German Government ‘Concerned’ About Massive Anti-COVID Restriction Protests

The German government is seriously “concerned” over the sheer number of protests against COVID restrictions in recent weeks, which are the most widespread in the country’s history.

german government 'concerned' about massive anti covid restriction protests

Influential German broadsheet Die Welt reveals that on the same day, protests took place in over 1,000 locations across the country.

“The government is concerned about the decentralized actions,” reports the newspaper, with one source labeling the “immensity” of the demonstrations “depressing.”

“Never before in the history of the Federal Republic have there been demonstrations that are more widespread than in the last few weeks,” states the report, with the government counting 1,046 separate protests involving around 188,000 participants.

Instead of describing such developments as “depressing,” you’d think authorities in Germany would maybe considering listening to the will of their people.

A scandal in Hamburg where the Mayor falsely claimed that the unvaccinated represented 95% of COVID cases didn’t do anything to restore trust.

A Senate investigation reported the actual number to be 14.3%.

Germany is still pushing ahead with plans to make the COVID jab mandatory, with a parliamentary debate on the issue planned for next week.

Las year, the editor-in-chief of Germany’s top newspaper Bild apologized for the news outlet’s fear-driven coverage of COVID, specifically to children who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.”

As we highlighted earlier, the Czech Republic has abandoned plans to make the COVID jab mandatory for some groups after numerous large protests took place in Prague.

The general picture across the continent is one of restrictions being gradually rolled back in response to Omicron proving mild, although countries like Austria are still planning to make the jab compulsory.


5G network uses same EMF waves as Pentagon crowd control system

5G network uses same EMF waves as Pentagon crowd control system

Terence Newton, Staff Writer, Waking Times

The global rollout of 5G is well underway,and we soon may see new small cell towers near all schools, on every residential street, dispersed throughout the natural environment, and pretty much everywhere. But the safety of this technology is in serious question, and there is a raging battle to stop the taxpayer-funded implementation of 5G.


The new cell network uses high band radio frequency millimeter waves to deliver high bandwidth data to any device within line of sight.

“Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order to wirelessly transmit voice or data. However, 5G applications will require unlocking of new spectrum bands in higher frequency ranges above 6 GHz to 100 GHz and beyond, utilizing submillimeter and millimeter waves – to allow ultra-high rates of data to be transmitted in the same amount of time as compared with previous deployments of microwave radiation.” [Source]

“One of the ways 5G will enable this is by tapping into new, unused bands at the top of the radio spectrum. These high bands are known as millimeter waves (mmwaves), and have been recently been opened up by regulators for licensing. They’ve largely been untouched by the public, since the equipment required to use them effectively has typically been expensive and inaccessible.” [Source]

Among the many potential problems with exposure to 5G radio waves are issues with the skin, which is interesting when you consider that this technology is already being used in the military for crowd control purposes.

“This kind of technology, which is in many of our homes, actually interacts with human skin and eyes. The shocking finding was made public via Israeli research studies that were presented at an international conference on the subject last year. Below you can find a lecture from Dr. Ben-Ishai of the Department of Physics at Hebrew University. He goes through how human sweat ducts act like a number of helical antennas when exposed to these wavelengths that are put out by the devices that employ 5G technology.” [Source]

The U.S. military developed a non-lethal crowd control weapon system called the Active Denial System (ADS). It uses radio frequency millimeter waves in the 95GHz range to penetrate the top 1/64 of an inch layer of skin on the targeted individual, instantly producing an intolerable heating sensation that causes them to flee.


This video demonstrates:

This technology is becoming ubiquitous in top world militaries, demonstrating how genuinely effective this radio frequency energy can be at causing harm to humans and anything else.


“U.S., Russian, and Chinese defense agencies have been active in developing weapons that rely on the capability of this electromagnetic technology to create burning sensations on the skin, for crowd control. The waves are Millimetre waves, also used by the U.S. Army in crowd dispersal guns called Active Denial Systems.” [Source]

Final Thoughts

The fight over 5G is heating up at the community level, and awareness of this important issue is spreading fast. For more background on 5G, watch this video from Take Back Your Power, featuring Tom Wheeler, Former FCC Chairman and corporate lobbyist, who delivers a rather intimidating and presumptuous speech praising this new technology. The fight over 5G is heating up at the community level, though, and now is the time to speak out against it.

