much as mention it. How more diabolical can you get? The Communist (Satanist) takeover has already occurred. They’re just waiting for the right moment to take off the final wraps. 


In his new book, Texe Marrs reminds us that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. THE WORSHIP OF DEATH Is the aim of Satanism. The goal is the destruction of everything that is wholesome and good. The population has been lulled to sleep by the Jewish-controlled media. They won’t know what hit them.
Marrs says that Zionism is the “most satanic and depraved form of racial supremacism”. He blames Zionism and its ugly twin Communism for 250 million deaths in the last century. He sees a hideous “beast slouching toward Bethlehem” in the form of a merciless Jewish tyranny already on full display in Palestine. Palestine might be the dry run. US police are trained by Israel.
“Humanity has long had a rendezvous with this cruel beast. We cannot escape…his psychopathic and barbaric criminal insanity…He is the epitome of consummated evil..” (14)
“The Jews are on a fast track to their occult fate. They have made an agreement with hell, a covenant with death, and payments on their debt to Satan must be made in accordance with that contractual agreement.” (15)
“The average Christian assumes that the Jews are merely Old Testament believers who simply need Jesus to be “completed.” Judaism is, in reality, a wicked corrupt religion of hatred, deception and of deviant rampant, sexuality and hedonism.” (130)
Marrs shows how throughout history Jews have behaved in a barbaric fashion whenever they held the upper hand. He delves into the Talmud and Kabbalah to show that the real Jewish Covenant is not with God but with the devil. He shows how the Kabbala is an incestuous family soap opera where the participants achieve cosmic balance by screwing each other. Jewish prayer (davening) imitates coitus. 
“The ultimate objective of Kabbalah, despite the vain and empty denials of many of its advocates, is the utter destruction of all matter, of mankind itself: Annihilation. The Ouroboros serpent encircling and strangling humanity. Creative destruction, the wicked satanic kabbalists call it….The neocon cabal is a veiled and shadowed demonstration of it. They actually want to plunge the world into nuclear catastrophe and chaos. A fiery chaos and destruction atop of which they hope to build their new, occult utopian Order of the Ages. It is a frightening prospect and so far it has been successful.” (86) 


The pieces are being put in place for a nuclear war. Trump has betrayed his campaign promise to defuse tensions with Russia and avoid gratuitous wars in places like Syria. The West is preparing to attack Iran and, if it goes nuclear, Putin has vowed to respond in kind.  Trump’s hand signals remind us that he is a kabbalist Freemason. He distracts Americans with domestic issues. These won’t mean very much when we’re all dead and the country is in smoldering ruins. 
As an ethnic Jew, I am heartsick that a secret faction of “my people” have gone over to Satan, and the majority are either ignorant or indifferent. The Satanists have put all Jews in jeopardy. Anti-Semitism could burst into violence. Some foresee a civil war.  Jews must disown the satanic agenda or face the consequences if there are any. They must stand with their Gentile neighbors and oppose Communism in all its myriad forms. 
But the goyim have also been complicit. I am puzzled at Marrs’ narrow focus on Jews. This statement puzzles me most: “The Jewish majority hates humanity, they despise life, they hate God. Therefore they are psychopaths and love death.” (16)


(If you want to hate Jews, hate the ones who are instrumental in the Conspiracy.)
This is true of Jewish leadership and their minions but “the Jewish majority” are dupes who do not feel this way. Like Freemasonry, Judaism is a satanic cult. Only the “initiated” know the real agenda. The rank-and-file are manipulated with high-sounding platitudes. 
The Jews I know do not hate humanity and love death. They are oblivious to the dark side of Judaism and prefer assimilation. The rate of intermarriage is almost 60%.They are just as ignorant as the average goyim. Guilt by association is wrong. The real haters are the Chabadniks and their ilk.   (See how Jewish liberals react to this Jewish hate.) 
I am puzzled by Texe Marrs’ failure to include Freemasonry. The bankers require the collaboration of goyim who have betrayed their society, religion and culture. What about the US Congress? The McCains and the Lindsey Grahams are not Jews. They are Freemasons who hope “Jews” will take all the blame for America’s downfall.  

