The “Plan” — Overthrow All National Governments (Encore)


(The “Plan” is for the betrayed vaccinated to revolt and create a state of anarchy, such as seen in the Mad Max movies, left. The global government will save the day.)

Latest! “We’ll Never Give Up” – Protests Erupt Across World Over Gov’t COVID Tyranny 

A billionaire in NZ supposedly leaked this info to a service provider he befriended. 
The tables turn on the vaccine narrative. I was told in time the vaccine will increase infection and increase death. That billions will die, and the people will be enraged and burn their governments to the ground. Their leaders, scientists and media will be torched, hunted and hung in the streets. BOTH sides will burn their governments to the ground. The pro-vax side, completely betrayed and dying will rage.. the non-vax side will rage for what their gov allowed to happen.”
The people promoting the vax will take the fall. That’s why they are so disposable. Biden is almost dead. Fidelito is a twit.

The damage timeline for the mRNA vaccines is 2-3 years. The mRNA uptake “has exceeded their wildest expectations.”

In the wake of anarchy, a new global government will emerge as “the great saviour.” 
Is this why some prominent anti vaxers belong to a Masonic organization?  They believe in telling us in advance what they’re going to do. Are these some of the people the billionaire says they “recruited?” Is this why Twitter now allows anti-vaccine info to circulate?
Disclaimer- Obviously I don’t know if this worst case scenario will play out. I certainly hope it doesn’t. But we should be mindful of it. I am re-posting this and other key articles often because these days people have short attention spans and even shorter memories.

RelatedOnce you watch this, you won’t look at DC the same ( Hard to believe Fox lets Tucker make this)

Oz Nurses say hospital full of adverse reactions

Didn’t See This Coming: EU Parliament Reject Orwellian “Vaccine” Mandates In Favor Of Human Rights

Fully Vaccinated WH Spokeswoman tests Positive for Covid

South Park Rips the Vaccine Hoax and Leftards to Shreds

From Nov 7
The “Plan” — As Billions Die, the Vaccine Narrative Will Flip (Encore)Source- Reddit Conspiracy 

I will not tell you who, or why. Let’s just say I spent days with this person and they have a bolthole in NZ. It’s the first time I’ve ever ‘hung out’ with a known, high net worth individual (billions). It was a chance encounter after doing some work for them in Queenstown. Dinner, drinks were had, and discussions took place. I was invited to hang at their place for the weekend. I am posting this now after processing it.

They were loose lipped and open with me but did say if mention these things, that ‘we never met’. But laughed and said no one would believe it anyway, so ‘have fun’, just keep their identity out of it.

They said we have nothing to worry about here, so in-spite of what they told me, he told me to consider myself one of the luckiest humans alive to be in NZ right now.

They asked if I took the vax, and were relieved when I said no. They said kiwis would get the antidote anyway but some will not make it to that point. After all, someone had to run things here ‘for them’.

Initially asked what they thought the ‘end game’ was for all this covid stuff, They asked me what I thought it was, with great interest, but I wasn’t close.

They basically said this..

-a plan was devised many years ago, and for many years that is all it was, a plan. They had to wait many years for the technologies available to make the plan viable. And to recruit the appropriate individuals.

-This is definitely about a new global government being put in place (details will continue)

-This new global government is already in place operating for years in complete secrecy, waiting on the sidelines, moving the chess pieces.

-The new government required some of the top minds on the planet, almost all of them came on board of their own free will and with a full belief in the cause of a new world government. In their view they are brute force saving humanity at all costs. I was told those who refused were dealt to, but in most cases, they would bring the person to the wider group and through discussions, they were convinced and became committed to the cause. Most times, these ‘minds’ were applying for fake jobs and going through psych evals etc as a first step.

-This plan is ongoing and the most complex global chain of events ever put into motion.

THE PLAN is essentially to turn every citizen of every country, violently against their own government. How they are doing this is pure genius and pure evil.

