Almost arrested for a third time in Red Wing, Minnesota, for not wearing a mask, at a business started in America, but now manufacturing using Vietnamese slave labor, “Red Wing Shoes”

Almost arrested for a third time in Red Wing, Minnesota, for not wearing a mask, at a business started in America, but now manufacturing using Vietnamese slave labor, “Red Wing Shoes”

Almost got arrested again for not wearing a mask in Red Wing, Minnesota. Of all places, it was at the thing most people know Red Wing for, Red Wing Shoes.

They aren’t even made in America, at least they are made in Vietnam not China, but small difference. Both places were ravaged by our elites with communism, and after tens of millions were brutally murdered, our elites use Vietnam and China as slave labor. Now, they are trying to destroy our economy with these masks, and turn us into slaves too, and TENS OF MILLIONS OF USEFUL IDIOT AMERICANS ARE COOPERATING WITH THEM.

The police came, but, really didn’t want to arrest me. I told them be my guest, arrest me, the charges won’t stick anyways. Already got off twice, make it a third time. I told the woman police officer she had no business being a police officer too.

Man proposes, God disposes.

“Duty is ours, the consequences are Gods.”

Stonewall Jackson

I told the police officers if they wanted to solve the problem, go arrest the owners of the Federal Reserve. I told them just because the owners of the federal reserve print out all this fake money and buy businesses, while throwing us in jail if we print out fake money, doesn’t mean they get to make the rules.

When the police arrived, I deliberately had my back to them, and as they approached, I told them in a loud voice, “READ MY SHIRT”!

It said, and I quote verbatim, “I protect my First Amendment rights, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”, WITH THE SECOND AMENDMENT, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

After this excitement, I didn’t bring my cell phone, but the views of the Mississippi River from Red Wing are spectacular. Red Wing is named for the chiefs of the Dakota Sioux Indians who the French missionaries first found here, they wore a feather dyed red in their headdress.

Hiked to the top of the spectacular Barn Bluff, which was considered sacred ground by the Dakota Sioux. Right after I left it started thundering and lightning, to the Sioux Indians, this meant the thunder Gods were at work.

Media Hides Consequences of Single Parenting


In 1960, 9% of US Children were raised in single-parent families. By 2020 this had risen to 23% ( the highest proportion compared to 7% in the rest of the world.) 

Communist termites don’t want you to know about the turmoil created by their attack on marriage & the nuclear family. 

Single-Mother Household Facts Suppressed by Liberal Media

by Martha Rosenberg


In today’s “woke” cultural climate, there are certain things you can’t say. 

You can’t say that chromosomes, and not surgery, hormones, and clothes, determine gender. 

You can’t say that 38,000 illegal immigrants are currently in U.S. prisons. 

And you can’t say that children from single-mother households have issues.


Twelve years ago, in her 2009 book “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America,” conservative author Ann Coulter proposed exactly that in a chapter called “Victim of a Crime? Thank a Single Mother” and received immediate and lasting media black eyes.

It wasn’t that Coulter didn’t do her statistical homework. She documented that children raised in single-mother homes “are five times more likely to commit suicide, nine times more likely to drop out of high school, 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances, 14 times more likely to commit rape (for the boys), 20 times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home.”

It wasn’t that Coulter blamed divorced, separated, and widowed women, who often are victims of circumstance, in her indictment; she confined her wrath to those who choose to be a single mother.

No, Coulter’s problem was that stating the truth was a micro-aggressionIt was mean and hurt people’s feelings, yelled the women on The View–in unison–when she appeared on the show.

Yet, Coulter wasn’t alone in her sociological audacity and its result.

“Mentioning the cultural catastrophe brought about by single-parent households may be ‘insensitive,'” read an editorial in the News and Record, “but ignoring the source of the problem will solve nothing.” 

The problem? Like Coulter, the editorial cited “about 70 percent of the perpetrators hail from single-parent households.”

Scientific research confirms some of the correlations. 

“Growing up in single-parent families is associated with an elevated risk of involvement in crime by adolescents,” the authors of a study published in June 2020 wrote in the journal Psychology, Crime & Law. “More research is needed to determine the effects of the different constituting events of single-parent families.”

Growing up in a single-parent family also “has negative effects on children’s emotional well-being, cognitive development, and school performance,” and correlates with “poor school adjustment,” the authors add.

Children, notably boys, who grew up in a single-parent household commit the highest number of high-profile gun crimes says author and activist Warren Thomas Farrell.

“There’s common denominators among mass shooters, the most obvious is that they’re male–98 percent are male. A second common denominator is that they’re almost all dad-deprived males,” Farrell told The Epoch Times in April.

These young criminals “are deprived of their dads” and likely “feeling neglected and depressed,” said Farrell, the chair of the Coalition to Create a White House Council on Boys and Men.

As a reporter, I’ve also noted negative emotional consequences, such as feelings of guilt, in people who grew up in single-parent homes.