There is only one reference to Freemasonry in Texe Marrs book. On page 85, he says Freemasonry “a Judaic religious sect, believes that God is both good and evil…” That’s it? When the US is run by Freemasons as well as Jews? Why does everyone let the Freemasons off the hook? Because they “were only obeying orders?” Don’t these cowardly opportunists deserve equal blame? Freemasons have played as large a part as Jews in the subversion of Western society. They expect to get a seat at the table or at least a few crumbs. But, according to prophesy, both Jews and Gentiles will be destroyed.
I commend Texer Marrs for writing a courageous unwelcome book. We don’t like to be reminded of the diabolical agenda behind daily events. Western society has been taken over by people who seek its ruin. This is mindboggling. If we realize these people are both Jewish and Gentile, we can overcome the charge that our resistance is bigotry. The enemy is Satanism. And Satanism takes many forms.
The question remains, what can we do? Prepare. Armageddon may be closer than we think. —
RelatedColonel says Israel is Dragging US into WW3New York Times Exemplifies Jewish Lust for War David Duke- The Secret Behind Communism

Mike Yeadon — Timetable to Tyranny


Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer scientist sent this out Thursday. 
We are approaching Stage 5:

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law.  (November 2021-March 2022)and most peoplestill think 
we are going back to normal!? 

The pathway to new world order …

By Mike Yeadon 

Phase 1: Simulate a threat and create fear.  (December 2019-March 2020)

– Mount a pandemic in China.
> – Kill tens of thousands of elderly people.
> – Increase the number of cases and deaths
> – Position vaccination as the only solution from the beginning.
> – Focus all attention on Covid-19.
> Result, (almost) general panic

– Phase 2: Sow the tares and division.  (March 2020-December 2020)
> – Impose multiple unnecessary, liberticidal and unconstitutional coercive measures.
> – Paralyze trade and the economy.
> – Observe the submission of a majority and the resistance of a rebellious minority.
> – Stigmatize the rebels and create a horizontal division.
> – Censoring dissident leaders.
> – Punish disobedience.
> – Generalize PCR tests.
> – Create confusion between cases, infected, sick, hospitalized and dead.
> – Disqualify all effective treatments.
> – Hope for a rescue vaccine.
> Result, (almost) general panic.
 Phase 3: Bring a treacherous and deadly solution.  (December 2020-June 2021)
> – Offer a free vaccine for everyone.
> – Promise protection and return to normality.
> – Establish a herd immunization target.
> – Simulate a partial recovery of the economy.
> – Hide statistics of side effects and deaths from injections.
> – Passing off the side effects of the injections as “natural” effects of the virus and the disease.
> – Recover the notion of a variant as a natural mutation of the virus.
> – Justify the maintenance of coercive measures by not applying the herd immunity threshold.
> – Punish health professionals for the illegal exercise of care and healing.  –
> Result, doubts and feelings of betrayal among the vaxx, discouragement among opponents.

Phase 4: Install Apartheid and the QR code.  (June 2021-October 2021)
> – Voluntarily plan for shortages.
> – Impose the vaccination pass (QR code) to reward the vaccinated, punish the resistant.
> – Create an Apartheid of the privileged against the others.
> – Take away the right to work or study from non-vaxx.
> – Withdraw basic services to the non-vaxx.
> – Impose PCR payment tests on non-vaxx.
> Result, First stage of digital control, impoverishment of opponents

Phase 5: Establish chaos and Martial law. (November 2021-March 2022)
> – Exploit the shortage of goods and food.
> – Cause the paralysis of the real economy and the closure of factories and shops.
> – Let unemployment explode.
> – Apply a third dose to the vaxx (boosters).
> – Take up the murder of the living old men.
> – Impose compulsory vaccination for all.
> – Amplify the myth of variants, the efficacy of the vaccine and the immunity of the herd.
> – Demonize the anti-vaxx and hold them responsible for the dead.
> – Arrest opposition leaders.
> – Impose digital identity on everyone (QR code): Birth certificate, identity document, passport, driving license, health insurance card …
> – Establish martial law to defeat the opposition.
> Result, Second stage of digital control. Imprisonment or removal of opponents.

Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)

> – Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
> – To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
> – Activate the «Great Reset».
> – De-materialize money.
> – Cancel debts and loans.
> – Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
> – Seize properties and land.
> – Ban all global medicines.
> – Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
> – Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
> – Extend the measures to emerging countries.
> Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the N.O.M. to the whole planet.
(What does N.O.M. stand for? -hm)
Thanks to NK

Historic British London Is Being Erased in the name of Diversity

Historic British London Is Being Erased in the name of Diversity

Sadiq Khan, the immigrant-invader Mayor of London, is changing London street names, monuments, and tube station names in the name of diversity. In the place of a historic city there will be an artificial creation. 

The once great British people have been overrun and defeated. The same process of cultural erasure is taking place throughout the Western World.

Historic British London Is Being Erased in the name of Diversity

Putin Compares American Cancel Culture to the Soviet Union Under Lenin

Putin Compares American Cancel Culture to the Soviet Union Under Lenin

At the Valdai Discussion Club where Putin gives 3 hour press conferences, he said that wokeism, an American mind-virus that uses social humiliation censorship, and violence to silence dissenters, and biological gender deniers remind him of “Soviet culture-warriors” in the 1920s.

“Those who risk saying that men and women still exist, and that this is a biological fact, are virtually ostracized” in the West, Putin said, calling the situation “a total phantasmagoria.”
“This is not to mention things that are simply monstrous,” he added, “like when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa. In fact, they are indoctrinating them into the alleged choices that are supposedly available to everyone – removing parents from the equation and forcing the child to make decisions that can ruin their lives.”

“This is borderline crime against humanity—all under the guise of ‘progress.’”

Putin said in American “cancel culture” the fight against racism has turned “into reverse discrimination, reverse racism.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if America had a leader of Putin’s statue instead of a moron.

Putin Compares American Cancel Culture to the Soviet Union Under Lenin

Putin Compares American Cancel Culture to the Soviet Union Under Lenin

Putin Compares American Cancel Culture to the Soviet Union Under Lenin

At the Valdai Discussion Club where Putin gives 3 hour press conferences, he said that wokeism, an American mind-virus that uses social humiliation censorship, and violence to silence dissenters, and biological gender deniers remind him of “Soviet culture-warriors” in the 1920s.

“Those who risk saying that men and women still exist, and that this is a biological fact, are virtually ostracized” in the West, Putin said, calling the situation “a total phantasmagoria.”
“This is not to mention things that are simply monstrous,” he added, “like when children are taught from an early age that a boy can easily become a girl and vice versa. In fact, they are indoctrinating them into the alleged choices that are supposedly available to everyone – removing parents from the equation and forcing the child to make decisions that can ruin their lives.”

“This is borderline crime against humanity—all under the guise of ‘progress.’”

Putin said in American “cancel culture” the fight against racism has turned “into reverse discrimination, reverse racism.”

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if America had a leader of Putin’s statue instead of a moron.

Putin Compares American Cancel Culture to the Soviet Union Under Lenin

“Creative Destruction” & Then, 6uild 6ack 6etter

Evelyn de Rothschild and Moose. These people control the world.)We face an occult force dedicating to destroying civilization. 
The plandemic is inspired by the satanic doctrine of “Creative Destruction” found in Cabalist Judaism & Freemasonry. 
This requires the destruction of the old order which was dedicated to fulfilling God’s Will. 

