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Thursday, July 26th, 2018

6 Reasons why Obama is the worst President in American history.

5 Articles of Impeachment for Rosenstein introduced.  Reprobate Dems scoff at it, corrupt Feinstein contemptuously sniffs it’s ‘partisan nonsense’.

Jim Jordan on Rosenstein impeachment: ‘We are sick of the DOJ giving us the finger’.

Hollis: We were never supposed to know.

Haley: All Muslim nations do is ‘get people riled up’.

Federer: The Brilliant life of Benjamin Franklin

O’Donnell: Why you should care about World War 1.

Facebooks $100 billion rout is the BIGGEST LOSS IN STOCK MARKET HISTORY.

Zuckerberg loses $15 billion in five minutes, 1/6th of his total wealth.

Facebook insiders unloading stock.

Facebook on pace for it’s worst day ever.

Facebook daily users vanish.

Five reasons FB stock plunged 20% in a day.

CA AG accused of bias in baby-parts-for-sale case.

Hagelin: Do this NOW if you support defunding Planned Murderhood.

Victor Davis Hanson: Reforming NATO is the only way to save it.

Media push FB to censor Fox news.

Chastain: Our ballooning national debt: the real culprit.

Bailey: The New York Republic and it’s Marxist Values.

Coulter: Central Park Rapists, Trump was right.

Thomas: The seduction of Socialism.

Elder: Trump skeptical of ‘official government findings’?  Who isn’t?

Occupy ICE protesters leave heaps of trash, human waste for city to clean up at taxpayer expense.

Facebook starts paying a price for scandals.

Andrew McCarthy: Trump can resolve all FISA issues.

Brown: Has Keith Ellison repented of his censorship call?

Zumwalt: Ocasio-Cortez’s tankard of Socialism.

Facebook caught censoring.  ‘I’m Matt Caldwell, I like guns’. 

5 Never Trump Senators are least popular.

Cashill: Question of the Summer, Why are liberals acting so crazy?

Rush: Do rules not apply to Beltway Elites?

Elite college offers workshop on debauchery.

Toronto shooter frequented ISIS website, expressed support.

Bauer: American Communal roots of Individual Liberty.

Moral Midget Dem 2020 hopeful: Look people who support Kavanaugh are ‘complicit in evil’. 

Rabble Rousing Maxine Waters: ‘People should be out in the streets screaming’ about Trump.

Schlichter: Why we never get tired of winning and Never-Trumpers never get tired of losing.

Hunter: Liberals and Never-Trumpers really want us to care.

Simon: Trump’s deal with EU is Democrat nightmare.

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