Makow- Our Bondage is Spiritua

Harold-Wallace-Rosenthal-w-Sen-Walter-Mondale-503w (1).jpg

Illuminati Insider Harold Rosenthal (with Sen. Walter Mondale)–
Seeking Satisfaction Outside YourSelf is Servitude“The very moment you seek happiness outside yourselves, you become our willing servants.” 
“You have become addicted to our medicine through which we have become your absolute masters…”
“A dissatisfied people are pawns in our game of world conquest.”

“It seems clearer every day that the moral problem of our age is concerned with the love of money, with the habitual appeal to the money motive in 9/10 of the activities of life. Religions …have less and less interest for most people…just because they do not touch …on these essential matters.”—John Maynard Keyes (1925) 

The Illuminati’s Secret Weapon – Sin 
Updated from Jan 10, 2014by Henry Makow PhD

An Illuminati member sent shivers down my spine when he echoed my words. 
In an article  “Entertained to Death,” posted in December, 2015, I said people today are “externalized.”  We seek happiness outside of our true selves, i.e. our soul.   
Recently, I was astonished to read this quotation by Harold Rosenthal (left, with Walter Mondale) from 1976:“The very moment you seek happiness outside yourselves, you become our willing servants.” 
Forget about the Patriot Act and the NSA.  Our enslavement takes a much more subtle and pervasive form. Truly, we are unconscious victims of a diabolical spiritual attack.


First my description. 
We are “feel good” addicts. We need a cocktail of money, sex, knowledge, drugs, purchases, hits, “likes,” food, love, praise, etc. If we make our quota, ego is happy. We had a good day.


But this habit degrades us and makes us feel empty.  We have displaced our soul-identity and identified with our “wants” instead. 
In my article, I compared our souls to the light bulb in a slide projector. We covet the slideshow displayed on a screen. “Wanting” them makes us miserable. We may not get them; or even when we do, we find they are a chimera.  

The mind is a prison where the soul is tortured by thoughts. The key is to not identify with the slides (“thoughts”) but with the light.  
There is no mystery about religion. It is simply obeying God’s voice speaking through the soul. This is not an option. We cannot thrive and find happiness without obeying His directives.  “Sin” is being enslaved to material desire instead.  
“The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not Want.”  
If we don’t want to be beggars, we must say, “I have enough” and renounce the pursuit of money. Marriage is the way to say I have “enough” when it comes to sex.  
Instead of arranging our beggar bowls each day,  we must serve God instead.  

Define what that means for you. For me, it means dedicating every thought and deed to Him. It means dedicating my life to a spiritual ideal, like Truth, Beauty, Love (service, family) or Justice.  It means praising and thanking God for the gift of life and the miracle of creation. (I don’t pretend to have mastered this.) 

It means shutting out the world and vibrating according to an inner voice. God is Consciousness, a spiritual dimension we enter only by rededicating and purifying ourselves. 
This is the basis of all true religions. The scary thing is that the Illuminati understand this and deliberately sabotage this process (the devil’s work.) 
Harold Rosenthal was an Illuminati Jewish insider. He worked for NewYork Senator Jacob Javits. (See my Protocols of Zion Updated.) 
In an 1976 “tell all”  interview, he said the following:  


(Left, “Masters of Sex” promotes Cabalist gospel that sex and relationships are the meaning of life.) “Your people never realize that we offer them only worthless baubles that cannot bring fulfillment. They procure one and consume it and are not filled. We present another. We have an infinite number of outward distractions, to the extent that life cannot again turn inward to find its definite fulfillment. You have become addicted to our medicine through which we have become your absolute masters…”
We have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are pawns in our game of world conquest. Thus, they are always seeking and never able to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside themselves, they become our willing servants.”

The Illuminati Jews display a deep spiritual understanding. If we had a first-hand connection to God, we would need nothing else. Because we don’t, they can mystify and sell us baubles to fill the vacuum- sex, romantic love, art, knowledge, toys etc. 
They suffer from this ailment themselves.  Rosenthal gave this revealing interview, which ultimately cost him his life, to get some “gambling money.” 


(Jonah Hill in The Wolf of Wall Street which celebrates greed, sex and dishonesty. Uses the f-word three times per minute.) 
 Most of us see sin in terms of human frailty. We don’t realize that society is organized by Satanists to entrap us. It is a giant behaviour modification laboratory. The goal is to enslave us mentally and spiritually, and ultimately physically.  
Wherever something degrades us and distracts from Truth, we will find Illuminati Jews and Masons pulling the levers: War. Sexual liberation. Pornography. The stock market. Sexual deviance. Movies and TV preaching the liberal gospel. 

Wherever we find ugliness being promoted as beautiful, lies promoted as truth, evil promoted as goodness, and sickness promoted as health, we will find these people. Wherever evil is advocated as “tolerance”, and self-discipline is condemned as “repression”, you will find these satanists who preach “do as thou wilt.”  

Forgive them father, for they know not what they do. We cannot afford to be naive about the world in which we live. At the same time, we can still find true happiness personally. Belief in God is really a belief in oneself. Not because we are God, which is ridiculous, but because we answer to no one but God. We live in the Spirit of God and need nothing else.  That’s why the illuminati have worked hard to displace God and become our master. Without the God connection our lioves are trivial. —– Related – E Michael Jones on God’s Plan    Good listen!
The books and YouTubes of Eckhart Tolle 

Makow- Sanity Requires Discernment & Self Discipline———-Thinking is an Addiction———-How’s Your Inner Beggar? ———- Humanity is Satanically Possessed
——— Cohabiting With a Monkey

United States, Britain, Israel etc. are Just Colonies


Left, how our “leaders” look to their Illuminati overlords. 

We revisit “The Col House Report” 1919 which 

demonstrates that almost 100 years ago, 

the United States already was a colony of the “Crown”

i.e. the Masonic Jewish banking cartel headquartered in London.  

As Col. House outlines the plot to return the US to full “British”  control, under the guise of the League of Nations,

he describes a “system of thought control” that today is stronger than ever. 

By Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Hardly a day goes by without a new article blaming the “United States” or “Israel” for the woes of the world. 

