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Covid “Vaccines” — Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala

The Cabala (Satanism) is the Ideology of the Illuminati
The “antisemitism” smear diverts attentionfrom the grim reality – the hate actually emanates fromCabalist Jews and their Freemason agents in the form of a simultaneous attack on our gender, racial, religious and national identity. This hate now finds expression in the pandemic psy op and killer vaccines.
Jew or not, if you are not an “anti semite” in the sense of opposing this diabolicalagenda, you are a dupe who willpay dearly for your conformity & ignorance.

Ted Pike, 74, has performed a heroic service to humanity through a 30-year mission career. In 1988, he sent 15,000 copies of this book to Christian evangelists, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. He was instrumental in preventing hate laws to be passed in the 1990’s with 750 radio broadcasts. His video Zionism & Christianity-Unholy Alliance is key to understanding our world. An artist and sculptor, he is currently engaged in a project to demonstrate the hand of God in nature, specifically birds and animals.  He regards Donald Trump as a fraud. This book can be purchased by sending $24.95 to Ted Pike PO Box 828 Clackamas OR 97015 

from Jan 13, 2019 & Jun 15, 2021
by Henry Makow PhD
I urge you to read Ted Pike’s Israel: Our Duty…Our Dilemma (1984) to fully understand the danger in which humanity finds itself today. The essential teaching of Judaism’s most holy book, the Cabala, is that non-Jews form an impediment to progress and must be subjugated or exterminated. This ideology probably explains much of mankind’s tragic history and impending doom. 


(Left, Ted, no relation to Albert Pike) 
Only “religious” Jews are aware of this agenda but they are very much in control of the West through their control of the banking system and Freemasonry. The fact that Trump is surrounded by these Jews, and constantly makes Masonic hand signs, suggests that his opposition to globalism is a distraction from his real mission, unleashing Armageddon on the goyim.  Of course, we all hope this is not so.
Few people take the time to read the Cabala. Ted Pike did and outlined his findings in Chapter 12, The Conspiracy of the Kabbalah.” (110-123)
The Cabala is “an attempt by the Pharisees and their descendants to wrest control of this world from God and give it to themselves.” 
This is the definition of Satanism – supplanting God. Judaism at its Cabalist heart is Satanism. That’s why you don’t have to believe in God to follow Judaism.
According to the Cabala, Gentiles by their very existence are an impediment to Jewish rule and Heaven on Earth. “The Kabbalists saw the extermination of the Gentile as a necessary process towards restoring order in the universe. The Gentile is a form of demon…Satan himself.”


Pike quotes Cabala, “When God reveals himself, they will be wiped off the face of the earth.” (I Ber. 25b) 
Until that blessed day, Jews will continue to languish and feel oppressed by the goyim. 
“Man” in the OldTestament refers only to Jews. How will man conquer the world?
“By deceit and trickery wherever possible. They must be fought against without ceasing until proper order is restored. Ths it is with satisfaction that I say we should free ourselves from them and rule over them.” (I, 160a, Pranaitus Trans. p.74) 
This is scary considering who controls the weapons of mass deception.
When Jewish world domination has occurred, the Messiah “will display His force and exterminate them from the world.” (III, Schemoth, 7 and 9b, de Pauly.) 
“When these shall be exterminated, it will be as if God had made heaven and earth on that day…”(I, Ber. 25b)
“A the moment when the Holy One …will exterminate all the goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written, the ord alone will appear great on that day.” Vayschlah, follo 177b de Pauly, Webster p.373. 
The Cabala recommends the extermination of the Gentiles as the highest religious duty. Only then will Jews be able to flourish. 
Most Jews are unaware of this diabolical agenda and certainly do not share these goals. However, this subjugation of the goyim is the essence of “globalism” and the New World Order.


The “chosen people” is the ultimate scam. I don’t like to sound alarmist but this is the best explanation of world events past and present. We’ve lost the ability to recognize evil and call it by its name. This is not about a difference of opinion. This is about good and evil.
Let me tell you about evil. Evil is out to destroy everything good including you and everything you hold dear.
And remember, many Cabalists are Freemasons. These are gentiles want a seat at the table and sold their souls to the devil. They were/are indispensable. We’re talking about a widespread Satanist conspiracy. Let’s focus on Satanists rather than Jewish dupes. 

If this agenda is indeed behind world events, it’s time humanity stirred from its complacency and organized its defence.
—-Related– Makow – Are Cabalist Preparing Another Holocaust for Goyim? Texe Marrs: Jewish Agenda is to Enslave the GoyimYoussi Gurwitz – When Israel is Mighty Organized Jewry Seeks to Disarm Goyi in Advance of Next Goy Holocaust Disarming the Goyim by Ken Adachi

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