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Sunday, July 8th, 2018

Pulling together.

Marcus: Uncle Tom celebrates July 4th

Imani: Absolutely no co-existence with Islam.

Rap Sheet: 202 instances of media approved violence and harassment against Trump supporters.

Showalter: Devin Nunes looks ready to dismantle the Deep State.

Bill Federer: Liberty: We cannot enjoy result if we neglect cause.

Federer: Hawaii’s deep roots of Christianity.

Friedberg: The perspective of remembrance.

Goodwin: One more time?

Yes, Another Liberal SCOTUS Meltdown Is Coming…And It Could Be One For The Record Books

Report: Kethledge all but ruled out over immigration. 

Victim of juvenile assault gets 18 months for not retreating. 

Brent Smith: there’s only one choice for SCOTUS justice.

McMillan: The Terrible 2’s, Democrats at the midterms.

‘Unpleasant surprises’ expected in Pentagon audit.

Hunter: Liberal outrage is all the rage.

Jacob: Weaponizing Freedom.

McCullough: Tomi Lahren’s Six Lies about SCOTUS and the Right to Life.

Chumley: ‘Divisive’ Label a badge of honor for today’s conservatives.

Watch: Members of Ocasio-Cortez’s Socialist party threaten McConnell

San Fran tops list of highest rents in the world.

Bannon harassed at bookstore.

Dershowitz: I’m being treated worse for supporting Trump than I was for defending OJ.

Victor Davis Hanson: Histories bad ideas are an inspiration to Progressives.

Feldman: Exalted Righteousness: Tawdry righteousness leads to Walkaway movement.

Dunn: America’s Junk Weapons.

Clancy: If Johnny can’t read, who’s to blame?

James Dobson announces new public policy center.

Homeschoolers advised to ignore state’s demands.

Illegal fined $280 for killing FBI agent and fire marshal in negligent car accident.

Muslim human rights advocate now claims Presbyterians ‘extreme’.

The War Is Over: Mulvaney No Longer Has This Headache At The CFPB

NYC private school teachers fired for forcing anti Israel views on students.

Margolis: Trump Derangement Syndrome and the lack of civility.

Supreme Court Fallout: Calif. Teachers Sue Unions to Recoup Unconstitutional ‘Agency Fees’

Degenerate Durbin: blocking SCOTUS pick more important than red state Democrats winning re-election.

The Four Seasons of a Life.

Organizers of pro gun rallies lament low turnout.

American ignorance and corruption hitting theaters as slew of degenerate films being released.

The secret story of how America lost the secret drug war with the Taliban.

Curtis: History, the Holocaust, and the French.

Lifson: Who was behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s astonishing make over?

Sunday Schadenfreude: NY Slimes warns it’s readers.

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