Their Sole Purpose is to DESTROY Us; Their Lame Excuses are Diversions


Soccer was cancelled for my friend’s son, 9, due to covid.Children have zero chanceof contracting covid yet they are required to wear masks, social distance and remote-learn. Why?

Because our rulers believe in destroying all that is good and wholesome. The Jewish Governor of Michigan wants to cut a pipeline on which Eastern Canada depends. Why? It’s not an “environmental hazard.” Communists want to destroy the Canadian economy. Feminism isn’t about “gender equality.” It is about destroying the nuclear family. Cancel culture isn’t about “diversity;” it’s about destroying Christian civilization. 

Humanity is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati. The #scamdemic lockdowns are inspired by the satanic doctrine of “Creative Destruction” found in Cabalist Judaism & Freemasonry.
At its basis is the destruction of the old order which was dedicated to fulfilling God’s Will, through a “great reset” which will see a New World Order dedicated to serving Satan and his minions.  Hell on Earth. Satanism. It’s time to stop debating their lame pretexts and focus on the OCCULT nature of the challenge we face. Humanity suffers from a debilitating cancer. Our blood supply (the banking system) is controlled by Satanist Jews and Freemasons. They have leveraged their control over our government credit to subvert every social institution: government, media, education, religion, medicine, law.  Communism is the control of every facet of human life. 

In The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed writes, “The Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] elevate the theory of destruction to this status of “a fundamental truth, a primary or basic law, a governing law of conduct’…
In many passages, the Protocols appear, at first sight,  to recommend destruction as a thing virtuous in itself, and consequently justifying all the methods explicitly recommended to promote it (bribery, blackmail, corruption, subversion, sedition, mob incitement, terror, and violence) which thus become virtuous too.” (p. 211)Think Antifa & BLM. Think Demonrats. 

(Editor’s Note. I just posted this six months ago but people have short memories these days. This needs to be reread often.)


Occult “Creative Destruction” Drives Lockdown (Oct 27, 2020)


by Henry MakowPh.D

The Doctrine of “Creative Destruction” provides a key to understanding the gratuitous destruction wreaked by lockdowns, mask orders, etc.

According to the Kabbalah, which is the defining doctrine of Judaism and Freemasonry, “Evil and catastrophe [are] endemic factors in the process of creation. Without evil there could be no good, without destruction, creation could not take place.”(Kabbalah: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism, by Byron L. Sherwin, p. 72.) 

Cabalists believe the Old (Christian) Order must be ruthlessly destroyed before the New (Satanic) World Order, based on the Kabbalah, can be built. 

Hence, the Illuminati motto: “Order Out of Chaos.” Hence, the Communist Manifesto advocates the destruction of nation, religion, and family and the transfer of all private wealth to the Illuminati bankers, in the guise of the state.  

The Doctrine of Creative Destruction explains why war and revolution have been characterized by gratuitous genocide, terror, and destruction.

It explains the banishment of God from public discourse and the widespread acceptance of obscenity, pornography, and the occult. It explains the attack on gender and the promotion of homosexuality to heterosexuals.  It explains the spate of false-flag terror that is a hallmark of modern life. 


The present-day Illuminati grew out of the satanic “Sabbatean-Frankist” Jewish heresy in the 17th and 18th centuries. The bankers and half the Jews of Europe adopted this pestilence and spread it to the Gentile elites through Freemasonry.

Thus, Illuminati Jews characterize the “Jewish” role in terms of the destruction of civilization.

For example, in the book “You Gentiles” (1924) Maurice Samuelwrites:

“In everything, we are destroyers–even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief…We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”  (p. 155)
In 1928, Marcus Ravage, a Jewish Rothschild biographer wrote an essay entitled, “The Real Case Against the Jews.” 
“You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We are intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of the latest great war but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.”

(THE CENTURY MAGAZINE, JANUARY 1928, Vol. 115, No. 3, pp. 346-350.)
In The Controversy of Zion, Douglas Reed writes, “the Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] elevate the theory of destruction to this status of “a fundamental truth, a primary or basic law, a governing law of conduct’…In many passages the Protocols appear, at first sight,  to recommend destruction as a thing virtuous in itself, and consequently justifying all the methods explicitly recommended to promote it (bribery, blackmail, corruption, subversion, sedition, mob incitement, terror, and violence) which thus become virtuous too.” (p. 211)
Think Antifa & BLM.

Most Jews (and liberals/leftists in general) are unaware of this cabalistic plot. They have been duped by spurious appeals to ideals of “social justice” and “equality.”   


Religio means “to go within” i.e. “to know and obey” God. In any true religion, God comprises absolute spiritual ideals — love, truth, justice, goodness, beauty, harmony — pure and unalloyed. God is nothing if not Moral – i.e. Good. 

Evil is the absence of God, just as darkness is the absence of light.