About the Author: Terence Newton is a staff writer for, interested primarily with issues related to science, the human mind, and human consciousness.

*Article originally appeared at Waking Times.


Eric Conn is a wise man. I share many of his tweets on my social media sites. Recently, he shared this one.

Joseph Spurgeon responded to this tweet by writing the following:

I agree with Mr. Conn, but I want to address one of the responses to his post. Someone argued that until we get solutions to the problems that men face in buying a house, dealing with courts, and getting better economic status, then how can we expect men or women to want to get married.

This might sound wise, but it’s worldly wisdom. Marriage and child bearing have always taken faith. This mindset that a man has to have everything together (a house he owns and a settled career) may sound wise, but is it biblical?

The Israelites under the yoke of slavery in Egypt were very fruitful. And again they were in bondage. Joseph and Mary were so poor that they couldn’t afford the lamb to sacrifice when Christ was born and therefore had to sacrifice turtledoves.

While it is certainly good to desire financial stability, we aren’t promised financial stability in this life. We aren’t promised the house with a big yard or the homestead. We aren’t promised the courts won’t be stacked against us. But we should still heed Scripture’s warning that it’s better to marry than to burn, or the Scriptural command to be fruitful and multiply.

A young man needs to have a work ethic to be able to provide for a wife, a vision for serving God aka a mission, but he doesn’t have to have it all settled. Rather the whole point of marriage is to find a woman who can help you in the building of the household, not that you build it all by yourself.

This may mean renting an apartment the first few years of marriage while you save for later. It will mean sacrifices together. But can we stop with the faithlessness and fear that masquerades as wisdom.

For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7

600 Austrian Police Demand Govt To Cancel Tyrannical Mandate

600 Austrian law enforcement officers have written to the Austrian Interior Minister, requesting that proposals for forced vaxing be withdrawn and that prejudice against the unvaxed be ended.

600 austrian police demand govt to cancel jab mandate

The letter, written on January 10, was signed by three law enforcement personnel who purport to representing nearly 600 of their coworkers and was written to Austrian Interior Minister Gerhard Karner.

“We do not want to face the population in a threatening manner during what are predominantly peaceful demonstrations which were organized due to the increasing dissatisfaction of the people with politicians,” wrote the authors of the letter.

Numerous protests were held around Austria last weekend, which would include Vienna, wherein approximately 20,000 protesters came to the streets on Saturday to denounce proposals to declare jabs mandatory for all citizens over the age of 18.

In response to the letter, the Austrian Ministry of the Interior stated that “the people who signed [it] can be assigned a clear political orientation.”

“85% of the 32,000 Austrian police officers have already been vaxxinated, that is a clear statement,” the ministry added.

The letter’s authors, on the other hand, refuted this, claiming that they are not affiliated with any political party.

“We are not far-right or far-left extremists, we are not anti-vaxers … we are a group of several hundred police officers from the whole of Austria … united by our concern for the rule of law, freedom of thought, our fundamental rights, as well as our health,” they wrote.

The authors then issued a series of demands on Interior Minister Karner, the first of which was for him to “ensure that no vaxxine mandate, either professional or general, or any other form of indirect forced vaxxination be introduced in Austria.”

They subsequently requested that the so-called 3G policy at work be suspended, which restricts accessibility to only those who have gotten immunized against COVID-19, have tested negative for it, or having healed from the disease.

Alternatively, the authors advocated for the rule’s abolition or modification into a 1G rule requiring simply a negative test for everybody to assure that “discrimination against unvaxxinated colleagues comes to an end.”

Ultimately, the writers requested that they be regarded as allies rather than adversaries of the public.

“We want to be there for the people, as friend and helper,” they wrote.

Since proposals for obligatory vaxxination were disclosed, anti-vaxxine rallies have been occurring every Saturday in Austria, and they have been mostly peaceful, with only a few incidents of clashes involving policemen and protesters.


Going Maskless is Easier Than You Think


Jeff B merely claims 

he has a medical condition 

that prevents him from wearing a mask.

Privacy laws prevent mask gestapo

from demanding proof.

People who do not accept the narrative but wear a mask anyway because it’s easier, are doing us all a disservice.  Don’t wait until they tell you that you don’t have to.  YOU ALREADY DON’T HAVE TO.