“My mother was always telling me what sacrifices she made for me and how she had given her whole life to me,” Michael, who sought recovery from addiction, told me. “She was all alone and it was difficult, almost impossible, for me to find my own partner in life. I felt so responsible for her. I still do.”

The negative results of growing up in single-parent homes, whether on society or on children, are too often buried.


Martha Rosenberg is a former advertising copywriter who knows a lot about marketing. She began as an investigative journalist and since has been on TV and radio as a health expert. Martha has taught about drug marketing tactics at a Chicago medical school and is part of the FDA press corps. Her book “Born with a Junk Food Deficiency: How Flaks, Quacks, and Hacks Pimp the Public Health,” exposes what goes on behind the scenes in the food and drug industries.

Authors Challenge Germ Theory & Covid Hoax


(David Parker & Dawn Lester)
“The germ theory is a fallacy, [and] vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and do not provide immunity to any disease.”

“Viruses and bacteria are part of the bodily process of removing toxins from the body. The body contains trillions of viruses and bacteria. According to the authors none of these viruses and bacteria are pathogenic. Viruses and bacteria are essential to the bodily process of removing dead and dying toxins from the body. While bacteria are alive, viruses are not.”

Book Review


WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? Why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong
by David Collins (
This 777-page book by two non-doctors, (Dawn Lester is an accountant and David Parker is an electrical engineer,) challenges the germ theory to its very core, a theory which is the foundation of our current allopathic medical system.
The two British authors spent ten-years researching and writing their massive book. They address every topic from small pox and polio to vaccines, the flu and the Black Death.
But the central thesis of the book is their systematic attack on the veracity of the germ theory. They repeat often that there is no evidence that viruses or bacteria cause any disease.
Chapter three is titled “The Germ Theory: A Deadly Fallacy.” After much research, the authors conclude that there is no evidence that the germ theory has ever been scientifically proven.
Proposed by Louis Pasteur in the 1860’s, the germ theory of disease caught on and became accepted by the medical establishment of the day. By the late nineteenth century the idea that germs caused disease led to the introduction of vaccines to fight the various disease caused by the so called pathogenic germs.
The authors conclude that the germ theory is a fallacy, that vaccinations, a source of healthy profits for the pharmaceutical industry, are useless and do not provide immunity to any diseaseand that Pasteur and Albert Jenner, … responsible for contributing … to the human suffering and misery….”
The authors point to the case of German biologist Dr Stefan Lanka, PhD, and his work on viruses and especially on the measles virus.
Dr Lanka… concludes that there is no virus that can be proven to be the cause of any disease.
In a recent court case in Germany the highest court held, on appeal, that there was no scientific proof that a virus was the cause of measles. While he lost at the lower court level Dr Lanka defeated the pharmaceutical industry when the higher court found that the pharmaceutical industry papers failed to prove that a virus cause measles.
So what are viruses and bacteria? The authors … say that viruses and bacteria are part of the bodily process of removing toxins from the body. The body contains trillions of viruses and bacteria. According to the authors none of these viruses and bacteria are pathogenic. Viruses and bacteria are essential to the bodily process of removing dead and dying toxins from the body. While bacteria are alive, viruses are not.
In chapter ten of the book, Lester and Parker, offer four factors which can cause ill health.
The first factor is nutrition. The human body needs proper nutrition for optimum health. The authors say that a plant-based diet is enough to provide optimum health.
The second factor is toxic exposure. The air we breath, the water we drink and the food we consume need to be free of toxins.
The third factor is EM radiation exposures. Cell phones, living too close to a cell phone tower, wi-fi technology and the new 5G are examples of possible radiation over exposure.
The fourth factor is prolonged emotional stress.
Lester and Parker recommend a plant based diet to achieve proper nutrition. They say that all the vitamins and minerals needed for the body can be obtained from a proper plant based diet. This advice by the authors should be revisited.
Much research by medical authorities dispute the assertion that we can get our vitamin and mineral needs from diet alone. Dr Joel Wallach says that we need 80 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids every day to avoid illness and disease. Dr Wallach says we must supplement every day to get the proper nutrition because we cannot get the proper nutrition from diet alone.
Humans, because of an ancient genetic defect, cannot produce vitamin C in their livers. Dogs, cats, cows, chickens and other animals do produce vitamin C in ample quantities internally.
Two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling made the case that heart disease in humans was a vitamin C deficiency and that we must supplement with vitamin C every day to avoid this number one killer of the population.
Published in December of 2019 “What Really Makes You Ill?”preceded the current corona virus phenomenon. Lester and Parker address the corona virus issue on their web page at The videos on this web page are must-listening to understand the current corona virus controversy.
In over forty five videos, Lester and Parker expand their discussion of the failed germ theory and repeatedly call the current corona virus pandemic a hoax.
Links for further reading:(1) Dr Joel Wallach –


Written By Ken Alexander

If you are like most of us, your life’s schedule is very full and overflowing. There is always something tugging at you that needs to be done, and many of us feel a twinge of guilt when we just sit and relax, read a book, or veg in front of the TV. Yet, we seem to know how important taking time for ourselves is, so “What gets left undone?”

