Vernon Coleman – Why are So Many So Stupid?


“The zombies and the trolls aren’t very bright and are unable to see the big picture. They aren’t bright enough to see things in perspective. They don’t believe anyone could tell such big lies…”

Zombies and Trolls

By Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA(abridged by
I could weep for what has happened to the human race. There are too many pathetic, terrified individuals around with their heads buried deep in the sand. Our governments have lied, deceived, bullied, cheated, threatened and oppressed.

Governments appear to have forgotten the words of John Locke who said: `The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.’
We pay our governments to protect us not to destroy us.
There is no doubt that the masks are part of the process of oppression and have made people even more scared than they were. It is, of course, deliberate…
Unless we rise up and rebel the masks will never go away.
The plan is very precisely defined…

Soon the masks, symbols of oppression and slavery, will be mandatory for anyone who wants to go into a shop to buy food.
And then the next step will make it compulsory for people to wear masks in the street or even in their own homes. The cameras in our telephones and televisions will identify those who are breaking the law.
The collaborators who have been wearing masks on public transport and in shops may grumble but they will accept the extension of the law – particularly when it is reinforced, as it will be, with more threats about a second wave and a mutated, more deadly virus.

To me the real tragedy is that now that they have been softened up by their house arrest, and the constant fear making propaganda, millions actually want the regulations to be tougher. They want more lockdowns and stricter laws about mask wearing.
What the devil is wrong with these people?
Why are so many not questioning what is happening? Can’t they read and think for themselves? The answers sadly are clearly No and No…


One explanation is that the problem is something called cognitive dissonance. Many people just cannot believe that governments could tell so many lies and that politicians could be so deceitful. The zombies and the trolls aren’t very bright and are unable to see the big picture. They aren’t bright enough to see things in perspective. They don’t believe anyone could tell such big lies…
The education process devised by the United Nations over the last few decades has been designed to enforce a belief in collectivism. And that is what has happened. These are people who watch or listen to the BBC and believe what they see or hear and who believe that The Guardian is a newspaper – and do not realize it is a propaganda sheet built on money from slave trading and pushing us ever onwards to a new slavery.
Brighter folk can see through the lies and they can understand what is happening.
I have been pointing out for 30 years that our drinking water is enriched with female hormones. It is clear that those hormones are now having a dramatic effect on the human race. There’s more about this, incidentally, on my video entitled `Is Tap Water Safe to Drink?’
The problems started in the 1960s when millions of women started taking the contraceptive pill. The hormone residues from those pills are excreted in their urine.
Look at what happens then:
1. After going through standard purification procedures, waste water containing the hormone rich urine is discharged into fresh water rivers. 2. Drinking water is often taken from rivers. 3. The water is then purified again – but water purification programmes cannot remove hormone residues. 4. By the 1990s, it was clear that our drinking water contained female hormones. A report from the UK Environmental Agency concluded that 57% of roach in one river had changed sex. And it is also now known that human male fertility has fallen in recent years.
I think the zombies, the trolls, the mask wearers have all been drinking too much tap water. Too many cups of tea, perhaps.
This explains why male zombies and trolls tend to be effeminate and stupid and female zombies, trolls and mask wearers tend to be stupid, confused, irritable and sulky.
So, there you are. The small, poorly developed brains of the trolls and the zombies have been permanently damaged by watching the BBC, reading The Guardian and drinking tap water.
There are millions of zombies and trolls around because they are naïve, gullible, poorly educated, unintelligent, immature and self-important but ultimately terrified of authority because the hormones in the drinking water have turned them into permanent teenagers.
They may be beyond our help.
Finally, I can demolish the whole coronavirus nonsense in less than three minutes. Everything in this list can be verified.
1. Many doctors, including Dr Fauci, the American coronavirus supremo, have admitted that the risk of dying of the coronavirus may be similar to the risk with the flu. 2. The flu can kill 650,000 people a year around the world. Even though governments everywhere have admitted fiddling their totals the covid-19 death total is only now approaching the global flu total. 3. Here’s how they fiddled the figures. In the UK, for example, anyone who tested positive for the coronavirus and subsequently died was officially a covid-19 death – whatever else they had wrong with them. 4. The vast majority of those dying of the coronavirus were over 80 and had many other health problems. The risk for fit, young individuals is very small. The risk for children is smaller than the risk of being hit by lightning. 5. Research has shown that masks are dangerous, don’t prevent the spread of infection and almost certainly do more harm than good. The virus can go straight through the material of a mask. And mask wearing affects blood oxygen levels. At least two people have died through wearing masks. I’ve quoted figures and papers on my website and in other videos. 6. Many of those promoting the coronavirus horror story are linked in some way to the vaccine industry or the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – which itself has strong financial links to the vaccine industry. For example, the Chief Scientific Advisor in the UK was formerly a senior executive at GSK – one of the big vaccine makers. 7. The British Government has admitted that at least four times as many people have died as a result of the lockdowns and other control measures as will have died from the coronavirus. The remedy has been much deadlier than the disease. Millions are waiting for cancer tests and treatment because hospitals were closed. And some hospital departments in the UK are still closed. 8. Neil Ferguson, the man whose predictions led to the lockdowns had produced a number of inaccurate predictions before he made wildly pessimistic predictions about the coronavirus. His track record is appalling. The college where he works has financial links to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and vaccines. 9. Exactly the same mistakes have been made in almost every country in the world. For example, sick old people were taken out of hospital and dumped in care homes – resulting in tens of thousands of deaths in each country. That couldn’t be a coincidence – so it had to be a plan. If you remove the care home deaths from the UK total you end up with a maximum of around 20,000 deaths (though that is a massive exaggeration because they included flu and anyone who tested positive) which is much smaller than the annual flu death total. 10. The number of people who have caught the coronavirus worldwide is now said to be around 10 million. But the flu can affect 1 billion in a single year.
These are facts which cannot be disputed, though they are being suppressed. Print out the list and give copies to doubters. I find it difficult to believe that anyone would still want to wear a mask once they are aware of these simple facts.—————–Copyright Vernon Colman 2021
Vernon Coleman’s book `Coming Apocalypse’ describes the background to the coronavirus hoax. It is available in paperback and as an eBook on Amazon.

Exposing drugs, and shopping American

In order to knock out the bankers businesses, Americans must stop using their companies. That means stop using drugs, porn, and shopping at Walmart, Target, Dollar Store, and every other business that manufactures in China. It also means we turn off the bankers propaganda. Turn off the radio, get rid of the newspaper, get rid of the Tell-Lie-Vision, do not watch Hollyweird or any movies at all, get rid of the newspaper, stop using Google and DuckDuckGo, do not go to the internet to learn about politics, religion, or history (Use books, the older, the better), do not send your children to college, and minimize your use of technology. Purchase items made in America, and share it with your neighbors. On that note, here is the biggest company that manufactures Jeans in America. Just ordered 2 pairs. At $50 a pair, it’s not bad at all. We need to use our buying power to build up America, and to tear down the corrupt bankers without any violence at all. Also, if anyone knows American companies that make items commonly used, please share. Soon, we can once again buy all our items from companies made in America, supporting our cities, states, and country.