Then, the “Great Reset” will create a “New World Order” dedicated to serving Satan.  Hell on Earth. Satanism. It’s time to stop parsing their lame pretexts and focus on the OCCULT nature of the challenge we face. Humanity suffers from a debilitating cancer. Satanist Jews and Freemasons control our blood supply (the banking system.)  They have leveraged their control over government credit to subvert every social institution: government, media, education, religion, medicine, law.  Their Communism is the control of every facet of human life. 

In The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed writes, “The Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] elevate the theory of destruction to this status of “a fundamental truth, a primary or basic law, a governing law of conduct’… In many passages, the Protocols appear, at first sight, to recommend destruction as a thing virtuous in itself, and consequently justifying all the methods explicitly recommended to promote it (bribery, blackmail, corruption, subversion, sedition, mob incitement, terror, and violence) which thus become virtuous too.” (p. 211)
J. Edgar Hoover, The Elks Magazine (August 1956).
Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a [Communist] conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” 

I just subscribed to this Zionist news site. The confirmation email was from “Creative Destruction Media.”

(Editor’s Note. I just posted this six months ago but people have short memories these days. This needs to be reread often. We need to wake up to the enemy’s real occult nature.They smile and lie to your face while they stick a knife into you. They call Death “progress.” Snap out of it folks. Pure Evil is waging war on us.)


Occult “Creative Destruction” Drives Lockdown (Oct 27, 2020)


by Henry MakowPh.D

The Doctrine of “Creative Destruction” provides a key to understanding the gratuitous destruction wreaked by lockdowns, mask orders, etc.

According to the Kabbalah, which is the defining doctrine of Judaism and Freemasonry, “Evil and catastrophe [are] endemic factors in the process of creation. Without evil there could be no good, without destruction, creation could not take place.”(Kabbalah: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism, by Byron L. Sherwin, p. 72.) 

Cabalists believe the Old (Christian) Order must be ruthlessly destroyed before the New (Satanic) World Order, based on the Kabbalah, can be built. 

Hence, the Illuminati motto: “Order Out of Chaos.” Hence, the Communist Manifesto advocates the destruction of nation, religion, and family and the transfer of all private wealth to the Illuminati bankers, in the guise of the state.  

The Doctrine of Creative Destruction explains why war and revolution have been characterized by gratuitous genocide, terror, and destruction.

It explains the banishment of God from public discourse and the widespread acceptance of obscenity, pornography, and the occult. It explains the attack on gender and the promotion of homosexuality to heterosexuals.  It explains the spate of false-flag terror that is a hallmark of modern life. 


The present-day Illuminati grew out of the satanic “Sabbatean-Frankist”Jewish heresy in the 17th and 18th centuries. The bankers and half the Jews of Europe adopted this pestilence and spread it to the Gentile elites through Freemasonry.

Thus, Illuminati Jews characterize the “Jewish” role in terms of the destruction of civilization.

For example, in the book “You Gentiles”(1924) Maurice Samuel writes:

“In everything, we are destroyers–even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief…We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”  (p. 155)
In 1928, Marcus Ravage, a Jewish Rothschild biographer wrote an essay entitled, “The Real Case Against the Jews.” 
“You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.”

(THE CENTURY MAGAZINE, JANUARY 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 346-350.)
In The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed writes, “the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] elevate the theory of destruction to this status of “a fundamental truth, a primary or basic law, a governing law of conduct’…In many passages the Protocols appear, at first sight,  to recommend destruction as a thing virtuous in itself, and consequently justifying all the methods explicitly recommended to promote it (bribery, blackmail, corruption, subversion, sedition, mob incitement, terror, and violence) which thus become virtuous too.” (p. 211)
Think Antifa & BLM.

Most Jews (and liberals/leftists in general) are unaware of this cabalistic plot. They have been duped by spurious appeals to ideals of “social justice” and “equality.”   


Religio means “to go within” i.e. “to know and obey” God. In any true religion, God comprises absolute spiritual ideals — love, truth, justice, goodness, beauty, harmony — pure and unalloyed. God is nothing if not Moral – i.e. Good. 