To achieve this plan, my chance encounter asked how would I do it? How would you turn every citizen of every country against their own government? I really have no idea. So they laid out the basics for me.

-There must be a global engineered ‘sickness’

-There must be mass fear, panic and paranoia

-Leaders, Scientists and Media must converge on consensus of a treatment

-that treatment would be essentially handed to them without them even realizing it

-Initially, there can only be few ‘sanctioned’ treatments, all other treatments must be deemed ‘dangerous, unsafe and banned’

-Leaders, Scientists and Media are manipulated, to believe this treatment’ is the only option, the only way to keep you and your family safe.

-Leaders, Scientists and Media in a sense, give you their word that this treatment is safe and effective

-Children were also targeted to inflict maximum pain and anger when it goes bad.

I found this part interesting. Our leaders, scientists and media are NOT complicit in this plan or actually part of this plan in any way. NONE of them, not even Fauci. They are mere fodder to these elites, serving a purpose then will be “discarded” or “‘fed to the angry” ! They have been played.

-The few outliers who question the ‘treatment’ are discredited in a variety of ways and censored

-Sanctioned ‘treatments’ are biologics/poison that takes 2-3 years to be fully realized.

-mRNA was the advanced technology they were waiting for.

-Public messaging ensures people beg for the ‘treatment’ and line up for it.

We could say, the plan is well underway at this point and so far hugely successful. The mRNA uptake has been huge and the people all believe the ‘treatment’ is the only way back to normality.

I was told it has exceeded their wildest expectations!


This is where the final plan executes.

The tables turn on the vaccine narrative. I was told in time the vaccine will increase infection and increase death. That billions will die, and the people will be enraged and burn their governments to the ground. Their leaders, scientists and media will be torched, hunted and hung in the streets. BOTH sides will burn their governments to the ground. The pro-vax side, completely betrayed and dying will rage.. the non-vax side will rage for what their gov allowed to happen.

I was also told when this happens think “Mad Max” for a while, but think of NZ “Elysium”. There are a few designated zones like AZ, but due to geography and infrastructure NZ is known as Zone 1. Once the masses are free of government and all those who ‘betrayed’ them, and they have suffered enough. This is when the new global government will emerge as the great saviour. It will be an ‘”easy sell” I am told.

This was my brain dump. I probably left out quite a bit. They waxed on about this but somewhat ignored direct questions.

They said they liked me and want me around when the dust settles, that I was hugely useful to them.

I dunno, part of me just thinks they were f’ing with me. I do feel better about being where I am right now.


First Comment from Tony B
The above cleverly released plan for our future on earth is likely close to what Satan and his followers have in mind. 

However, there is absolutely no need for it to be the plotted outcome at all.  Part of the release of that plan is to PREVENT right thinking of those of us opposed.  After all, the total destruction of the world’s cultures and economies is also a wonderful opportunity for those desiring PROPER ORDER ON EARTH to accomplish exactly that, against the nefarious plot of the tiny minority which hopes to retain control of us all by planting such “nothing we can do to stop it” thoughts into our heads. 

IF, a huge IF, enough people wake up to the simple fact that most all of us living today have succumbed to the 20th century (and continuing) wiles of the devil, we have a great chance to reestablish true and wonderful life as God created it; replacement of today’s man created (with Satan) hell in drag. 

Those of true knowledge have rightly called the 20th century “Satan’s century,” as he has been given that whole, massively materialistic century to mislead us all (see the 1884 vision of Pope Leo XIII) into the bodily ease and short-sighted enjoyment of every sort of worldly disorder, many of us still pretending to be Christians while living totally pagan lives. 

Satan has a long habit of discounting the power of God, his and our creator, who could turn all events on earth 180 degrees in a mili-second if He so chose.  We have no idea of what reparation or chastisement God may desire from us in rebuilding the earth’s systems properly but we do know that His desire for humanity is that all souls possible be saved from an eternity of the agony of hell, the opposite of which is ALWAYS the final end of every plan of the devil. 