 It’s time for more of us to get used to the discomfort of challenging authority, because the authority is far from done with us.”

by Jeff B

Mask wearing in “indoor public spaces” became mandatory in Manitoba in October of 2020. 

I was forced to change my work situation in order to avoid wearing a mask all day.  At least this part of my life remained under my own terms.

Nor have I worn a mask to go shopping. In a Costco, in April of 2021, I was confronted by a couple of enforcement officers, I realized how easy it was to deflect these agents of the province. 

They were quickly dismissed by my claim of a medical condition that prevented me from wearing a mask.  They did not ask me about my medical condition because they have been trained and know that they cannot.  (If they did ask, my condition is called ‘acute lucidity’).  


(Were it so easy for German Jews)

Covid enforcement officers and the police both know they can do nothing once you inform them that you are exempt from the rules.  

In Manitoba, my personal medical information is protected by the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA).  The rules will vary depending on where you live, but chances are your right to privacy prevents these officials from asking for proof of anything.

I had already ventured without a face cover of any kind in a few smaller businesses, but it was not until my confrontation in a Costco that I realized it was possible to do this everywhere.

Next it was on to Superstore.  

My first maskless visit to this retail behemoth inspired some anxiety, remembering video footage of elderly people being harassed and then arrested by police for what I was about to do. 

I even brought my plastic face shield with me in case I decided to pull the pin on the whole idea.  Nobody said anything.  

This is last May!

From then on, I went absolutely everywhere without a mask and have rarely encountered any resistance.  

It seems like the large stores have learned their lesson and give the least amount of pressure to patrons who are not wearing masks.  I imagine this is due to their willingness to comply with the laws, which really state that the only requirement of a business is to remind shoppers that there is a mask mandate in effect, but they no longer try to enforce these rules.  Enforcement was never part of the mandate.  The stores and the citizens took it upon themselves to push each other around, which I believe was expected by our overlords. 

In any case, it’s as simple as walking in without a mask.  Most stores no longer have someone manning the front door making certain customers are mask-compliant and hand-sanitizing.  If someone does say something, asks me about my mask, I respond with, ” I cannot wear a mask.”

In most cases, that is the end of the conversation.  

Sometimes the response is a confused look, as if these words somehow do not compute, but nothing more.  On occasion, a follow up question of, “why can’t you wear a mask?” is asked.  

 To this, my response is, ” I am exempt.”

It’s that easy!

On a rare occasion, the clerk might push further with,  “how or why are you exempt?”  To this, an appropriate response might be, “none of your business,” although I usually say something like, “I have a medical condition.”

I cannot say that all of my experiences have been without incident, but the vast majority have been smooth and easy and certainly everyone should be doing it.

I feel like the best strategy is a smile.  

Being inside a store in this covid era is a definite cause to be happy.  The angry, defensive or even aggressive approach of asserting yourself in this matter is counter productive.  Stating that these laws are unconstitutional, while true, opens up a discussion that will not suit your purpose if you just want to shop.  

Being positive and upbeat while defying these laws puts a smile on my face, and although everyone else is still masked, I can tell very often that they are smiling back.

In most every case, other customers and staff treat you normally, like you were any other shopper.  


On a side note, I have developed a friendship by simply striking up a conversation with a brave maskless patron who helped inspire me to do the same. 

 We now have this brief opportunity, while these rules are still in place of being able to easily identify those like-minded individuals around us.

It’s not surprising that the vast majority of people are still complying.  

Last fall when Manitoba scrapped the mask mandate for about 3 weeks, due to supposed falling cases, you could hardly tell the difference; masks everywhere.  Masks outside, and exercising and driving alone. So many of them still believe the official narrative and willingly wear the mask because they believe it has some benefit.  If nothing else it shows they are on board with team covid.

Depending on where you live, the rules may be different, and you may encounter more difficulty than I in asserting your freedom, but no matter what it is worth the risk.

It feels like all of this mask stuff is about to go away anyway, with the UK dropping all restrictions recently.  Not that things are going to turn around.  This is all part of the plan.  Restrictions will be loosened before the next round of tightening.  

But why would we wait for the government to tell us it’s ok to dispense with the mask-wearing when it is already ok?

People who do not accept the narrative but wear a mask anyway because it’s easier, are doing us all a disservice. Don’t wait until they tell you that you don’t have to. YOU ALREADY DON’T HAVE TO.

