In Jordan, the Choice is Between Poisoning & Starving


Our neighbor reasoned: “I’m still strong, so I think I can survive the shot”. Keep in mind, he’s not concerned with surviving covid, he’s concerned with surviving the poisonous shot. The choice between starving or being poisoned to death is how we view it.”

This may become universal. 
by BG
We watched our neighbor in June decide his future. 
In order to retain his employment in the private sector, he had to receive at a minimum the first shot of his choice of poison. 
Both him and his wife had stated since the lockdowns began here in March of 2020, that they knew this was a scam, and they never would receive a “vaccine”. 
Now we watched him with a heavy heart as he decided to take the shot– so that he could still provide for his family. He opted to take the Chinese version of it, Sinopharm, “to have the best chance of surviving”.  
His reasoning is “I’m still strong, so I think I can survive the shot”. Keep in mind, he’s not concerned with surviving covid, he’s concerned with surviving the poisonous shot. The choice between starving or being poisoned to death is how we view it.

This is what our life is like being stranded here in Aqaba, Jordan.
We are watching our neighbors and the city forced into taking a shot in order to have access to employment and travel, and starting August 1st to enter establishments.
We cannot leave as we refuse to take a PCR test, or receive any version of the sorcerers’ poison.
As of July 1st, we now cannot even enter/exit Aqaba without being vaccinated (no more going to the beach), or taking a PCR test.
Our neighbor’s father was holding out and refused to take the shot. However, his land with his animals and fruit trees are a few kilometers outside of city limits. The Shurta (police) told him he had to receive the shot, if he wanted access to his property. He also opted for the Chinese version, reasoning that he will have the best chance of surviving it.
Maybe we should be thankful the tanks aren’t rolling down the streets anymore, and we aren’t locked down from 6p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday, and all day on Fridays.
But if they are going to poison us and inject us with unknown substances, we would rather be back under lockdown.
The latest hoax here is the Chinese Sinopharm shot is not recognized by some of the surrounding countries, such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. So people are lining up to get the Pfizer shot, (in addition to their previous Sinopharm shots), in order to travel there.
Again, as of August 1st we will be barred from entering public institutions, utilities, commercial centers, and all service sectors. We are in a besieged city here, but why should we fear in the days of evil, when the crookedness of our supplanters surrounds us?Related-Amman- No Jab; No Work Permit

Mike Stone – Is The Agenda to Control Not Cull?


If depopulation is the agenda, why is construction booming?“I’m not discounting the 100,000 or so people that have already died after being vaccinated, but people shilling mass genocide appear to be way off the mark.”
by Mike Stone


Like a lot of you, I often struggle to keep up with everything that’s going on in the world. 
There’s so much new info coming down the pike every day and so much of it is unreliable. 
You just don’t know who to trust anymore.
Take the virus hoax. The official story is a global pandemic that’s killed millions of people and will continue to kill millions more if the entire world isn’t vaccinated every year. 
Well, we all know none of that is true.
However, on the other end of the spectrum we’re told that billions of vaccinated people are going to die and Creepy Joe’s goon squads will soon be kicking in doors and force vaccinating people. 
Neither of those scenarios appear likely either. I’m not discounting the 100,000 or so people that have already died after being vaccinated, but people shilling mass genocide appear to be way off the mark.
I used to think that those selling us gloom and doom meant well, but their claims, not just on this issue, but on many other issues as well, are so consistently off the mark, that I have to wonder if their purpose is to demoralize the population with false information.
So what exactly is going on and who can we trust?

Sometimes you can discover the truth in an oblique way. Take global warming. We know it’s a con by the simple reason that Barack Obama bought a $15 million house on the waterfront at Martha’s Vineyard.
If global warming and rising sea levels were truly what the liars tell us they are, he never would have done that. And Obama, of all people, knows what the truth is. As president, he received daily intelligence briefings, and probably still does.
If his intelligence material contained even a hint that global warming was real, he would have never spent $15 million for an oceanfront home that will be under water in ten years. Case closed.
As for our current situation, I look around my neighborhood and I see nothing but non-stop construction. Huge apartment buildings and office skyscrapers going up on every block.
Friends around the country tell me the same thing. Construction is booming all over the country. So if mass genocide is right around the corner, who is going to rent those apartments and offices?
The people paying for all this new construction aren’t stupid. They know far better than the average Joe what the future holds. Would they be spending all that money, knowing that no one will be alive to occupy their new buildings? It doesn’t make sense.
BlackRock, the financial firm, is buying every single-family house they can find at 20-50% above asking price. Why would they be doing that if everyone is going to die and no one will be alive to rent from them? It doesn’t make sense.
Supposedly 100% of the NFL’s coaches and over 70% of the players are currently vaccinated.
If we don’t see at least some of them dropping dead on the field, can we still put any trust in the mass genocide theory?
Obviously, there is some kind of agenda going on. But the available evidence seems to indicate that rather than mass genocide, it is an attempt to get everyone subservient and microchipped.
Of course, some would call that a fate worse than death.