American Made Jeans, Dungarees, Pants

A great book that exposes one of the richest businesses in the world. Drug trafficking. Human trafficking is right up there too.—britains-opium-war-against-the-u.s.-major-expose-of-global-drug-trade-1978.pdf

BOMBSHELL: USA Funded Virus Research And Used Outbreak Against Its Citizens

While the outrageously conflicted investigative commission put together by the World Health Organization has dismissed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 being a lab-leaked virus, deciding to pursue the imported frozen food theory instead,1,2,3 the lab-origin story refuses to die, and for good reason.

There’s just too much evidence pointing in that direction. Evidence of U.S. involvement is also mounting, although it hasn’t received quite as much coverage. Two individuals who have been heavily implicated are:

nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity

• Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) who rose to national prominence as the leader of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

• Peter Daszak, Ph.D., president of EcoHealth Alliance, a nonprofit organization focused on pandemic prevention that has worked closely with bat coronavirus researcher Shi Zhengli and others at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Daszak was chosen to be on two separate commissions charged with investigating the origin of SARS-CoV-2, one by the WHO4 and one by The Lancet.5

His inclusion has been widely criticized, as he played a central role in the plot to obscure the lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 from the very beginning by crafting a scientific statement condemning such inquiries as “conspiracy theory.”6,7

Steve Hilton Report: Dr. Anthony Fauci Is Directly Responsible With Funding The Gain-Of-Function Studies That Resulted In Coronavirus Pandemic

Boom! Wuhan Lab Granted Bat Cages Patent For Secret Virus Experiments Months Before COVID-19 Outbreak

In the video above, Chris Martenson, Ph.D., reviews Newsweek’s reporting8,9 on NIAID-funded gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the WIV. Newsweek wrote a series of articles on this in late April 2020.

I first mentioned that the outbreak had the hallmarks of a laboratory escape in my February 4, 2020, article, “Novel Coronavirus — The Latest Pandemic Scare.” Now, well over a year later, mainstream media like Politico10 and The New York Times11 are picking up the threads as well.

US Defense Suspected Lab Origin From The Start

In its April 27, 2020, article,12 Newsweek noted that, according to a March 27, 2020, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment report, SARS-CoV-2 was likely an accidental release from an infectious diseases laboratory. In its original January 2020 report, the DIA had stated the outbreak “probably occurred naturally.”

According to Newsweek,13 “The classified report, titled ‘China: Origins of COVID-19 Outbreak Remain Unknown,’ ruled out that the disease was genetically engineered or released intentionally as a biological weapon.”

More recently, in his March 8, 2021, Politico article,14 columnist Josh Rogin also points out that “just months into the pandemic, a large swath of the government already believed the virus had escaped from the WIV lab, rather than having leaped from an animal to a human at the Wuhan seafood market or some other random natural setting …”

Rogin also touches on key pieces of research that support the lab-origin theory by presenting a highly credible theory for how the virus became so highly adapted for human infection, namely coronavirus studies done on mice genetically engineered to express the human ACE2 receptor. He writes:15

“A little-noticed study was released in early July 2020 by a group of Chinese researchers in Beijing, including several affiliated with the Academy of Military Medical Science.

These scientists said that they had created a new model for studying SARS-CoV-2 by creating mice with humanlike lung characteristics by using the CRISPR gene-editing technology to give the mice lung cells with the human ACE2 receptor — the cell receptor that allowed coronaviruses to so easily infect human lungs.

After consultations with experts, some U.S. officials came to believe that this Beijing lab was likely conducting coronavirus experiments on mice fitted with ACE2 receptors well before the coronavirus outbreak — research that they hadn’t disclosed and continued not to admit to.”

Indeed, in 2015, Daszak spoke at a National Academies of Science seminar on reducing risk from emerging infectious diseases, warning of the danger of experimenting on “humanized mice,”16 meaning lab mice that have been genetically altered to carry human genes, cells or tissues.

According to the Daily Mail,17 that same year Daszak also published a paper in which he warned a global pandemic might occur from a laboratory incident and that “the risks were greater with the sort of virus manipulation research being carried out in Wuhan.”

Then, January 2, 2020, Daszak sent out a tweet announcing he’d successfully isolated SARS coronaviruses “that bind to human cells in the lab,” and that the work of other scientists show some of these viruses have pandemic potential as they can infect humanized mice.18

Lastly, there are the words of WIV researcher Zhengli herself, who in a July 31, 2020, Science article admitted:19,20

“We performed in vivo experiments in transgenic (human ACE2 expressing) mice and civets in 2018 and 2019 in the Institute’s biosafety laboratory. The viruses we used were bat SARSr-CoV close to SARS-CoV … The results suggested that bat SARSr-CoV can directly infect civets and can also infect mice with human ACE2 receptors.”

Scientists Call For Independent Investigation

March 4, 2021, The New York Times21 reported that, following the WHO’s dismissal of the lab-origin theory, two dozen scientists and policy experts have signed an open letter22 calling for an independent investigation into the virus’ origin.

“The open letter … lists what the signers see as flaws in the joint W.H.O.-China inquiry, and state that it could not adequately address the possibility that the virus leaked from a lab,” The New York Times writes.

Perhaps one of the biggest flaws in the WHO’s inquiry is the universal absence of evidence demonstrating a wholly natural origin of SARS-CoV-2. If the virus was truly natural, surely, we’d have some evidence of its evolution at this point, yet we have nothing.

In addition to highlighting their concern about the investigative commission’s limited scientific independence, they also expressed concern “that the joint team’s work has been inaccurately reported by the media as an independent investigation whose conclusions reflect those of the WHO”:

“Although the findings were those of the joint team, they were widely reported as representing the WHO itself. As strong supporters of the WHO and its mission, we believe it must be made clear that any findings of the joint committee, while potentially useful to a limited extent, represent neither the official position of the WHO nor the result of an unrestricted, independent investigation.”

The letter details not only the shortcomings of the WHO’s investigative commission, but also what a full and independent investigation “should look like,” starting with the creation of a multidisciplinary team, whose members have “no unresolved conflicts of interest and no full or partial control by any specific agenda or country.”

They also, and rightfully so, recommend “considering all possible scenarios for each pathway,” and then following standard forensic approaches, which include securing full access to all relevant sites, records, logs, databases and samples.