(Kabbalists Trump and his dad)The Kabbalah says God is unknowable and has no form. This is Satanism. You cannot obey God if you cannot know Him. 
“To the Cabalist, God is an infinite Sea of Being (En Sof) without any limit; hence without any qualities, without desire or will of any kind. He is totally incomprehensible. ” (Jacob Angus, The Meaning of Jewish History (1963) p. 286. 
In fact, God is perfection, the form necessary for human evolution. Be ye therefore perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. (Mathew 5-48) 
True religion assumes God is present in the human soul. Obeying this voice, conscience is what makes us human. 
Anyone who denies the existence of God is a Satanist, not an atheist. 


The Cabala is satanic because it says evil is part of God: “God has two sides; [both] are essentially one thing; what we experience as evil is as Divine as what we experience as good.”

Hence the expression gaining currency today: “It’s all good.” 

The Cabalist exegesis continues:  

“Many texts in the Kabbalah, including the Zohar, say that the task is not to destroy evil but to return it to its source — to “include the left within the right,” in the Zoharic metaphor, “to uplift the fallen sparks” in the Lurianic one. In Chabad Hasidism, it is stated that evil exists as part of the Divine revelation itself. Indeed, to think that evil really is separate from God is, itself, the essence of evil, which is precisely the illusion of separation.”

“Letting go of the reality of separate evil, and really accepting that the sitra achra [impurity, occult, evil] is a side of Divinity, is easy on paper and very difficult in reality. … Still, to the extent it is possible to do so, the notion is indeed life-changing. Everything is a flavor of Divinity.” 

Cabalists also believe in “redemption through sin” i.e. deliberately flaunting the Old Law by doing evil (adultery, incest, pedophilia.) The destruction of civilization (i.e. chaos)  will provoke the return of the Messiah (the anti-Christ) who will rebuild the world according to Kabbalist specifications, with the Illuminati bankers playing God.

This is all Satanism. God is inherently good. In a true religion, you do not obey God by doing evil, or by pretending evil is part of God.
GASLIGHTINGThe mass media is responsible for spreading this coronahoax. Therefore it is significant that in April a senior CBC reporter Don Pittis actually referenced this satanic dogma:   “COVID-19 may be the catalyst — not the cause — of a painful but useful economic transformation. Retailers go broke, property and oil fall but maybe the economic pain will speed beneficial changes.”


“According to the theory of creative destruction derived by Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter in 1942 from ideas proposed by Karl Marx, economic and technological progress demands that businesses must die and industries and paradigms must be swept away to make room for new ones.”
Karl Marx, the father of Communism, was a Cabalist and a Satanist.  “Creative destruction” is the same satanist rationale they use for starting devastating wars. Clearly the hidden agenda behind the #scamdemic is social and economic change. Thanks to Satanists controlling the banking system, society is under relentless satanic attack, and is satanically possessed.   
“Creative Destruction” explains why humanity is cursed by never-ending catastrophes. These are engineered by the Illuminati to attack and destroy anything that smacks of the healthy divine order — spiritual or natural. They must destroy the old order before they can install their satanist tyranny.  This behind the current #scamdemic. (Makow- Satanism Explained)

People like Don Pittis who are sympathetic to Satanism permeate our body politic like a cancer. 


Call it illuminism, secularism, Luciferianism, humanism, paganism or the occult: It’s all Kabbalah.   

Modern Western civilization has no moral legitimacy (and no future) because it is based on a rebellion against God, who represents the path of our spiritual development.   

Humanity had been hijacked by psychopaths intent on destroying the “old order” and building a bizarre, solipsistic, violent, depraved dystopia in its place. 

These psychopaths control our government’s credit and mass media. Thus, they are able to purchase our leaders and dupe society into embracing its own downfall.

Related – David Livingstone – Cabalist “Creative Destruction” Behind Syrian War 

Makow – Satanism Explained ———Do Cabalists Plan to Cull the Goyim? Insider- Trump Family Cult Prepares WW3Meditation on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit 

 “Liberals are Unwitting Shills for Communism, Satanism”

Zionists Take Credit for Iraq War

The Kabbala is a Hoax

Livingstone- The NWO’s Satanic Bible

Conservatives Must Boycott Twitter


Staying on Twitter is disloyalto hundreds of gallant patriots who have been expelled. Itis collaborating with the enemy

by Henry Makow PhD

Are you a Conservative?  Are you on Twitter? Why?
How can you use it to communicate with fellow conservatives when you know they have permanently banned:
Donald Trump; Sidney Powell; E. Michael Jones; Owen Benjamin; Lin Wood; Michael Flynn; Ben Garrison; Mike Lindell; Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit); James O’Keefe (Project Veritas); David Icke; Alex Jones; Steve Bannon; David Duke; Stefan Molyneux.
These people all stand for patriotism and freedom, but under the current Communist dispensation, they are considered “far-right.”  
Anyone who isn’t a Communist, i.e. a Masonic Jewish minion, is “a Nazi.” 
I ask again, why are you still on Twitter?
I was banned last week, and admit I was a hypocrite. I knew what Twitter was up to but I didn’t want to let my nearly 25,000 followers down. I enjoyed the Twitter polls. I thought it could still be useful.
But it was morally wrong of me to continue on Twitter when it banned so many people I admire. If we are going to survive, we need to learn solidarity. 