Mike Stone is the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A NewAmerica, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.


My home was not one of peace when I was growing up. My mom and dad argued regularly when my dad was home which wasn’t often because he worked so much. They were not happy together at all. There were times in my teenage years when I wish they would have divorced, but those thoughts were fleeting.

However, they stuck it out until the day my mom passed into the arms of Jesus. When my mom was around 80 years old, she began having mental issues of not remembering and not being able to speak clearly. She was dizzy constantly too. My dad made a promise to himself that he was going to spend the rest of her life caring for my mom, and he did.

She began seeing all of the good in my dad. He definitely has the gift of caring. He’s a doctor, so it was a good gift to have as a doctor. He did anything he could to make her life more comfortable. She frequently bemoaned the fact that she had spent almost all of their married lives arguing. She regretted it terribly. He was a good man, and she could now see this clearly.

I often hear women bring up the idea that it’s better for children to grow up with divorced parents rather than be raised in a home with a lot of arguing between the parents. This isn’t true. Children need and want their parents under their same roof (unless their mother or father is physically violent with them).

My sisters and I have been talking a lot about our childhoods recently. We all felt very loved and secure in our home growing up. We knew my mom would always be there for us, and my dad would be home every night and on the weekends. This instills SO much stability in children. We are all secure and stable adults because of it. One’s childhood can affect them for life. Our childhoods mold us into the adults we are today.

It’s FAR better for children to have their parents living with them than suffer through the devastation of a divorce. Step families and all of the fall out from divorce is far worse than having arguing parents.

With up to 80 percent of divorces being initiated by women, women NEED to hear this message. They need to hear how devastating divorce is upon the children. I was just talking to a woman recently who told me her parents divorced when she was 30, and it still hurts her deeply today. Numerous people agree with this. In fact, most children from divorced parents feel this way.

Women will fight this since they don’t want to believe that their divorcing their husbands for reasons other than adultery and abuse was okay. They weren’t happy, or they had grown apart, or they didn’t get along, or any numerous reasons just doesn’t cut it for children. My mom and dad were completely opposite in almost every way, but they stuck it out for life.

Instead of seeking one’s own illusionary happiness, seek the goodwill of your children instead. Become the wife that God has commanded that you become. Allow His Word to transform you. DON’T be conformed to this world! You will never reap God’s bountiful blessings if you do things the world’s ways.

My parents were both so thankful they stuck it out. As an adult, my children have many happy memories of their grandparents being at their weddings TOGETHER. Going to holidays at my parent’s home and celebrating many things together as a whole family. Our family was united, not divided because of the choices my parents made, and we are thankful.

For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Divorce is Far Worse Than Having Parents Who Argue

In Jordan, the Choice is Between Poisoning & Starving


Our neighbor reasoned: “I’m still strong, so I think I can survive the shot”. Keep in mind, he’s not concerned with surviving covid, he’s concerned with surviving the poisonous shot. The choice between starving or being poisoned to death is how we view it.”

This may become universal. 
by BG
We watched our neighbor in June decide his future. 
In order to retain his employment in the private sector, he had to receive at a minimum the first shot of his choice of poison. 
Both him and his wife had stated since the lockdowns began here in March of 2020, that they knew this was a scam, and they never would receive a “vaccine”. 
Now we watched him with a heavy heart as he decided to take the shot– so that he could still provide for his family. He opted to take the Chinese version of it, Sinopharm, “to have the best chance of surviving”.  
His reasoning is “I’m still strong, so I think I can survive the shot”. Keep in mind, he’s not concerned with surviving covid, he’s concerned with surviving the poisonous shot. The choice between starving or being poisoned to death is how we view it.