A wise, old law professor started his class with an illustration by placing rocks into an aquarium until they reached the top and asked the class, “Is it full?” There was a resounding “No!” from the class. He reached over and poured gravel into the bowl to the top and ask, “Full?” More quietly the class responded “No.” He poured sand into the bowl until it reached the brim and asked, “Is it full?” Tepidly the students responded, “No?”

There was silence to which he then asked the class: “So what is the message of this illustration?” One student stood and said, “Sir, the message is that no matter how busy we are there is always room to add more to our work and our lives.”

“No,” said the professor warmly, “the message is that you only have one life, and if you do not get the big rocks of your most important priorities into your bowl of life first, you will never get them in. What is left undone, stays undone. Make time first for the most important things of life, family, faith, and friends. Life is all about choices, so choose wisely.”

Few readers miss the idea that TTW is a champion for Christian stay-at-home moms. Not only does she believe it is best for the children to have a full time mom at home, but best for mom and dad too. It certainly was the norm some 50 years ago, but now society, life’s needs, and the apple of success and “more things” has turned the old paths upside down for many families. We know that the pull of mom to work is very strong, and all we can do is to challenge couples to choose what they are putting first and as the priorities into their bowl of life that is quickly passing by.

Can a Mom work and still be a great wife and mom? You bet! Having worked with thousands of working moms, I have am constantly amazing at how much they can juggle and do in a day because they feel they have to. Single working moms are particular champions in my mind doing what is seemingly impossible, and thank God, many of them have their parents or siblings to help out where the huge hole is left when a dad is missing from home. But no matter how a working mom structures her day, it is impossible to not have things left undone no matter how heroic she may be. This is true of all moms but particularly true of Christian moms.

If you are a mother who is not a Christian and enjoys the flow of society and where it is taking you and your children, then putting them in public school and babysitting them with hours of social media and television is simply a part of helping your children to be indoctrinated by the things of this world. Imagine the flow of culture like a gentle river that you can just put your kids “in a tube” and let them float and they will learn all they need to learn about this world; open sexual relations, choices for what sex they want to be, following after the rich and famous, all easy things to teach to children if we just let culture do it for us.

But if you are a Christian and understand that you are not part of this world, but another, then you will be battling to swim with your children upstream against its evils and perversions and training them in the ways of the Lord.

For the Christian parents, there is much “extra” to do each day in teaching our children the ways of the Lord. Much of our time is spent protecting them from the world, and time spent teaching them Bible stories, classic Christian songs, family dinners and devotions, homeschooling, and just making sure they know that they are much loved as our God ordained priority in this life. We understand that it is difficult for our children to grow up understanding what a good, loving, and caring Father God looks like if we, as parents, have not made the same full time investment of love in them that God makes in us.

I recall the years when Lori drove the kids to various Christian activities and surrounded them with other Christian friends. Pool parties Monday afternoons with the cousins, ballet and sports Monday – Friday, AWANA on Thursday evenings, bed times stories, songs and prayers. She would often perform these duties sick as a dog with my help in the evenings, knowing that she had to get the big rocks of our priorities into our bowl of life.

There came a point when I realized that there was no way I could continue to travel 40 percent of the year and get our rocks in the bowl with a sick wife, so I canceled out half my work load and began to spend much more time at home helping with this important process of “training a child in the way they should go.” What I thought might be a year quickly turned into ten years. Ten years of life I will always thank the Lord for, because it wasn’t just best for my family, but for me. Yes, the dollars in my 401K could be far larger today if I had pressed on by piling the sand into my bowl, but God used our circumstances to wake me up to focus on my wife and children.

Our story is not fully written yet, but my wife and children have made me one very blessed man. My father-in-law and I often talk about how blessed we are to have the families that we have in Christ Jesus. It certainly was not all because of us and our efforts, but rather God seems to do a great job of filing in our gaps and weaknesses.

If you are a working mom and believe that you must work, we get it. We are not saying that every working mom has to come home in order to have wonderful children who grow into successful young adults with great families of their own. But we are asking you to think about what is most important to you by looking back from the edge of the end of your life to ask the question, “What was left undone?” Have I placed the big rocks of raising the next generation of godly children into my bowl first before adding the gravel of work and the sand of comforts and pleasures? Or is my bowl of life out of balance where I cannot see that my children are going to be strong in the Lord all of their lives because they watched mom and dad make a full-time commitment to loving and training them that will keep the remnant of the family of God alive and well for one more generation?