It’s time for more of us to get used to the discomfort of challenging authority, because the authority is far from done with us

Headlines for Jan 21, 2022


NBC Reports the U.S. Trucker Vaccine Mandate Scheduled for January 22nd May Collapse Supply Chain for Food and Auto Parts

Ontario truck driver predicts vaccine mandates will cause major supply chain issues in US, Canada
‘The numbers I’m hearing are in around 38,000 [trucks] coming off the road.’
——Cross-country truckers convoy departs B.C. for Ottawa to protest vaccine mandate

The first leg of the convey, dubbed The Convey For Freedom 2022, is set to leave B.C. on Sunday—

37,927 Deaths and 3,392,632 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Young People Continue to Die

Reports On Deaths From Covid Shots Are Piling Up-But Still Ignored By Mainstream

Russia set for complete ban on cryptocurrencies

We should have the right to exercise’: B.C. gym owner decries $2,300 COVID fine for staying open

“We will not back down,” said Mark. “If that means they drag me out of here in (hand)cuffs, then so be it.


From three years ago

Jordan Peterson hobnobs with globalists

SHOCKING FOOTAGE! NYPD Take Away Unvaccinated Child in Police Car During Anti-Mandate Protest in NYC! — Must See VIDEO!

 An unvaccinated child was seen being taken away by police from the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan this evening.



25 Federal Agencies Tracking Employees With Religious Exemption Requests


Despite mass protests, French Parliament passes law mandating COVID vaccine passports 

Unvaccinated citizens will no longer be able to present a negative COVID test in lieu of proof of vaccination to access certain premises.

(the late Sean Hartmann, 17, victim of the Cabalist jab)

All he wanted to do was play hockey’: Grieving dad says Pfizer shot killed his 17-year old son.
Deaths are ‘happening, more than anyone knows, and it’s just being denied and silenced.’

London-bound American Airlines flight turns back to Miami an HOUR AND HALF into journey because ‘disruptive’ female passenger refused to wear a mask

Democracy Mexican style

Citizens from an indigenous town in Oaxaca beat up the mayor and detained him along with the town’s Education Minister for alleged corruption on Monday.

Homophobic chants will cost Mexican soccer fans 5-year ban from attending games

Portraits of the Rothschilds and their flunkies

An excellent video explaining clearly how the Fed and monopoly capital used the pandemic as excuse to “reform” the monetary system Globally. 

A Political Pandemic
Paul Joseph Watson- It’s Over (in the UK) 

Masonic Anti-Vaxxers Scrub Occult Connection


The Academy of Divine Knowledge appears to be a Masonic organization 
whose teachers and associates  include prominent anti-vaxers David Icke, 
Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree, Alec Zeck, Dr. Christiane Northrup,  Dr. Carrie Madej, and RFK Jr. 
The Academy has since rebranded itself to hide its occult connection. 

by CR(

Last July, I exposed the Academy of Divine Knowledge, an occult organization whose members include several prominent “anti-vax” activists including RFK Jr., Del Bigtree, and David Icke.
The Academy’s site is now gone.  The domain name ( still exists but redirects to a new site named UNIFYD, which includes most of the same list of “teachers” but all references to the occult have been scrubbed.

Hilariously, their monthly fee of $33 (an obvious Masonic reference) has been reduced to $32.99.

Is this the result of them being called out for their occult practices?  

The original site spoke of “helping humanity through its awakening process in a comfortable manner.”  Perhaps openly espousing occult beliefs and practices resulted in them receiving too much negative attention and the “awakening process” (aka indoctrination into occultism) had to be aborted.

Even the video by Sgt. Michelle Foy which originally exposed these people has been removed from her account.  

Not to point fingers at her, but what is going on?  Maybe she was threatened.

Her video is still available here:

In my original article, I noted that the periods of lock downs and restrictions corresponded to Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius, which the second time happened on the first day of Saturnalia.  


The renowned occultist HP Blavatsky said that the god Saturn is in fact Satan and is “the god of our planet and the only god”, and the Academy’s logo was the hexagram which is the star of Saturn.
Saturn will exit Aquarius on March 7, 2023 and is currently in the “waning” phase, which (aside from the resistance) may explain why the tyranny is beginning to wind down.  