We have every chance of success at creating a worthwhile life for all, both worldly and supernaturally, as we outnumber by at least multi-millions those doing today’s contrived destruction of normal life.  Just the establishment of honest money (rejecting the Bill Gates’ digital total control of each human) in each nation would be instead the end of all their worldly power and that would simply be a start.

However, a true return to God and His rule is the first and the absolute necessity for any lasting success.


“Like the sorcerer of old, the television set casts its magic spell, freezing speech and action, turning the living into silent statues so long as the enchantment lasts. The primary danger of the television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces – although there is danger there – as in the behavior it prevents: the talks, the games, the family festivities and discussions through which much of the child’s learning takes place and through which his character is formed. Turning on the television set can turn off the process that transforms children into people.

“Christians should be particularly concerned about television’s interposition between parents and children. We have the responsibility to train our children in knowledge of God, in His character, in obedience to His laws. We carry out that duty most effectively in the natural course of things – eating together, running errands, working around the house, traveling, playing, visiting with friends. Television competes with this process of natural instruction. While children are watching television, they are not receiving training from us. They are not gaining experience in obeying their parents, relating to their peers, serving people, or anything else.

“Parents who, consciously or unconsciously, use television to withdraw from active child rearing will likely suffer the consequences. Children who are not disciplined properly grow more willful and harder to handle with every passing year. Parents who substitute television for training can expect that their children will grow more rebellious and less disciplined. Television may be an effective narcotic for undisciplined children; but the temporary peace brought by television may have long-range side effects as children grow less compliant and parents less confident to deal with them. ” (Written in an article by Kevin Perotta “Watching While Life Goes By” in Christianity Today, April 18, 1980. The words are psychologist’s Urie Bronfenbreners.)

These words from 1980 are still applicable today, but now they include computers, iPhones, iPads, and all of the other different screens that are stealing our time away from doing what’s most important with the people you love. Store your treasures in things that are eternal rather than in things on this earth that will decay and burn.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8

Mayo Clinic-Trained Doctor: Lab Testing Shows COVID Jabs Will Make People Prone To Cancer, HIV, HPV, Etc. – ‘It’s Almost A Reverse HIV’

Lately we have warned you about the trend of acute injuries, including sudden death, resulting from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.” But another thing to keep in mind is that in most of the “fully vaccinated,” a much more subtle slow kill process is taking place.

mayo clinic trained doctor lab testing shows covid jabs will make people prone to cancer, hiv, hpv

The effects of this slow kill process may not be immediately apparent, but over time they become more apparent as the injections wear away at the immune system, leaving it more prone to infection with other viruses.

Dr. Ryan Cole, a board-certified pathologist who runs the largest independent diagnostics lab in Idaho, says that he is observing serious declines in the health of people who took the jabs.

“After people get these shots, we’re seeing a very concerning locked-in low profile of these important killer T cells that you want in your body,” Dr. Cole warns in the below video. “It’s almost a reverse HIV.”

Official Public Health England Data Says COVID Infection Rates Higher In Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed

The Spectator has published an article citing official data from Public Health England, which states that for the over 30’s, “the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.”

Well, this is awkward.

official public health england data says covid infection rates higher in vaxxed than unvaxxed

The article, written by Lionel Shriver, is titled ‘The absurd theatre of vaccine passports’.

It points out that according to official data, vaccines only offer about 17 per cent protection for the over-fifties.

“As I observed then, this would mean the vaxxed and unvaxxed pose a comparable danger to each other,” writes Shriver. “All Covid apartheid schemes are therefore insensible.”

She then clearly explains how the official data undermines the entire argument behind vaccine passports, which ban the unvaccinated from entering innumerable venues.

“Fresher information has fortified this conclusion of the summer. In every age group over 30 in the UK, the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.

“Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated.

