2 Replies to “Talmudic Jews control porn. Pornhub owned by 38 year old Rabbi, from a family of nine.”

  1. Sunday 4/22/2024

    Dear Mr. Messano:

    There are two (2) other gentlemen that have
    also reade the Talmud & the Torah, you guys
    would make a powerhouse if united in informing
    those that have , but choose not to see, those
    that have ears, but choose not to hear and those
    that have a heart/soul, but lack discernment.

    Mr. Dustin Nemos:



    Adam Greene



    Thank you for exposing the
    Synagogue Of Satan Lucifer
    worshipping pedophile/pedovore/
    child & human trafficking/ organ &
    adrenochrome harvesting, fascist/
    communist, pathological liars, drug
    trafficking, terrorist, murderers,
    rapist,crook/thief, plagiarist J3W5
    in all the meetings you attend.

    You are brave and I applaud you!



    The World Health Organization (WHO)’s 194 member nations are being asked to vote on two documents in the last week of May that will transfer unprecedented powers from our nations to the World Health Organization. Here’s what is happening:

    1. A new Pandemic Treaty is being proposed that would legalize the worldwide use of experimental, liability-free vaccines, impose health censorship and much more.

    2. Major amendments to the International Health Regulations are being proposed that give the WHO the power to impose worldwide lockdowns, vaccine mandates and much more.

    If either one of these two documents passes, it will be a massive blow to our civil rights, our Constitution, our national sovereignty and our individual freedoms. Both documents are considered international treaties and are intended to be biding (obligatory).

    1. Nations will be forced to pass laws to allow unlicensed, rapidly-produced and liability-free vaccines to be used for future “pandemics”.

    2. The WHO will be able to order global vaccine mandates, lockdowns, quarantines and border closures.

    3. The WHO Director-General (who isn’t a doctor) would decide which treatments you will get, which treatments you will be prevented from getting, and which information you and your doctor will be allowed to see.

    4. The WHO will require nations to surveil their citizens’ online activities and censor all information that does not agree with the WHO’s health narratives.

    5. The WHO is building a biowarfare agent library: requiring that nations share “potential pandemic pathogens” (a.k.a. biological warfare agents), decode their genomes in high containment labs, and place their sequences online in public databases – virtually guaranteeing lab escapes and more pandemics.

    6. The WHO is negotiating major amendments to its International Health Regulations in the backroom, behind closed doors, and we may not find out what is in them until after they have been voted on. Why so much secrecy?

    7. The WHO removed the words “human rights, dignity and freedom of persons” from the International Health Regulations amendments. The WHO thinks your basic human rights are negotiable!

    8. The proposed Treaty gives the WHO a blank check to spend on pandemic preparedness. How much will it cost? No one is saying, but estimates suggest the WHO budget could increase from 4 to 30 billion dollars a year or more.

    9. The WHO intends to enforce compliance. “National IHR Authorities” in every country will coordinate with the WHO’s compliance committee and implementation committees to compel compliance. The 2 documents will be binding (compulsory) for every nation.

    10. When will all this go into effect? The Treaty will go into effect for countries that ratify it after one month, which could be as early as July 2024. The Amendments will take 12 months after passage, or end of May 2025 if they are passed.

    We must #StopTheWHO Now!

    Our organizations DoortoFreedom.org and the SovereigntyCoalition.org have much more information about what’s happening at the World Health Organization, and we provide updated alerts on how you can take action to stop this!

    Call to action


    Please share this information far and wide. Your silence gives them consent.

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