This is what our life is like being stranded here in Aqaba, Jordan.
We are watching our neighbors and the city forced into taking a shot in order to have access to employment and travel, and starting August 1st to enter establishments.
We cannot leave as we refuse to take a PCR test, or receive any version of the sorcerers’ poison.
As of July 1st, we now cannot even enter/exit Aqaba without being vaccinated (no more going to the beach), or taking a PCR test.
Our neighbor’s father was holding out and refused to take the shot. However, his land with his animals and fruit trees are a few kilometers outside of city limits. The Shurta (police) told him he had to receive the shot, if he wanted access to his property. He also opted for the Chinese version, reasoning that he will have the best chance of surviving it.
Maybe we should be thankful the tanks aren’t rolling down the streets anymore, and we aren’t locked down from 6p.m. to 6 a.m. everyday, and all day on Fridays.
But if they are going to poison us and inject us with unknown substances, we would rather be back under lockdown.
The latest hoax here is the Chinese Sinopharm shot is not recognized by some of the surrounding countries, such as Saudi Arabia or Kuwait. So people are lining up to get the Pfizer shot, (in addition to their previous Sinopharm shots), in order to travel there.
Again, as of August 1st we will be barred from entering public institutions, utilities, commercial centers, and all service sectors. We are in a besieged city here, but why should we fear in the days of evil, when the crookedness of our supplanters surrounds us?Related-


For many years, I listened to the Dennis Prager radio show. He spoke often about men’s and women’s struggle. He said whereas men struggle with their sexual nature, women struggle with their emotional nature. I believed it 100 percent! Women absolutely struggle with being led by their emotions and feelings more than most men. This is why women are more easily deceived (1 Timothy 2:14).

I never struggled with my sexual nature. I didn’t feed it when I was young. I was never exposed to porn but even if I had been, porn was simply naked women when I was growing up. I didn’t want to look at naked women. I didn’t watch sexualized TV shows or movies, and I didn’t read sexually explicit books. None of this appealed to me. Thankfully, I was shielded from all of this in my childhood. I knew sex was for marriage, and so I waited for marriage.

I have learned that many women these days struggle with porn. Why is this? I have many friends and know many younger women who have never struggled with porn or their sexual nature, but I can guarantee you that every single teenage boy has struggled with it. God created males with a much higher sex drive for a reason. They have ten times the testosterone than females, and it’s needed to go out and make a living for their families. Biologically, men have a physical need for release, thus the reason they have wet dreams. Women have neither of these.

Women these days may struggle with their sexual nature before marriage, but once married, many no longer seem to struggle with it. Many will use it as a manipulative tool against their husband by withholding sex. There’s a reason that many women are so angered when I teach them to not deprive their husbands sexually. If they were truly struggling with their sexual nature, they would willingly want sex with their husbands often.

Most men want sex after marriage as much as before. If they don’t, it’s usually due to porn usage. I don’t care what women tell me; men struggle much more with their sexual nature than women do. COUNTLESS men will admit that once they married, their wives rarely wanted sex. And don’t tell me that it’s because the men didn’t know how to please them. These same women gave these men sex freely before marriage. (That whole “test driving” and “see if we’re compatible” before marriage aren’t so fool proof after all. It has nothing to do with compatibility. It was to do with love and commitment.)

In the 1960s, women decided to burn their bras and act like men. They wanted to have sex freely like men were having it. Before birth control and abortions, this wasn’t prevalent nor easily accomplished. Women were much more careful about protecting their virginity. Feminism and birth control changed all this.

Now, we live in a highly sexualized culture that is greatly damaging to women. Instead of being taught to save themselves for marriage and guard what they see, they are taught the opposite, even in the schools. Many are exposed to porn from a young age. Porn now consists of watching other people having sex. We are a nation of perverted peeping Toms. It’s wicked and destructive. It’s all a part of Satan’s plan to destroy the family.

I asked women on Instagram who struggled with their sexual nature and porn, what they believe instigated it. The two top most common reasons were being exposed to porn at a young age (babysitters, sleep overs, dad and mom watching it, friends…) and being sexually abused as a child.

In this highly sexualized culture, parents must be very diligent about protecting their children from porn and sexual abuse. This is why I believe homeschooling is the best and safest place for children. They need the watchful eye of their mothers. Even if they go to a Christian school, there will be peers that have been exposed to debauchery and will willingly share it with your children. Do the best that you can to protect your children’s innocence and pray for them diligently. Satan is on the prowl to kill, steal, and destroy.

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints…And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
Ephesians 5:3,11

Women Struggling with Pornography

Gary D. Barnett – Covid “Vaccine” Bio-Terror Decades in the Planning


There is no novel ‘virus, there is no ‘pandemic,’ there are no variants; the entire state narrative is a lie. The real bioweapon is the poisonous injection falsely called a ‘vaccine.’ Either wake up or wait for mass death!