The power of these countries is analogous to how Caroll Quigley describes the power of Communist Jews in the FDR era. 

He wrote, “the power that these energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie.” (Tragedy and Hope, p.954) 

In my review of “The Red Dragon” in 2007, I presented the hypothesis that the major imperial power in the world is the world central banking cartel. Because it creates money out of nothing, it wants to buy everything of real value that it can. Hiding behind the mask of British, American, French or Japanese imperialism, or Nazism, Zionism, Communism, etc. essentially the same people — Illuminati Jewish bankers and their Freemason collaborators–instigate and finance all wars, and profit from them, at the expense of humanity. 

The underlying agenda expressed the The Protocols of Zion “to undermine all collective forces not our own” by which they mean all nations, races, religions and family. They intend to sow chaos until an exasperated and exhausted humanity succumbs to their world “super government.” 


According to Red Dragon author L.B. Woolfolk, this ethnic-Jewish “Money Power,” operating through the Bank of England and countless corporate fronts, tied up most of the world’s wealth as early as 1864. 


They are colonizing the world, including the so-called imperialist powers. They created Israel not as a “Jewish homeland” but as the seat of their Masonic world government. They instigated the holocaust to force Jews to support Israel. The holocaust masked the true character of WWII: an attack on Christian European civilization  by the Sabbatean Frankist satanic sect (the Illuminati.) They owned I.G. Farben, the backbone of the Nazi war machine, which used Jewish slave labor at Auschwitz.

We have not been invaded by a foreign army but by foreign capital. A damning 1919 report by Col. Edward House indicates the US has been a financial colony of “The Crown” for a long time. 
Col. Edward Mandell House (1858-1938) was the Rothschild agent who secretly directed U.S. affairs during the Woodrow Wilson administration. Col. House was known as Wilson’s friend and “alter ego.” The report is addressed to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, whose career was made as a lawyer for the World Zionist Organization.

Rep. Jacob Thorkelson (1876-1945) introduced The House Report to Congress in Oct.1939 and published it in the Congressional Record (Oct. 13 1939, pp.598-604). Attempts to delete it were thwarted. The complete text is available on line.


The report details Col. House’s progress in preparing “for the peaceful return of the American colonies to the dominion of the Crown.”

“Crown” refers to the owners of the Bank of England. Their identities are an official secret. According to E.C. Knuth, the “international financial oligarchy uses the allegoric ‘Crown’ as its symbol of power and has its headquarter in the ancient city of London…the giant Bank of England, a privately owned institution… is not subject to regulation by the British parliament and is in effect a sovereign world power.” (The Empire of the City, p. 59)

Col. House continues: The “peaceful return of the American colonies” can only be brought about with “the consent of the dominant group of the controlling clans.”

Col. House relates how these classes are being taught to accept “British” leadership. He details how the universities and press are staffed by “British-born” or Canadians.

“Through the Red Cross, the Scout movement, the YMCA, the church, and other humane, religious, and quasi religious organizations, we have created an atmosphere of international effort which strengthens the idea of unity of the English speaking world.”

The Overseas Clubs, service clubs, and war charities “enable us to pervade all sections and classes of the country.”

We “hold all American newspapers as isolated from the non-American world as if they had been in another planet instead of another hemisphere. The realization of this by the Associated Press and the other universal news gatherers, except Hearst, was most helpful in bringing only our point of view to the papers they served.”

He boasts that the United States “while still maintaining an outward show of independence” is identical with other colonies in its relationship to the Crown. “Has not President Wilson cancelled the big Navy program and dutifully conceded to us the command of the seas?”

He boasts that “the Anglo American alliance” has become “the unchallenged financiers of the world.”

He congratulates “our fiscal agents Messrs Pierpont Morgan & Company” for “putting this country into the war.” They exert “widespread influence on newspaper policy” through advertising and lent $200,000,000 to Japan to build a fleet to compete with America (making the U.S still more dependent on England.)

Col. House boasts that the “Crown” used money lent by the U.S. government for war purposes to buy up oil fields in California, Mexico and Latin America.

“The war has made us custodians of the greater part of the world’s raw materials… [We] now largely control the oil fields of the world and thereby the world’s transportation and industry.”


The pressing issue now is to “transfer its dangerous sovereignty from this colony to the custody of the Crown. We must, in short, now bring America within the Empire.”

The first step was Wilson’s plan for the League of Nations “which we prepared for him.”

“The plain people of this country are inveterate and incurable hero worshipers,” Col. House explains. They easily can be manipulated by a man with a slogan that expresses their “undefined aspirations.”

Afterwards, they will trust the sloganeer no matter what he does. Wilson has gained this trust and this accounts for “his exceptional usefulness to us.”

“Any abrupt change might startle the ignorant American masses and rouse them to action against it. And us. Our best policy therefore would be to appoint President Wilson the first president of the League… he will be able to satisfy [Americans] that far from surrendering their independence to the League, they are actually extending their sovereignty by it…”

House-Wilson2_1.jpg(President Wilson and his “handler” Edward House) 

Foreshadowing The Patriot Act, Col. House says Woodrow Wilson “alone can father an anti-Bolshevik act which judicially interpreted will enable appropriate punitive measures to be applied to any American who may be unwise enough to assert that America must once again declare her independence.”

Col. House goes into great detail about how Wilson must be massaged and manipulated. Many people think someone else wrote this Report but only Edward Mandell House knew Wilson this well.

For example he says Wilson “is easily slighted and remarkably vindictive.” The new British ambassador should be a “Wilson worshipper” and “a gentleman-in-waiting to the President.” He lists the gifts Wilson already has been given.


Col. House suggests staging the first session of the League of Nations in Washington.

“This will convince these simple people that they are the League and its power resides in them.”

He recommends a “series of spectacles by which the mob may be diverted from any attempt to think too much of matters beyond their province.”

“While awaiting these diversions for the vulgar, we are incessantly instructing them in the wonders of the league. Its praises are thundered by our press, decreed by our college presidents, and professed by our professors. Our authors, writers and lecturers are analyzing its selected virtues… we have enlisted 8000 propagandists for the League. We have organized international and national synods, committees, conferences, convocations, conventions, councils…to herald the birth of the League as the dawn of universal peace.”