Please, do not believe we are judging anyone by our zeal for this important subject. You are only free to make the best choice for your family if you know what the choices are, and why it is important that we focus on both protecting our children from the world and advancing our children forward into the things of God. May the Lord bless each of you, working moms and SAHMs, for we know it is not easy to swim against the tide, but this is what we are called to do for our Lord and Savior. There is great joy and reward in serving a risen Lord no matter what He is calling us to do. Just ask Him what you should do and if it means far less time at work, trust that God never asks us to do something where He does not also give us the way and the means to achieve His will for our lives. “What God asks, He pays for.”

“Trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” Have you taught your children this or is it a rock that is still yet to be placed in the bowl?

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:2

Make Time For the Most Important Things in Life

Flashback — Flu Vaccine Killed Amina, Age 5


With dire warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO), the H1N1 virus was declared a pandemic influenza strain in 2009 — a novel virus that had spread throughout the world and seemed to pose some unique risks.
Technically Canadians were participating … in a clinical trial, with an experimental drug

Millions of Canadians received the vaccine and many were sickened. Amina Abudu died five days after getting the shot. Her family sued the vaccine maker, GSK, for $4.2 million, and after ten years, the suit was rejected. 

The Canadian government paid Glaxo Smith Kline’s legal bill. 


Rare Trial of Vaccine Side Effects Little Noticed by Tom Blackwell  (Nov 5, 2019)(
By most accounts, Amina Abudu was a happy, healthy little girl in 2009, when health authorities declared that a pandemic flu virus was sweeping the world.
A vaccine was rushed to market, and the five-year-old was among millions of Canadians to get the shot, amid widespread fears about the new pathogen.
Five days later, Amina’s older brother found her lying unconscious in the bathroom of the family’s east-end Toronto home. She was dead.
Her devastated parents came to blame the flu shot itself and sued the vaccine’s manufacturer, Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), for $4.2 million. The little-noticed trial of that lawsuit drew toward a close on Tuesday, a rare judicial airing in Canada of a vaccine’s alleged side effects.
The parents’ lawyer, Jasmine Ghosn, alleged the preventive drug was brought out quickly and without proper testing during a chaotic flu season, as the federal government exerted “intense pressure” on Canadians to get immunized.
“Given the level of limited clinical data that was available at the time, technically Canadians were participating … in a clinical trial, with an experimental drug,” she charged in closing arguments.
Even if the company is found liable for the death and is ordered to pay damages, it may not be actually on the hook for the money. The federal government agreed to “indemnify” GSK — cover any legal costs — when it contracted to purchase the pandemic vaccine.
With dire warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO), the H1N1 virus was declared a pandemic influenza strain in 2009 — a novel virus that had spread throughout the world and seemed to pose some unique risks.
Technically Canadians were participating … in a clinical trial, with an experimental drug
(Amina’s parents mourn daughter)
Governments faced major pressure to procure the vaccine and administer it widely, but at the same time there were concerns about the safety of the product — known in Canada as Arepanrix — after its rapid development.
Smaller-scale trials before the vaccine hit the market, and large-scale “surveillance” after its actual use have shown it was generally effective and safe. Some evidence gathered through analyzing its rollout worldwide suggests it increased the risk of developing narcolepsy, a neurological condition that causes extreme sleepiness.
Amina had developed pain at the site of her injection by the evening after she received it on Nov. 23, 2009, the court was told. She later developed fever and pain in her stomach, keeping her out of school.
But by Nov. 27 she was feeling better and seemingly fever free, and she returned to class. By the time she got home, though, she complained of pain in her feet and of generally feeling unwell.

The next day, she was still feverish and had a sore throat. At one point, Amina’s mother, May Hyacenth Abudu, asked her son to check on her in the bathroom.
He discovered his sister there, unresponsive, and Abudu desperately attempted CPR, to no avail.
Dr. Michael Pollanen, Ontario’s chief forensic pathologist, examined Amina and concluded that she had died from Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) — which essentially describes a fatal cardiac arrest where the cause is unknown.
 At the trial, the family brought forward evidence to try to suggest that Amina had developed a fever as a result of the vaccine, which led to Tylenol use. That in turn exacerbated the asthma the parents say the girl suffered from, leading to higher potassium levels, which could cause cardiac arrest, the plaintiffs suggested.
Yet the girl’s death did not even make it into official catalogues of possible “adverse reactions” from the vaccine, alleged Ghosn.
“There’s no arm’s length here with anybody: Health Canada … joined at the hip with GSK, deciding what is an adverse event report and what isn’t.”

The family relied in part on testimony from California-based pathology PhD and legal consultant Mohammed Al-Bayati. He was the focus of controversy several years ago when he provided a report supporting an HIV-positive mother who did not believe the virus causes AIDS, and whose daughter allegedly died from untreated AIDS. Al-Bayati, who is not a medical doctor, has also published a book denying that HIV leads to AIDS symptoms, a view at odds with decades of scientific evidence.
Sutton said Pollanen, plus a local coroner, the Toronto and Ontario public health authorities, the Public Health Agency of Canada and even the WHO reviewed the case and found no evidence the vaccine contributed to Amina’s death. And he said Al-Bayati should not be given much credibility.
“It became abundantly clear he lacked specific expertise, his review was conducted without scientific rigour, and his opinion should be given little if any weight,” Sutton told the judge.
The lawyers’ closing arguments are to end Wednesday morning, when Justice Markus Koehnen is expected to reserve his decision.