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

Peter Daszak, Eco-Health Alliance–Statement Made in 2015 and reported in the National Academies Press on February 12, 2016

The Reason for the Indoctrination and Dumbing Down of Americans Is Now Obvious: There Is No Pandemic, Only Fear

by Gary D. Barnett

(abridged by

This recent interview between Dr. David E. Martin and Reiner Fuellmich is so astounding as to be enough on its own to bring down the entirety of the major players perpetrating this ‘virus’ scam meant to destroy humanity

This is why the long-term dumbing down and indoctrination of the public has been so vital to the evil agendas of the controllers of the state and their political whores that enforce these horrendous and fake ‘pandemic’ policies

With this kind of solid evidence, all involved should be fully exposed, and prosecution of these criminals should be an easy task. I suspect however, that it will likely go nowhere due to the absolute indifference displayed by the sleeping masses, and the orchestrated censorship at every level of the mainstream ‘news’ sites and by the tech giants.

 This is of course a travesty, but so long as the people exist in a collective bubble of ignorance, the plot to depopulate the earth and reshape the world into a technocratic master/slave society, will continue to go forward…

So now we are in the midst of a life or death crisis, with seemingly no way out. The only solution as I see it is for mass dissent, and a strong and hopefully peaceful revolution of sorts, based upon total non-compliance. 

This can only be possible if the public gains awareness and comes to understand and accept what is really happening today…

The attitude required for a large and peaceful uprising is not present at this time, and only the continued relaying of truth can bring about a change in the hearts and minds of any weakened majority. That is why so many of us continue to write, put out factual information, and take great personal risk; all in order to give others the ability to make up their own minds to protect themselves and their family’s freedom. 


It has been a losing battle to date, but continued exposure of the evil nature of the beast that is the state must be forthcoming in order to change one mind at a time so as to form a strong plurality of like thinking individuals striving for freedom.

With all this said, I consider it imperative for as many as possible to watch, listen, and study the information given by Dr. David Martin in the interview linked above and below. 

This is ground-breaking, and exposes that this plot to harm and kill huge numbers of people in the exact manner happening today has been planned for at least 22 years. This is true conspiracy, collusion, criminal racketeering, & the premeditated murder of innocents, and all the evidence to prove these statements is readily available.


This is just a short excerpt of some of the stated facts from Dr. Martin’s talk that expose the plot against us:

~ The NIAID (United States Government agency) built an infectious replication coronavirus — in other words, they made SARS. And then they patented it in 2002 before there was any outbreak in Asia. US Patent 7279327.

There is nothing “novel” about this biological weapon.

~ Over 120 patented pieces of evidence were dug up to suggest the declaration of a novel coronavirus is entirely fictitious.

~ On the 28th of April in 2003, three days later after CDC filed a patent on SARS Coronavirus, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals filed a patent on antiviral agents to treat SARS Coronavirus. So, the CDC files a patent for SARS Coronavirus and 3 days later Big Pharma files a patent on treatments for it. How does one have a patent for a treatment on a thing that was invented 3 days earlier? The patent on the treatment was issued before the CDC patent was allowed. It is not physically possible to patent a thing that treats a thing that has not been published because the CDC kept the filing private.

~ SARS-CoV-2. Same thing was played out the same way for Covid-19. Moderna got the spike protein sequence from the Vaccine Research Center before SARS-CoV-2 was even a thing.

~ Any assertion that this pathogen is unique or novel falls apart on the actual gene sequences that are found in the patent records.

~ We are injecting a synthetic spike protein mRNA sequence that is a computer simulation of a sequence that has been known and patented for years.

Goal: inject spike protein. The mRNA “vaccine” does not meet patentable, legal, or clinical standard for vaccine.

~ According to the FDA’s own standards, this is not a vaccine. It is a biological weapon. It is an opportunistic marketing campaign to address a stated objective. The medical-pharmaceutical-industrial complex needed to get the public to accept a pan-coronavirus medical counter measure, and they needed the media machine to create the necessary hype, and accordingly, investors would follow where there is profit.

~ By definition, this is criminal racketeering and collusion. And then there is the mass murder and harm upon humanity.

There is no novel ‘virus, there is no ‘pandemic,’ there are no variants; the entire state narrative is a lie. The real bioweapon is the poisonous injection falsely called a ‘vaccine.’ Either wake up or wait for mass death!

Source links:

There Is No Variant… Not Novel… No Pandemic

There Is No Pandemic, There Are No Variants: The Entire State Narrative Is a Lie

The Best of Gary D. Barnett

Makow — Covid in the Context of Cabalism

(Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanic. Cabalism is Communism.)As an ethnic Jew, it’s painful to say that, IMHO,
the essence of Judaism & Organized Jewry is to enslave the goyim and establish a Satanic dispensation on earth. This is the agenda behind central banks, globalism, covid & the Communist New World Order. Most Jews are dupes and would deny it, just as most goyim would deny that most “leaders” in every field are traitors & opportunists who advance this age-old plot to rob humanity of its Divine birthright. 