Fauci Implicated In Risky Research At WIV

April 28, 2021, Newsweek published a follow-up article highlighting Fauci’s role, noting that the NIAID funded “risky coronavirus research” at the WIV as recently as 2019:23

“In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million …

The NIH research consisted of two parts. The first part24 began in 2014 and involved surveillance of bat coronaviruses … The program funded Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the Wuhan lab … to investigate and catalogue bat coronaviruses in the wild. This part of the project was completed in 2019.

A second phase25 of the project, beginning that year, included … gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance … under the direction of President Peter Daszak … NIH canceled the project just this past Friday, April 24 [2020] …

Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.”

At the time, Fauci and Daszak both declined to comment and the National Institutes of Health responded with a dismissive statement saying that “Most emerging human viruses come from wildlife,” and that “scientific research indicates that there is no evidence that suggests the virus was created in a laboratory.”26

In the video above, Martenson reviews research refuting the NIH’s claim of there being no evidence of a lab connection.

Fauci’s Despicable Treachery

Someone who has taken a particular interest in Fauci’s potential role in this pandemic is Dr. Peter Breggin. He actually wrote an entire report,27 “Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery,” about Fauci’s “chilling ties” to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its military. The report was published in October 2020.

Breggin is convinced Fauci “has been the major force” behind research activities that enabled the CCP to manufacture lethal SARS coronaviruses, which in turn led to the release — whether accidental or not — of SARS-CoV-2 from the WIV.

He claims Fauci has helped the CCP obtain “valuable U.S. patents,” and that he, in collaboration with the CCP and the WHO, initially suppressed the truth about the origins and dangers of the pandemic, thereby enabling the spread of the virus from China to the rest of the world.

Fauci has, and continues to, shield the CCP and himself, Breggin says, by “denying the origin of SARS-CoV-2” and “delaying and thwarting worldwide attempts to deal rationally with the pandemic.”

In the executive summary of the report, Breggin documents 15 questionable activities that Fauci has been engaged in, starting with the fact that he funded dangerous gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses, both by individual Chinese researchers and the WIV in collaboration with American researchers. This research, Breggin says, allowed the CCP and its military to create their own bioweapons, including SARS-CoV-2.

He points out that the American-Chinese collaboration was initially detailed in a paper written by two Chinese researchers, Botao Xiao (trained at Northwestern University and Harvard Medical School) and Lei Xiao back in February 2020. According to Breggin, the CCP forced them to recant and the paper was withdrawn.

“The stated purpose [of gain-of-function research] is to learn to prevent and treat future outbreaks; but research labs are the most common source of outbreaks from dangerous pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, as well as two earlier accidental escapes by SARS viruses in 2004 from a research facility in Beijing,” Breggin writes.28

Why Did Fauci Continue Gain-Of-Function Research?

While President Trump canceled funding for dangerous gain-of-function research on viruses in April 2020 after the Chinese-American collaborations became publicly known, Fauci has since then released fresh funds.

Part of the funding is again directed to the EcoHealth Alliance, which for years has outsourced its research projects to WIV and other Chinese researchers. Fauci also continued outsourcing gain-of-function research to the WIV back in 2014, after then-President Obama ordered a stop to such research.

“In order to outsource dangerous viral research from the U.S. to China during the Obama moratorium, Fauci prematurely approved the Wuhan Institute as a highest-level containment facility (known as BSL-4) capable of safely working with lethal viruses,” Breggin writes.29

“He did this while knowing the Institute had a very poor safety record and while also knowing that all such facilities in China are overseen by the military as part of its biowarfare program. Thus, Fauci created two grave worldwide threats, the accidental release of a deadly coronavirus and/or its use as a military weapon.”

Interestingly, while the original moratorium on gain-of-function research was a direct order by the president, when the moratorium was lifted at the end of 2017, it was done so by the NIH and NIAID.

Fauci also defended and promoted gain-of-function research on bird flu viruses a decade ago, saying such research was worth the risk because it allows scientists to prepare for pandemics.30 However, as noted by Breggin, this kind of research does not appear to have improved governments’ pandemic responses one whit.

Fauci Has Globalist Ties

Breggin also highlights Fauci’s connections to and support of director-general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a member of a Marxist-Leninist Ethiopian political party whose corrupt past and terrorist ties have been highlighted ever since his controversial nomination.31,32,33

Incidentally, Tedros has also been accused of covering up cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia.

“Together, they initially minimized the dangers of COVID-19. Fauci and Tedros also delayed worldwide preparations for the pandemic while allowing the Chinese to spread the virus with thousands of international passenger flights,” Breggin writes.

Commenting on a recent paper by Fauci, in which he dismisses the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 was created in and released from the WIV, arguing instead for a natural mutation, Breggin says:

“By persistently and unequivocally claiming that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from nature untouched by lab manipulations, Fauci continues to protect himself and China, and their relationship, to the endangerment of America and the rest of the world.

Fauci holds himself out as the ultimate source of objective scientific information and science-based conclusions. In reality, he works with and empowers globalist pharmaceutical firms and globalist organizations such as WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation … These globalists gained power and influence as their policies and practices, including the shutdowns, continue to worsen conditions throughout the world.”

The globalist, technocratic agenda also shines through Fauci’s call for a political agenda that protects the population from pathogens by limiting or eliminating “aggressive” and manmade interventions into nature. Fauci’s paper, published in the journal Cell in September 2020, reads in part:34

“The COVID-19 pandemic is yet another reminder … that in a human-dominated world, in which our human activities represent aggressive, damaging, and unbalanced interactions with nature, we will increasingly provoke new disease emergences.

We remain at risk for the foreseeable future. COVID-19 is among the most vivid wake-up calls in over a century. It should force us to begin to think in earnest and collectively about living in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature …”

Indeed, this language is straight out of the technocratic handbook, now rebranded as “the Great Reset.” As noted by Breggin:

“Fauci’s utopian scheme, which overlaps with the Green New Deal, would permanently suppress and disrupt the activities and lives of the 7.8 billion people on Earth in the vain hope of reducing future pandemics.

Thus the American official most responsible for the creation of SARS-CoV-2 in a Chinese lab instead blames its origins on human interventions into the environment and nature, thereby completely exonerating himself while holding humanity responsible.

Simultaneously, he is using the pretext of protecting us from viruses to impose a radical totalitarian agenda upon humanity. Indeed, the largest, most aggressive, and most dangerous human interventions into nature must include Fauci-funded gain-of-function research in which viruses are taken out of nature and engineered into pathogens.”

Fauci The Fearmonger Flag Bearer

In the main body of the report (Page 7 onward), Breggin goes on to detail Fauci’s role in the media fearmongering that has allowed pandemic measures to stretch on.