(Twitter CEO, satanist Jack Dorsey)
Twitter will not allow anyone to question the Covid narrative, nor discuss the vaccine dangers. I was banned for retweeting a well-documented Mike Adams story suggesting the covid vaccines may lead to sickness and death.
The vaccine adverse reactions are the Number One story today so Twitter is pretty useless if you can transmit these stories.
Things are going to get worse. When they do, we should not rely on Communists like Jack Dorsey to communicate with each other.
These people want to destroy us.
Being on Twitter is like asking Jeffrey Dahmer to babysit your children.
Twitter is complicit in mass murder.
I am now on
Why are you still on Twitter? ——
Related – Twitter is Triggered by the Word “Extermination” Suspends Makow———–———— Spanish MP Banned from Twitter for Saying Men Can’t Get Pregnant


Two years ago,
 in May 2019, I wrote an article titled Planetary Emergency, in which I explained what was about to happen to our world, listed the board members, chief officers and principal investors in SpaceX and OneWeb, and asked for help in reaching out to them. I wrote:

Please contact me if you know any of the gentlemen or ladies I have listed, or if you know someone who can get us an audience with one of them. All we need is one. An opening into that community of billionaires, to begin a dialogue that will save this planet…

All these people have families and children and have a stake in the future of the Earth. Some — for example, Kimbal Musk and his wife, Christiana — are long-time advocates for the environment and investors in environmental causes.

In two years not a single person has answered that plea, and we are now only months away from global catastrophe. Below I will update you on the extraordinary escalation of the assault on the Earth’s life-giving envelope that is in progress, and I will renew my call for help. MARCH 24, 2021 AND BEYOND Last month’s newsletter (Survey Results) contained a summary of about 1,000 emails I received from subscribers reporting sudden illness in themselves and their spouses, children, parents, neighbors, friends, coworkers, clients, cats, dogs, chickens, goats, and cows that I received from all over the world. On March 24-25, the first time that SpaceX and OneWeb both launched satellites on the same day, most people that I spoke with or heard from experienced similar, dramatic illness that came out of nowhere. Pain and itching all over their bodies, especially their legs, feet and head. Sudden increase in the ringing in their ears. Profound exhaustion and complete inability to sleep. Muscle spasms. Skin rashes. Stomach aches and diarrhea. Nosebleeds. Heart palpitations. Inflamed eyes. Ill temper, depression or suicidal thoughts.

In the following weeks it became clear that something extraordinary had happened, and is continuing to happen, not only to my friends and subscribers, and not only to people and their pets and farm animals.

In my newsletter of May 5, 2020 (The Evidence Mounts), I reported the sudden illness and deaths of thousands of blue tits and other small birds in Germany, in the Mosel River Valley and other areas with poor cell phone reception. They were described as “apathetic birds with breathing problems.” This occurred during March and April 2020, while Vodafone was upgrading its cell phone service in these regions from 2G to 4G LTE and building hundreds of new cell towers.

The German environmental organization NABU has been monitoring the health of these birds ever since and, like illnesses in the humans I heard from, blue tit deaths spiked in Germany beginning on March 25, 2021: 

 And lest anyone think that there aren’t animals that know what is going on, consider this report from a subscriber in Ireland:
One of our cats now sometimes howls during the night, then takes my daughter upstairs, stands by the WiFi box demanding it’s turned off, then settles down to sleep.”

As I reported in my last newsletter, March 25 registered the second highest number of COVID-19 cases worldwide this year, and the fifth highest since the pandemic began.

There was a sudden spate of mass shootings in the U.S. in the news in March and April. A colleague asked me if that, too, had spiked on March 24 or 25. It had. The number of mass shootings rose suddenly on March 25 and remained high for three weeks. An average of 6 shootings involving 4 or more victims occurred every day between March 25 and April 13.

There were strange natural anomalies reported as well, that I cannot explain but neither can anyone else. A woman in Hoboken, New Jersey took this picture of worms arranging themselves in a great spiral on the sidewalk. It was on March 25, 2021: 

  And photographs of hundreds of unusually silent sheep, also arranged in a perfect spiral, were taken by by Christopher Hogg, a lecturer at Royal Holloway University, London on March 26, 2021:. 

SPACEX TO BEGIN COMMERCIAL SERVICE THIS SUMMEROneWeb to Begin Service by End of Year Both SpaceX and OneWeb have announced that they plan to begin commercial service this year. They are both racing to convert the most beautiful place in the world, whose unchanging vista has given a sense of peace and belonging to millions of generations of people, animals and birds — the heavens — into the world’s largest garbage dump, streaking with moving lights and the refuse of burned up and exploded satellites.

