Communism The Crisis that Russian KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov warned us of in the 1980’s is upon us in the form of this pandemic. Former KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov: Four stages to a New World Order 1) Demoralization 2) Crisis 3) Normalization… byRyan MessanoApril 27, 2020
Homosexuality Every war since and including World War 1 has been engineered by globalist bankers. The Council on Foreign Relations has controlled both sides presidential candidates since Wilson, with the possible, but increasingly… byRyan MessanoApril 18, 2020
Politics April 5th, 2020 Mastrangelo: Answers to Italy’s complex Coronavirus problem. Covid 1984: Psyop Epstein: How to stop the virus. Taiwan… byRyan MessanoApril 5, 2020
Politics April 4th, 2020 No mask for Trump. Navy fires captain who raised alarm about outbreak. Military recruiting struggles as enlistment stations… byRyan MessanoApril 4, 2020
Health April 3rd, 2020 WHO Director Was Top Member of Violent Ethiopian Communist Party Which Was Listed As A Terrorist Organization… byRyan MessanoApril 3, 2020
The Media April 1st, 2020 The Transformed Wife: Suffering in this life is unavoidable. Loss of taste, smell, key CCP virus symptoms. … byRyan MessanoApril 1, 2020