“Most people have very unrealistic fears about the risk of dying from COVID-19,” Breggin notes, and “This is due in part to the CDC and to Dr. Anthony Fauci who inflate the risk of COVID-19 deaths. Most people who die while being positive for SARS-CoV-2 are near to or past their average longevity.

In addition to being old, the great majority are already ill with heart disease, cancer, or some other chronic illnesses that may in fact have caused them to die. But even using the CDC’s biased data, the risk of death for most people is too small to require them to sacrifice the quality of their lives as the government demands under the threat of catching COVID-19.”

In Breggin’s estimation, Fauci “has been and continues to be an extraordinarily destructive force in the world.” Not only did he play a role in China’s ability to create SARS-CoV-2 and other potential biological weapons, he’s also covering up its origin, and initially tried to downplay the threat of the novel virus.

To top it off, “he became the go-to scientist and management czar for the very pandemic that he helped to create, enormously increasing his power and influence, and the wealth of his institute and his global collaborators, including Bill Gates and the international pharmaceutical industry,” Breggin writes, adding, in conclusion:

“In his rise to power, Fauci has done a great deal of additional damage … for example, by suppressing the most effective, safest, and least expensive medication treatment (hydroxychloroquine in varied combinations), while manipulating his clinical research to promote an ineffective, dangerous, and highly expensive drug (remdesivir) …

It is time to fire Fauci, to investigate this entire disaster, and to consider what needs to be done to protect the US and the world from future lab-generated pandemic disasters, whether accidental or intentional.”

Gain-Of-Function Research Must Be Banned

Fauci isn’t the only individual who needs to be fired. The Organic Consumer Association’s “Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame”35 lists several others whose wheeling and dealings ought to be scrutinized under a high-magnifying loupe.

These include Zhengli, Daszak, Bill Gates, Dr. Ralph Baric, Dr. Christian Hassell, Dr. Robert Kadlec and Scott Dowell.

Even more importantly, we need to ban gain-of-function research. As noted by Marc Lipsitch in his 2018 review, “Why Do Exceptionally Dangerous Gain-of-Function Experiments in Influenza?”:36

“This is a question of intense debate over the last 5 years, though the history of such experiments goes back at least to the synthesis of viable influenza A H1N1 (1918) based on material preserved from the 1918 pandemic.

Experiments to create potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs) are nearly unique in that they present biosafety risks that extend well beyond the experimenter or laboratory performing them; an accidental release could, as the name suggests, lead to global spread of a virulent virus, a biosafety incident on a scale never before seen …

While there are indisputably certain questions that can be answered only by gain-of-function experiments in highly pathogenic strains, these questions are narrow and unlikely to meaningfully advance public health goals such as vaccine production and pandemic prediction.

Alternative approaches to experimental influenza virology and characterization of existing strains are in general completely safe, higher throughput, more generalizable, and less costly than creation of PPP in the laboratory and can thereby better inform public health.

Indeed, virtually every finding of recent PPP experiments that has been cited for its public health value was predated by similar findings using safe methodologies.”

While the origin of SARS-CoV-2 remains to be conclusively proven, a paper37 published in Nature in 2015 discussed how a “lab-made coronavirus related to SARS” capable of infecting human cells had stirred up debate as to whether or not this kind of research is worth the risks:

“Although the extent of any risk is difficult to assess, Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that ‘grows remarkably well’ in human cells. ‘If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,’ he says.”

With 20/20 hindsight, we now have a much clearer idea of what the release of such a virus can do. We may chalk it up to luck that SARS-CoV-2 turned out to be orders of magnitude less lethal than initially suspected, thereby not resulting in the deaths of tens of millions.

Biggest Fraud In Human History

The sad part is that even though SARS-CoV-2 turned out to be a minor hazard for the vast majority of people, its existence was used to justify the elimination of rights and liberties and facilitate the greatest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle-classes to the ultra-rich the world has ever seen.

In the video above, Minnesota state senator and family physician Scott Jensen summarizes how we’ve been played. Essentially, by using PCR testing incorrectly, false positives were maximized, thereby keeping the fearmongering of rising “cases” going.

Then, January 20, 2021, on the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden, the World Health Organization finally did what it should have done from the very beginning — it recommended using lower cycle thresholds for the PCR test to prevent false positives, and changed the way COVID-19 is diagnosed.

Whereas before, doctors were told to slap a diagnosis on anyone with a certain range of symptoms, they were now told that a symptomatic patient also must have a positive test. Conversely, a positive test is not a case unless they also have the appropriate symptoms.

With that, the “case” load immediately started dropping.38 In reality, though, the caseload was always low, and none of the pandemic measures that destroyed lives and livelihoods were actually required. All that was needed was for honest and scientifically justifiable recommendations to be issued.

Dismantle The Medical Crime Syndicate

Fauci, again, bears blame for this needless destruction, as he knew up to 90% of positive PCR tests were false positives. Documents obtained through FOIA by The Colorado Herald39 conclusively prove Fauci knew this as early as March 2020, and he said and did nothing.

“For a year, the CDC and WHO have guided public policy to include lockdowns, mask orders, school closures, segregation of the elderly, and now a vaccine push that rivals China’s, all based on a lie,” The Colorado Herald writes.40

“If a person has a positive PCR test, he has the deadly Coronavirus; that is a lie, one-hundred percent. Everyone has coronaviruses; they are everywhere, and that is why the overly sensitive PCR tests contributed, more than any other COVID-19 lie this year, to a pandemic that did not exist.

Fauci, the CDC, and the WHO should be held civilly and criminally liable for any business that shut down as a result of policies that were based on lies, lives lost to suicide and isolation based on lies, and the education lost by the nation’s youth this year … all based on lies.”

Must-read article: Legal Team Wants ‘Second Nuremberg Tribunal’ To Try Global Lockdown Promoters For Crimes Against Humanity

Indeed, defunding and dismantling the public terror organization that is the WHO, firing co-conspirators, starting with Fauci, and decentralizing pandemic planning from the global and federal level to the state and local levels would be a good start. To be in control of your health, you first need to have individual rights.

Medicine and government both work best when individualized and locally applied. Now that the truth is out, we must cease obeying the dictates of master manipulators and stand firm in the truth. Enough is enough. We must not give another inch to this lie.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola, the author of “The Truth About COVID-19,” where he investigates the origins of this virus and how the elite use it to slowly erode your personal liberty and freedom. You’ll also learn how you can protect yourself against this disease and what you can do to fight back against the technocratic overlords.

Destroying America by deliberately instigating racial hatred.

If you hated America, and you wanted to rule the world with unlimited wealth, what is the best strategy to attack America without firing a shot? Why not stir up racial hatred towards the 63% of Americans who happen to be white, though none of us chose our race? Brilliant strategy. It’s not a new strategy either, as it was discussed in a 1912 quote by Israel Cohen in his book, “A racial program for the twentieth century”. However, the bankers are terrified of being discovered, so they have erased this book from the internet, and call it a “hoax” and a “conspiracy theory”.