Not only is resistance growing among the general public but the entire covid narrative is now crumbling with the vaccines proven to be useless and dangerous, while the latest studies show that even four doses are ineffective at doing anything but causing adverse reactions. 
 Meanwhile, the “latest variant deadly variant” has turned out to be nothing more than the common cold.   Are these coincidences or was this the plan all along?

Perhaps the time for proselytizing has also passed for the Academy of Divine Knowledge.

Deeply involved in the occult, the globalist elite plan world events to coincide with astrological events and dates with numerological significance.  

They have tyranny and destruction planned like clockwork.  They wait for all the stars to line up before making their next major move.
This is not to say that the covid scam is totally finished or that global tyranny is taking a holiday.  

Things are moving into another phase, which looks like it will be largely driven by fraudulent climate change ideology.  


And thanks to the Academy of Divine Knowledge we can be fairly certain that indoctrinating us into satanism is one of the main objectives as well.
As always, be on the lookout for wolves in sheep’s clothing.  

They will tell you the truth about one thing only to gain your trust, the better to betray you. .——————FIRST COMMENT FROM DS

This article by “CR” seems to be creating something of a stir. the symbolism around the Academy of Divine Knowledge is clearly a red flag and worthy of further investigation of it and any members. RFK jr, as you know, despite his apparently good and open work against vaccines is terrible on the climate agenda, support for Hillary and has a personal history that speaks for itself. 

On the other hand, this part about the position of Saturn and the Saturnalia vis-avis Aquarius is a dry hole. Astrology and numerology are subjects that I have studied intensely since I was very young (e.g. I’ve done the birth charts for a LOT of people). Saturn does its progression through the signs every 29.46 years and trying to match those particular cycles with wider events is an exercise in vagueness and frustration and a waste of time. Elements in the power-that-be definitely dwell on numbers and astrology but I recommend against spending time chasing this particular phenomenon in hopes of finding any useful insight. 

I am wondering on this latest opening up by BorisJ. It is difficult to imagine him doing it solely to save his own political skin although he no doubt wants to do that. Breaking ranks on that basis alone would be rare indeed. Could this be a signal that they are moving to the next phase that could include the next virus roll-out? The simultaneous, on-cue shift in the pushed narrative is, as always, just too perfect. 

The much warned of “mass die-off” has yet to manifest itself and we are into the time period suggested by a number of people. There have been plenty of vaccine related tragedies but so far we could still be looking at a limited experiment/dry run of vaccine effects and social control. Again, possibly setting up something worse on both counts later.


“Marriage and motherhood are not a woman’s highest calling. The NT explicitly tells us in 1 Corinthians 7 that only those who burn with lust need to marry so as to avoid sexual temptation. Getting married is a kind of gift to glorify God and according to Paul, it’s but ONE kind of gift.” (Ariel Gonzalez Bovat on Instagram).

In the beginning, God created Adam. God said it was NOT good for man to be alone, so He created Eve to be his help meet (helper suitable for him). Then God instituted marriage and commanded that they be fruitful and multiply. God has never rescinded this command. This was God’s perfect plan for humanity.

We are told in 1 Timothy 2:15, “Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” All women who continue in faith will be saved, but childbearing refines godly women and makes them more like Christ. It is the ministry that God has given to women; being help meets to their husbands and raising godly offspring.

Is singleness a gift? No, it is actually an affliction for many who want to be married but are not. Doug Wilson wrote an article titled Seven Reasons Men Should Marry Before Their 23rd Birthday. It’s fantastic! “Men need help, and they need help as soon as they have assumed the full responsibilities of adulthood. Women were given by God to help men because men needed the help, and that help has to do with their vocation and calling. If a woman is called to be the wife of a doctor, she can step into that calling by being the wife of a med student. God does not say ‘it is not good for man to be alone after grad school.’”

Paul wrote about singleness by “permission and not of commandment” (1 Corinthians 7:6). If a man doesn’t burn (which most do) and wants to live a life like Paul (which most single men are not doing), then yes, he has the freedom to do so. Many these days act as if singleness is God’s will for us. That it’s far superior to marriage. This just isn’t true if you take the Bible as a whole and understand God’s original design for us.

