Harvey Weinstein to surrender to police on Friday!!
Trump calls off summit with North Korea.
Trump expected to pardon Jack Johnson.
Troops on nuclear base used LSD.
Professor: Mr. President, please send troops to Chicago.
K-12: Conspiracy against reading.
Islam and the west are incompatible.
Federal Judge: Trump can’t block Twitter users
Misuse of the FBI spy program.
Mueller caught in his own trap.
Government corruption and the destruction of a great man.
NFL to fine players for kneeling.
What kind of nation has to deal with child suicide.
Doubting McDonald’s documentary.
Conservatives know how to KISS, and liberals don’t.
Morgan Freeman accused by 8 women of sexual harassment.
6 ways to help women when abortion is outlawed.
Study: No. 1 reason Americans are poor is they are not working.
Victor Davis Hanson: America holds the cards in dealing with North Korea and Iran.
Schlichter: Can we keep a Republic when one party supports tyranny?
School freaks out over pro-Trump shirt.
No amount of alcohol, sausage, or bacon safe: cancer expert.
Antidepressants linked to dementia.
Ireland abortion referendum turns testy.
Ben Bergquam speaks out against Sanctuary Cities. Tulare overturns Sanctuary Cities 3-1. Vallejo is next. It’s council passed a lawless endorsement of sanctuary cities too.