Does being born a certain skin color have anything to do with illness, disease, and your health? Not to a rational person, but, to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) racism is a massive threat to public health. Note, the writer of “A racial program for the twentieth century”, Israel Cohen, is a Talmudic Jew, and the head of the CDC is Rochelle Wolensky, is another Talmudic Jew. Most Jews are not involved in this, but, there was a Civil War between liberal and conservative Jews about 150 years ago, and the liberal Jews control the worlds money, and are on a path to rule the world ever since.

We are approaching the end of the Derek Chauvin trial for the murder of George Floyd. I’m among 90% of Americans of all races who wish that Floyd was alive today. Whether the fact he had coronavirus and had fentanyl and meth in his system has anything to do with his death remains to be seen, but, if he is acquitted, it seems likely, that more riots will occur in big Democrat rathole cities. Why is it that double the number of whites are killed by police than blacks every year, and yet, no one can name five whites killed by police, but everyone can name five blacks killed by police? It’s because the media deliberately sensationalizes this, hoping to cause violence and unrest, which always plays into the bankers, the owners of the media, hands.

Has anyone heard of Kelly Thomas? He was unarmed, posed no threat to police, yet was wrestled to the ground, beaten unconscious for thirty minutes, and died. But, the media doesn’t care about that, because he was white. The goal of the media is to instigate tensions. By stirring up minority hatred of whites, they can destabilize and destroy America.

Proverbs 6:[16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
[17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
[18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
[19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

The media are the false witnesses that speak lies, and sow discord (Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement; dissension) among Americans.

Nursing Home Worker Fired for Refusing Daily Covid Test


Take the vaccine or 
take a nasal swab EVERY DAY
“I didn’t quit, I refused the test and was denied access to the building.”

“This daily testing policy for the unvaccinated has nothing to do with protecting others from asymptomatic transmission. The terribly uncomfortable and invasive procedure is being used as an instrument of coercion, a form of medical torture meant to force our submission to becoming test subjects for the experimental vaccines.”

By a former Ontario nursing home employee:

As you may have heard, many healthcare workers have refused to take the experimental covid vaccines.  As a result, management has been ratcheting up the pressure in various ways.  Most recently, they enacted a policy that employees who have not taken the vaccine must submit to a nasal swab test at the beginning of every single shift.
I am well aware of my rights, including the right to refuse medical treatment, and as a result when I most recently showed up to work, I was turned away after refusing the test.  
Nobody may enter the building unless the submit to a nasal swab test, or show proof of vaccination against covid.  Supposedly the local public health department has authorized this new policy, despite previously saying that employees who have already been infected with covid must not take any tests due to the high probability of false positives.
This daily testing policy for the unvaccinated has nothing to do with protecting others from asymptomatic transmission. The terribly uncomfortable and invasive procedure is being used as an instrument of coercion, a form of medical torture meant to force our submission to becoming test subjects for the experimental vaccines.
This is the slippery slope that Western society is going down. “Experts” are calling for the use of Chinese anal swabs, as well as calls for the unvaccinated to be essentially cut off from the rest of society.  Every year we celebrate Remembrance day (Veterans’ day in the US) to pay our respects to those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, but now we are sacrificing our freedom and our children’s future for a virus with a death rate below 1%.  We need to change course, right now
Some people are upset with the mandatory tests and have called the Ministry of Labour.  As far as I know they are all still taking the test though.  Most people are too weak to stand up for themselves, they will go through with it and then whine and complain after.  Better to die standing than live on your knees.

The official gov’t directive says: “an individual who has previously had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and was cleared by the local public health unit, should not be re-tested.
So unless Ottawa Public Health actually told them to test us it’s all bullshit, and it wouldn’t be the first time they tried to make up their own rules and said it was the government who told them so.
I guess I’m out of work, I have some money saved and I should be able to get one benefit or another depending on what they put on my record of employment.  I spoke to the union rep and he is going to sort that out next week, but it looks like there is no way out of testing if I still want to work there.
I could work elsewhere, but Ontario is totally shut down for now so options are limited.  We will see what happens, but I won’t be applying at any nursing homes.  I was getting fed up with that place lately so in a way it’s a relief to be out of there, but the relief will only last for so long.

Related:  When Ontario first ordered weekly testing for long-term care workers, it was met with opposition from the Ontario Science Table:

“The potential harms and costs of testing long-term care home staff every week likely outweigh the benefits, experts with the Ontario’s COVID-19 Science Table say in a new report.”
“The report cites a number of potential harms related to weekly COVID-19 testing, including pain and discomfort of the nasal swabs, which could lead to more serious injury, testing fatigue, and a false sense of security with a negative result. It also mentions the risks of a false positive test.”

BOMBSHELL: Disposable Blue Face Masks Found To Contain Toxic, Asbestos-Like Substance That Destroys Lungs

Health Canada has issued a warning about blue and gray disposable face masks, which contain an asbestos-like substance associated with “early pulmonary toxicity.”

bombshell disposable blue face masks found to contain toxic, asbestos like substance that destroys lungs


The SNN200642 masks, which are made in China and sold and distributed by a Quebec-based company called Métallifer, had been part of Canada’s public school reopening plan.

Students were told that they needed to wear them in the classroom to prevent the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Health Canada, however, discovered during a preliminary risk assessment that the masks contain microscopic graphene particles that, when inhaled, could cause severe lung damage.

“Graphene is a strong, very thin material that is used in fabrication, but it can be harmful to lungs when inhaled and can cause long-term health problems,” reported CBC News.

For a while now, some daycare educators had expressed suspicion about the masks, which were causing children to feel as though they were swallowing cat hair while wearing them. We now know that instead of cat hair, children were inhaling the equivalent of asbestos all day long.

“If you have this type of mask in stock, we ask that you stop distributing them and keep them in a safe place now,” the provincial government wrote in a directive, which was sent to the education, families, and higher education ministries of Canada.

Study: Chemical That Decreases Fertility And Causes Penises To Shrink, Found In Face Masks

Face Masks Are Neither Safe Nor Effective

As it turns out, the SNN200642 masks that were being used all across Canada in school classrooms had never been tested for safety or effectiveness.

Patrick Baillargeon, who heads up purchasing for Quebec’s laboratory supplies, says that because of this, the masks never should have been used.

The risks associated with inhaling graphene particles is unacceptable, he added, and Canadians – and everyone else, for that matter – should immediately stop using the masks.

“We therefore ask all our customers to check if they have any in their possession,” Baillargeon wrote in a notice, further revealing that at the time of their acquisition and distribution, the blue and gray disposable face masks were not in compliance with government regulations.