Although the MSM doesn’t report it, there will be no return to “normal.”They say so themselves. Don’t let “antisemite” mind control deter you from confronting this ugly truth. This BIG PICTURE is required to understand the little picture.Related  When Israel is Mighty – Yossi Gurvitz  (YouTube)Russian Jews Felt Entitled to Goy Property
In pre-revolutionary Russia, Jews followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all”  for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. “The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, 
and everybody [every Jew] who seizes it, has acquired it.” – Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b“Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.” – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason.
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ”  Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7

Communism was/is simply a mask for the confiscation of Gentile wealth. The same applies to Zionism, a mask for the theft of Palestinian property. 
Disclaimer:Why do I, a Jew, expose this information?  Because this is not who I am, nor who my family or Jews I know, are. I am the inventor of Scruples, a game based on 1200 moral dilemmas. God is the Moral Order. All human beings have souls capable of hearing the voice of God. Our Duty is to discern God’s Will and Obey. You must be good to feel good.However, the Masonic Jewish bankers and their Masonic flunkies are engaged in this vile plot to dispossess humanity. It begins with the spirit –morality and truth– and ends in some planetary gulag or nuclear conflagration. I could remain quiet but I believe we were put on earth to serve and praise God. This alarm is an act of love for Jews and non-Jews alike.   
from April 8, 2008 & Jan 2019By Henry Makow PhD.

In 1869, Jacob Brafman,  a Jewish convert to Christianity published a book in Russian about the Jewish communal organization, “The Kahal” which suggests that Organized Jewry conspired against the Gentile population.

Luckily, in Nov. 1881, Mme. Z.A. Ragozin published a thorough account of it in “The Century Magazine” ( Vol. 23 Issue I) under the title  “Russian Jews and Gentiles (From a Russian Point of View.)”  (This remarkable essay is online.)

Ragozin was a scholar of ancient Near Eastern history who, in the 1880’s, published a half dozen books on the Chaldeans, Persians, Assyrians etc.


Brafman’s book was based on a thousand internal documents of the Kahal. Its most startling revelation:

The Kahal followed the Talmudic prescription that Gentile property is a “free-for-all” for Jews who, for a fee, are pre-authorized by the town council (“The Kahal”) to finagle it. Obviously a source of anti-Semitism, this may explain the true predatory nature of Communism (and the New World Order)  behind the idealistic-sounding window dressing. 

For example, Brafman, whom Jewish historians refer to “an informer,”  explains Jew “X” buys the rights to Gentile “Y”‘s house. 

“He has acquired ‘khazaka’ i.e right of ownership over the house of gentile “Y,” in force thereof he is given the exclusive right, guaranteed from interference or competition from other Jews, to get possession of the said house…’by any means whatever.’  


“Until he has finally succeeded in transferring it to his official possession, he alone is entitled to rent that house from its present owner, to trade in it, to lend money to the owner or to other gentiles who may dwell in it — to make profits out of them in any way [that] his ingenuity may suggest….”

The second part may provide a model of how Gentiles were exploited by a Jew. 

According to Brafman, the documents “show as clearly as possible in what way and by what means the Jews, notwithstanding their limited rights, have always succeeded in driving alien elements from the towns and boroughs where they have settled, to get into their hands the capital and immovable property in those places, and to get rid of all competition in commerce and trades, as has been the case in the western provinces of Russia, in Poland, Galicia, Romania…”

Selling alcohol and money lending were ways to finagle property. The Jewish vodka dealers would show up at harvest time and sell alcohol to farmers on credit. Before long the drinking habits of the peasants and compound interest combined to transfer the property and future harvests into the vodka dealers hands. (See  E. Michael Jones, “Russian Roulette” Culture Wars, May 2006, p. 24.)


Fifty years after “The Kahal” was published, Christian civilization in Russia was brutally destroyed by the Bolshevik Revolution which was a front for the Illuminati Jewish bankers.  The salient aspects of this revolution, apart from the imposition of a ghastly and depraved police state, was the confiscation of untold Gentile wealth and the slaughter of millions of non-Jews.  


This holocaust gets little notice because Illuminati Jews control the mass media and education system using self-righteous and highly-paid dupes of the “neo-con,” “liberal,” “feminist” “socialist” and “Marxist” Jewish stripe to enforce an intellectual tyranny.  

