Pro-heterosexual marriage protesters take a photo in Dixon, CA. The Dixon City Council voted not to take action against Vice Mayor Ted Hickman for his pro heterosexual marriage comments.
Watch: Dixon City Council, homosexual activists and righteousness Patriots clash.
Watch: Debauched and deluded Anti-ICE protesters throw F-bombs and n words at law enforcement.
Republican Lawmakers move to impeach Rod Rosenstein.
Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan bring articles of impeachment against Rod Rosenstein.
Federer: Ulysses S. Grant, A Progressive in the Best Sense?
Geraghty: Cohen turns on Trump.
Shapiro: The peril of owning the libs.
DMV Worker slept 3 hours a day on job, not punished.
Westrop: Obama Administration knowingly funded a designated Al-Queda affiliate.
Walsh: Mankind will be extinct if we do not abolish plastic straws.
The Ninth Circuit shows us how to protect gun rights.
What happens when good people shoot back?
Walter Williams: Why we shouldn’t trust predictions of ‘experts’.
Kearns: Blood and Terror: Remembering the Romanov’s.
State: You need permit, that we won’t give you.
Newcombe: Sex change regret: It’s real and devastating.
Bible: Most accurate history book ever written.
Meadows calls on Rosenstein to recuse himself.
Flaherty: Black crime gets crazier.
Bombshell: Liberal publication says Twitter is censoring conservatives.
Retired Colonel wonders why Hillary not on list of those to have security clearances revoked.
York: Why is Mueller handing off key cases.
Dem Congressman accuses media of making Ocasio-Cortez into some kind of deity.
Spin cycle to maximum: Fact checker says dossier not a Clinton funded operation
Judge fights homosexual marriage mandate on religious grounds.
Here’s what U.S. Voters really think of illegal’s voting.
Farber: They shall overreach, Democrats that is.
Star Parker: GOP Senate should pass this bill.
Farah: Why I mourn the N.Y. Daily News, my industry.
See highlight reel of Dems socialist star.
Immigrant admits recruiting Muslims for Jihad massacre.
Smith: No detectable lead poisoning in Flint after all.
Bozell & Graham: Media wail for Brennan and Clapper.
Let’s take a moment to remember the corrupt hackery of Lanny Davis.