Schools and other facilities adopted them due to fears surrounding the Wuhan virus, but this rushed, reactionary response is now causing other problems in the form of lung damage.

Netherlands Refuses To Mandate Face Masks & Sweden Says They Are ‘Pointless’

“We are now verifying whether any of these particular masks remain in our schools and centres,” reads a letter sent by the Lester B. Pearson school board to the parents of all exposed children.

“Any unused masks will be returned to our storage depot while we await further directives from the government.”

Back in December, the Quebec government had distributed these toxic masks to more than 15,000 daycare centers throughout the province. None of the masks met safety standards and were later ordered to no longer be used.

Another similar style of disposable mask, known as MC9501, was likewise pulled from distribution throughout Canada after it was determined to be unsafe.

As many as 31.1 million toxic masks from this line were distributed before the government realized that they are unfit for use.

“Shouldn’t all this stuff be tested BEFORE it even leaves the factory?” asked one CBC News commenter, expressing outrage over the government’s act now, think later approach to Wuhan flu mitigation.

Others called for heads to roll over the fiasco, as well as an immediate end to all face mask use as the coverings are both useless and harmful no matter what materials were used in their production.

“To force a child to wear a toxic face mask is child abuse,” one wrote. “I hope lawsuits will follow.”


Written By Doug Wilson

When it comes to sexual role relationships in the church today, we are so far gone that if we all got back to the status of “severely compromised,” more than a few people would call it a great reformation. One of our issues is the result of our gradual dismissal of biblically-assigned roles for men and women. We have done the same with creational roles, along with traditional roles, saying that they are all simply “outdated stereotypes.” This is a datum that is so self-evident in our confused generation that if you even want to discuss it, we can only attribute your perverseness to a secret desire to relegate women, with all their hopes, dreams, and aspirations, to the drudgery of making quilts.

We have gotten to the point where, in ostensibly conservative churches, we positively celebrate our diseased condition. As long as somebody on the premises affirms inerrancy, and as long as Suzy Q stays out of the pulpit between 11 am and noon on Sundays, she can do anything an unordained man can do. Perhaps someone might wonder how that got to be the standard, which I call a reasonable question. But if you persist in being a troglodyte, you will soon find there are three women on staff with M.Divs to wrap around your neck, who will explain to you why kephale really means something other than that icky feeling we all get whenever someone suggests what it might have actually meant back in Paul’s day.

The central thing I am talking about, of course, is the pestilence that we, for some reason, want to call women’s ministries.

Someone will no doubt object and say that the way I introduced this subject, I am making women’s ministry sound like a bad thing. And far from this being the place where I violate my NQN rule against qualifications, I will simply nod and say that yes, women’s ministries were a terrible idea, and have already been the destruction of numerous churches. Whoever thought it up should have been flogged in front of the synagogue.

So yes, women’s ministries have been a disaster. And don’t get me started on women counselors.

Attention, please: Regular readers of this blog are invited to compose their own set of qualifications and insert them here. This is where they go. This exercise, if you choose to conduct it, may then be compared with the paragraph at the bottom of this post, which is distinctly separated from the body of this post, and thus fully in keeping with our very strict November rules.

The Nature of the Problem

Women’s ministries have rapidly become the third rail in ecclesiastical politics. Many church leaders don’t even know they have a problem, while those who do know they have a problem have no idea how to address it without electrocuting the entire session.

The church leaders who don’t know they have a problem are in this situation because they are not really the church leaders any more. If they were, they would know about the problem. If they sit on the session, serenely ignorant of how the church is really run — i.e. from the control room of the women’s ministry — then this blog post is arriving for them about thirty years too late.

But what about the churches that are still alive enough to know they have a problem? They have a she-wolf by the ears. It is not safe to let go and it is not safe to hang on.

Women ministering is one thing. But women’s ministries are something else. What kind of something else are they? I will tell you. They are a complicated tangle of sentiments and grievances and emotions and rage and resentments. Please note that it is not really an adequate reply to say something like, “Sure, our women’s ministry is just like that, but surely not all of them . . .”

In the olden days, women were ministered to the same way the men were — through Word and sacrament. When the women got together as women, it was to conduct some kind of outward facing ministry to others. But today, a better description of women’s ministries, and the kind of thing I am talking about, would be the common practice of gathering all the women in the church together so that they can form a weekly impromptu ICU ward, and then all take turns playing doctor and nurse for one another.

In other words, the women of the church, considered as a class, considered as a group, are being treated by the church as an oppressed class, as a victimized group. If you are wondering how intersectionality got into your otherwise healthy church, a good place to check would be the women’s ministry. All the doors down there are left unlocked, almost all the time. And lo, the serpent got in. On his account, who are the oppressors? Well, husbands, of course. And the elders. And the finance committee. All the women in the church are gathered together and are treated as a small tribe of needy buckets with grievances. When this happens, because you always get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize, you find the needy buckets proliferating, and the grievances metastasizing.

But the women are not supposed to form their own little segregated church within the larger church, with their own (woman) pastor and everything. That director of the women’s ministry, aka the women’s pastor, then becomes an apostle “to the women,” which means that the elders are not really responsible for the women. As Peter was apostle to to the Jews and Paul to the Gentiles, so also the elders are the ministers to the men. For the time being.

The very last thing in the world that the women of your church need is feminine pastoral care. Men, women, and children, all together, need to be shepherded by qualified men. The women who will be extraordinary in their ministering are those who are more than good with this. They are the women in your church who recognize that whining is not a spiritual gift.

So suffice it to say, if you have any arrangement even remotely like this, you are already in trouble. If the mere existence of this blog post causes a stir in your church, you are already in trouble. If a civil conversation about these or any related issues is already an impossibility in your church, you are already in trouble.

And at the very least, it is a trouble that should move to the very top of your prayer list.

Lindsay Harold’s response: “‘Women’s ministries’ today are generally awful hotbeds of emotionalism and false doctrine that encourage women in rebellion against their husbands and complaining about their lives. Most women’s Bible studies don’t actually study the Bible, but instead study a ‘Christian’ book by a woman (generally Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, Priscilla Shirer or another false teacher like those). It’s horrendous. The women aren’t supposed to have their own alternate church inside the regular church. They’re supposed to be taught by and accountable to the qualified male church leadership just like everyone else.”

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1 Timothy 2:11-14

Women’s Ministries as Pestilence

EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

‘Look out the window, and think, “why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?” Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.’ Wed Apr 7, 2021 – 8:47 am EST

Featured Image

Dr. Mike Yeadon Arshad Ebrahim / YouTube

Patrick Delaney

By Patrick Delaney

LifeSiteNews has been permanently banned on YouTube. Click HERE to sign up to receive emails when we add to our video library.

April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews. 

