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Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Democrats, You Had a Good Monopoly With the Media, but It’s Over

Cadwaladr: The Zombie Media.

Riots in Portland! Antifa degenerates attack Patriot Prayer rally.

Police revoke permit for march in Portland, declare it a riot. Leftists seek to shut down free speech again.

Bogus ‘Human Rights’ organizations fight law to end sex trafficking.

Millennial California degenerate arrested for threatening to kill FCC chairman’s children.

Trump requests detention space, tent cities to detain 12,000 illegal aliens.

Trump meets with SCOTUS picks ahead of July 9th announcement.

Norris: Dems would reject Moses if Trump nominated him for SCOTUS.

Hunter: A Supreme liberal meltdown.

Rivera: Ted Cruz should be on Trump’s short list for SCOTUS.

Saunders: Where is the independent voice among Justices appointed by Democrats?

Maine’s Sen. Collins, impervious to history, sez she won’t support a SCOTUS nominee “hostile” to abortion.  Forgets abortion is pretty hostile to a baby.  It would be nice if we could invent a time machine and place Collins and the other abortion lovers in it, to send them back into the womb they came from, and let them holler for an abortion to their hearts content there.  That way, we can do to them, what they want to do to others.

Updated total: 1,898 refugees admitted into America in June.

Trump: “Abortion rights could end up with the states at some point.”

EXCLUSIVE — Samantha Markle Calls for British Constitution, Treatment of Tommy Robinson Is ‘Extreme’

Williams: Why liberals have flip flopped on free speech.

Liberal SF mandates first $15 minimum wage in CA.  Always reduces jobs.   Not the government’s job to mandate minimum wages.

The Color of Crime.

What’s wrong with Britain?

Can Muslims in West ever be De-Radicalized?

Six Life Lessons from the Battle of Gettysburg.

Farah: Obama’s become movie moguls, thanks to…..

Bialosky: Stop whining about discord when you are causing the discord.

How Jeff Bezos and Amazon Are Inviting China Into America’s DoD Computers

Feldman: Is Trump the most Fun President ever?

Young Stockton, CA mayor has never held a job before.

Goodwin: Left needs to face reality, Trump is winning.

Mag: Death of a Once Great City.

112 year old Austin resident, America’s oldest living veteran, robbed of savings, identity.

Beneath the surface: Quiet superpower race for nuke supremacy.

Londonistan: Khan called a Jihadist by Tommy Robinson supporters.

Maxine responds to death threats: “You better shoot straight”.

Bacow promises more outward looking Harvard.

AMLO on the brink, as Mexico prepares to take a turn towards the left.

American carrier force operating in the Atlantic as Russian Sub activity on the rise.

EXCLUSIVE – Hungary Backs Salvini’s ‘Gamechanging’ Move to Shut Ports to Migrants, Brands EU Leaders All Talk

Chuck Todd: Trump “winning”, Dems, “reeling”.

Corrupt former FBI director James Comey calls for gun control, says NRA “Lies”.

Suspect in Boise stabbing spree doesn’t quite match media narrative.

Dems cutting their own throat by calling for abolishing ICE

Abortion is the “True Family” Separator

American Millennials are leaving religion because they are sinners.

New Poll shows Millennials don’t value Democracy.

Joondeph: NeverTrumpers and a 5-4 vote.

Sobieski: No Lib outrage for Andrew Tahmooressi.

Voshell: the Trump-Putin Summit.

Showalter: In Iran, the armed revolt is beginning.

Lifson: Hilarious satire of Dem apoplexy over next Trump SCOTUS pick.

Canto: the left’s hysteria over abortion.

Straker: Libs say First Amendment is dangerous and needs to be curtailed.

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