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Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

Pro-heterosexual marriage protesters take a photo in Dixon, CA.  The Dixon City Council voted not to take action against Vice Mayor Ted Hickman for his pro heterosexual marriage comments.


Watch: Dixon City Council, homosexual activists and righteousness Patriots clash.

Watch: Debauched and deluded Anti-ICE protesters throw F-bombs and n words at law enforcement.

Republican Lawmakers move to impeach Rod Rosenstein.

Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan bring articles of impeachment against Rod Rosenstein.

Federer: Ulysses S. Grant, A Progressive in the Best Sense?

The Rat.

Facebook Death Spiral

Facebook stock down 24%!!!

Geraghty: Cohen turns on Trump.

Shapiro: The peril of owning the libs.

DMV Worker slept 3 hours a day on job, not punished. 

Westrop: Obama Administration knowingly funded a designated Al-Queda affiliate.

Walsh: Mankind will be extinct if we do not abolish plastic straws.

The Ninth Circuit shows us how to protect gun rights.

What happens when good people shoot back?

Walter Williams: Why we shouldn’t trust predictions of ‘experts’.

Kearns: Blood and Terror: Remembering the Romanov’s.

State: You need permit, that we won’t give you.

Newcombe: Sex change regret: It’s real and devastating.

Bible: Most accurate history book ever written.

Meadows calls on Rosenstein to recuse himself.

Planet Fitness let’s men into women’s changing room to view women with no cloths.  They feel they can’t be ‘judgemental’.

Flaherty: Black crime gets crazier.

Prentice: Deliver us to evil.

Bombshell: Liberal publication says Twitter is censoring conservatives.

It’s suspicious that the FBI didn’t check into the British Spy, Christopher Steele’s leaks to the press.

Retired Colonel wonders why Hillary not on list of those to have security clearances revoked.

York: Why is Mueller handing off key cases.

Dem Congressman accuses media of making Ocasio-Cortez into some kind of deity.

Spin cycle to maximum: Fact checker says dossier not a Clinton funded operation

Judge fights homosexual marriage mandate on religious grounds.

Here’s what U.S. Voters really think of illegal’s voting.

Farber: They shall overreach, Democrats that is.

Star Parker: GOP Senate should pass this bill.

Farah: Why I mourn the N.Y. Daily News, my industry.

See highlight reel of Dems socialist star.

Immigrant admits recruiting Muslims for Jihad massacre.

Smith: No detectable lead poisoning in Flint after all.

Bozell & Graham: Media wail for Brennan and Clapper.

Let’s take a moment to remember the corrupt hackery of Lanny Davis.

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