5G the ultimate depopulation weapon

My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. My book, Mass Awakening, tells the story of my personal awakening, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. It is an exposé on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future.

I could’ve gone into denial, but Mass Awakeningis my way of “fighting back” by documenting humanity awakening to these generational abusers.

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5G advertisment

Photo: Shutterstock


We live in an increasingly irradiated environment (radiation soup) with all the smartphones, tablets, Wi-Fi networks, and cell towers and their microwave transmissions. People, especially teenagers and young people, are increasingly dying of brain cancer because of the increased exposure to EMF/RF radiation, according to RF Safe and The Telegraph.

More and more Israelis, including children, report various aches and medical conditions, which emerge when they are in the presence of mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers or cell towers, according to Israel Hayom Newspaper (Does Radiation Hurt? Israel Hayom Newspaper, December 26, 2014).

Firefighters shared their testimonies of damages after cell tower was installed near their station, according to Collective Evolution.


5G will emit 10 times more radiation as it will use frequencies which are “ten times higher than those used by current network technologies” according to Euronews. 5G uses millimeter waves that are known as extremely high frequency. Although they “only” penetrate a few millimeters into the body and this is being used to quell any opposition by the telecom and other industries, “our skin is the biggest organ in the body and is linked to numerous things including immune response,” Leszczynski, an expert in molecular biology, explained (Euronews).

These high frequencies will not replace the current ones but will be added to the existing network. A spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO) told Euronews that “To account for the increase in the volume of information that will be transferred by 5G networks, more spectrum at higher frequencies will be required”; namely, it will require installing many more cell towers.


This microwave radiation surrounds us and leads to decrease in fertility (sperm count decrease), which seemingly may be related to the depopulation agenda (See Agenda 21). It was discovered that sperm is damaged even from very low radiation rate at 0.00034- 0.07 micro-watt per centimeter, according to the BioInitiative 2012 Reoprt.

Martin Pall, PhD, an expert on human effects of RF radiation, warns that humanity is approaching extinction due to infertility with the level of radiation we’re exposed to these days:

“DNA damage known to be produced by these EMFs occur in human sperm and may also occur in human eggs, leading to large increases in mutation in any children born. It is thought that an increase in mutation frequency of 2.5 to 3-fold will lead to extinction because of accumulation of large numbers of damaging mutations. We may already be over this level, and if so, simply continuing our current exposures will lead to eventual extinction. Further increases in exposures will be more rapidly self-destructive.”

According to Nexus Magazine, both the cellular masts and 5G satellites will utilize a system called the “phased array”, in which “antennas are co-ordinated to radiate pulses in a specific direction and in a specified time sequence. This allows a concentrated beam of radio waves to enable signals to be sent or received. Because the beams are concentrated in this way, this adds to their power, which means they are able more easily to penetrate buildings. But it also means that any living creature that gets in the way of such a concentrated beam will be subjected to a powerful dose of extremely high frequency radiant electricity.”


According to Dr. Cindy Russell (The BulletinJanuary/February 2017), “Smart Cities have comprehensive digital connectivity by installing a massive wireless sensor network of almost invisible small cell antennae on light posts, utility poles, homes and businesses throughout neighborhoods and towns in order to integrate IoT with IT.” TechRepublic explains that smart cities are “connected” ones which means they collect data from from IoT sensors in streetlights and other devices to supposedly provide “better services and better communication”; especially, they emphasize this will improve municipal services.


IoT stands for Internet of Things. This means more devices and appliances that will have microchips in them will send signals to a centralized system where all this data will be gathered, analyzed, and stored for purposes unknown to us. It is dubbed “the next big thing”, according to Wired.

However, it also poses serious health risks, as it will create “an expanded electromagnetic microwave blanket above each city.”  according to The Bulletin.


Accenture states on its site that, “The next generation of wireless network infrastructure will be built using small-cell networks employing 5G wireless technology. The Smart City applications currently leveraging today’s wireless networks are already showing significant benefits to communities, and are expected to transform local economies.”

Smart city tyranny is coming near you. The Epoch Times reports about the preparations to deploy the Chinese regime’s system for surveillance and controlling its citizens in Darwin, Northern Territory in Australia.


Not only will people suffer more from this increased radiation forced upon us without our consent or informing us, but it is also leading to complete control and 24/7 surveillance by the state just as in China’s smart cities, according to TechCrunch. Surveillance cameras and microphones, 5G mini-cell towers will be installed on top of LED street lights, smart meters will record all actions that require electricity use, the electric appliances and wearables will come with a Wi-Fi microchips which will gather information and transmit it to a system. This is called IOT, the Internet of Things that anything which can be connected to the system and gather information and perform surveillance on us will be connected to this system. This is what Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai said, according to IEEE ComSoc Technology Blog:

“It’s the building block to a world where everything that can be connected will be connected — where driverless cars talk to smart transportation networks and where wireless sensors can monitor your health and transmit data to your doctor. That’s a snapshot of what the 5G world will look like.”