He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.

wcea facebook

His main points included:There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.” Dr. Yeadon began identifying himself as merely a “boring guy” who went “to work for a big drug company … listening to the main national broadcast and reading the broad sheet newspapers.”Continuing, he said: “But in the last year I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything. It’s a fallacy this idea of asymptomatic transmission and that you don’t have symptoms, but you are a source of a virus. That lockdowns work, that masks have a protective value obviously for you or someone else, and that variants are scary things and we even need to close international borders in case some of these nasty foreign variants get in. SUBSCRIBE to LifeSite’s daily headlinesSUBSCRIBEU.S. Canada World Catholic“Or, by the way, on top of the current list of gene-based vaccines that we have miraculously made, there will be some ‘top-up’ vaccines to cope with the immune escape variants. “Everything I have told you, every single one of those things is demonstrably false. But our entire national policy is based on these all being broadly right, but they are all wrong.”‘Conspiracy’ and not just ‘convergent opportunism’“But what I would like to do is talk about immune escape because I think that’s probably going to be the end game for this whole event, which I think is probably a conspiracy. Last year I thought it was what I called ‘convergent opportunism,’ that is a bunch of different stakeholder groups have managed to pounce on a world in chaos to push us in a particular direction. So it looked like it was kind of linked, but I was prepared to say it was just convergence.”“I [now] think that’s naïve. There is no question in my mind that very significant powerbrokers around the world have either planned to take advantage of the next pandemic or created the pandemic. One of those two things is true because the reason it must be true is that dozens and dozens of governments are all saying the same lies and doing the same inefficacious things that demonstrably cost lives. “And they are talking the same sort of future script which is, ‘We don’t want you to move around because of these pesky varmints, these “variants”’— which I call ‘samiants’ by the way, because they are pretty much the same — but they’re all saying this and they are all saying ‘don’t worry, there will be “top-up” vaccines that will cope with the potential escapees.’ They’re all saying this when it is obviously nonsense.”Possible end game: vaccine ‘passports’ tied to spending allowances, thorough control“I think the end game is going to be, ‘everyone receives a vaccine’… Everyone on the planet is going to find themselves persuaded, cajoled, not quite mandated, hemmed-in to take a jab. “When they do that every single individual on the planet will have a name, or unique digital ID and a health status flag which will be ‘vaccinated,’ or not … and whoever possesses that, sort of single database, operable centrally, applicable everywhere to control, to provide as it were, a privilege, you can either cross this particular threshold or conduct this particular transaction or not depending on [what] the controllers of that one human population database decide. And I think that’s what this is all about because once you’ve got that, we become playthings and the world can be as the controllers of that database want it. “For example, you might find that after a banking reset that you can only spend through using an app that actually feeds off this [database], your ID, your name, [and] your health status flag.”“And, yes, certainly crossing an international border is the most obvious use for these vaccine passports, as they are called, but I’ve heard talk of them already that they could be necessary for you to get into public spaces, enclosed public spaces. I expect that if they wanted to, you would not be able to leave your house in the future without the appropriate privilege on your app.“But even if that’s not [the] true [intent of the vaccine campaign], it doesn’t matter, the fact that it could be true means everyone [reading] this should fight like crazy to make sure that [vaccine passport] system never forms.”“[With such a system], here is an example of what they could make you do, and I think this is what they’re going to make [people] do.“You could invent a story that is about a virus and its variations, its mutations over time. You could invent the story and make sure you embed it through the captive media, make sure that no one can counter it by censoring alternative sources, then people are now familiar with this idea that this virus mutates, which it does, and that it produces variants, which is true [as well], which could escape your immune system, and that’s a lie. “But, nevertheless, we’re going to tell you it’s true, and then when we tell you that it’s true and we say ‘but we’ve got the cure, here’s a top-up vaccine,’ you’ll get a message, based on this one global, this one ID system: ‘Bing!’ it will come up and say ‘Dr. Yeadon, time for your top-up vaccine. And, by the way,’ it will say ‘your existing immune privileges remain valid for four weeks. But if you don’t get your top-up vaccine in that time, you will unfortunately detrimentally be an “out person,” and you don’t want that, do you?’ So, that’s how it’ll work, and people will just walk up and they’ll get their top-up vaccine.”Gov’t lies, Big Pharma moves forward, medicine regulators get out of the way, and possible ‘mass-depopulation’“But I will take you through this, Patrick, because I am qualified to comment. I don’t know what Vanden Bossche is about. There was no possibility at all, based on all of the variants that are in the public domain, 4000 or so of them, none of them are going to escape immunity [i.e. become more dangerous].“Nevertheless, politicians and health advisers (to loads of governments) are saying that they are. They’re lying. Well, why would you do that? “Here’s the other thing, in parallel, pharmaceutical companies have said, several of them, it will be quite easy for us to adjust our gene-based vaccines, and we can hasten them through development, and we can help you. “And here’s the real scary part, global medicines regulators like [the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] FDA, the Japanese medicines agency, the European Medicines Agency, have gotten together and announced … since top-up vaccines will be considered so similar to the ones that we have already approved for emergency use authorization, we are not going to require the drug companies to perform any clinical safety studies. “So, you’ve got on the one hand, governments and their advisers that are lying to you that variants are different enough from the current virus that, even if you’re immune from natural exposure or vaccination, you’re a risk and you need to come and get this top-up vaccine. So, I think neither of those are true. So why is the drug company making the top-up vaccines? And [with] the regulators having got out of the way — and if Yeadon is right, and I’m sure I am or I wouldn’t be telling you this — you go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification. “And if you wanted to introduce a characteristic which could be harmful and could even be lethal, and you can even tune it to say ‘let’s put it in some gene that will cause liver injury over a nine-month period,’ or, cause your kidneys to fail but not until you encounter this kind of organism [that would be quite possible]. Biotechnology provides you with limitless ways, frankly, to injure or kill billions of people. “And since I can’t think of a benign explanation for any of the steps: variants, top-up vaccines, no regulatory studies… it’s not only that I cannot think of a benign explanation, the steps described, and the scenario described, and the necessary sort of resolution to this false problem is going to allow what I just described: unknown, and unnecessary gene sequences injected into the arms of potentially billions of people for no reason. “I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign explanation.”

Vaccine is Pledge to Worship Lucifer


A summary is in order:The issue is whether to accept or resist Henry Makow PhDHumanity is being inducted into a satanic cult, Cabalism (Illuminism, Freemasonry, Communism.) 
Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting and making them sick. Members are essentially slaves.
In occult terms, face masks are emblematic of enslavement. 
Ultimately they destroy their adherents because Satanism is the religion of death and destruction. (That’s why it’s “evil.”)