“Agriculturalists, bankers, brokers, accountants, chemists, and all other functional groups capable of exerting organized professional, business, financial or social pressure are meeting to endorse the League in the name of peace, progress and prosperity…Our film concerns are preparing an epoch-making picture…”

“In short, our entire system of thought control is working ceaselessly, tirelessly, ruthlessly, to ensure the adoption of the League. And it will be adopted, for business wants peace, the righteous cannot resist a covenant, and the politicians, after shadow boxing for patronage purposes, will yield valiantly lest the fate of the wanton and wilful pursue them.”

Thanks to the valiant opposition of Republican Senators, the United States rejected the Peace Treaty and with it the League of Nations Nov. 19,1919. The plot was temporarily foiled.


The New World Order is an extension of the imperialism of the “Crown”, a clique of Jewish bankers and their Gentile accomplices devoted to “absorbing the wealth of the world” (in Cecil Rhodes words) and enslaving the human race. 

We are being colonized by this financial power. The bogus “War of Terror” obviously is directed against us. It is the naked fist of this imperialism. Our jobs and resources are exported. Illegal aliens are imported to divide our political culture and dilute our job market. The education system is used for mass indoctrination. News is controlled. Entertainment is filled with trivia, the occult, violence and pornography. Obviously, our masters wish to arrest our development. 

In every colonial situation, the political and cultural elite consists of people who serve the occupying power. Thus, let’s judge people not by their race, but by the service they perform for the invisible invader. And let’s not confuse them with the real imperialist “Money Power.” 

The sooner we see ourselves as colonized, the sooner we can declare our independence.

Robert Edmondson: “I Testify Against the Jews”


(Robert Edmondson, 1872-1959)
The covid scam is the culminationof the ancient Masonic Jewish(Communist) 
conspiracy designed to 
enslave and dispossess humanity.

Robert Edmondson sounded the alarm 
in the 1930’s. He has been flusheddown the memory hole while scoundrels, criminals,traitors and perverts occupy high office.
(“Let’s Go Brandon”)


Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason?
For if it prospers, none dare call it “treason.” 
-John Harington 1561-1612

Judaism, based on Cabala and Talmud, is a satanic cult.  Jews have been inducted into this cult, then non-Jewish Freemasons, and through them, society as a whole. We are all victims and accomplices in our degradation and fall.   (See also, “Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult”

(Slightly revised from May 2015) 

By Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Our Zionist mind controllers
have succeeded in eliminating almost all record of Robert Edmondson. Until today, there was no reference to him (or photo) on the Internet. Yet he was thrown into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing hundreds of bulletins alerting his fellow Americans to an International conspiracy consisting of Communist Jews and Freemasons financed by the central bankers. This conspiracy has grown into the New World Order. 

A measure of subversion is when patriots are defamed and forgotten, while traitors are rewarded and honored. Other 1930’s patriots tarred as “anti-Semites” include Charles Lindbergh. Henry Ford, Charles Coughlin, Elizabeth Dilling, William Pelley, Louis McFadden and Huey Long. 

Their fate proves that despite what Americans think, the US is a colony of the London-based Masonic Jewish central banking cartel and its leaders are traitors. Americans haven’t been “free” for a very long time.

In 1936, Edmondson was charged with “libeling the Jewish people.” In his defense, he wrote, “I am not against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a people or as individuals, but because Jewish leadership [i.e. the bankers] is actively anti-American, is attempting to jettison the American political philosophy and take over the country, and that I would continue to be anti-Jewish until Jewry repudiated such subversion. Were the offender any other than the Jewish minority, my attitude would be precisely the same. This problem is the biggest and most acute thing in the world today…

“Knowing that pitiless publicity is the only cure for public evils, in 1934 I started on a campaign to expose Jewish Anti-Americanism and Talmudic Communism which has been called the “Code of Hell”: a “Rabbi Racket” that victimizes its own followers; an international “Satanic System” subverting France, Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present depression and moving to take over the United States through the Jewish Radical administration [of FDR.] ” (p.69)

Faced with exposure, organized Jewry backed down. Edmondson subpoenaed “Princes of Jewry” Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Rabbi Wise, Samuel Untermeyer, Mayor LaGuardia, James P. Warburg, Walter Lippmann and Justice Samuel Rosenman. Whereupon the American Jewish Committee petitioned the court NOT to hear the case because the indictment violated the free speech guarantee of the Constitution. 

 “Jews are afraid of the truth,” Edmondson wrote. “They know that a few grains of it will blow the lid off when publicized.” (137)

Today more than ever, we are victims of brainwashing which equates defending our country, freedom, family and values with Nazi bigotry and genocide. We are under merciless hate-filled attack from the bankers and their minions, yet it is we who are accused of “hatred” when we identify them.  It’s a pathetic disingenuous ruse.  Remember the little boy who said the Emperor has no clothes? The Zionists put him in jail.


The majority of Jews are not aware of the Jewish leadership’s secret agenda, which is that of the central banking cartel. Yet unless they oppose this centuries-old plan for world government, they will be blamed for it. By their silence, Jews condone the anti-Americanism of their leaders, Edmondson said. (82)

In 1954, Edmondson published a collection of his bulletins entitled “I Testify Against the Jews.”

He quotes rare documents such as a letter published in 1880 in the Review of Jewish Studies, financed by James de Rothschild. The letter, dating from 1489, is from the head of the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople. 

It advises a rabbi in Arles France to infiltrate gentile society. Convert to Christianity as the French King demands but “keep the Law of Moses in your hearts;” make your sons merchants so “that they may despoil Christians of their [property]; doctors so that “they may take away Christian lives.” 

 “Make your sons canons and clerics that they may destroy the churches…..Arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with affairs of state in order that by putting Christians under your yoke, you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.” (71) 

Edmondson also quotes a May 11,1933, address at the Hebrew University by the famous Jewish poet N.H. Bialik which confirms a Jewish agenda few Jews are aware of. He says Jews have undermined Christianity by “deliberate Jewish conniving…it has been effected in great measure by crypto-Jews (secret Jews) who have permeated Christianity and spoken through the mouth of Christianity.”  (51)

He says these crypto-Jews are also the creators of “the Renaissance, of Liberalism, of Democracy, of Socialism, and of Communism.” (151) 

Remember Bialek was speaking in 1933: “The Gentiles have at last realized this secret–that Judaism has gradually penetrated and permeated them like a drug. The Gentile nature is in revolt and is trying to organize the final battle…They would ‘smoke us out’ of all the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They would exterminate us like bacilli and be rid of us.” (152) (Judaism in History-A Jewish Conception in “Lines of Communication” July 1933)

This is proof that millions of innocent Jews, including my grandparents, died partly because of the demented megalomania of the Jewish leadership. Ironically, the Nazis were financed by the Masonic Jewish bankers as a way of bringing war upon the gentiles and forcing Jews to support Zionism.


Cabalist Judaism is a conspiracy against Christian civilization so successful that now it cannot be mentioned. It has inspired the bankers to recast society so that in the future, there will be no families, no marriages, no nations, no religion, no private property and no freedom.

It has divorced society from God, who is synonymous with absolute truth and justice. It has inundated us with pornography and trivia and it has debased culture. It has poisoned the well of gender and degraded relations between men and women. 

We live in a decadent, superficial, hypocritical society where people sell their souls for money and sex, and where mass media and education are devoted to pious propaganda and indoctrination. Denied the truth, we are kept in a state of arrested development, befitting children or “cattle.” 

They regard the peoples of the world and even their governments as “only children under age.” (Protocols of Zion, 15) 

We can be as politically correct as long as we want, but we can’t escape the fact that mankind is in the thrall of a Satanic force bent on enslaving us. 

First Comment from JW

Thanks for posting the article on Robert Edmondson, whom I had never heard of before – (due to his name being dropped down the Memory Hole).
What a great and courageous spirit he was ! I search for him on Wikipedia, and was surprised – apart from labeling him as an ‘anti-semite’ – that it offered a fair summary of his views.
I clicked on one of the links, on the Jewish ancestry of FDR, which you might find of interest. This no doubt explains why his administration was chockful with leftist Jews, like Morgenthau, Ickes, and Perkins in his cabinet – and many of them, like Harry Dexter White outright communists .It also explains why financier Bernard Baruch, the George Soros of his time in the influence he wielded, exercised such influence over FDR.
Congressman Martine Dies, Jr. (D-TX) blasted the terms of FDR and Truman (1933-1953) as “twenty years of treason.” Baruch, who was called “The King of the Jews” in his time, exercised much influence over Truman as well, whom he bailed out once, and aided in his rise in Missouri politics.

Henry Klein: Sanhedrin – Head of the Illuminati Snake?


In 1945, a Jewish lawyer and writer Henry Klein (1879-1955) revealed that the thrall the Sanhedrin holds over the Jewish people is a template for totalitarianism. He wrote:

“The Sanhedrin now rules the United States, Great Britain, and Russia and with the atomic bomb, it has enough power to back up its rulership over all the world.  


The Sanhedrin today consists of more than seventy men. Their identity is well concealed. Their agents are legion. They use Jews and Gentiles to fulfill their purpose. Most of the so-called leading Jews in public and political life, are their agents. Many of the so-called leading Christians in public and political life, are their tools. Many judges and lawyers serve them. There is no antisemitism in the United States. There is anti-Sanhedrinism, but neither Jews nor Christians understand the difference, so thoroughly have they been faked by propaganda, which will be continued until the Sanhedrin accomplishes its end or its efforts results in complete destruction. We are face-to-face with complete ruin or complete reform.”