“PHE’s fruitlessly rechristened body, the UK Health Security Agency, frantically clarifies that the data ‘should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness’, a caveat which I include for the sake of accuracy. But the differences in the infection rates are drastic enough for you to draw your own conclusions.”

public health england “the rates of covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.”

Public Health England: “The rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed.”

Shriver then summarizes how that data demolishes the reason for implementing vaccine passport schemes.

“Gatekeeping of pleasure palaces promotes the wrong impression — statistically, the lie — that the unvaccinated riff-raff exiled to the pavement pose a far graver threat of communicable disease than the diners in the nearby banquette who, like you, have righteously got the shot.

“In truth, the double-jabbed airline passenger in 24A can be just as risky a seat-mate as the great unwashed banished from the flight.”

Meanwhile, the Times reports the results of another study which “found the double-jabbed are just as likely to pass on Covid-19 as unvaccinated people.”

The Case For Vaccine Passports Has Been Demolished:

Government data, and peer reviewed studies, show the vaxxed are just as likely to spread the virus as the unvaxxed.

After Public Health England published the data, government bureaucrats begin to panic that people would use it to suggest vaccines were not that effective.

Explosive Admission by Dr. Fauci:Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today.

Even Bill Gates Finally Admitted to the Failure of the COVID Vaccines.

Office for Statistics Regulation director Ed Humpherson called an urgent meeting with U.K. Health Security Agency during which he worried about the data having “the potential to mislead.”

“We noted that these data have been used to argue that vaccines are ineffective,” Humpherson subsequently wrote.

Isn’t it strange how the government and associated regulatory bodies appear to be afraid of raw data?

If the vaccines are as effective as they tell us, why would they be worried?

Source: / Reference:

MSM Silent As Mass Protests Taking Place Worldwide In Reaction To COVID Tyranny

As we reported this week, despite many countries across the planetachieving vaccination rates as high as 100%, covid cases are still spiking. Because the state’s only tools are force and coercion, as the seasonal spikes inevitably hit, governments across the world are ushering in more tyranny.

But after nearly two years of being locked down, shut in, covered up, driven to poverty and watching the police state thrive, many of we the peoplehave had enough. They are mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore.

mainstream media silent as mass protests taking place worldwide in reaction to covid tyranny

On Monday, Austria rolled out the most tyrannical measures yet and segregated society into two classes: vaccinated and unvaccinated. If you are unvaccinated, you are forced to stay in your home and are not allowed to go out into public unless it is for food or other explicitly designated activity.


Austrian Interior Minister:

“As of tomorrow every citizen, every person living in Austria, must be aware that they can be checked by the police at any time.”

From what year is this?

— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) November 17, 2021

Multiple videos of cops patrolling stores and demanding to see citizens’ vaccination status have surfaced since and Austria is beginning to resemble a place similar to 1930s Germany.

It’s not just Austria either, other videos have surfaced from other countries, showing police officers conducting “snatch and grabs” and literally grabbing people off the streets for reportedly failing to show proof of vaccination.

It is pure insanity and despite the completely ineffective nature of their tyranny, the government keeps ramping it up. The governments of the world are pushing their citizens to the brink and now, the citizens are pushing back.

As the media salivates over the Kyle Rittenhouse case in their attempts to further divide society, mass protests against government tyranny are taking place everywhere — including in the United States. However, thanks to their constant establishment pandering, these protests are absent from the mainstream media’s coverage.

In Prague, Germany, tens of thousands of people poured into the streets to demonstrate against the country’s constant state of lockdown.

In Austria, where the unvaccinated are being treated like a sub-human species, both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated took to the streets to protest the tyranny. They have been at it all week yet you wouldn’t know it if your only source of information is corporate media.

In Australia, who has become famous for their internment camps, lockdowns, and police state insanity over the past several months, the citizens have finally had enough. For nearly three straight days, brave Australians have protested in front of Parliament to demand their government stop oppressing them.

Melbourne, Australia:

Perth, Australia:

London, UK:

Glasgow, Scotland:

Even the Iranians are taking to the streets to protest their country’s lockdown.

It has been 20 months and people are growing tired of the tyranny. In the United States, they are protesting as well.

As we reported Friday, even the Austrian police and military are set to take part in a protest on Saturday. It is called the “mega-demonstration” on November 20 in Viennaand police are apparently supporting and even joining.

Glimmer of hope: Austrian Police & Army Reportedly Refusing to Enforce ‘Health Dictatorship’ – Will March in Protest Against it.

What these mass protests do is allow others to realize you are not alone in this. Though Team Doom wants you to remain isolated and fearful, in reality, people are getting back to normal and some places have been back for a very long time.

Lockdowns, mandates, closures, and arbitrary tyranny have done nothing but ruin the economy and destroy civil rights yet statists and their supporters can’t see the forest for the trees. Those who continue to advocate for such measures are doing a disservice to society and will most assuredly end up on the wrong side of history.


Dutch Police Opened Fire On Citizens Protesting COVID-19 Tyranny

Police opened fire on protesters in rioting that erupted in downtown Rotterdam around a demonstration against COVID-19restrictions late Friday night. The Dutch city’s mayor called it “an orgy of violence.”

by Geoffrey Grider

dutch police opened fire on citizens protesting covid 19 tyranny

Right now across Europe a battle is being waged, a battle to decide if people still have the right to determine their own futures, or will they become slaves and vassals of the state. This battle is not limited to Europe, but we see it in Australia, New Zealand, American and Australia.

This is the New World Order attempting to stamp their boot on the necks of every living human being on Earth. The Bible has already informed us who wins this battle.

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.” Daniel 7:25 (King James Bible)

In the short term, the New World Order will be quite successful, and under the leadership of Antichrist, it will seem as if victory has been achieved. You and I in the Body of Christ will be safely at Home in Heaven during this time period, but before we board Flight #777, let’s make sure we’ve done out best to fill as many seats as possible. To the FIGHT!!!

‘Orgy Of Violence’: Dutch Police Open Fire On Rioters

From the AP: Police said that two rioters were hospitalized after being hit by bullets and investigations were underway to establish if they were shot by police. The condition of the injured rioters was not disclosed.

Officers arrested 51 people, about half of them minors, police said Saturday afternoon. One police officer was hospitalized with a leg injury sustained in the rioting, another was treated by ambulance staff and “countless” others suffered minor injuries.

Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb told reporters in the early hours of Saturday morning that “on a number of occasions the police felt it necessary to draw their weapons to defend themselves” as rioters ran rampage through the port city’s central shopping district, setting fires and throwing rocks and fireworks at officers.

“They shot at protesters, people were injured,” Aboutaleb said. He did not have details on the injuries. Police also fired warning shots.

Source: / Reference:

With The Support Of The Big Banks, China Prepares For World Domination

Between October 21st and October 27th, there were at least 10 explosions throughout China, killing at least 13 people and injuring many more.

by Greg Reese

with the support of the big banks, the ccp prepares for world domination

These mysterious explosions came just weeks before Xi Jinping was anointed as a revered leader of the CCP, preparing him for next year’s CCP Congress, which is scheduled for next October.

This gives Xi less than a year to make good on his commitment to absorb Taiwan into the PRC and unite all of China under Communism.

Allowing this to happen would be handing the world economy over to the Communist Chinese.

The CCP deploys massive fishing fleets to illegally plunder protected areas, such as the Galápagos Islands, because they are hungry. The CCP is undergoing a food shortage crisis, warning people to stock up on essential items and adopting laws against food waste.

The CCP has been buying massive amounts of farmland in Australia and the United States.

Handing over the world economy to the Communist Chinese would be national suicide for both nations, who have already been infiltrated at the highest levels of government by the CCP.

A handful of Republican senators visited Taiwan to avow US support.

