Written By Laurenlou

There is one passage of Scripture I have always wondered about and have never been able to fully understand or explain.

“Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety” (1 Timothy 2:15).

You read that passage and you’re like what? Women saved through child bearing? There was a story of one tribe who believed this meant literal salvation so the women were encouraged to bear as many children as possible so they would have a greater chance of entering heaven. We know that not every woman who gives birth to a child is a Christian or receives eternal life. So this is one of those passages where the context must be studied to see what Paul is teaching. This is where proper hermeneutics comes in. In studying the seven different views of the passage, I stumbled upon an article that really brought this passage clarity and helped me understand it.

Andreas Köstenberger, professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote another amazing commentary on the passage and his explanation of the passage was mind blowing to me. Let’s examine the language of the word “saved” in the passage to help us understand the meaning. “Sozo” in the Greek here is not salvation, but is defined in the Strong’s concordance as “to keep safe and sound, rescue from danger or destruction, or to “preserve.” Köstenberger says the meaning here is that “women will be spiritually preserved or protected from Satan by adhering to their God ordained role related to the family and the home.”

Wow. Amazing clarity. This is contrasted with Eve, who transgressed those boundaries and fell into temptation. We can compare the use of the word “sozo” to another passage in 1 Timothy 4:16 “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

“It is not speaking of literal salvation of the hearers, but hoping to protect them and preserve from the false teachers and the devil.”

Let’s break down the rest of the context. In vs 12, Paul lays out the boundaries for women in the church. “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” (1 Timothy 2:11,12) Then breaking down the reasons behind this in vs 13-14: “For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” It was God’s created order from design and also laying out the devastating scenario of the fall in which the reversal of God’s created order took place. So Paul is addressing the glaring question, ”How can women today avoid the mistake that Eve made?”

Köstenberger goes on to explain how that question is answered. “By adhering to their God given boundaries (male headship) and tending to their God given responsibilities.” I can say for myself, that all of the times I have fallen into sin or temptation, are times when I have stepped outside of the boundaries of my husband and his headship. He cannot protect me if I don’t follow his leadership. Also, when I am idle and not keeping busy in the home, I am more prone to temptation and sin. We are warned in Scripture about this type of woman.

 “Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not” (1 Timothy 5:13).

Women who do not stay busy in the home and neglect their “caretaking” roles are more prone to sin. Titus 2:5 lays out our non-negotiable role as women of taking care of our homes so that the Word of God will not be reviled. “To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

Women who pursue priorities outside of the home and neglect that role are more prone to fall into gossip, adultery, coveting, and temptation to sin altogether. Married women should be under the protective leadership of their husbands and not neglecting their God given roles of “caretaker.” This passage helps us to see what is necessary to preserve women from the destruction of sin. This is not to say women at home will never sin. But in neglecting this duty and stepping out from our head, we are more likely to sin.

This is the reason behind my fighting feminism as hard as I am. So many women are being deceived and convinced they need to pursue goals and dreams outside of the home all at the detriment to their family. The Scripture teaches us this is not only to our family’s benefit for the woman to be at home, but also for the woman’s spiritual benefit and preservation. Society has convinced women that they don’t need a man. This is absolutely contrary to the Scripture which teaches that men are are head and a hedge of protection and wisdom. We see the mistake Eve made, and we are taught how to avoid that. We can avoid that by submitting to God’s design of male headship and not neglecting our roles of taking care of our homes.

Why are so many women not content to do this? They are buying into the lie of society that says being at home is not a worthy enough goal. The lie that says women don’t need a leader and to submit to a man. Taking care of our homes and raising up children should be the most important priority for a godly woman. 1 Timothy 5:14-15 gives us more detail on what encompasses “childbearing” and connects the temptation of straying with their lack of being busy at home.

“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan.” (1 Timothy 5:14,15)

“Child bearing is not simply limited to the act of ‘bearing or giving birth’ but is including a woman’s familial and domestic role.” Andreas Köstenberger

“The home is the domain where a married woman fulfills herself in God’s design.” John Macarthur

Oh, how I pray for women to see this and live this out! God has designed us in a beautiful role and responsibility for birthing, nurturing, raising, and discipling our children. We have been given the role of caring for the home, running it well, and making it warm and beautiful. We provide for the needs of our family and diligently serve them. The role of women being subordinate to men is not a punishment but is indeed a privilege. It’s a privilege to have a leader, protector, and provider. May Christ give us joy and and keep us from sin and temptation as we fulfill our glorious role at home!