The Poison in the Jews Cup (1945)
(from March 21, 2017)by Henry KleinThe Protocols say we will keep our people herded together.The Protocolsis the plan by which a handful of Jews who compose the Sanhedrin, aim to rule the world by first destroying Christian civilization. The Jews as a group, know nothing about this plan. They are as much the victims of the Sanhedrin as are Christians and those of other religious faiths.
The Sanhedrin operates through the Kehillah. The Kehillah is the controlling Jewish organizations ‘ in each community where Jews live. Most Jewish organizations are represented in the Kehillah. It Is the local Jewish governing body. All representations in it is by delegates apportioned according to the membership of the constituent bodies. Each Jewish organization, whether a lodge, fraternal order, synagogue or otherwise, is entitled to representation. This unity is in accordance with the advice of the late Louis D. Brandeis who urged Jews to “unite, unite, unite.”
The Kehillah in New York City is run by an executive committee over which there is an advisory body. This executive committee is elected from year to year or continued in office. It is responsible for the operation of the Kehillah which is an old Jewish institution going back before the time of Jesus, who was Kehillah’s target in His day. So was Moses Maimonides in the twelfth century; so was Spinoza in the eighteenth century; so was Jacob Branfmann in the nineteenth century and so am I today.
Why was I the Kehillah’s target? Because I defended a Christian who was persecuted with other Christians, in the fake sedition trial in Washington, D.C., during 1944 and because I exposed and stopped the graft of some of the so-called pro-Jewish organizations and publications behind that persecution.
What has the Kehillah done to me? It sent word to all Jewish organizations that I am an outcast Jew; that I am a renegade Jew; that I am against Jews; that I betrayed Jewish secrets which I did not know existed; that I should be shunned by all Jews and by Christians who serve Jews. As a result, I have been ostracized by Jews with whom I have associated many years, many of whom I aided, and by a few so-called Christians who were good friends and clients and who have been scared away from me.
I have been surrounded by spies and followed: my telephone wires were tapped and I have been threatened by mail, telephone, and telegraph. Attempts were made to knock me off by violence and poison. This is all in accordance with the plan outlined in the Protocolswhich say we will exterminate those who oppose us; they will die as if from natural causes. The plan also includes my ostracism from my own family; the same as was done to Jesus two thousand years ago. 
One of the many threats I received, was sent to me from the Waldorf Hotel in New York City, where one of the so-called Jewish leaders lives. That letter denounced me in unmeasured terms after my opening statement ‘to the jury in the fake sedition trial in Washington, D.C., in May, 1944, and said “without making any wild threats, you have been provided for.” A copy of this letter is on file in the district court in Washington.
The brutality of the Sanhedrin is undisguised.
In Protocol 17 (there are 24 Protocols), it says: “Just as nowadays our brothers are obligated at their own risk to denounce the Kahal, apostates of their own family, or members who have been noticed doing anything in opposition to the Kahal, so in our Kingdom over all the world, it will be obligatory for all our subjects to observe the duty of service to the state in this direction.” (Hitler was only an imitator. The word Kahal is English for Kehillah, which is Hebrew) .
In fulfillment of this program, the Kehillah intimidated my sisters and brothers-in-law so that they were afraid to have social intercourse with me even though I raised the members of my family from childhood. What can be thought of an organization that resorts to such base tactics?
Nothing that the Sanhedrin or Kehillahcan do or has done, will deter me from my task of exposing those I regard as enemies of the human race. I knew nothing about the Kehillah or the Sanhedrin when I entered the fake sedition case two years ago, but what I learned convinced me that exposure of the madmen behind that persecution was absolutely necessary to save Jews and Christians from their diabolical design. I only knew then that such a thing as a Kehillah existed. I didn’t know anything about it. I thought its purpose was benevolent — to help poor Jews. I didn’t even suspect the existence of a Sanhedrin and I regarded the Protocols as apocryphal. I didn’t believe that human beings could devise such a mad program as outlined in them.
My understanding has been greatly enlightened. Not only are the Protocols genuine in my opinion, but they have been almost entirely fulfilled. The latest step in their fulfillment was the adoption of the so-called united nation’s charter by Congress, creating a super-government, the super-government outlined in the Protocols which say that with the creation of the super-government, the plan in the Protocols will be fulfilled. The Sanhedrin will be in power. The
The Sanhedrin now rules the United States, Great Britain, and Russia and with the atomic bomb, it has enough power to back up its rulership over all the world.
I could never understand why for many years it was “thumbs down” on Klein in the newspaper business in New York City, where I had served honorably and courageously for many years as a crusader and graft exposer, at the risk of my life. I regarded such work as the duty of a newspaperman.
I was the leading expose reporter on theWorld under Joseph Pulitzer, and on The American under Hearst. in the early days of his newspaper career in New York City; and I was the chief investigator for some of the important official and unofficial investigating bodies. I exposed single-handed, more political corruption than most newspapermen, public officials and investigators put together, in a period of more than forty years of the sixty-six years of my life, of which, all but the first two years were spent in New York City. One of these exposures included the sewer graft in Queens Borough, N. Y. City in 1927 and 1928, by the late “Jack” Phillips and Maurice Connolly and their gang. By that exposure, I made the City of New York payback to the property owners of the Jamaica district of Queens Borough, five million four hundred thousand dollars of which they had been swindled by over assessment for sewer construction. This exposure brought about one million dollars additional income tax to the U. S. government. It cost me eight thousand dollars cash and two and a half years’ time for which I received nothing. It caused the grafters to have four gunmen on my trail for five months.
Why was it “thumbs down” on Klein in the newspaper business? Because the Kehillah, through the Sanhedrin, rules the newspapers and because the Sanhedrin can’t stand for an honest and courageous Jew. When I ran for Mayor of New York City in 1933, on the Taxpayers’ Party and Five Cent Fare Party tickets, no newspaper in the city was permitted to mention my name though one or two did. I distributed three million leaflets to overcome newspaper suppression, in spite of which I received 57,500 votes though the Board of Election credited me with only 2607 votes and reported 55,000 votes cast for mayor but “not recorded.” Ten thousand voters signed my nominating petition to enable me to run.
All this means that no decent Jew has a chance to be known to other Jews or to the people generally if the Sanhedrin wills that he should not be known.’ Yet one of the leading lights in the Kehillahwas associated with me in a real estate transaction only a dozen years before and most leading lights in the Kehillahknow my career intimately. I was not a rubber stamp Jew or an orthodox and that was enough to bar me; besides I was independent and creative and that was taboo. The Kehillah tries to keep Jews orthodox and ignorant so that they can be more easily frightened and controlled. They want Jews to remain docile and obey orders.
Well, the Jews are thoroughly controlled, but for what? The reaction against them in all countries has been terrific. Should they continue to go alone as they have up to now and conform to the tenets of their self-appointed masters, or should they throw off the yoke and proclaim their freedom from racial and religious control? 
Unless they do the latter, the Jews are doomed. Up to now most of them have been counted as willing slaves. They have been fed all kinds of false propaganda to keep them ignorant and in fear. Jews and Christians have been used to stir up racial animosities, the better to keep the Jews herded together and in line. The Protocols say we must have anti-semitism in order to keep our people together even if we sacrifice some of them for the greater gain.
The greater gain for whom; for the Jews as a mass or only for the handful of power-mad Sanhedrinites?
Certainly, the Jews as a mass know nothing about the plans of the handful. Not one in ten thousand Jews know / what the Sanhedrin is doing. All they know is what the Kehillah, the controlled press and the faking propagandists, tell them. I stopped a great deal of this humbug and racketeering by my exposure during the fake sedition trial. I charged in my opening statement during that trial, that professional Jews were making a business of scaring other Jews in order to keep them in line and to be 

better able to shake them down. One of the results of my exposures was vicious attacks on me in controlled Jewish and English publications, some of which I am suing for a total of one million three hundred thousand dollars, for libel. 