Clearly vaccination is becoming the criteria for entry into this cult, and participation in Luciferian society, i.e. the NWO.
Recently Klaus Schwab referred to unvaccinated people as “a threat to humanity.” Hitler couldn’t have said it better about Jews. 
Several dozen heads of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Economic Forum (WEF), and various other globalist bodies have declared that the “Great Reset” needs to include the establishment of a global “pandemic” treaty to ensure that all humans are “vaccinated” in accordance with government edicts.

On March 10, CNN medical analyst Dr Leana Wen was concerned that millions of Americans would reject the experimental Covid-19 vaccines, especially as businesses are reopening. She told anchor Chris Cuomo that “we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status. Otherwise, if everything is reopened, what’s the carrot going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?” 
Thursday, a contributor Sandra Archibald pointed out thatSatanists typically sacrifice their ownchildren as proof of faith in Lucifer. She said people who vaccinate their children are doing this.
Clearly the pressure to vaccinate everyone is driven neither for profit nor health. Covid is merely a pretext to reorganize society along the lines desired by the satanist central bankers. Undoubtedly this involves depopulation.  


L. Marina Abramović poses with Jacob Rothschild in front of ‘Satan summoning his Legions’, 1796-1797

The White House has denied that vaccine passports will be necessary but already sports venues, casinos and universities are requiring them. Digital passports are on their way. With panic surrounding new phoney “variants,” or if Bill Gates releases a more lethal virus, pressure to be vaccinated will become unbearable.
On April 1, LA Times Columnist Harry Litman tweeted: “Vaccine passports are a good idea. Among other things, it will single out the still large contingent of people who refuse vaccines, who will be foreclosed from doing a lot of things their peers can do. That should help break the resistance down.” He got 21,000 “likes.”
As David Spangler said, “No one will enter the New World Order unless he take a Luciferian initiation.”
The COVID vaccine is that initiation.
The conflict boils down to accepting or resisting enslavement. ————
Related – Brother Nathaniel – Got Your Vax Passport Yet?


Whether we like to admit it or not, our parent’s marriage impacted our marriages for good or bad. It’s the greatest model we had in our childhoods of what a marriage should look like. Taking on the good things to our own marriage is good and unlearning the bad things is vital to a healthy marriage. I asked the women in the chat room to share what they had learned from their parent’s marriage and how it impacted them. I won’t share names to protect their privacy.

“I remember my parents hugging each other and give a little kiss when my dad got home from work. Sometimes I would run to them and join in for a group hug. When I got married, I told my husband I wanted our children to see us hug and kiss often, so they would feel safe and secure and know that mom and dad love each other.”

“My mother wasn’t married most of my growing up years. She used men to get what she wanted. I learned that men were not needed or good and only used women (although she did the using too). It made my first marriage not good, because I had no idea how to be a good wife and what not (and my mom convinced me to leave him). This marriage has had a rocky past, and my mom almost convinced me to divorce this husband. Women are the ones who wear the pants, and men should do as we say. But thank goodness, I read Debi’s book and learned from it.”

“My parents always sat down and talked every evening. They always had fun together. They were high school sweethearts and married at 18 and 20 years of age for almost 60 years until my mom passed away.”

“My mom frequently criticized my dad. My dad was lazy. I realized her criticism did nothing but make her look ugly, and he never changed. In my marriage, I choose to discuss rather than criticize (if necessary) but also to build my husband up! He is a different person (in a good way) when his confidence cup is filled up by me.”

“My parents divorced, and I haven’t seen/known my mother since I was under three. I went to live with my aunt and uncle who didn’t have a healthy relationship. All that fed this idea of never wanting a divorce which is good, but my logic, before Christ renewed my mind on this matter, was to never get married hence never get divorced. Had it not been for Christ saving my life and then showing me my error, I would still be fornicating.”

“The toxic behavior I witnessed coming from my mother growing up made me realize I never wanted to be like that. To this day, she still belittles my father, disrespects him, talks over him, silences him, ignores his needs, complains when he spends time with anyone other than herself, punishes him by neglecting her wifely duties….really, the list goes on and on  My father is a true saint for remaining with her all these years.

“Observing my mother’s behavior is the reason why I am the way that I am today. That is, I determined early on that I would be different. With the Lord’s help, I have sought to be the very opposite of how she was (and still is) as a wife and mother What the Enemy meant for evil, the Lord has used for good in my own life.”

“My parents never communicated about anything. I struggled for years on how to address issues respectfully in my own marriage. It comes a lot easier now.”

“My mom controlled everything. My parents separated money and everything. My dad worked all the time but was not the main bread winner. My mom, to this day, holds that over my dad. It has made marriage and submitting to my husband extremely difficult. I do not know how to communicate with my spouse as my parents never talked; they only fought. I will say my mom had read Debi Pearl’s book and is trying so hard to be a better helpmeet! I am proud of her, but wish I had learned when I was a child.”

“My dad taught me how a husband is to love his wife. He also taught me that a man wants his wife to only have thoughts of him, not some past lovers! A woman who only has a desire for him alone. My mother taught me how to be a Godly wife, keeper of our home, a mother, and a grandmother! And, together they taught me to look to the LORD and trust and love him!”

“When my parents would argue, it was usually some kind of reading between the lines and jumping to conclusions that led to poor communication and talking past one another. I often ended up as peacemaker, trying to interpret for both of them, so they could resolve the issue. It taught me not to jump to conclusions or take offense before I have all the information, but rather to listen and understand first.”

“My parents were not married and fought about EVERYTHING. They didn’t agree on anything, ever and it even got violent many times. I felt very unsafe, and my life wasn’t stable. In marriage, I try to never pursue an argument because God calls me not to, but also because I would be contributing to making my children feel unsafe and sad. They love their father, and I love my husband.”

“Maybe it is because my parents divorced when I was young, but I remember frequently praying for my husband to always be there for me. I didn’t want someone that traveled a lot for work and would be gone.”

“My mother had two bad marriages, one to my father and another to my stepfather. Both times, she tried to rule the roost. It was so ugly that I determined not to do that in my own marriage, but it WAS what I grew up learning and it was difficult. It took me a LONG time to learn. Both my sisters felt the same way and both struggled as well, one more than the other.”

“My parents were married 20 plus years when I was born as the youngest of eight. They were an exceptional team. Despite my dad only having an eighth grade education and low skilled, low paid factory jobs, my parents were millionaires when they died. They both were excellent at pinching pennies, investing in the future, and working together as a team. It taught me the amazing things that can be accomplished in a lifetime by a married couple that works together and not against one another. At least seven of the eight children are committed Christians.”

Do you realize how much easier it will be for your daughter to be a godly, submissive wife to her future husband IF you model it to her while she is growing up? It will be a HUGE advantage to her in marriage and in life. It’s a blessing that you give her.

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
Proverbs 31:28

How Did Your Parent’s Marriage Impact Your Marriage?