Evil is the absence of God, just as darkness is the absence of light.

(Kabbalists Trump and his dad)The Kabbalah says God is unknowable and has no form. This is Satanism. You cannot obey God if you cannot know Him. 
“To the Cabalist, God is an infinite Sea of Being (En Sof) without any limit; hence without any qualities, without desire or will of any kind. He is totally incomprehensible. ” (Jacob Angus, The Meaning of Jewish History (1963) p. 286. 
In fact, God is perfection, the form necessary for human evolution. Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Mathew 5-48) 
True religion assumes God is present in the human soul. Obeying this voice, conscience is what makes us human. 
Anyone who denies the existence of God is a Satanist, not an atheist. 


The Cabala is satanic because it says evil is part of God: “God has two sides; [both] are essentially one thing; what we experience as evil is as Divine as what we experience as good.”

Hence the expression gaining currency today: “It’s all good.” 

The Cabalist exegesis continues:  

“Many texts in the Kabbalah, including the Zohar, say that the task is not to destroy evil but to return it to its source — to “include the left within the right,” in the Zoharic metaphor, “to uplift the fallen sparks” in the Lurianic one. In Chabad Hasidism, it is stated that evil exists as part of the Divine revelation itself. Indeed, to think that evil really is separate from God is, itself, the essence of evil, which is precisely the illusion of separation.”

“Letting go of the reality of separate evil, and really accepting that the sitra achra [impurity, occult, evil] is a side of Divinity, is easy on paper and very difficult in reality. … Still, to the extent it is possible to do so, the notion is indeed life-changing. Everything is a flavor of Divinity.” 

Cabalists also believe in “redemption through sin” i.e. deliberately flaunting the Old Law by doing evil (adultery, incest, pedophilia.) The destruction of civilization (i.e. chaos)  will provoke the return of the Messiah (the anti-Christ) who will rebuild the world according to Kabbalist specifications, with the Illuminati bankers playing God.

This is all Satanism. God is inherently good. In a true religion, you do not obey God by doing evil, or by pretending evil is part of God.
GASLIGHTINGThe mass media is responsible for spreading this coronahoax. Therefore it is significant that in April a senior CBC reporter Don Pittis actually referenced this satanic dogma:   “COVID-19 may be the catalyst — not the cause — of a painful but useful economic transformation. Retailers go broke, property and oil fall but maybe the economic pain will speed beneficial changes.”


“According to the theory of creative destruction derived by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942 from ideas proposed by Karl Marx, economic and technological progress demands that businesses must die and industries and paradigms must be swept away to make room for new ones.”
Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was a Cabalist and a Satanist.  “Creative destruction” is the same satanist rationale they use for starting devastating wars. Clearly the hidden agenda behind the #scamdemic is social and economic change. Thanks to Satanists controlling the banking system, society is under relentless satanic attack, and is satanically possessed.   
“Creative Destruction” explains why humanity is cursed by never-ending catastrophes. These are engineered by the Illuminati to attack and destroy anything that smacks of the healthy divine order — spiritual or natural. They must destroy the old order before they can install their satanist tyranny.  This behind the current #scamdemic. (Makow- Satanism Explained)

People like Don Pittis who are sympathetic to Satanism permeate our body politic like a cancer. 


Call it illuminism, secularism, Luciferianism, humanism, paganism or the occult: It’s all Kabbalah.   

Modern Western civilization has no moral legitimacy (and no future) because it is based on a rebellion against God, who represents the path of our spiritual development.   

Humanity had been hijacked by psychopaths intent on destroying the “old order” and building a bizarre, solipsistic, violent, depraved dystopia in its place. 

These psychopaths control our government’s credit and mass media. Thus, they are able to purchase our leaders and dupe society into embracing its own downfall.