The Rothschild front Kuhn Loeb & Co. got a handsome return on their $20 Million financing of the 1917 revolution. In 1921 Lenin gave them $102 million. ( NY Times Aug. 23, 1921.) As well, they may have kept wealth and bank accounts the (Tsar) Romanov’s foolishly entrusted to them. 

In addition, Illuminati Jewish bankers took ownership of Russian industry.  German Secret Service documents instructed the Bolsheviks to “destroy the Russian capitalists as far as you please, but it would by no means be possible to permit the destruction of Russian enterprises.”

The German Imperial Bank sent the Bolsheviks in excess of 60 million roubles. In this context, A. N. Field cites Documents 10 and 11 between the bankers and the Bolsheviks: “They give a complete synopsis of the terms on which the German banks after the war were to control Russian industry.” “The Truth About the Slump” (1931) by A.N. Field. (pp.62-72)


Lenin and Trotsky created the infamous secret service “Cheka” (later renamed OGPU, then NKVD and finally KGB)  to steal property and crush resistance. 

“The first Cheka units set up in every city or town were engaged first and foremost in the extermination of Tsarist bureaucrats, gendarmes and high ranking officers, the families of White Guards and all citizens whose property was valued at 10,000 roubles or more. There were thousands of scientists and engineers who were killed as “exploiters” and about half the country’s doctors were either killed or forced to emigrate.  People were murdered at home, in the streets, and in the cellars of Cheka headquarters irrespective of their age.” (Slava Katamidze,   “Loyal Comrades, Ruthless Killers -The Secret Services of the USSR 1917-1991” p. 14) 

Thousands of Christian priests and monks were sent to the Gulag and slaughtered. 

“The Church became the target of Bolshevik hostility from the very beginning. Resistance to the confiscation of church properties, especially silver and gold items, was especially fierce…Now priests called on their parishes to resist confiscation, accusing the authorities of pocketing most of the proceeds.” (Katamidze, p. 25) 

It is estimated that the Cheka was responsible for at least 20 million deaths, according to courageous Jewish writer Steve Plocker who says the Cheka was led and staffed mainly by Jews.  The Cheka was empowered by  Lenin and Trotsky, who were Illuminati Jews and financed by Illuminati Jewish bankers.

“Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity,” Plocker writes. “We mustn’t forget that some of the greatest murderers of modern times were Jews.”


In “Russian Jews and Gentiles,” Mme Rogozin writes:

“There have of old been Jews of two descriptions, so different as to be like two different races. There were Jews who saw God and proclaimed His law, and those who worshipped the golden calf and yearned for the flesh-pots of Egypt; there were Jews who followed Jesus and those who crucified Him…” (909) 

(left, Communists massacred priests and confiscated church property during the Spanish Civil War)
Not to excuse the murderers, many rank-and-file Jewish and non-Jewish Communists truly were duped into thinking Communism represented poor workers, wealth distribution and social justice. Much like today,  Illuminati Jews had brainwashed the flock.  However, other Jews did see through the deception and heroically fought against Communism. 

The Illuminati puppet masters work arms-length in order to maintain the illusion that history is unfolding in a random fashion. Thus at various times, Stalin did rebel against his handlers and did persecute their Jewish agents. Many believe Stalin was ultimately murdered when he attempted a final crackdown.

The mirror reverse image of the “Red Terror” was the Nazi persecution of the Jews and confiscation of select Jewish property in the 1930’s. I suspect the Illuminati Jewish bankers were responsible for the rise of the Nazis and benefited by expropriating the wealth of their Jewish competitors. The big German bankers were very involved in the “Aryanization” of Jewish property. 


Since the English Revolution, history reflects the gradual process by which mainly Jewish finance and its satanic Gentile allies have used Freemasonry, “revolution” and war to overthrow Christian civilization and replace it with their economic, social, political and cultural hegemony, i.e. “The New World Order.”

I doubt if  Illuminati Jewish bankers have a monopoly on avarice but they certainly have been its best exponents. (Haven’t they converted most of us?)  I suspect the Talmudic spirit (the Chosen People monopolize wealth at the expense of the vast majority who are considered animals) inspired imperialism and still motivates the Illuminati today.

As I have said, the Illuminati Jewish bankers use Jews as pawns and agents. Their partners are Satanists from all ethnic backgrounds who also subvert and betray their own people. Their plan is to disinherit and domesticate (“educate,” social engineer, brainwash) the human race to their purpose.   They are behind  9-11, the “War on Terror” and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. They are the reason the mass media is a joke. They are behind “hate-laws,” feminism, “sexual liberation,” porn, multiculturalism, and diversity –all this is mind control & social engineering. (Ever hear multiculturalism foisted on Israel or China?) They are behind the covid hoax, “gay rights,” transgenders, cancel culture, and BLM.

