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Mike Stone: Are you ready for Civil War.

October 10, 2020 



Election Day is Coming: Are You Ready?

by Mike Stone(
Election Day in the United States is less than three weeks away. Are you ready for what promises to be possibly the darkest day in our nation’s history?
If you’re wondering what’s going to occur, I’ll tell you right now. Donald Trump is going to win on Election Day, but Joe Biden – or more rightly, Kamala Harris, the real head of the Democrat ticket – is not going to concede. Biden and Harris will be supported by every Democrat politician across the country, as well as the entire mainstream media, large swaths of the alternative media, and the usual assortment of turncoat Republicans (Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, etc.) They will attempt to drag the proceedings out for weeks, while hundreds of thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots begin to show up and be counted. In the meantime, they will encourage massive – and I mean massive – civil unrest. You’re going to see rioting, looting, and burning on a scale you’ve never seen before.
Are you ready for all of that? If not, you may want to start preparing. My advice is to spend a few hours on the weekend prior to the election stocking up on food and essentials (maybe some ammo too). Then on the day itself, to wake up as early as possible, vote as early as possible, and go straight home.
Don’t go to work that day. Don’t send your kids to school that day. Hunker down and prepare to defend your life and your property, if necessary. I wouldn’t go to work the day after the election either. 
The day after the 2016 election I was confronted in an elevator by six angry individuals. I didn’t say a word to any of them, but one looked me over and said, “You look like you’re gonna make America great again.” 
Then another one asked if I voted for Trump. “Yes, I did,” I replied. I thought I was going to have to fight my way out of there.
Don’t be complacent or think you’re safe because you live in the suburbs. The mobs are already organizing to march through suburban neighborhoods all over the country, throwing rocks through windows and destroying property. Yours could be next. If you live in a state with a Democrat governor, it’s really going to get worse, because they will encourage the rioting and violence.
Am I being an alarmist about all this? Maybe. But what have we witnessed for the last nine months, not to mention the last four years? 
What did we see last week, but concrete proof and evidence that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey, John Brennan, and others, with the support of the entire mainstream media apparatus, conspired to overthrow the government of the United States? You don’t think they have something massive planned for this election? You don’t think they’re going to pull out all stops this time around?
Of course, they are, and they’ve already tipped their hand. Hillary has already told Creepy Joe not to concede under any circumstances. The Fake News media has run story after story preparing the public for massive resistance and insurrection following the vote that day. Every television network in the country is running stories on the need to postpone the results until the fake mail-in ballots are counted. Now Nancy Pelosi is talking about some kind of 25th Amendment chicanery to unseat Trump if he wins.
All of the above could be stopped very easily if Attorney General William Barr would arrest and prosecute the coup planners. They are committing treason, after all. But he’s not going to do that. In fact, he’s not going to arrest or charge anyone involved in the upcoming riots either. He’s tipped his hand. He’s part of the Deep State too.
You know who will get arrested and charged though? Honest, hard-working Americans who attempt to defend their life or the lives of their family members. They will get prosecuted. Look at the McCluskey’s of St. Louis, or Kyle Rittenhouse, or that bar owner who tried to defend his property.
So get ready for what’s coming. Stock up on supplies. Vote early. Go home and stay home. And pray for divine intervention.—————Mike Stone is the author of A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon. 

Related- America on cusp of a Civil War: No matter who wins the election, there will be no peaceful transfer of power.

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