Another result was repeated attempts to put me out of business, one communist orator in New York City urging my death in public speeches. These two weapons — poison and physical violence — have been used on many prominent persons who opposed some of those in political power in the United States and in other countries, during recent years. The Sanhedrin is, in my opinion, a greater menace by far, than the Mafia ever was. It is a secret world organization, backed by the power of great wealth in all countries.——Related– Henry Klein- Jewish Martyr Exposed Communist Control of the US
Israel Shahak – Judaism is Template for NWO Tyranny———-Louis McFadden Poisoned 

————— Jewish Old Testament Defender was Persecuted by Jews 

First Comment from Tony BThis straight truth by Henry Klein brings back memories of my time with “Mady” de Shishmareff (1882-1970.) The terminology used by Klein is identical to that used by Mady, who spoke often of him and likely got to know him while she was indicted and spent time in court in the sedition trial.
It also reminds me of her mention of when she was running her NY City half-way house for Russian survivors of the Bolshevik murder of Tsarist Russia (and her husband) which also included writing and circulating a regular broadsheet exposing Talmudic crimes as well as the facts she contributed to Henry Ford’s newspaper on those subjects which became a major part of his “The International Jew.”
She revealed that a local Jewish businessman came to her mansion to tell her that all the Jews in the area knew that there was a “hit” out on her and to be careful of leaving the area but not to worry within it as they would not allow it to happen. The assumption being that they approved of her exposure of the Talmudic criminal control as a welcome relief to themselves and their families.

Henry H. Klein – Jewish Martyr Exposed Communist Control of the US

In his courageous defence of American patriots in

the WW2 sedition trials, Klein exposed the cancer 

that is devouring the world today. 

His defence ofAmerican patriots 
resulted in is being ostracized 

and probably killed by theJewish community and its government assets. 
Klein said: “Communists control not only our government but our politics, our labor organizations, our agriculture, our mines, our industries, our war plants and our armed encampments….Antisemitism is a racket…”(Revised from Nov. 9, 2008 and July 23, 2019)


by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Shortly before his “suicide” in 1955, Henry H. Klein, a righteous Jew, uttered these prophetic words:

“Zionism is a political program for the conquest of the world…Zionism destroyed Russia by violence as a warning to other nations. It is destroying the United States through bankruptcy, as Lenin advised. Zionism wants another world war if necessary to enslave the people. Our manpower is scattered over the world. Will we be destroyed from within or will we wake up in time to prevent it?” (Pamphlet “Zionism Rules the World”

Like Robert Edmondson, Klein is another American hero flushed down the memory hole for defying the Rothschild -Rockefeller cartel. There is no Wikipedia entry for this Jew who fought the Masonic bankers all his life as a crusading NYC reporter, editor, author, city official and Mayoral candidate. (He said the Rockefellers and most other tycoons are under Zionist control.) He became a lawyer and defended pro bono Christian patriots in the famous “Sedition” Show Trial of 1942-1944.  

Klein represents the true Jewish spirit, not exclusive to Jews, of serving God, the inborn universal principle of absolute truth and justice.  Like other groups, Jews have been betrayed by the Luciferian (Illuminati) central bankers using various ‘isms including Zionism, Communism, Liberalism, Fascism, Socialism and Feminism. 

Klein dedicated his 1935 autobiography “My Last Fifty Years”to his mother “whose Instincts and Spirit were transmitted to her son.”  He can truthfully say, “In a world ruled by Mammon, I have tried to serve my fellow man…If I have exposed some hypocrites, humbugs and liars, I feel I have only further served God.”


In 1942-44,  FDR ordered a Stalinist Show Trial to punish American patriots and anti-Communists.  Since Russia was an ally, he wanted to paint his critics as Nazis and anti-Semites.  About 45 disparate activists, including Robert Edmondson, were charged with inciting rebellion among American soldiers and put in jail.  The investigation against them was conducted by the B’nai Brith, the FBI and reporters for the (Illuminati Jewish banker owned) Washington Post.

Henry Klein represented Elmer J. Garner of Wichita, Kansas, a deaf 83-year-old American patriot who died three weeks after the trial began. He had been held in the [Washington, D.C.] jail for several weeks, for lack of bond fees, and died alone in a Washington rooming house with 40 cents in his pocket. Curiously, he was first cousin of FDR’s first VP, John Nance Garner. 

Among the other persecuted patriots were: a sign painter who was 80 percent deaf, a Detroit factory worker, a waiter and a maid. (This account is indebted to “A Mockery of Justice -The Great Sedition Trial of 1944” by Michael Collins Piper & Ken Hoop.)

(left, Elizabeth Dilling with husband and friend)

More prominent targets included former American diplomat and economist Lawrence Dennis, who said “Pearl Harbor did not suspend the Bill of Rights”; Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling of Chicago, an outspoken and articulate anti-Communist lecturer;  Rev. Gerald Winrod of Kansas who had run for the Senate; and  William Griffin, a New York-based publisher with connections in the Roman Catholic Church. 

By jailing these people, FDR hoped to intimidate his more serious critics, men like Col. [Charles] Lindbergh or Senators [Burton] Wheeler [D-Mont.], [Robert] Taft [R-Ohio] and Gerald Nye [R-N.D.]


After Garner died, Klein represented Col. Eugene N. Sanctuary,73, who ran the Presbyterian foreign mission office in NYC. Sanctuary had written a pamphlet “Is the New Deal Communist?” in which he made a 35-point comparison of it to Marx’s 1848 program. [Images of Garner and Sanctuary have been scrubbed from the Internet.) 


He also wrote “The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians” (New York, 1939). He was also the author of several hundred sacred and patriotic songs including “Uncle Sam We Are Standing by You.” He was hardly the dangerous seditionist that the prosecution and the sympathetic press painted him to be. 

“This alleged indictment,” Klein said in his opening address to the jury, “is … under a Constitution which guarantees free press and free speech at all times, including during wartime…These people believed in the guarantees set forth in the Constitution, and they criticized various acts of the administration.”

(Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanism and Communism)


Klein’s defense included the following:

“We will prove that the Communists control not only our government but our politics, our labor organizations, our agriculture, our mines, our industries, our war plants and our armed encampments.”

“We will prove that this persecution was instigated by so-called professional Jews who make a business of preying on other Jews by scaring them into the belief that their lives and their property are in danger through threatened pogroms in the United States [and that] anti-Semitism charged in this so-called indictment, is a racket, that is being run by racketeers for graft purposes.”

“We will show that the most vicious written attack on Jews and on the Roosevelt administration emanated from the office of the FBI by one of its agents, and that the purpose of this attack was to provoke others to do likewise. We will show that this agent also drilled his underlings in New York with broom sticks preparatory to “killing Jews.”