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Genesis 3:6


All throughout my teenage years, I attended large public schools. In high school, most of my girlfriends had steady boyfriends who they fornicated with. High school romances are only about lustful sex then heartbreak. I didn’t see one good thing come from romances in high school. All of my friends who had boyfriends who they fornicated with throughout high school, have all divorced at least their first husband. This is what high school romances do, they set them up for divorce.

One of my high school friends would tell me about her sexual escapades with her boyfriend. They would go to their empty homes (moms both were in the workforce) and fornicate. She had a number of abortions. It was heartbreaking. She made it seem like it was all so thrilling but all it produced was wretched, rotten fruit. It didn’t seem thrilling to me even back then. I knew I wanted to wait until marriage when a man had committed his life to me.

They’re too young in high school to be emotionally and mentally prepared for a lifetime commitment of marriage. High school relationships are built upon emotions only. There’s no commitment. They’re only following what our highly sexualized culture has pushed them into. The relationships I observed were roller coasters of emotions. It never looked appealing to me. I also saw couples who would get together and completely leave the relationships they had developed with the same sex (non-sexual, of course…sad commentary on our day and age). They invested all of their time into this short-term relationship that led no where good while leaving potential lifetime relationships.

I did have a boyfriend in my junior year of high school and another one in my senior year. Neither of the guys were Christians but they treated me in a good way. I refused to fornicate with them, and they both wanted to marry me. It was awful having to break up with them. They were heartbroken. It wasn’t worth it at all. I always knew I didn’t want to marry them. Having boyfriends was the thing to do, however, or so I thought.

In college, the guys knew that dating was serious and not for fun. I attended a Christian college. The guys I liked didn’t like me, and the guys that liked me, I didn’t like, until my husband came along. God protected me in college, I believe. We had our first date in February of 1980 and married in December of that year. We knew from the time we began dating that our relationship was heading towards marriage.

When we had children, we taught them they couldn’t date until they were old enough to marry, and then were only to date those who they thought they could marry. They didn’t have high school romances. Sure, they had crushes but it never led to anything like a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. They had to do everything in groups.

High schoolers aren’t mature enough to handle romantic relationships. The relationship is built entirely upon their own needs and wants. It’s a selfishly built relationship. Relationships between men and women are for marriage, period. They’re not for trying each other out sexually as most do nor for a short-term pretend marriage. Many fall into deep depression once a relationship is broken. Some even commit suicide. It’s protection for your children to not develop any relationships with the opposite sex in high school. Nothing good comes from them, only harm.

Here is a great sermon by Jason Cooley on this topic. I encourage you to listen and learn from him. Teach your children the beauty and protection of sexually purity in this wicked, corrupt age in which we live.

Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
1 Corinthians 7:1,2

“Civil Rights Movement” was Communist Jewish Scam


(l.The relationship of Organized Jewry to humanity)“A Racial Program for the 20th Century” (1912) exposed how Organized Jewry waged  war against white nations by promoting racial division. This documentary by Larry Elder describes how Communists replaced Blacks’ Christianity-based independence with a sense of entitlement and grievance. 

Critical Race Theory, gender dysphoria, BLM and the migrant invasion (“Diversity”) can all be traced to a long-term Communist (Masonic) Jewish program to destroy Western civilization financed by Organized Jewry (Rothschilds, Freemasonry, George Soros, Demonrats.)  Makow- Obviously, the reason for antisemitism is that Organized Jewry has plotted to destroy and enslave society for centuries sic. Communism. They have brainwashed the masses to think that opposition to this racist hatred is itself racist hatred. As long as your worst enemy defines your predicament for you, you are doomed. If this backfires, Jewish dupes and not Jewish leaders will suffer, as in the holocaust.


By Henry Makow PhD
(from June 13, 2013/July 7, 2021) 
Wikipediawill tell you that the book “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” (1912) is another anti-Semitic hoax. It says the book and author Israel Cohen didn’t exist. 

The reason for this lie? This book contains a famous passage that reveals the Communist race strategy, later applied to women and minorities in the guise of “feminism” and “diversity”:

(Government teaches migrants to have sex with German women.) 
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instil in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

Rep. Thomas Abernathy read this passage into the Congressional Record on June 7, 1957 (Vol. 103, p. 8559, top of page.) Wikipedia tells you Abernathy read the quotation in a letter to the Editor of the Washington Star, and the newspaper subsequently determined it was a hoax and apologized. “The quotation has retained some popularity among racists and anti-Semites to this day,” Wikipedia chortles.

I have subsequently added this line to the Wiki entry: “However, the author fits the description of Israel Cohen (1879-1961) a prolific Zionist author who wrote the Foreword to Israel Zangwill’s “The Schnorrers” as well as 30 other books. Like many purported “hoaxes,” the quotation does describe events as they subsequently unfolded and the operations of the US Communist Party.”  This information was immediately removed by Wikipedia. 

Cohen was the General Secretary of the World Zionist Organization. Clearly, Zionism and Communism are identical. 



“International” Jews, like other globalists, serve the Rothschilds’ sick megalomaniac program of world government dictatorship. “National” Jews, like other patriots, owe their first loyalty to their country and fellow citizens. 


Like Benjamin FreedmanMyron Fagan (1887-1972)  fought the bankers’ Communist agenda for the best part of his life. 

Myron Fagan, a successful Broadway playwright and director, met Israel Cohen, Israel Zangwill and George Bernard Shaw at a party to celebrate the opening of  Zangwill’s play The Melting Pot in 1910. He knew the three men to be founders of the Fabian Society. 

Cohen told Fagan he was planning to write “A Racial Program for the 20th Century” as a “humanitarian” follow up to “The Melting Pot.”  At the time, Fagan didn’t realize that the play, which described how Jews and Blacks triumph against White prejudice, was pure propaganda, part of the Communist campaign of fostering “guilt” in white Liberals described above. 

It all fell into place in 1957 when Fagan read the Washington Star quotation in the context of the debate over school desegregation. In 1966, he recalled: 

“That book was published in 1913 … the NAACP and the ADL were created [by the bankers] almost simultaneously to carry out those directives. That was more than a half-century ago. Can there be any doubt that that was intended to launch our present Negro upheaval for a Black Revolution?


(Another Communist psy op) 

“If that isn’t enough evidence, in 1935, the Communist Party’s ‘Workers Library Publishers’ issued a pamphlet entitled ‘THE NEGROES IN A SOVIET AMERICA.’ It urged the Negroes to rise up, especially in the South, and form a Soviet State in the South, and apply for admission into the Soviet Union … it contained implicit assurance that the ‘revolt’ would be supported by all American Reds, and on page 38 it promised that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits on Negroes than on Whites and that ‘Any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the Revolutionary law …


” … When Abernathy published that Israel Cohen excerpt in the Congressional Record, we (Cinema Educational Guild, Inc.) promptly issued a ‘News-Bulletin’ in which we published the entire story — and warned of the coming Negro uprisings…

(Israel Cohen 1879-1961)
“Two years went by and nobody even tried to deny the matter, but, suddenly, after two years, during which the ADL and similar groups had ferreted out ALL copies of the book and destroyed them, they announced that the whole thing was a fraud, that there never had been such a book, or an ‘Israel Cohen’ … Why did they wait two years? And how could they deny the existence of a writer named Israel Cohen in the face of all the books he had written? Copies of which I have. More important, bear in mind that Israel Cohen had been a prime mover in all ‘Fabian Socialist’ and Communist movements in England — also that I had met him in person when he actually discussed the book at that banquet.”——————
Related: Paul Craig Roberts – Western Civilization has been Destroyed by Diversity

Carol Baker Proposed Eliminating White People To Increase Vaccination The Illuminati Jewish Plan for White Genocide 

Myron Fagan – 1967: A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century   8 minutes

Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]  

                 2 hours 32 minutes
(Willie Martin, A Darker View of the Issue 
Fagan Outs the Illuminati CFR
On line books by Myron Fagan

  See also my “Communist Takeover Began Long Ago” 

and “Red Rose Parks-Fabricating an American Icon”

The Fraud that Begets all Others


The “key” to understanding the world today bears repetition.

The medium of exchange (money, currency, credit) is created in the form of a “debt” to a cartel of Masonic ( Cabalist, Satanist) Jewish bankers. This is something government could do itself interest-and-debt-free. Your “money” is really government IOU’s to these central bankers. No matter which bank you use, you’re dealing with them.

History and current events are nothing but the attempt to profit by maxing out stolen national credit cards, and protect this crooked monopoly by extending it to every aspect of human life. “We corrupt in order to control,” said Masonic Grand MasterGiuseppe Mazzini.  “We have taken from the people all the gods of heaven and earth, their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family values…”

Society has been thoroughly subverted and colonized by this occult power and doesn’t even know it because they control mass media and education. Many Jews and Freemasons are collaborators but everyone who wishes to succeed in public life must become a witting or unwitting accomplice. Modern society is built on quicksand. We are mind-controlled slaves, but thanks to the Internet, more people are waking up. 


Col. Dall personally confronted [FDR handler] Louis Howe (left) over Russian Communist agents he saw meeting Howe in the White House.  — “FDR: My Exploited Father-in-Law” (1970)

(Updated from Jan 28, 2013 & May 21, 2016)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

In 1913, Congressman Charles August Lindbergh said: “When the President signs this bill; the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized…The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill…The day of reckoning is only a few years removed.”


(Left, Lindbergh)

Prophetic words. 

The establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 set off a chain of baneful events that blighted the 20th century and darkens our prospects for the 21st. It began with the World Wars and the Great Depression, and continues with 9-11 and the wars on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. 

In 1913, America’s leaders were bribed and bamboozled by mostly foreign bankers and their US agents. Our “leaders” committed treason by giving these bankers the power to create money out of thin air backed only by the credit, i.e. taxes, of the American people. 

The U.S. government now borrows its own money from international bankers and pays them interest to the tune of $400 billion per annum for the privilege.

If you hoodwinked the United States in this fashion, what would you do? 

You would either give the magical power back to its rightful owner, the US government. 

Or, you would use it to take over the world, own everything and to control everyone. 

Guess which choice the bankers made?

Modern history displays a long-term plan by dynastic banking families and their allies to create an Orwellian World dictatorship (“New World Order”) in which wealth will be further concentrated, and human life will be further degraded.

Wars and depressions, pandemics and “vaccines,” modern art and culture, gender dysphoria, sexual “liberation” and feminism, are all part of this design. The role of historians and the mass media is to obscure this plan and to beguile the masses into thinking they are free and their leaders represent their interests. 


(Dall, left with FDR and his daughter Anna) 


This conviction was reinforced by Col. Curtis Dall’s book, “FDR: My Exploited Father-in-Law” (1970). Dall, who was married to Franklin Roosevelt’s daughter Anna, spent many nights at the White House and often guided FDR around in his wheelchair. He was also a partner at a Wall Street brokerage. 

Dall maintained a family loyalty but could not avoid several disheartening conclusions in his book. He portrays the legendary president not as a leader but as a “quarterback” with little actual power. 

The “coaching staff” consisted of a coterie of mostly Jewish handlers (“advisers” like Louis Howe, Bernard Baruch and Harry Hopkins) who represented the international banking cartel. For Dall, FDR ultimately was a traitor manipulated by “World Money” and motivated by conceit and personal ambition.

FDR’s main perfidy was suppressing information about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, at the cost of almost 3,000 lives. He did this because the bankers needed US involvement in WWII, something 85% of Americans opposed. The Japanese had instructions to call off the attack if they lost the element of surprise. 

Dall relates a less known but more telling anecdote. 


In 1956, George Earle, left, a former governor of Pennsylvania, told him that in 1943 the Nazis tried to surrender. At the time, Earle was Naval Attache in Istanbul when Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the German Secret Service, approached him personally. 

Canaris told him that the German generals felt Hitler was leading Germany to destruction. They could not accept Roosevelt’s policy of “unconditional surrender,” but if FDR would offer “honourable surrender,” the army was prepared to stage a coup d’etat. 

They believed that Russia represented a threat to Western Civilization and they were ready to present a non-Nazi German bulwark against Communist designs in Eastern Europe.

To make a long story short, FDR repeatedly ignored this proposal which could have ended the war in 1943 and saved millions of lives. Canaris and hundreds of other decent German officers were later tortured and killed by the Gestapo. 

The bankers’ policy, as exhibited by the fire bombing of German cities, was clearly to 1) prolong the war and inflict maximum damage on Germany, 2) ensure that Soviet Russia occupy Eastern Europe and become a major world power.

Frankly, I can’t believe what weenies Canaris and the German generals were. They didn’t need Allied approval to depose Hitler. They could have done it and continued the war if necessary.Didn’t any of them realize that Hitler was a “British” agent???



The banking cartel acted as if Communist Russia was their personal creation, which it was. One of FDR’s first acts in office was to recognize the Soviet regime. FDR advisers Henry Morgenthau and Harry Dexter White arranged for U.S. treasury printing plates to be sent to Russia so the Communists could print their own US money. They arranged $8 billion in lend lease aid to Russia after the war was over. Col. Dall personally confronted Louis Howe over Russian agents he saw meeting Howe in the White House.

According to Antony Sutton (“Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution“), the Bolshevik Revolution was funded by international bankers. In 1917, Trotsky and 200 revolutionaries were literally transferred from New York’s Lower East Side to St. Petersburg to foment the revolution. 

What are we to make of all this? 

We have to recognize that monopoly capitalism and Communism have an affinity. Both are enemies of competition and freedom. A Communist government can give the cartels control of raw materials and markets. It can provide huge contracts and take on huge debts. A Communist government can ensure social control in order to protect the concentration of wealth. The US economy is now controlled by a handful of cartels. We are facing Communism with private instead of public monopoly. 

Is it a coincidence that the Communist Party term “politically correct” has entered the American lexicon? 


Dealing with 5G


5G Towers are springing up all over Los Angeles and other cities across America.Its a nightmare!

I live in Westwood, Los Angeles.  A few years ago, I had my apartment tested, which is in an old building of 15 units. 
Turns out, I am living in a microwave!

Really the only solution is to move to the country side.  The city is over.

(Disclaimer – I have no expertise on this subject; am simply giving Jennifer, a longtime correspondent, a venue.)

By Jennifer

Since I am extremely health conscious, I have studied extensively various protocols to protect against 5-G and EMF/radiation. To survive, it must become a life style.
Luckily, my old apartment building has lead paint that helps protect against radiation. Thus, try to live in an old building with lead paint and thick wood beams.
Also, there are other non-lead paints that one can use to help reduce  5-G and EMF/radiation. And panels and fabrics that reduce  5-G and EMF/radiation. Google it.

Because I was aware, I was able to block the City of Los Angels from installing a “SMART METER” in my residence’s apartment. 

They rolled that out years ago — most people had no idea.  The power company put a notice tag on people’s meters and 
you had only so many days to object to the upgrade to SMART METER. 

smart-meters.jpgLuckily, I just happened to see the tag. Most people probably never saw it.  And then after the 30 day time period was over, the innocuous tag was removed and the Smart Meter was installed.  I immediately objected and told my landlord it was not safe and warned other tenants. My landlord did not appear to care and said I could object to the City of Los Angeles. I did. I mailed back the Notice checking the box  DO NOT “UPGRADE” to “SMART METER.” 

Only one other tenant objected.  So on the panel, only two meters are the old fashion dial meters. Everyone else has Smart Meters and is being monitored. 

I sleep without the internet plugged in. I use double layer radiation protection sheets below my bed and above. I sleep sandwiched and protected from 5-G and EMF/radiation.

What I and many have noticed is that when you reduce  5-G and EMF/radiation exposure, you will sleep better and DREAM.  
Think about it … we used to have wonder dreams.  What happened to them?  They get stolen by 5-G and EMF/radiation.

I wear nature’s EMF & radiation protection fiber clothing –Do you know what natural fiber protects best against 5-G and EMF/radiation?


Also, every day you must dump excess  5-G and EMF/radiation accumulation — like going to the restroom.

How? By earthing or grounding  See the Earthing Documentary that explains the real science behind it.   
Everyday I go to the park, kick off my shoes and walk and stretch.

Also your diet –there are certain foods that are higher in radiation –like sea shell fish.  And Bugs –they can absorb radiation and have no problem living radiated — Ugh, that’s why THEY want us to eat them. So toxic.

I do so many small things –I don’t trust ear buds or wire ear phones from cell to ear –I feel it just streams the radiation into your brain. 

Instead my cell phone has a radiation silver fabric protection backing in the case that I made. 
I hold the silver part or place that side in my pocket so the toxic radiation is not going into my body .I just set my phone down somewhere or hold my phone as far away from my head as possible and talk on speaker.  

It is important not to stay on the phone too long because THEY have a technology that entrains your brain into hive mentality and lockstep irrational vaccine fanatics.  

I wear silver infused fabric computer gloves when working on the computer to protect against 5-G and EMF/radiation, and I wear blue blocker computer glasses. 

In my home office, I use a silver fabric sheet lap cover for protection while working at my desk –and my desk area has lots of thick wood near that absorbs/blocks 5-G and EMF/radiation.

I fast regularly. I have used various natural herbs etc (like the cilantro pesto detox-Google it) to clear heavy metals from my body. 
I did that years ago including getting rid of my one silver amalgam tooth filling.  Heavy metals in the body negatively interact with 5-G and EMF/radiation. 

These are just a few of the 5-G and EMF/radiation health measures I have taken to protect my body, mind and soul.
Living healthy and vibrant into our 40s, 50, and beyond is work. 

There are so many other things I do too. It is a life style. I could write a book on it.   

But still — it is only a matter of time when we, who are aware must flee to the woods–country side –as prophesied.


On one of my posts on YouTube, a man who goes by @therightperspective8690wrote this in the comment section:

“The Biblical story of Adam and Eve conveys important lessons about gender, particularly the discontentment of women. Eve’s discontentment not only ruined her own life but her husband’s as well. What do you see everywhere today? Discontent women destroying not only their own lives but the lives of everyone around them.

“The Serpent went to the woman, and inveigled her into spoiling a good thing by telling her she could transcend her station (become a god). What did the Marxists do? The same thing. They went to the women and told them they could transcend their station (become men). In both instances, they were enticed with the prospect of having and being more. In both instances, it resulted in a fall (the loss of our Republic; our paradise).

“Eve’s sin was submitting to Satan. Adam’s sin, however, was submitting to Eve (his wife). God decrees men lead their wives (not vice versa). Men disregard this at their own peril.”

He’s right. This is why women initiate divorce up to 80 percent of the time. It’s why women aren’t content at home and leave their homes for the workforce. It’s why the Bible directly warns young women, “And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not” (1 Timothy 5:13). It’s why advertisers mostly advertise to women for the latest fashions, makeup, shoes, and so on even though most women have far too many of everything already. It’s why we’re told that wise women build their homes up but foolish ones tear their homes down. It’s why men are warned about quarreling and contentious women in Proverbs. It’s why women should have never been given the right to vote. They ask for more and more “rights” from the government which is destroying this nation.

We must be aware of this issue that we struggle with women and instead remind ourselves that “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6). Remind yourself daily that the joy of the Lord is your strength, and that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. God wants you to love and obey your husband until death do you part. He wants you to love your children and be home full time with them. He wants you to devote your life to ministering to your family. There is great blessings in obedience. Work on becoming a content, godly woman.

Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Philippians 4:11-13


Jane Seymour of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman fame was married four times. The first marriage lasted two years. The second lasted a year. She had two children with the third one but that marriage ended also. Her fourth marriage lasted ten years but ended in divorce.

“Seymour explained that the process of divorce was painful and depressing for her. She was married to different men who had varying issues, but she never ended the marriage. Her former partners did when they found someone else.

“The actress declared she tried looking at what she could have done differently but that her situation was hard since she had to work and be a mother at the same time.

“Seymour explained that her former partners preferred she stay home and not work, but she had to provide for the family. She also took her kids everywhere whenever she was working and juggled parenting and her career.” (Source)

On the other hand, her co-star, Joe Lando, has been married for 22 years with four children.

I watched all of the episodes of this show when it was on TV for the first time in the 90s. I just read the story of their relationships recently. It’s an interesting one. It seemed her career was far more important than being married. Her marriages didn’t last long and the men were the ones who always ended the relationship because they “preferred she stay home and not work.” Whereas, Joe’s marriage has lasted many years. Why?

God is our Creator. He knows what is best for us. He wants women to be the keepers at home, their husbands’ help meet, and raise the children. Women in the workforce can’t do this. They are taking on the man’s role so there’s no time to have a marriage. There’s not a mother home raising the children. I have seen this often with TV stars. The men have long-lasting marriages but the women do not. They have been hoodwinked on the feminist agenda which leads them on a path to loneliness.

Women weren’t created for the workforce. They were created for the home. Men were created for the workforce, and Jane Seymour’s four husbands knew what her role was and wanted this for her. I am sure she had little time for her husbands. It’s a way many women today are tearing their homes down. It’s a lie to believe that women can “have it all” since in the process, they lose what’s most valuable.

I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
1 Timothy 5:14