A cancer is destroying Western civilization. That cancer is the Masonic Jewish central bankers who control money creation and consequently all social institutions. Our “leadership” represents a corrupt occult power within. We can’t even recognize it because our institutions have been subverted.

America today can be compared to Russia before the Revolution. According to W. Schulgin, “the brain of the nation was in [Illuminati] Jewish hands and it became business, as usual, to think in Jewish categories…In spite of all the restrictions, the Jews controlled the mind of the Russian people.” (Jones, Culture Wars, p. 42) 
A real Jew (and Christian and Muslim) stands for God and the universal Moral Order. Thus, world government can never be “good for the Jews” no matter what status they might enjoy. 

No one will escape Hell-on-Earth.

Related – Satanist Jews persecute other Jews and humanity in general.

A link to a download for the German version of the books. 

Jacob Brafman – Das Buch vom KahalBand 1 + 2 (translated from Russian by Dr Siegfried Passarge)

See also my “Imperialism of Jewish Capital” 

and “Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony” 

Kevin McDonald “Stalin’s Willing Executioners” 

E. Michael Jones “The Revolutionary Jew” 

Related – In the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” (17) this passage occurs: “Even now our brothers are under obligation to denounce apostates of their own family or any person known to be opposed to the Kahal. When our kingdom comes, it will be necessary for all subjects to serve the state in a similar manner.”Is the Jewish “Kahal” the Modern “Soviet”? ‘The International Jew’, Chapter 15.
“The word Kahal is Kehillah in Hebrew. It is the local branch of the Sanhedrin in every community where Jews live, through which they are controlled without their knowledge. ” Henry Klein, A Jew Exposes the World Jewish Conspiracy, p. 7
Go to this Chabad website: Genesis 25:29-34 ‘Esau sells Jacob his birthright’. They want us to sell ours.


“Purity culture tells women that, through the way they dress, the way they move, and the roles they play in churches and in households, they’re the ones responsible for making sure the men around them won’t ‘stumble’ sexually. As a result, it cultivates an environment in which victim blaming and rape culture flourishes and results in debilitating shame for hundreds of thousands of women.” (Matthias Roberts)

These are the feminist talking points to make women feel no responsibility whatsoever for how they dress or act. Feminists’ entire agenda is wrapped up in having women believe that they can do anything they want without suffering any consequences. They are independent and empowered! It matters not what God’s Word has to say to them. What does God say to women about this subject?

He commands women to be chaste (Titus 2:4), have meek and quiet spirits (1 Peter 3:4), be modest (1 Timothy 2:9), and shamefaced (1 Timothy 2:9). He wants women to glorify Him (1 Corinthians 6:20), not themselves. He doesn’t want them drawing attention to themselves by their sensuality, since the first seven chapters in Proverbs are God warning men about whores who dress in a way to entice men and lead them astray which destroys men.

Is God cultivating an environment of victim blaming and rape culture? NO! His commands are to protect women. Feminists’ (Satan’s) plans are to kill, steal, and destroy women. God’s eternal principle is that we will reap what we sow. Women who dress and act provocatively are NOT sowing good fruit, and will reap the consequences. Godly men will certainly not view them as marriage material.

We must stop with this nonsense of tearing down the purity culture in order to give women the freedom to live immoral, immodest, and godless lives. God wants us to be pure! He commands that we be chaste. This is for our good!

President John Adams, the second president of the US, wrote that after careful research of great cultures that were destroyed, the beginning of the destruction happens when women leave their home duties and forsook modesty. Women are the gatekeepers of the home (Titus 2:5) and gatekeepers of sex (chaste – Titus 2:4). When women leave their posts, cultures crumble.

Please, women, don’t take part in the destruction of our culture. We, as Christian women, are called to be salt and light to a decaying culture. Dress modestly. Remain chaste before marriage and after. Be faithful to the husband of your youth all of the days of your life. Be a keeper at home. Being a help meet to your husband, raising godly children, and caring for your home are a full-time job and a valuable one. Never let anyone convince you otherwise.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21

The Fornication Culture is Toxic, NOT the Purity Culture


“Purity culture tells women that, through the way they dress, the way they move, and the roles they play in churches and in households, they’re the ones responsible for making sure the men around them won’t ‘stumble’ sexually. As a result, it cultivates an environment in which victim blaming and rape culture flourishes and results in debilitating shame for hundreds of thousands of women.” (Matthias Roberts)

These are the feminist talking points to make women feel no responsibility whatsoever for how they dress or act. Feminists’ entire agenda is wrapped up in having women believe that they can do anything they want without suffering any consequences. They are independent and empowered! It matters not what God’s Word has to say to them. What does God say to women about this subject?