We are fast approaching a time in which “Big Brother” will watch you everywhere all the time. This isn’t an exaggeration. Look what happens in China, because this is the plan for all countries.

According to Rachel Cheung (South China Morning Post):

“Planners tell us smart-city initiatives will improve our lives, for example by smoothing traffic flow. But a dense web of sensors, meters and cameras allied to facial recognition programs means our every move can be tracked”.

Earth before and after 5G


Dean Henderson, MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana, provides a dire warning and says that 5G is DARPA’s end game for humanity. Henderson adds that “Some say that Chemtrails is the means by which they are loading our bodies up with aluminum, since this is the best conductor for plugging us into the 5G “smart grid” […] Trans-genderism is an Agenda 21 stepping stone Trojan Horse gateway to trans-humanism, which involves the integration of 5G into our very being.

Watch the interview of Dean Henderson and Shai Danon about the real agenda behind our technologies and eugenics.

The hip-sounding Silicon Valley front men they are using to promote this Orwellian nightmare are calling it the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It seeks to integrate smart chip low-frequency weapons technology with biological processes.” This corresponds with the statement made Mooly (Shmuel) Eden, President of Intel, vision for humanity that we will all be microchipped in the future.


According to Henderson, this 5G technology leads us to the end of humanity as we will cease to be humans and become cyborgs as Mooly Eden openly stated to the audience.
” The goal is to turn us into machines which can be programmed to perform certain jobs, purchase certain things, think certain thoughts and emit negative dark emotions which will power and normalize the permanent war Illuminati blood sacrifice into an acceptable parallel reality they call “virtual reality” or “augmented reality”.”

Mooly Eden, President of Intel shared his vision for humanity that every human will be implanted with a chip that without it you’ll be unable to do anything, including paying for goods (in Hebrew: When you don’t have control over your means of payment (but controlled by remote control via the chip), you can imagine where it can lead. It starts with passing such laws that limit the means of payment (i.e. cash) and moving to virtual money. And, of course, it’s always “in your favor”. I personally noticed how they removed the tellers from all the bank branches to only one branch in the city. Pay attention because it has already started. Intel envisions chips in the brain, according to Computerworld and thousands of Swedes have already been implanted with microchips, according to NPR.


USA Today already openly discusses it that eventually everyone will be micro-chipped. It’s not a secret.

Then, according to TechRadar, our data will be mined and sold as it is already done today by “giants” like Facebook, Google and other companies that gather all the information about us on the Internet. These microchips within the electric appliances and smart meters could be monitored and shut down or hacked from afar, as it’s a centralized control system. This has already happened in China as the data collected from sensors in a smart city was exposed, according to TechCruch.


5G isn’t an upgrade of 4G LTE network structure. It will require “special equipment attached to lamp/light posts and power poles every fifty metres or so throughout towns and suburbs”, according to Jeremy Naydler, PhD (Nexus Magazine).

The plan, according to Elon Musk and others, is to launch around 20,000 satellites that will beam 5G from space to earth, as Technocracy News & Trends states.

According to Dr. Josh Axe, a doctor of chiropractic,

“5G, also known as 5th generation mobile networks or wireless systems, is considered the next phase in mobile technology. These wireless systems are the transmitters that carry signals to our cell phones and other wireless devices. While the public isn’t operating on 5G yet, it’s anticipated that over the next decade, most wireless carriers in the U.S. will shift to 5G technology. This transition is expected to bring better coverage, lower battery consumption, faster Internet connection speeds, and the ability to support a growing market of products other than phones and tablets that feature wireless integration.”

The benefits of 5G are advertised to the public as part of the creation of smart cities, super-fast downloads (downloading a movie will take seconds instead of hours today depending on different variables), and improved speed and latency of networks that will provide other functionalities, such as remote surgeries, according to EuroNews.

the 5G iceberg

This sounds so wonderful. So what is the problem with this network or new technology? 5G requires many more cell towers than those used today. Our exposure to this already dangerous radiation is going to increase exponentially and pose even greater challenge to our health. Dr. Axe writes that from 200,000 cell phone towers around the U.S. (4G LTE technology), the number of cell phone towers is going to increase to millions of towers, as 5G requires a much denser network. CIO goes even further than this and says it “could require cell towers on every street corner.”

Not only will it require millions of new cell phone towers, but also thousands of satellites to provide coverage to the rural areas on earth. “20,000 new satellites that are due to transform the planet into a so-called “smart planet”, irradiating us night and day” according to Jeremy Naydler, PhD (Nexus Magazine). This electromagnetic radiation doesn’t just bounce off our bodies or everything in the environment. If it permeates through stone and cement, these waves are surely absorbed in our bodies. “The degree to which they are absorbed can be precisely measured in what is called the specific absorption rate (SAR), expressed in watts per kilogram of biological tissue (Jeremy Naydler, PhD, Nexus Magazine). Just imagine what happens to our bodies when we fill every space we occupy – whether it’s our homes, cars or the offices where we work in – with Wi-Fi.

5G 1000 more exposure than Xray


5G is not a platform all built at once, but is multi-layered, built in stages. One such layer includes LED streetlights that are known to be carcinogenic and harmful to eyesight, according to France 24The Telegraph warns that these streetlights may double the cancer risk, according to a new research.

The deployment of the LED streetlights is one of the technologies that enable 5G and smart cities, according to Navigant Research. One layer is built on the other. Wi-Fi installed on the LED streetlights with transmitters and cameras on top, turning them into mini-cell towers, according to Energy Manager Today, with 24/7 surveillance.

Smart meters, smart TVs, smart homes, where refrigerators, washing machines and other electric devices will contain a microchip that will collect data about your usage and will be sold as the social media giants and search engines do with our data today. This makes us vulnerable because there is a central control which control these microchips and can shut off an appliance by the push of a button or the system intentionally or accidently. A smart meter can be turned off and then you’re cut from electricity.
As these technologies have never been proven safe, the growing scientific evidence suggesting immense health risks to death arising around wireless technology is a cause for concern, according to Dr. Axe.


5G is part of the UN’s Agenda 21 which is a depopulation plan aimed to depopulate 95% of the world and carried out for decades worldwide. There are many means implemented to achieve this genocidal goal, including GMOs (check the UN’s Codex Alimentarius), vaccines, smart meters, irradiated food, fluoridation of the water, chemtrails (Geoengineering), and recently 5G rollout that Trump pushes as part of a “technology race”. Something which looks very suspicious is that the Elites’ areas are exempt of this 5G deployment, including Trump’s area of summer estate in Florida, while this rollout of added harmful radiation is forced upon the “common” people worldwide, according to James Robert Deal, Green candidate for US senator for Washington.

Watch at 5:27 minute mark:


According to Deagel Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation, two third of the U.S. population (from 300 million to 100 million people) is going to be eliminated within 6 years – from now 2019 to 2025. Check here the population projections for your country here

You can see below that two thirds of Americans, as well as two thirds of Germans, and half of Israelis will disappear (or eliminated?) by 2025. The question raised is how do they know?

Population projection for the U.S. in 2025
Population projection for Germany in 2025
Population projection for Israel in 2025


How do they know that such a huge portion of the population will fade or die? “They”, those who are behind the UN’s Agenda 21, create the conditions for this disaster, according to OperationDisclosureand GlobalResearch that calls 5G a war against humanity.

The war against humanity today is not fought in the battlefields as in the past. According to GlobalResearch, it is “in the form of laser-like beams of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from banks of thousands of tiny antennas, – and almost no one in the firing line knows that they are being silently, seriously and irreparably injured.”

The following is a brave disclosure about the harmful 5G technology by Claire Edwards, a veteran UN staff member and whistle-blower:

According to care2 petition site, “The World Health Organization classified RFR’s a Class 2B Carcinogenic, and the new 5G infrastructure wants to put a miniature cell tower practically in every home. These cells towers will emit RFRs & EMFs into the air we breathe. It will be like living inside a microwave.” Please sign and share this petition to stop 5G rollout.

For those who don’t know what is Agenda 21, please read the following articles:–The%20Plan%20to%20Depopulate%2095%20percent%20of%20the%20world.pdf

If you think that this agenda of mass depopulation is too far-fetched, you can check these articles from GlobalResearchNewsTarget, and HumansAreFree.


5G technology is moving to a range of 2.45 Giga hertz, the frequency that microwave operates at.

5G weapon

Nothing like the 4G or 3G. Millimeter microwave technology beams? Scientists, experts, and concerned citizens all try to sound the alarm.

In the U.S., the federal government disabled municipalities and city councils to opt out of the 5G rollout and it’s happening anyway. It’s forced upon us. Trump allocated $20 billion dollars for the 5G rollout in the rural areas in the U.S. according to CNET. So if you think of moving out of cities to rural areas, you will not be able to avoid this hazard there either.

The New York State announces on its site that $7.5 millions are available for municipalities for smart street lighting in this state.


Part of the rational for moving to 5G is energy savings. However, according Byron Connoly from CIO, it will actually increase the energy costs by “150 to 170 percent by 2026. These extra costs will be then passed onto the consumers. This is based on a study conducted by 451 Research and Vertiv that found that “The largest cost increases will be in macro, node and network data centres.”