Related – Mike Yeadon – Timetable to Tyranny

David Livingstone – Cabalist “Creative Destruction” Behind Syrian War 

Truther Girls go to the Kaballah seminar
Makow – Satanism Explained ———Do Cabalists Plan to Cull the Goyim?  Insider- Trump Family Cult Prepares WW3Meditation on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit 

 “Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism, Satanism”

Zionists Take Credit for Iraq War

The Kabbala is a Hoax

Livingstone- The NWO’s Satanic Bible

US Government Could Mandate Social Credit Score & Tracking App To Implement Forced Covid Vaccinations – Patent Already Approved

A U.S. patent approved August 31, 2021, reveals technology used to track people in order to pinpoint those allegedly more likely to spread Covid-19 and to identify unvaccinated individuals so they can be injected with the experimental shots.

The patent was filed by Israeli patent attorneys Dr. Gal Ehrlich and Maier Fenster of Ehrlich & Fenster.

patent approved us government could mandate social credit score & tracking app to implement forced covid vaccinations

The technology used in the patent analyzes data collected by smartphones, government-mandated phone apps, intelligence agencies, public cameras, ATM cameras, private business cameras and other sources.

Essentially, people will be given “scores” based on vaccination status, mask-wearing, behavior, movement, socialization and other factors.

Electronic devices communicating with each other will determine whether or not someone is a “super spreader” or a “non-super spreader” based on the various elements.

01 us patent social credit score covid 19

As seen in the diagram below, the collection of surveillance technologies will send data to be analyzed in order to determine a “score” that places the person into a group.

Each group is ranked so the government can prioritize who to vaccinate next.

02 us patent

Another diagram shows a web of individuals being tracked while in public.

03 us patent

According to the document, “the government may order the citizens to install a dedicated application on their smartphones (or other smart devices like tablets, smartwatches, smart glasses, etc.) to help the government with the logistics of the vaccination procedures.”

“The government (or other body) provides the public with such dedicated smart devices,” it continues. “In some embodiments, the app and/or the smart device is configured to inform on the user’s location at all times and to communicate with adjacent smart devices (via Bluetooth for example( to assess the interactions between users, for example, vicinity between users, movement of users, etc.)”

The paper says existing technology could also be used to track people, such as Android and iPhone cell phone software.

04 iphone cell phone software

Geolocation data will be monitored using cellphones, social media, credit card usage, IP addresses, facial recognition technology found in surveillance cameras, ATM’s, and private surveillance cameras in stores, buildings and houses.

Big Brother Australia: You Have 15 Minutes To Take A Selfie And Send It To The Government.

05 surveillance cameras

Providing examples of tracking a subject’s behavior, the patent says it could determine if a person is “wearing a mask” by “analyzing images taken during calls” or if a person is “washing his hands” by “analyzing sounds of water running or movement by a smartwatch.”

06 smartwatch surveillance

Some experts, such as Dr. Robert Young and Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko, suggest graphene oxide put into the human body via “vaccination” could interact with satellites or cell towers in order to deliver information about the subject.

“What I’m suggesting is the inoculation is a guise to literally put in metallic materials, that are potentially magnetic, to interact with satellites or cell towers with the human body,” Dr. Robert Young said. “In other words, rather than using a cell phone you can use your body and your cell phone for remotely testing, let’s say, blood sugars or blood pressure or oxygen levels. And this is what the patent actually suggests that Pfizer took out, that was awarded just last month, 31 August of this year.”

“This was the conclusion that I came to: that it is the very first patent that shows up in a list of about 18,500 for the purpose of contact tracing of, I believe, all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the Internet of Things,” he told Stew Peters in September.

Around the 40:00 minute mark in the following interview, Dr. Zelenko describes the Covid tracking systemin the patent.

“It describes a technology that already exists in the vaccines to measure your internal physiological data and transmit that information with your location to a third party,” he said.

The technocratic elite are preparing a dystopian “Black Mirror” society for humanity and the blueprints are all out in the open.