With its launches of April 28, May 4 and May 9, 60 more satellites per launch, SpaceX now has 1,554 operating Starlink satellites in low orbit around the Earth. For command and control of these satellites it has already built 61 ground stations in the U.S., 1 in Canada , 6 in New Zealand, 9 in Australia, 2 in Germany, 2 in France, 3 in the UK, and 7 in Chile, and many more are under construction. More than 10,000 customers are now beta testing the satellite network, and 500,000 people worldwide have pre-ordered user terminals. SpaceX expects to fill all their orders and begin commercial service of high-speed Internet from space this summer. At that time, users will still only be able to receive stationary service in a single location. By the end of 2021, SpaceX expects to also be able to provide mobile service anywhere in the world with user terminals that can be mounted on ships, planes, RVs and trucks.

With its launch of 36 more satellites on April 25, OneWeb now has 182 satellites in low polar orbit. It has announced that by June of this year, after two more launches, it will be able to provide connectivity to the UK, Alaska, northern Europe, Greenland, Iceland, the Arctic Seas and Canada, that it will begin commercial service to those northern regions before the end of this year, and that it will provide global service in 2022.

SpaceX states in its application to the FCC for approval of its mobile user terminals that it is responding to consumer demand. It states that by 2022 approximately 4,800 billion gigabytes of data will be exchanged worldwide per year. “No longer are users willing to forego connectivity while on the move,” writes SpaceX.

And that is exactly the problem. People are treating data, which didn’t even exist as a commodity until the 1990s, as their God-given right. They do not understand that “data” is not something abstract but has its source in a finite and increasingly scarce natural world. That when you manipulate “data” you are manipulating forests, oceans and wildlife. People do not understand that the more data you shoot all over the world, the quicker you scramble this planet’s ecosystems until there is nothing left of them.

Meanwhile, building and launching rockets is becoming quicker, easier and cheaper all the time. A company called Relativity Space is now able to produce rockets using the world’s largest 3-D printer, dubbed “Stargate.” It already has contracts with Lockheed Martin, Telesat, Iridium and other companies and plans to begin launching its disposable rockets this fall. It advertises on its website that its rockets have “100 times fewer parts” and that it can go “from raw material to flight in 60 days.”

Now, virtually anyone can destroy the Earth. SECOND CALL FOR HELP
The list of board members, officers and investors in SpaceX and OneWeb in Planetary Emergency is still accurate. I remain convinced that Kimbal Musk, who is both an environmentalist and a board member of SpaceX, as well as being the younger brother of Elon Musk, is the most likely person to begin a dialogue with us. If you would like to help me contact him, please get in touch with me. Arthur FirstenbergAuthor, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and LifeP.O. Box 6216Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1
May 11, 2021

Truth Is Gaining Ground on the Lies of World War II

Truth Is Gaining Ground on the Lies of World War II

Paul Craig Roberts

Years ago concerned with Washington’s growing provocation of Russia, I made the remark in a column that Hitler, like Napoleon, destroyed himself by marching off into Russia. I suggested we not repeat the folly. Two readers corrected me.  They informed me that Hitler had no choice.  Hitler’s decision was not based on hubris or miscalculation. A former Russian KGB official with access to the documents had defected to the West and written a book that proved that Stalin was preparing to invade Germany and overrun all of Europe and that Hitler had no alternative but to strike first, even though Germany was unprepared for such a war, before Stalin completed his preparations.  

I was too much under the influence of the WW II narrative to believe them.  I didn’t see how Stalin could attack when he had not that long before purged the ranks of the officers of the Red Army.  I also believed, as some historians taught, that Hitler was frustrated that the British government would not agree to sign a peace threaty favorable to the British that promised Germany’s military protection of the British Empire.  Hitler allegedly attributed the British refusal to end the war to the British belief that the Soviet Union could be brought in on the British side to replace defeated France.  Therefore, Hitler decided to remove this British hope by knocking out Russia.

All of this made sense to me, but it was wrong as I discovered when i read Viktor Suvorov’s book, The Chief Culprit (Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, 2008). Suvorov blaimes Stalin for World War II.  He points out that Stalin used the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact to lure Hitler into attacking Poland, which Stalin knew would cause Britain and France to declare war on Germany and begin a great conflict. Stalin thought it would last for years as WWI did and leave Europe and England exhausted.  In would walk the Red Army and the Communist world revolution would have made a huge advance.  

Stalin was stunned by the rapidity with which Franch and England collapsed. Germany’s quick victory forced Stalin to move his plan forward.  According to Suvorov and other informed parties, Stalin was within two or three weeks of attacking Germany when Hitler struck.

Suvorov shattered the cafefully constructed and protected World War II narrative and became an instant pariah.  The Russians were the most infuriated as the defeat of Nazi aggression in the Great Patriotic War is a foundation of Russian unity.  As was David Irving whose histories disturbed the narrative, Suvorov was set upon and denounced, but no evidence was presented to refute him.

Now Sean McMeekin has written Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II which validates Suvorov’s book, only McMeekin somehow manages to get the credit for himself and without arousing the denunciations that were Suvorov’s reward.  Laurent Guyenot gives you the run-down here: 

I highly recommend Guyenot’s article to you.  The lies we have been told are even larger than the ones I exposed in my popular columns on the fake history of World War II.  

We live in narratives made of lies. To see truth peeking through here and there is hopeful.

Truth Is Gaining Ground on the Lies of World War II

Steven Fishman – Labor Shortage Is Due to Masks


Joe Biden is lying to you.

The reason American workers won’t go back to work is NOT because of the unemployment benefits. People don’t want to wear masks eight hours a day.

For every eight hours of mask wearing, you reduce your life expectancy by 15 minutes.

by Steven Fishman


I have talked to dozens of people,and most don’t want to return to work because they don’t want to wear masks for eight hours a day which will lower their life span!

For every eight hours of mask wearing, you reduce your life expectancy by 15 minutes. Why, you ask?

HYPOXIA: The Deprivation of Oxygen to the Lungs, Heart, and Brain; and:

HYPERCAPNIA: Flooding the Lungs, Heart, and Brain with Carbon Dioxide. Are human beings plant life? I didn’t think so. Yet we are forced to breathe in our own CO2 like it’s something normal.

The puppet masters have figured out a way to force us to reduce our life expectancy while we die from Frequency Transmissibility Shedding from the toxic COVID injections [I won’t call them “vaccines,” because vaccines are supposed to prevent disease, not usher you to an early grave]. What the puppet masters use to make you wear masks is a little trick called CONFORMITY ‼!

You are forced to feel GUILTY when you walk into a Wal-Mart or a Target or a supermarket without wearing a mask. This shouldn’t happen!

I was in Wal-Mart yesterday, and an old (woman) behind the cash register started screaming at me loudly, shouting “Your mask isn’t covering up your nose!” I explained to the miserable (termagant) that any virus, whether it is H1N1, COVID, or the flu, consists of microscopic particles.

So, a virus can enter your body just as easily through the eyes and ears as the nose and mouth. 


So, are we supposed to wear a plastic bag over our head like the “unknown comic” of Chuck Barris’ 1970’s variety show? Or perhaps walk around in a plastic cerebral bubble?

Conformity to wearing masks is idiotic, conformity to singing the non-existent praises to fake vaccines is insane, and we should stop allowing brainwashed bullies to tell us what to do or to run our lives!

Biden [who really does look like a crash-test dummy on one of his good days], Phoney Fauci, and the greatest demon of them all, Bill Gates, need to be brought before a military tribunal for war crimes. (The war is against humanity.)

Why did we ever stop using the guillotine anyway? It may have deterred global genocide if it were still in use.

So, it is no surprise why McDonalds is paying $50 to people just to apply for a job [with masks on, of course].

Why would anyone want to work anywhere when their lungs, heart, and brain are going to deteriorate? 

Do we love to support pulmonologists, cardiologists, and brain surgeons so much that we are willing to reduce the amount of time on this planet so they will make a better living?

Wake up, America! 

Just say no to all of the crap the “powers that be” are putting you through. We need to all win the revolution of the mind before we can take our lives back. Nuremberg II is coming, guys!

Covid Hoaxers Face Death for Violating Nuremberg Code


(Think Tony Fauci, Donald Trump, Klaws Swab, Fidelito, and Bill Gates on Trial)


Hold your politicians, media, doctors and nurses accountable – that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity, they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.”

(abridged by
A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. 
Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a Covid death as fraud. 
The PCR test was never designed to detect pathogens and is 100% faulty at 35 cycles. All the PCR tests overseen by the CDC are set at 37 to 45 cycles. The CDC admits that any tests over 28 cycles are not admissible for a positive reliable result. This alone invalidates over 90% of the alleged covid cases/”infections” tracked by the use of this faulty test.
In addition to the flawed tests and fraudulent death certificates, the “experimental” vaccine itself is in violation of Article 32 of the Geneva Convention. Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not necessitated by the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited. According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a grave breach of the Convention.The “experimental” vaccine is in violation of all 10 of the Nuremberg Codes which carry the death penalty for those who seek to violate these International Laws…

Nuremberg Code #1: Voluntary Consent is Essential
No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent. Many media, political and non-medical persons are telling people to take the shot. They offer no information as to the adverse effects or dangers of this gene-therapy. All you hear from them is – ” safe and effective” and “benefits outweigh the risks.” … During the Nuremberg trials, even the media were prosecuted, and members were put to death for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
Nuremberg Code #2: Yield Fruitful Results Unprocurable By Other Means
The gene-therapy does not meet the criteria of a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that yield fruitful results against Covid such as Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and boosted immune systems for flu and colds.
Nuremberg Code #3: Base Experiments on Results of Animal Experimentation and Natural History of Disease
This gene therapy skipped animal testing and went straight to human trials. In mRNA research that Pfizer used – a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all the monkeys developed pulmonary inflammation but the researchers considered the risk low as these were young healthy monkeys from the age of 2-4. Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Law has accepted a claim for 80% of the recipients having pulmonary inflammation from being injected with this gene-therapy. Despite this alarming development Pfizer proceeded to develop their mRNA for Covid without animal testing.
Nuremberg Code #4: Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury
Since the rollout of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in America. In the EU over 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a grievous violation of this code.
Nuremberg Code #5: No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur

See #4, based on fact-based medical data this gene-therapy is causing death and injury. Past research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current trial gene-experiment. A 2002 study on SARS-CoV-1 spike proteins showed they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots, and impede Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this spike-protein inheriting all these risks.
Nuremberg Code #6: Risk Should Never Exceed the Benefit
Covid-19 has a 98-99% recovery rate. The vaccine injuries, deaths and adverse side-effects of mRNA gene-therapy far exceed this risk. The use of “leaky” vaccines was banned for agriculture use by the US and EU due to the Marek Chicken study that shows ‘hot-viruses’ and variants emerge… making the disease even more deadly. Yet, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC knowing fully the risk of new deadlier variants emerge from leaky vaccinations. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hot (deadlier)strains. Yet they’ve ignored this when it comes to humans.Nuremberg Code #7: Preparation Must Be Made Against Even Remote Possibility of Injury, Disability or Death
There were no preparations made. This gene therapy skipped animal trials. The pharmaceutical companies’ own Phase 3 human clinical trials will not conclude until 2022 /2023. These vaccines were approved under an Emergency Use only act and forced on a misinformed public. They are NOT FDA-approved.
Nuremberg Code #8: Experiment Must Be Conducted by Scientifically Qualified Persons
Politicians, media and actors claiming that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science. Many retail outlets such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene-therapies to the uninformed public.
Nuremberg Code #9: Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time
Despite the outcry of over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists – the experiment is not being ended. In fact, there are currently many attempts to change laws in order to force vaccine compliance. This includes mandatory and forced vaccinations. Experimental ‘update’ shots are planned for every 6 months without any recourse to the growing number of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment. These ‘update’ shots will be administered without any clinical trials. Hopefully this new Nuremberg Trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.Nuremberg Code #10: The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death
It is clear in the statistical reporting data that this experiment is resulting in death and injury yet all the politicians, drug companies and so-called experts are not making any attempt to stop this gene-therapy experiment from inflicting harm on a misinformed public.
What can you do to help put an end to this crime against humanity? Share this information. Hold your politicians, media, doctors and nurses accountable – that if they are complicit in this crime against humanity, they too are subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and can be tried, found guilty and put to death. Legal proceedings are moving forward, evidence has been collected and a large growing body of experts are sounding the alarm.
Visit the Covid Committee website at: and if you have been affected by this crime, report the event, persons involved, and as much detail to the following website:
Thanks to Steven Fishman

My Mother Embodied Selfless Love


(left. My mother feeding my brother in 1958) 

My annual Mother’s Day article slightly revised 

By her example, my mother,
Helen Iskowicz Makow (1919-1983),
taught me 
that love is selfless devotion to family.But she died before  I could return this love

“I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers were not cool. Women like my mother who nurtured and loved their families were denigrated. That attitude rubbed off on me.”

  This #scamdemic is all about degrading and dehumanizing us by destroying institutions like Motherhood.  Evil wants us too frightened and distracted to honor our mothers on Mother’s Day. 

by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

My biggest regret is that I never showed my mother how much I loved her before she died in 1983 of breast cancer. I think she knew I loved her but at 33, I was still too self-centred to repay her in kind. With shame, I remember sitting in her hospital room marking term papers as she lay dying.  


When people are dying, we can’t easily say our goodbyes. It is awkward. We want to maintain the illusion of recovery. 

(Left. The nuclear family is the building block of a healthy society. Dad took this picture of us.)

I learned from her how a woman brings love into the world by her selfless dedication to family. When someone totally sacrifices for you, when someone is unconditionallyfor you, it’s pretty hard not to love them back with all your heart. Mothers initiate the cycle of love. 

Mothers are the unsung heroes of society. They do the difficult, thankless work of nurturing and teaching helpless children in sickness and in health.  

My mother’s credo was to serve her husband first, children second, Canada third and Israel fourth. She wasn’t on her list. 

She never demanded anything in return; and as result, we took her for granted. We exploited her. 

She was so selfless that I noticed when once at dinner, she took a choice cut of chicken for herself. I grew up in an era when the media taught us that homemakers were not cool. Women like my mother who nurtured and loved their families were denigrated.  That attitude rubbed off on me. I was brainwashed.
Obviously, this was part of the Cabalist (Communist) war of annihilation against the family and society as a whole. The covid hoax is just the latest in a centuries-long effort to destroy and enslave us. We are all brainwashed as we are inducted into their cult and become complicit in our own demise. 
My mother had a successful business importing watch bands from Switzerland. After my father became more established, he asked her to focus on the children. This was about 1954. 
She was proud to be Mrs. David Makow, wife of a physicist, and mother of three. Women have been deprived of this time-honored social role. Many are quite lost as a consequence.