Why do you think Satan and feminism have fought so very hard against God’s will for women? Satan doesn’t want women marrying. He doesn’t want them bearing children and raising godly offspring. This thwarts his wicked plan for us as we are seeing in our nation. He wants young women going off to college and working for a career during their most youthful and fertile years. Do you know that college educated women initiate divorce 90 percent of the time? (This is one of many reasons that I will NEVER advocate for women to go to college. It has caused FAR more harm than good.) Divorce has skyrocketed. Broken homes and families are common. This isn’t God’s will for humankind!

What about single and barren women? Here’s a great post I share often to encourage them. We live in a fallen, wicked world where God’s perfect will isn’t happening for many. Feminism has caused a lot of this damage. Many godly, single and barren women grieve over their circumstances, but even in their grief, they need to remember that God is good, and His plan for them is good. They must learn that godliness with contentment is great gain.

Marriage used to be common, so did women having children and being home to raise them. Now, it’s a minority of the population doing this. There are a LOT of singles now. Is this a good thing? NO! Marriage matures us. It teaches us many good and beneficial things. The Apostle Paul even wrote that the elders of the churches must be “the husband of one wife.” If singleness was fantastic, he would have encouraged elders to be single like the Catholics do. I am sure Paul understood why God said that it wasn’t good for man to be alone, and why He created marriage.

Yes, God can use single and barren women in powerful ways, but this doesn’t negate God’s perfect will for women. Doug Wilson ends his article this way: “Feminism is a toxic mess. The best and only complete answer to it is for men to find a woman early, love her completely, feed and educate her children, and bring her as much happiness as you are capable of bringing someone. As one Puritan put it, and man should first choose his love, and then love his choice. Young Christian men should marry in such a way as to make celebration of a 75th anniversary a much greater likelihood.” And women need to be taught by older women to LOVE THEIR HUSBANDS until death do they part.

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1 Timothy 5:14

England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates & Work Restrictions

Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday.

england ends all covid passports, mask mandates & work restrictions

Johnson also suggested that self-isolation rules may also be thrown out at the end of March as the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic becomes endemic.

Effective immediately, the UK government is no longer asking people to work from home.

The COVID pass mandate for nightclubs and large events won’t be renewed when it expires on Jan. 26.

And from Thursday, indoor mask-wearing will no longer be compulsory anywhere in England.

The requirement for secondary school pupils to wear masks during class and in communal areas will also be removed from the Department for Education’s national guidance.

Roaring cheers from lawmakers could be heard in the House of Commons following Johnson’s announcements on masks.

prime minister's questions

Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons, London, on Jan. 19, 2022. (House of Commons/PA)

People who test positive for COVID-19 and their unvaccinated contacts are still required to self-isolate, but Johnson said he “very much expect[s] not to renew” the rule when the relevant regulations expire on March 24.

“As COVID becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with advice and guidance, urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others,” the prime minister said.

Breaking! From England to Israel, the Narrative is Collapsing.

Asked to remove testing rules for vaccinated UK-bound travellers, Johnson said the government is reviewing the testing arrangements on travel and that an announcement can be expected in the coming days.

But he refused to reconsider the vaccination mandate for frontline health care workers, insisting “the evidence is clear that health care professionals should get vaccinated.”

Johnson told MPs that the Cabinet decided to remove its so-called “Plan B” measures on Wednesday morning as data suggest the Omicron wave has peaked nationally, and he attributed stabilising hospital admission numbers to “the extraordinary booster campaign” and the public’s compliance to the restriction measures.

The removal of the “Plan B” measures against the CCP virus came as the prime minister battles increasing pressure calling for him to resign over alleged lockdown-breaching parties in Number 10 Downing Street, the prime minister’s official residence, during the pandemic.

It also came after Number 10 received a petition on Monday signed by more than 200,000 people, calling for an end to vaccine passports and similar COVID certifications.

A separate petition calling on the reversal of vaccine mandates for health care workers, which was also delivered to Number 10 on Monday, received about 160,000 signatures.

Governments in Scotland and Wales have also announced the removal of Omicron curbs, but mandatory indoor mask-wearing and COVID passes will remain in place.

By Lily Zhou,

From England To Israel, The Narrative Is Collapsing

Facing a fight for his political life, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced an abrupt end to England’s jab passport, mask mandates including in schools, and work-from-home orders as the Omicron “scare” fizzles.

In Israel, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman is demanding an end to that country’s vax pass.

The bricks are falling from this Berlin Wall.

Watch today’s Liberty Report:
