Israel Movie Review: Sacrificing Liberty Damaged USS Liberty. Credit: Wikimedia Commons. Review: Matt Skow’s TruHistory Films’ four-part docuseries on the USS Libertyby Brian R. Wright,… byRyan MessanoMay 6, 2021
Faith & Religion TEACHING EXCEPTIONS RATHER THAN TRUTH Many women teach the exceptions to biblical womanhood rather than the truth. It’s far easier to teach the… byRyan MessanoMay 6, 2021
Faith & Religion The Liberal Tyranny of Feelings and Victimhood Herland Report: Liberal Tyranny of Feelings: In the increasingly hedonist West, individuals are encouraged to act according to their… byRyan MessanoMay 6, 2021
The Media Only TWO Companies, Vanguard And BlackRock, Control The Planet While World’s Richest 1% Own 82% Of World’s Wealth If you’ve been wondering how the world economy has been hijacked and humanity has been kidnapped by a… byRyan MessanoMay 6, 2021