Once, when I was doing a TV appearance in NYC for “Ask Henry,” a producer showed us the sights in his sports car. 

We had an accident. The car door flew opened and my mother fell on to the pavement. 

I screamed in panic, “Mom!”

Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt. 
But afterward, she remarked with satisfaction, “You do love me.”

Why did it take an accident to show her that?

My mother had survived the war by passing as a Gentile. She didn’tfinish high school and didn’t read books. But she had a sophisticated stamp collection and made batiks. 

When I was eight-years-old, I related an incident that occurred at school. She told me to be strong and stand up for what is right. 

This is called “moral courage,” she said. 

You don’t learn that in school. You learn that from life.
Evil will not stop us from honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day. 

——————Related“No Longer Binary”– Aussie School Renames Mother’s Day

Ten Things We Learned from the Covid Coup


“1. Our political system is hopelessly corrupt. Virtually all 
politicians are hopelessly corrupt. No political party can be trusted. They all can be, and have been, bought.”

Source- The Acorn – Scroll Down

One potential positive from the whole Covid-19 debacle is that we have learned an incredible amount about the society in which we live. This will be crucial if we manage to stave off a descent into a nightmare future of techno-fascist slavery.
We will have a new understanding of what our world has become and what we would like it to be in the decades and centuries to come. And “we” means we. While the majority have apparently learnt nothing at all from what has happened, they will eventually catch up.
There is no way that knowledge gained by a wide-awake 15% or 20% of the population will not end up being shared by almost everyone. Once the truth is out, it tends to stay out. As H.R. Haldeman so wisely put it, “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube”.
Here are Ten Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup:
1. Our political system is hopelessly corrupt. Virtually all politicians are hopelessly corrupt. No political party can be trusted. They all can be, and have been, bought.
2. Democracy is a sham. It has been a sham for a very long time. There will never be any real democracy when money and power amount to the same thing.
3. The system will stop at nothing to hold on to its power and, if possible, increase its levels of control and exploitation. It has no scruples. No lie is too outrageous, no hypocrisy too nauseating, no human sacrifice too great.
4. So-called radical movements are usually nothing of the sort. From whatever direction they claim to attack the system, they are just pretending to do so and serve to channel discontent in directions which are harmless to the power clique and even useful to its agendas.
5. Any “dissident” voice you have ever heard of through corporate media is probably a fake. The system does not hand out free publicity to its actual enemies.
6. Most people in our society are cowards. They will jettison all the fine values and principles which they have been loudly boasting about all their lives merely to avoid the slightest chance of public criticism, inconvenience or even minor financial loss.
7. The mainstream media is nothing but a propaganda machine for the system and those journalists who work for it have sold their sorry souls, placing their (often minimal) writing skills entirely at the disposition of Power.


8. Police are not servants of the public but servants of a powerful and extremely wealthy minority which seeks to control and exploit the public for its own narrow and greedy interests.
9. Scientists cannot be trusted. They will use the hypnotic power of their white coats and authoritative status for the benefit of whoever funds their work and lifestyle. He who pays the piper calls the tune.
10. Progress is a misleading illusion. The “progress” of increasing automization and industrialization does not go hand in hand with a progress in the quality of human life, but in fact will “progressively” reduce it to the point of complete extinction.


Women these days adorn themselves with many things. They adorn themselves with the latest fashions, makeup, laser and Botox treatments, jewelry, and hair styles. Do you know what God wants us to adorn ourselves with? “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.” (1 Peter 3:4-6)

God wants us to adorn ourselves with meek and quiet spirits AND with being in subjection to our husbands. This is not something most women think about these days, nor are they taught it. They are actually taught the exact opposite, even in the churches. They are to let their opinions be known. Be strong, independent, and boastful. They are women; hear them roar! And being in subjection to their husbands? No way! They actually want their husbands to be in subjection to them.

Dear young women, your looks are going to fade. Your skin will wrinkle no matter what kind of potions or treatments you try. Your hair will turn gray. Sure, you can color it, but it will never look as good as when you were young. You can eat healthy and stay in the best shape that you can be, but you will still grow old and all of the makeup and fashion styles won’t help to win your husband if you are a quarrelsome and contentious wife.

Begin working on your inner beauty now. Study God’s Word. Dwell on the good and the lovely. Listen to solid male preaching. Keep your eyes on things above and not on worldly things since this world is passing, and we are strangers and aliens here. Allow the Holy Spirit to do His work in you as you renew your minds with Truth and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Righteous living comes from right belief. Believe what God says in His Word. Trust Him. Trust His promises to you.

