Mike Stone – Our Institutions are Boondoggles


Our institutions — government, education, military, science and medicine 

are all boondoggles designed to enrich their stakeholders rather than 

serve the tax paying public. The MSM applies lipstick to this pig. This is why they have no trouble betraying us.

“Our enemies proudly and publicly subvert the country and nobody cares. 

While the enemy is rewarded and the country goes down in flames, 

Americans sit like drooling retards watching television, jerking off to pornography, 

and playing with their phones.”

by Mike Stone

(henrymakow.com)Have you ever considered that our most trusted institutions today were created not to solve problems, but to worsen them? 
Take our education system. If it were properly managed, children could complete their entire education – the equivalent of four years of college – by the age of thirteen.
Look at an eighth grade graduation test from 1912: https://www.bullittcountyhistory.com/bchistory/schoolexam1912.html
These questions are tougher than the questions that college seniors are asked to solve today. It’s proof that people have gotten not only dumber over the last one hundred years, but significantly dumber.
Did such mental deterioration happen by accident? Incompetence? Or was it deliberate?
Suppose our education system actually did its job and educated children like it used to. Doing so would put thousands of school teachers, school administrators, school counsellors, and school nurses out of work, not to mention the writers and publishers of textbooks and other school materials.
Maybe our education system is not meant to educate kids but to maintain a lucrative revenue stream for so many people.Education is a boondoggle.
Could the same be said of our vast military industrial complex? Are all of the wars, military police actions, and provocations our country has engaged in for the last 150 years, done not in the name of security or democracy, but rather to continue funding “defense” contractors?


The Rule of Opposites states that the truth in any given situation is the exact opposite of whatever the mainstream media is reporting.
The Rule of Opposites has proven itself to be 100% accurate. Might it also apply to the organizations we put our trust in? Might it apply to all organizations?
If so, then no clearer example exists than the medical establishment. Look at all of those doctors and nurses who swear an oath not to do harm and then turn around do more harm than anyone. And let’s not leave out all of the administrators, drug manufacturers, and “health” insurance professionals who keep the ball rolling, and profit immensely by doing so.
Did you know that the very people who gave us the fake vaccine are now developing additional “vaccines” to combat the harm that their fake vaccine caused? https://vaticancatholic.com/moderna-developing-mrna-vaccines-for-diseases-linked-to-covid-shots/

Isn’t that special?  Of course, what’s even more mind-boggling is the vast number of people who continue to schedule appointments for checkups, “treatment,” and surgery with the same doctors and nurses who just spent three years doing everything they could to poison and kill them. 
Imagine that. Someone spends three years trying to poison and kill you, and back you go, check book in hand, to get poisoned all over again, and to pay for the poisoner’s new chocolate brown Mercedes in the process.
Going back to those eighth graders from 1912, something tells me they weren’t that stupid. I think if someone tried to poison THEM, they would have told the doctor where to go. Not only that, but their pa would have paid a visit to that doctor, shotgun in hand. In fact, any doctor who tried to poison and kill children in 1912 would have gotten the Leo Frank treatment.
Not so today. Doctors who poison and kill children are rewarded handsomely. They’re praised and glorified all over the Fake News media, which then prompts braindead parents to drag their screaming children into the offices of those same doctors and hand them over to be poisoned and killed. How times have changed.
Perhaps that is why our education system was turned upside down – to pave the way for the mass poisoning of society. Bright and alert Americans in 1912 would not have stood for it. But today’s dumbed-down masses eagerly accept their poisoning. A poisoning that’s not just physical, but also mental, emotional and spiritual.
The Federal Reserve Act was passed in 1913. It was the first major step in the Communist overthrow of the country. Because people back then were smart, the subversion had to be done in secret. The criminals were forced to conspire quietly on Jekyll Island, out of the public eye. 
Today there’s no need for any of that. Our enemies proudly and publicly subvert the country and nobody cares. While the enemy is rewarded and the country goes down in flames, Americans sit like drooling retards watching television, jerking off to pornography, and playing with their phones.
The Rule of Opposites is right once again.
—–Mike Stone is the author of the new book 101 Reasons Why You Might Have a Low IQ https://shorturl.at/otL13 and Teen Boy’s Success Book: the Ultimate Self-Help Book for Boys; Everything You Need to Know to Become a Manhttps://amzn.to/3o0BQdO 


“Reparations” a Communist Jew front

Went to the local library in Suisun, CA to begin working on a new Declaration of Independence, since it states,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,”

“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Our government has been destructive of these ends for at least 111 years, since the income tax in 1913. It is our right to abolish it and to form a new government.

As I’m walking out of the library, as Wi-fi has been down for a week, I notice a meeting. I look inside and begin walking to the librarian to ask what the meeting is about. As I do, I overhear a woman with a child asking a young man if he’s interested in joining the movement for REPARATIONS. Both were Black, the young man was hesitant, but eventually agreed to stay. The Talmudic Jews are organizing Communist front groups promoting “reparations” in every city in America, likely. At least in California they are doing it, at a minimum. When money collapses, that’s right around the corner, these communist fronts will be organized and ready to strike terror into the hearts of America.

What can be done?

The good news is that there are simple, practical steps you can implement in your life to mitigate and/or eliminate the destructive influence of Jewish power. Just follow as many of these principles as you can:

  1. Monitor what you consume Because they have insinuated themselves into our society as its “middle men,” Jewish Supremacists get a cut of almost everything you buy — from the food you eat, to the clothes you wear, to the car you drive. Try to buy from Whites only (especially racially conscious Whites). Further, whenever possible, try to buy from small mom-and-pops and even better from resale shops. Grow as much of your own food as you can, growing a garden is both healthy and fun. Make as much of your own stuff as possible. A self-reliant lifestyle, if followed by enough people, will kill Jewish Hegemony.
  2. Cut your cable Don’t allow the Jewish/homosexual propaganda that passes for entertainment, into your home. Don’t watch Jewish (Hollywood) produced TV or films. Also, don’t buy their books, newspapers, or magazines. Today, with all of the content available online, this is easy to do. (The BitChute channel, TalieVision, has over 500 pro-White videos of every kind: movies, talk shows, documentaries, lectures, speeches, and more; the Colchester Collection has over 1,700 pro-White books; and the Patriot Portal has links to over 800 pro-White websites with several lifetimes worth of content.)
  3. Homeschool If possible, homeschool your children, the public schools are cesspits of anti-White, misandristic perversion. Private schools are not much better. Again, with all of the resources available online, this is much easier to do today than it was a generation ago.
  4. Behave morally This might seem superfluous, or even silly, to some, but in many ways it is actually key. Our Jewish Extremist enemies and their shabbas goy collaborators promote sexual depravity, including promiscuity, for two reasons, 1. it results in fewer White births, and 2. they believe it reduces resistance to their domination. They believe they can substitute sexual license for real freedoms. Cultivating a strong sense of racial identity (and thus racial responsibility) is the antidote to their poison. Develop a sense of purpose in life, find a spouse that will enable you to live a long, healthy, productive life with many children to help counter our demographic decline.
  5. Have lots of White babies (Self explanatory.)
  6. Vote against incumbents The Jewish radicals control our government through manipulation of public opinion using their control of the media and by buying our politicians. Voting against incumbents takes the latter away from them. There is, perhaps, not a single member of the US Congress who is not owned by the Jews or sufficiently cowed by them as to be rendered impotent in our struggle against them and none of them deserve to be re-elected.
  7. Spread the word Talk to your family, friends, and associates about what you learn. Don’t preach, cajole, or force the issue, but we must stop being afraid of foolish, meaningless words like anti-semite, racist, sexist, Islamaphobe, etc. If we can’t find the courage to overcome name-calling, how are we going to preserve a future for our children?

Excerpted from this article: https://www.stormfront.org/forum/blogs/u151910-e4648/