“We will show that large sums of Hitler money helped finance Mr. Roosevelt’s campaign for re-election in 1936 and that right at this moment, British, American and German capital and industry are co-operating together in South America and other parts of the world.” [This points to the Illuminati as a worldwide elite conspiracy controlling both sides of every conflict.]

Klein’s speech was a critical turning point in the defense Lawrence Reilly wrote that  “Klein did much in his brief speech to torpedo [Prosecutor] Rogge’s case by bringing to light the hidden agencies responsible for its existence.”

As a direct consequence of his offensive against the ADL and the other Jewish groups that had orchestrated the trial, Klein was targeted, specifically because he was Jewish.

Klein wrote that “attempts were made to poison me in in Washington DC and to knock me off otherwise in NYC. My telephone has been tapped for more than 10 years and my mail stolen. Clients and friends were warned to keep away from me and word was sent out by the Jewish cabal to starve Klein.”

According to Revilo Oliver, Klein committed suicide in 1955 but it is quite likely he was murdered. Louis McFadden, left, the chairman of the House Banking Committee was similarly murdered in 1936. The author of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”boasts of killing opponents, especially uncooperative fellow Masons, and making the deaths look natural. 


Our society is like a snake shedding its skin. The old skin was Western civilization, devotion to God, country, human development and freedom. The new skin is a banker-controlled socially engineered plantation where the slaves think they are free.

Henry Klein fought this development but America doesn’t even know he existed. This is the fate of patriots in a land which has been totally subverted by an international satanic cult bent on translating its economic monopoly into a total monopoly over politics, culture and religion. Zionism, including organized Jewry, is an unwitting accomplice in this demonic drive to control and own everything and everyone. 

But Zionism is just one arrow in the Illuminati quiver, which includes Freemasonry, most religions including fundamentalist Islam (Salafis/Wahabis,) Intelligence agencies, corporations, governments, foundations, think tanks, the mass media, education, NGO’s etc. Essentially they have control over money and everyone dances to their tune, while oozing unction. They pit their various agents against each other in order to achieve their goal, the degradation and enslavement of mankind.  

It’s hard to say whether the Illuminati expresses a Pharisee Jewish need to control the world, or a Satanic one, or whether there is a difference between the two. But one thing is clear. Like everyone else, Jews like Henry Klein have an innate connection to God. Once we realize we are victims of a monstrous hoax, we can follow Klein’s example and express His Spirit anew. 

Related– “The Lawrence Dennis Story” 
———- Vicious Illuminati Vendetta Against Lawyer

First Comment by Dan:
Klein is one of those whistle blowers discovered enough evidence to blow the cover off a pivotal period in American political history, as is hinted in Klein’s Sedition Case address to the jury below. 

But the thing that most interests me in Klein’s work are his autobiographical anecdotes* that he became aware of a ‘Jewish Gestapo’ when his career pursuits ran up against the wall of ‘organized Jewry’ in New York during  the early 1920’s.  Klein said the Sanhedrin – the supreme law council and court that micromanaged and taxed the Jews in New Testament – he said it still exists. Average Jews never know about it unless they cross somebody or wander ‘beyond the pale’.   

“He published one example of the threatening letters he received all the time.  “Following receipt of the above threat, I received many other threats by mail and telephone because of the vicious propaganda against the defendants in the crooked sedition case. Attempts were made to poison me in Washington, D.C., and to knock me off otherwise, in New York City. My telephone wires have been tapped most of ten years and my mail stolen. Clients and friends were warned to keep away from me and word was sent out by the Jewish cabala to starve Klein”

Following are excerpts I selected from this online copy of: 

THE SEDITION CASE (contains Henry Klein’s address to the jury)

We will show that large sums of Hitler money helped finance Mr. Roosevelt’s campaign for re-election in 1936 and that  right at this moment,[1944] British, American and German capital and industry are cooperating together in South America and other parts of the world.”

“We will show that most of these defendants were indicted not because they violated the peace-time sedition law, but because they condemned various illegal acts by Mr. Roosevelt and others in the administration.”

“We will show that crimes committed by Mr. Roosevelt and others in this administration are the real reason for thisprosecution–to cover up those crimes by “pounding” other persons…That is why these defendants are now on trial after theyhave been persecuted for three years in order to save Franklin D, Roosevelt from exposure, also to save a few self-importantalleged high class Jewish citizens from the charge of violating the United States Neutrality laws.””I am Colonel Sanctuary’s attorney because he has been charged with being anti-Semitic by those who have been persecuting him and other defendants. If these persecutors had taken the trouble to read one of his books that he published about eight or nine years ago- they would have found on the fly leaf in the front part of the book a dedication by the author to the “Good Jews of America.” “…I am his attorney also in order to awaken the Jewish people of the United States to the tremendous wrong that is being done them by a handful of self-important Jewish political madmen. All Jews are being blamed for the conduct of this handful who have contributed in a great measure to the wrecking of the United States which is now on the verge of becoming a Communistic country.”
* A Jew exposes the Jewish World Conspiracy (booklet 24p)

Robert Edmondson: “I Testify Against the Jews”

(Robert Edmondson, 1872-1959)
The covid scam is the culminationof the ancient Masonic Jewish(Communist) 
conspiracy designed to 
enslave and dispossess humanity.

Robert Edmondson sounded the alarm 
in the 1930’s. He has been flusheddown the memory hole while scoundrels, criminals,traitors and perverts occupy high office.
(“Let’s Go Brandon”)


Treason doth never prosper. What’s the reason?
For if it prospers, none dare call it “treason.” 
-John Harington 1561-1612

Judaism, based on Cabala and Talmud, is a satanic cult.  Jews have been inducted into this cult, then non-Jewish Freemasons, and through them, society as a whole. We are all victims and accomplices in our degradation and fall.   (See also, “Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult”

(Slightly revised from May 2015) 

By Henry Makow Ph.D. 

Our Zionist mind controllers
have succeeded in eliminating almost all record of Robert Edmondson. Until today, there was no reference to him (or photo) on the Internet. Yet he was thrown into jail in 1936 and again in 1942 for producing hundreds of bulletins alerting his fellow Americans to an International conspiracy consisting of Communist Jews and Freemasons financed by the central bankers. This conspiracy has grown into the New World Order. 

A measure of subversion is when patriots are defamed and forgotten, while traitors are rewarded and honored. Other 1930’s patriots tarred as “anti-Semites” include Charles Lindbergh. Henry Ford, Charles Coughlin, Elizabeth Dilling, William Pelley, Louis McFadden and Huey Long. 

Their fate proves that despite what Americans think, the US is a colony of the London-based Masonic Jewish central banking cartel and its leaders are traitors. Americans haven’t been “free” for a very long time.

In 1936, Edmondson was charged with “libeling the Jewish people.” In his defense, he wrote, “I am not against Jews because of their religion, as a race, a people or as individuals, but because Jewish leadership [i.e. the bankers] is actively anti-American, is attempting to jettison the American political philosophy and take over the country, and that I would continue to be anti-Jewish until Jewry repudiated such subversion. Were the offender any other than the Jewish minority, my attitude would be precisely the same. This problem is the biggest and most acute thing in the world today…

“Knowing that pitiless publicity is the only cure for public evils, in 1934 I started on a campaign to expose Jewish Anti-Americanism and Talmudic Communism which has been called the “Code of Hell”: a “Rabbi Racket” that victimizes its own followers; an international “Satanic System” subverting France, Britain, Germany and Russia, causing the present depression and moving to take over the United States through the Jewish Radical administration [of FDR.] ” (p.69)

Faced with exposure, organized Jewry backed down. Edmondson subpoenaed “Princes of Jewry” Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Rabbi Wise, Samuel Untermeyer, Mayor LaGuardia, James P. Warburg, Walter Lippmann and Justice Samuel Rosenman. Whereupon the American Jewish Committee petitioned the court NOT to hear the case because the indictment violated the free speech guarantee of the Constitution. 

 “Jews are afraid of the truth,” Edmondson wrote. “They know that a few grains of it will blow the lid off when publicized.” (137)

Today more than ever, we are victims of brainwashing which equates defending our country, freedom, family and values with Nazi bigotry and genocide. We are under merciless hate-filled attack from the bankers and their minions, yet it is we who are accused of “hatred” when we identify them.  It’s a pathetic disingenuous ruse.  Remember the little boy who said the Emperor has no clothes? The Zionists put him in jail.


The majority of Jews are not aware of the Jewish leadership’s secret agenda, which is that of the central banking cartel. Yet unless they oppose this centuries-old plan for world government, they will be blamed for it. By their silence, Jews condone the anti-Americanism of their leaders, Edmondson said. (82)

In 1954, Edmondson published a collection of his bulletins entitled “I Testify Against the Jews.”

He quotes rare documents such as a letter published in 1880 in the Review of Jewish Studies, financed by James de Rothschild. The letter, dating from 1489, is from the head of the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople. 

It advises a rabbi in Arles France to infiltrate gentile society. Convert to Christianity as the French King demands but “keep the Law of Moses in your hearts;” make your sons merchants so “that they may despoil Christians of their [property]; doctors so that “they may take away Christian lives.” 

 “Make your sons canons and clerics that they may destroy the churches…..Arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with affairs of state in order that by putting Christians under your yoke, you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.” (71) 

Edmondson also quotes a May 11,1933, address at the Hebrew University by the famous Jewish poet N.H. Bialik which confirms a Jewish agenda few Jews are aware of. He says Jews have undermined Christianity by “deliberate Jewish conniving…it has been effected in great measure by crypto-Jews (secret Jews) who have permeated Christianity and spoken through the mouth of Christianity.”  (51)

He says these crypto-Jews are also the creators of “the Renaissance, of Liberalism, of Democracy, of Socialism, and of Communism.” (151) 

Remember Bialek was speaking in 1933: “The Gentiles have at last realized this secret–that Judaism has gradually penetrated and permeated them like a drug. The Gentile nature is in revolt and is trying to organize the final battle…They would ‘smoke us out’ of all the cracks and crannies where we have hidden. They would exterminate us like bacilli and be rid of us.” (152) (Judaism in History-A Jewish Conception in “Lines of Communication” July 1933)

This is proof that millions of innocent Jews, including my grandparents, died partly because of the demented megalomania of the Jewish leadership. Ironically, the Nazis were financed by the Masonic Jewish bankers as a way of bringing war upon the gentiles and forcing Jews to support Zionism.


Cabalist Judaism is a conspiracy against Christian civilization so successful that now it cannot be mentioned. It has inspired the bankers to recast society so that in the future, there will be no families, no marriages, no nations, no religion, no private property and no freedom.

It has divorced society from God, who is synonymous with absolute truth and justice. It has inundated us with pornography and trivia and it has debased culture. It has poisoned the well of gender and degraded relations between men and women. 

We live in a decadent, superficial, hypocritical society where people sell their souls for money and sex, and where mass media and education are devoted to pious propaganda and indoctrination. Denied the truth, we are kept in a state of arrested development, befitting children or “cattle.” 

They regard the peoples of the world and even their governments as “only children under age.” (Protocols of Zion, 15) 

We can be as politically correct as long as we want, but we can’t escape the fact that mankind is in the thrall of a Satanic force bent on enslaving us. 

First Comment from JW

Thanks for posting the article on Robert Edmondson, whom I had never heard of before – (due to his name being dropped down the Memory Hole).
What a great and courageous spirit he was ! I search for him on Wikipedia, and was surprised – apart from labeling him as an ‘anti-semite’ – that it offered a fair summary of his views.
I clicked on one of the links, on the Jewish ancestry of FDR, which you might find of interest. This no doubt explains why his administration was chockful with leftist Jews, like Morgenthau, Ickes, and Perkins in his cabinet – and many of them, like Harry Dexter White outright communists .It also explains why financier Bernard Baruch, the George Soros of his time in the influence he wielded, exercised such influence over FDR.
Congressman Martine Dies, Jr. (D-TX) blasted the terms of FDR and Truman (1933-1953) as “twenty years of treason.” Baruch, who was called “The King of the Jews” in his time, exercised much influence over Truman as well, whom he bailed out once, and aided in his rise in Missouri politics.