He commands women to be chaste (Titus 2:4), have meek and quiet spirits (1 Peter 3:4), be modest (1 Timothy 2:9), and shamefaced (1 Timothy 2:9). He wants women to glorify Him (1 Corinthians 6:20), not themselves. He doesn’t want them drawing attention to themselves by their sensuality, since the first seven chapters in Proverbs are God warning men about whores who dress in a way to entice men and lead them astray which destroys men.

Is God cultivating an environment of victim blaming and rape culture? NO! His commands are to protect women. Feminists’ (Satan’s) plans are to kill, steal, and destroy women. God’s eternal principle is that we will reap what we sow. Women who dress and act provocatively are NOT sowing good fruit, and will reap the consequences. Godly men will certainly not view them as marriage material.

We must stop with this nonsense of tearing down the purity culture in order to give women the freedom to live immoral, immodest, and godless lives. God wants us to be pure! He commands that we be chaste. This is for our good!

President John Adams, the second president of the US, wrote that after careful research of great cultures that were destroyed, the beginning of the destruction happens when women leave their home duties and forsook modesty. Women are the gatekeepers of the home (Titus 2:5) and gatekeepers of sex (chaste – Titus 2:4). When women leave their posts, cultures crumble.

Please, women, don’t take part in the destruction of our culture. We, as Christian women, are called to be salt and light to a decaying culture. Dress modestly. Remain chaste before marriage and after. Be faithful to the husband of your youth all of the days of your life. Be a keeper at home. Being a help meet to your husband, raising godly children, and caring for your home are a full-time job and a valuable one. Never let anyone convince you otherwise.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21

The Fornication Culture is Toxic, NOT the Purity Culture


There’s a woman named Jillian on Instagram. Someone asked what right does she have to teach biblical truths since she is obese (or something derogatory like this). Jillian answered by saying that she used to make all kinds of excuses for her obesity. It was NOT her fault at all. But now, she admits it was laziness and gluttony, and it is her fault! She has repented for her sins and now, she’s doing something about it.

Through intermittent fasting and eating a Keto diet, she has lost 50 pounds! She says she still has a long way to go but she’s feeling so much better and looks great! She is an inspiration to the many women who follow her on Instagram.

A few days ago, I shared this tweet: “’Men are looking for the four F’s from women: Fit, Feminine, Friendly, and Faithful.’ Fit: best shape you can be in. Feminine: acts and dresses like a woman, not a man. Friendly: kind, amicable, warm, not hostile. Faithful: committed for life to God and husband. Speaks no evil of him.”

The first line was written by a man under a video of mine that Anthony Johnson had shared on his channel. (He also interviewed me a few weeks ago!) I expounded upon what this man wrote. Men absolutely agreed with this tweet. Guess which F offended many women and made them angry? Fit! Many women hate being told anything about their weight or appearance.

The next day, I tweeted the following: “Encouraging women to be ‘fit’ is NOT shaming them! It’s teaching them truth. The Apostle Paul told us he disciplined his body and made it his slave lest he be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:27). Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit and something everyone who believes in Christ has.”

Paul disciplined his flesh from all sin, including sins of the flesh such as gluttony and laziness. Instead of making excuses, women, begin renewing your mind with truth! You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you! You can walk in the Spirit rather than in the flesh. You can learn to be temperate (moderate) in everything including in how much food you eat. Ask the Lord for wisdom every day.

My best friend struggled with weight her entire life until she began going to Weight Watchers faithfully. She said it was the accountability and learning portion control that helped her so much.

If you are making excuses, you’ll never be an overcomer. Replace the lies you’re believing with truth then begin stepping out in faith. Try to walk every single day even it’s just for 15 minutes at first. Many women love Trim Healthy Mama. Try different ways of eating to discipline yourself and see what works best for you. Try to give up sugar and junk food too, since these are health destroyers and won’t help you on your journey to become fit.

We are believers in Jesus Christ. Christ died to free us from the bondage of our sin. We are free from sin! We can have victory over it! If we couldn’t, what would make us different than any unbeliever on the street? We are new creatures in Christ, filled with His Spirit that works mightily within us, and told we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. NOW, believe it to be true.

And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
1 Corinthians 9:25

Repentance and Victory Over Gluttony!