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Monday, August 6th, 2018.

Jesse Lee Peterson: Choose Black America, Good or Evil.

Brown: Conservative Speech be banned!

Donald and the Di-Spy.

Apple regulates ‘Hate’.

Alex Jones 86’d on 8-6.

Bozell: Censoring Infowars not a slippery slope, it’s a Dangerous Cliff.

WALSH: The Left Claims That Only White People Can Be Racist. Here’s Why That’s Insane.

Joondeph: Summertime blues for the left.

Flashback: Matt Drudge Warns Not to ‘Get Famous’ on YouTube, ‘Google’s Hell Pit’

Morabito: The NY Times has embraced the bigotry of Identity politics

Jeong And Owens Prove Twitter Censorship Weighs More Heavily On Conservatives

Maitra: The NY Times anti-white hire is exactly what Western Education trains students to be. 

CNN, Democrats successfully lobby big tech to silence their opponents.

Tech Giants working together to censor conservatives?

Social Media making children regress to mentality of 3 year olds.

Cohn: Social media worse than pre-crisis banks.

Murray: Russia and the Sunni Muslim threat.

4 things we learned from the FBI’s mostly redacted Steele files.

Hurt: As The Press Turns: Democracy dies in dimwittedness

Google refuses to help U.S. Military, bends over backward to help Chinese censorship.

Schlichter: Get it through your head that Progressives hate you!

Medvin: Racism is racism, it’s black and white.

Reimer: I stand with Ted Cruz

Kris Kobach faces Kansas voters tomorrow in his run for governor.

Trump follows through: Sanctions on Iran imposed at midnight.

Seven data points that show Trump’s economy is booming!

Elder: Lebron should blame his party for dividing America.

Free the Carmakers!

Colleges are failing to teach students how to write well!

D’Souza movie critics deride his movie based on their own poor concept of history. 

Simon: Will someone please review Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie?

40% can’t name single First Amendment right.

Do you really care about Free Speech?  Conservative news under attack from the internet Cartel of Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Twitter.

Trump, Limbaugh erupt over Feinstein’s ‘Spy’ driver

‘We have to regulate every aspect of people’s life’.

Cohen: Yes, there is a war, but not on women.

Hammond: Marco Rubio’s Paid-leave plan shows how conservatives can embrace working-class families.

Facebook, Spotify, Apple and YouTube Remove Alex Jones Content, Citing Violations of Standards

3 Reasons ‘Obama Day’ Is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea

Antifa Behind Several Assaults at Patriot Prayer Rally in Portland

Trump blames California for wildfires, not climate change.

Knight: A Maoist moment in America.

NAACP to portray Trump as racist to score election points.

Details of Dianne Feinstein’s spy driver emerge.

Trump mocks Feinstein for her Chinese Spy driver

ESPN’s ‘First Take’ on Trump-LeBron Feud: ‘Of Course This Is About Race’

2.8 Million People Drop Off Food Stamps Under Trump

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA’s Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

What I Learned From Attending ‘Transgender 101’ At My Local Library

The New York Times’ Hit Piece On Mike Pence Is Anti-Christian Bigotry, Plain And Simple

Showalter: It’s time to hold Democrats responsible for Chicago.

Moran: Violence in Chicago raises serious questions about police reform plan

Ford: the First fake-media induced mental illness.

Candace Owens run out of Philly coffee shop during protest: ‘F– white supremacy’

NYT’s embattled, ahistorical Sarah Jeong: Trump is ‘basically Hitler’.

Chumley: Trump the ‘Not a food stamp” president.

York: 12 times Christopher Steele fed Trump-Russia allegations to FBI after the election

Senator’s Cotton, Hatch: Close the loophole that is allowing violent criminals go free.

Mueller indicts the Washington Swamp.

Planned Parenthood Claims Forcing Taxpayers To Pay For Abortion Is ‘Economic Justice’

Moran: Progressives betting the farm on Identity Politics for midterms.

Curtis: Britain confronts the problem of Sharia Law.

Riley: Leftists love the memory hole.

Massachusetts Fails To Ban Therapy For Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

Lott Jr.:Politicians, Media Unfairly Single Out Football’s Concussion Risk

White House Reinstates Harsh Sanctions on Iran and Trump Takes a Shot at Europe Over Nuclear Deal

Alison Lundergan Grimes, Kentucky Democrat, jokes Rand Paul ‘can be beaten’: ‘Just ask his neighbor’

Russia: ‘Inhumane’ for U.S. to attack Hiroshima.

Professor slams ‘hegemonic masculinity’ of homeless men.

Antifa Behind Several Assaults at Patriot Prayer Rally in Portland

57 People Shot, 6 Fatally, in Chicago Over Weekend

Arnn: Mr. Friedersdorf, Hillsdale is hale.

Most ‘refugees’ actually come from ‘normal’ circumstances.

Russian meddling in 2016?  Chomsky blames Israel.

Newest electronic spying: Recording you while you are on hold.

Woman alleges repeated abuse by superstar pastor.

Atkinson: Who lost China?

Crowe: The virgin Islands fiscal profligacy.

On a Quiet Sunday, Trump Tower mania strikes again.

Sessions signals DOJ will appeal ruling to continue DACA.

Paulson: America’s Better Than This

Jackson: Trump and LeBron James Would Make Better Allies Than Foes

86 year old man offered ride in SF; Beaten, robbed.

Smith: Supply and Demand in the land of Potatoes and lobster.

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