Adorn yourself with submission to your husband. Obey him as Sara obeyed Abraham. Learn what pleases him. Be sexually available to him. Allow him to lead your family. Pray for him. Make your home a place of peace for him. Don’t argue and quarrel with him. Teach your children to honor him. If you are honoring him, your children will too. Never speak evil about him to others. Only build him up. Dwell on the good things about him. Love him. How can you expect your children to know God’s love, if they don’t see their own mother loving their daddy?

God’s ways seem oppressive to most women. They aren’t! They’re freedom from the bondage of sin. They reap good and beautiful fruit; for we reap what we sow. This doesn’t mean that they are easy, since the path to life is narrow. His ways are difficult, but His Spirit works mightily within you, and His commands are not burdensome. Don’t listen to the lies of Satan and the world any longer. Listen to God, and what He has to tell you in His perfect, infallible, and unchanging Word.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1

Adorn Yourself With Submission

Gary D. Barnett – Prepare to Fight Back!


(Light at the end of the tunnel?)“Due to this staged calm, many falsely believe that all will return to what is ludicrously referred to as ‘normal,’ and that the destruction of the economy and financial system is not one of the agendas sought by the ruling class. This is a gross miscalculation, as in order to complete this takeover of society; the current financial and monetary systems must collapse.”
“The only viable solution to our problems is unity in disobedience, and a refusal to accept any mandate issued by this criminal cartel called the state.”by Gary D. Barnett(abbreviated by
This is a brief time of more calm, but hell is coming, and death is coming with it. 
Prepare to face this challenge instead of fleeing from it. Prepare to fight back!
At this point in time, reverse propaganda has begun. It will be said that the cases and death over the fraudulent ‘pandemic’ are lessening, and permission to move about, albeit with state-supported caution, will be slightly increased, but only temporarily. 
The ‘vaccines’ will be credited for ‘slowing the spread,’ but of course this is only a lie and a smokescreen. This is the calm before the storm. It is my studied opinion that these poisonous injections falsely called vaccines will cause extreme numbers of deaths in the near future.
It may be a few months or later this fall, and certainly sustained over longer periods of time, but the death counts due to the very toxic and deadly nature of all of the Covid-19 shots will weaken the immune systems of tens of millions of people or more, and cause irreparable harm. At that point when deaths greatly increase, it will be blamed on yet another strain of this fake ‘virus.’ When this occurs, new and even more deadly injections will be touted, and the cycle will be never ending.
This is the way of achieving total control over the long term of this population. It is based on fear, so new threats will emerge on a regular basis in order to perpetuate a dependence on government as savior.
In fact, there will most certainly be additional threats and multi-faceted attacks on the psyche of the American public. Each step of this process will bring more suffering, more misery, and more carnage. This is the nature of the ruling beast, and if their campaign is successful, the people will become easier to control as time passes.

In addition to these multiple threats, civil unrest, politically promoted and supported violence, looting, rioting, & allowed assaults will become normal, & this will lead to more lockdowns and extreme police state measures being prevalent across the country, especially in the highly concentrated population areas. The more intense this chaos becomes, the heavier the hand of the state will be.
Due to this staged calm, many falsely believe that all will return to what is ludicrously referred to as ‘normal,’ and that the destruction of the economy and financial system is not one of the agendas sought by the ruling class. This is a gross miscalculation, as in order to complete this takeover of society; the current financial and monetary systems must collapse. 
Controlling property and people, digitizing all money and monetary transaction, and capturing and controlling all life-sustaining necessities such as food and energy, must be accomplished before any finality of control can be assured. This requires starting over and completely restructuring all aspects of existence. This agenda cannot be accomplished by any marginal reform of this social and economic system, hence the term of the oligarchs, “building back better.”
The abhorrent CIA manipulated mainstream media, and the governing class will continually foment extreme division among the masses. This has been easy work to date, as the herd has taken the bait of its masters hook, line, and sinker. ..
In the case of the Covid scam, and the claimed ruler’s intent, it is imperative to forget the perceived threat, and concentrate on the end game sought. Total control of the people is the goal, and once this is known by the many, the solution should become obvious.

While I tire of saying the same thing over and over again, and of the repetition, the only viable solution to our problems is unity in disobedience, and a refusal to accept any mandate issued by this criminal cartel called the state.
This strategy can destroy the perpetrators of this fraud without ever firing a shot or resorting to extreme violence that can only lead to death, destruction and defeat. As simple as this sounds, it is the most powerful response possible, and requires only that one seek independence by taking personal responsibility for himself, his family, and his own freedom. In order to help others, in order to regain sanity, each of us must first help himself, and shun all efforts to seek the rule of others or participate in collective idiocy. Stand and face adversity as an individual, or be swallowed up in a sea of mob ignorance and totalitarian madness.

“I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.”~ Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Source links:

The coming financial coup and the Covid fraud

Depopulation by ‘vaccine’

Premeditated mass murder by vaccine

Obedience is weakness

The Best of Gary D. Barnett