The US Secretary of State has said the US will defend Taiwan and Australia’s Minister for Defence has vowed to back the US and Taiwan against China.

But who currently has control over the Australian military – or the US military?

The CCP’s own woke American puppet, General Mark Milley says that the US is incapable of defending itself against China’s hypersonic missile tech.

PSYOPs, something we have been learning about, firsthand. Many of us have read how they’ve done it in history but today, we are all witnessing in real time how the banking cartel is capable of orchestrating a world war.

As China’s housing giant, Evergrande defaults on billions of dollars of debt, Goldman-Sachs is busy buying-up these garbage assets with US Taxpayer Dollars.

Goldman-Sachs is bailing out the CCP with US Tax Dollars, while the CCP is preparing to wage war against the US!

By hook or by crook, the ethos of the Communist Chinese is what the bankers want for their world government dream: every individual connected to a central bank, controlled by a social credit scoreand made to accept endless injections of unknown substances into their body

Associated Press (AP) and NY Post, both controlled by Talmudic Jews, reporting on how the Jewish overlords are using the police to viciously attack Covid 19 protesters, and are stirring up their useful idiots to riot and cause mayhem after the Rittenhouse trial verdict.

Talmudic Jewish bankers stirring up their useful idiot thugs to more violent rioting, to gain more wealth and power for the bankers.

Haha, it’s really ingenious. The NY post pretends it’s conservative and reports on this stuff, while being controlled by the architects of the mayhem.

Associated Press (AP), owned by Talmudic Jews for over 100 years ( ) reporting on how its overlords are using violence against People protesting against the Covid 19 lockdown. It’s supposed to make us Goyim afraid. But we have nothing to fear, because we outnumber them, and we not only have might, but we have right on our side.

How Fanatics Took Over the World

Early in the pandemic, I had been furiously writing articles about lockdowns. My phone rang with a call from a man named Dr. Rajeev Venkayya. He is the head of a vaccine company but introduced himself as former head of pandemic policy for the Gates Foundation.

Now I was listening.

I did not know it then, but I’ve since learned from Michael Lewis’s (mostly terrible) book The Premonition that Venkayya was, in fact, the founding father of lockdowns. While working for George W. Bush’s White House in 2005, he headed a bioterrorism study group. From his perch of influence – serving an apocalyptic president — he was the driving force for a dramatic change in U.S. policy during pandemics.

He literally unleashed hell.

That was 15 years ago. At the time, I wrote about the changes I was witnessing, worrying that new White House guidelines(never voted on by Congress) allowed the government to put Americans in quarantine while closing their schools, businesses, and churches shuttered, all in the name of disease containment.

I never believed it would happen in real life; surely there would be public revolt. Little did I know, we were in for a wild ride…

Last year, Venkayya and I had a 30-minute conversation; actually, it was mostly an argument. He was convinced that lockdown was the only way to deal with a virus. I countered that it was wrecking rights, destroying businesses, and disturbing public health. He said it was our only choice because we had to wait for a vaccine. I spoke about natural immunity, which he called immoral. So on it went.

The more interesting question I had at the time was why this certified Big Shot was wasting his time trying to convince a poor scribbler like me. What possible reason could there be?

The answer, I now realized, is that from February to April 2020, I was one of the few people (along with a team of researchers) who openly and aggressively opposed what was happening.

There was a hint of insecurity and even fear in Venkayya’s voice. He saw the awesome thing he had unleashed all over the world and was anxious to tamp down any hint of opposition. He was trying to silence me. He and others were determined to crush all dissent.

Fat chance. His greatest fears have been realized. The movement against what he did is now global, ferocious, and insuppressible. It’s not going away. It is only going to grow, despite his best efforts.

This is how it has been for the better part of the last 21 months, with social media and YouTube deleting videos that dissent from lockdowns. It’s been censorship from the beginning. Now we see what happens: the lockdowns have birthed a new movement plus a new way of communicating plus new platforms that are threatening monopoly control the world over. Not only that: political and economic upheaval seem inevitable.

For all the problems with Lewis’s book, and there are plenty, he gets this whole backstory right. Bush came to his bioterrorism people and demanded some huge plan to deal with some imagined calamity. When Bush saw the conventional plan — make a threat assessment, distribute therapeutics, work toward a vaccine — he was furious.

“This is bulls**t,” the president yelled. 

“We need a whole-of-society plan. What are you going to do about foreign borders? And travel? And commerce?”

Hey, if the president wants a plan, he’ll get a plan.

“We want to use all instruments of national power to confront this threat,” Venkayya reports having told colleagues.

“We were going to invent pandemic planning.”

This was October 2005, the birth of the lockdown idea.

Dr. Venkayya began to fish around for people who could come up with the domestic equivalent of Operation Desert Storm to deal with a new virus. He found no serious epidemiologists to help. They were too smart to buy into it. He eventually bumped into the real lockdown innovator working at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico.

His name was Robert Glass, a computer scientist with no medical training, much less knowledge, about viruses. Glass, in turn, was inspired by a science fair project that his 14-year-old daughter was working on.

She theorized (like the cooties game from grade school) that if school kids could space themselves out more or even not be at school at all, they would stop making each other sick. Glass ran with the idea and banged out a model of disease control based on stay-at-home orders, travel restrictions, business closures, and forced human separation.

Crazy right? No one in public health agreed with him but like any classic crank, this convinced Glass even more.

I asked myself, “Why didn’t these epidemiologists figure it out?” They didn’t figure it out because they didn’t have tools that were focused on the problem. They had tools to understand the movement of infectious diseases without the purpose of trying to stop them.

Genius, right? Glass imagined himself to be smarter than 100 years of experience in public health. One guy with a fancy computer would solve everything! Well, he managed to convince some people, including another person hanging around the White House named Carter Mecher, who became Glass’s apostle.

Please consider the following quotation from Dr. Mecher in Lewis’s book: “If you got everyone and locked each of them in their own room and didn’t let them talk to anyone, you would not have any disease.”

At last, an intellectual has a plan to abolish disease — and human life as we know it too! As preposterous and terrifying as this is — a whole society not only in jail but solitary confinement — it sums up the whole of Mecher’s view of disease. It’s also completely wrong.

Pathogens are part of our world; they are not generated by human contact. We pass them onto each other as the price for civilization, but we also evolved immune systems to deal with them. That’s 9th-grade biology, but Mecher didn’t have a clue.

Jump forward to March 12, 2020. Who exercised the major influence over the decision to close schools, even though it was known at that time that SARS-CoV-2 posed almost no risk to people under the age of 20? There was even evidence that they did not spread COVID-19 to adults in any serious way.

Didn’t matter. Mecher’s models — developed with Glass and others — kept spitting out a conclusion that shutting down schools would drop virus transmission by 80%. I’ve read his memos from this period — some of them still not public — and what you observe is not science but ideological fanaticism in play.

Based on the timestamp and length of the emails, Mecher was clearly not sleeping much. Essentially he was Lenin on the eve of the Bolshevik Revolution. How did he get his way?

There were three key elements: public fear, media and expert acquiescence, and the baked-in reality that school closures had been part of “pandemic planning” for the better part of 15 years. The lockdowners, over the course of 15 years, had worn out the opposition. Lavish funding, attrition of wisdom within public health, and ideological fanaticism prevailed.

Figuring out how our expectations for normal life were so violently foiled, how our happy lives were brutally crushed, will consume serious intellectuals for many years. But at least we now have a first draft of history.

As with almost every revolution in history, a small minority of crazy people with a cause prevailed over the humane rationality of multitudes. When people catch on, the fires of vengeance will burn very hot.

The task now is to rebuild a civilized life that is no longer so fragile as to allow insane people to lay waste to all that humanity has worked so hard to build.