There are no safety tests and there will be no safety tests for 5G, as it was developed as a weapon system. It was meant to do harm! (Shai Danon, Raising the Frequency). He recently interviewed Barrie Trower, a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert (in the 1960s). When he asked him if 5G was developed as a weapon, he straightforwardly answered yes. Watch here 8:09 minute mark:

In the documentary 5G Apocalypse – the Extinction Event, Barrie Trower explains that microwave weapons were used in the past as it is today. It is the perfect stealth weapon that the government can use when it doesn’t like a particular group of people to make them sick; for example, the protesters against RAF Greenham Common, the U.S. military base in the UK or the Catholics in Northern Ireland (10 minute mark). According to Trower, it happens all over the world. It is a weapon that you’re not being aware it is used against you. A small dose of microwave radiation is more dangerous than a high dose of such radiation. It can take one to two years, but it can cause neurological damage and inflict different types of cancer.

5G uses the same frequencies as Active denial System 5G radiation weapon, according to Forbidden Knowledge TV.

5G is not a cellphone tower. It's a weapon

In a lecture highly censored by YouTube entitled 5G Satanic Agendas Exposed by Joe Imbriano (BSc. degrees in Chemistry and in Biological Science), he gives more details about the 5G weapon; especially, affecting young girls’ ability to conceive later on in life. But the most important details in his lecture are the frequencies used by the 5G of 24 GHz which is the frequency of water molecule absorption and 60GHz the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption in the body! I suggest that if it’s still on YouTube, download it to your computer or device. Watch here:

or here on Raising the Frequency blog.

In this video, Joe Imbriano explains that “LED street lighting is a directed weapon designed to attack human fertility.
LED street lighting is part of a sterilization agenda. White light at night induces sepsis, supresses melatonin, causes insomnia, destroys health, and affects human egg quality. This coupled with microwave emissions work together to enhance the melatonin suppression.”

Top secret documents about the biological effects from microwave radiation.
1. Defense intel agency (1976) –
2. US Navy (1971) –
3. Nasa (1981) –
4. Secretary of defense about DEW –

According to France 24, new findings confirm concerns that “exposure to an intense and powerful [LED] light is ‘photo-toxic’ and can lead to irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision,” the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has warned.

If you still need more proof about the lethal frequencies that 5G uses, look no further. You can read the FCC (Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology) document entitled Millimeter Wave Propagation: Spectrum Management Implications “For current technology the important absorption peaks occur at 24 and 60 GHz. […] As one would expect, the loss is highest around the 60 GHz oxygen absorption peak for all elevation angles. […] Figure 7 shows the gaseous attenuation for oxygen absorption and for water vapor absorption as a function of range, over and above the free-space loss given in Figure 1. The resonances for frequencies below 100 GHz occur at 24 GHz for water vapor and 60 GHz for oxygen.”


The EveryDay Concerned Citizen‘s had an interview with technical weapons expert Mark Steele who said “5G is a Weapons System, Nothing More, Nothing Less” […] It’s got nothing to do with telecommunications for humans. 5g is a machine to machine connection for autonomous vehicles.” […] Antenna systems located on street lights would be part of this network, pulsing passers-by, residents, drivers, walkers, and shoppers with unhealthy amounts of high-frequency radiation.” Mark Steele has a background in weapons and weapons systems, an inventor, and Chief Technology officer at REEVU Worldwide Ltd. who spoke very critically about the dangers of 5G “and the recent LED Street Lights rollout in Gateshead, United Kingdom, which he says is part of the 5G rollout.” (The EveryDay Concerned Citizen).


Mark Steele explained in this interview published on The EveryDay Concerned Citizen that the antenna contains “the complicated microchipset and dielectric antenna lens which is “beamforming,” a weapons capability “used in battlefield interrogation” which is now being brought to the streets. […] IEEE, in a video describing 5G, explains that “beamforming” is indeed an aspect of 5G, a means of sending directed millimeter wave radiation directly to a target, such as for instance, a cell phone. […] But what it implies also, says Mark, is the capability to direct a precision beam of high-energy pulses at a human–such as the human holding the cell phone or any humans in the way of the transmission. […] This dielectric antenna is DEW – Directed Energy Weapon – which can transmit a beam like laser and cause unimaginable harm.”

You can see below dielectric antenna lens which is transparent and round the end of the green device on the left side of the picture:

Photo: Mark Steele


Today we have a lot of ‘smart’ attached to things like smartphone, smart meter, smart home. People think that if you have ‘smart’ attached to something, then it makes you or those who use it smart.
But actually, S M A R T stands for Secret Militarized Armaments for Residential Technology according to Mark Steele in the excellent documentary 5G Apocalypse – the Extinction Event


I found out that when the word “smart” is attached to a title of a device, it indicates that it emits radiation and conducts surveillance. These tools include “smartphones”, “smart meters”, “smart TVs” or smart home devices in general that connect to the Internet, according to The Guardian. Smart televisions hooked up to the Internet can be used as surveillance tools. One advanced electronics company even warns customers in its SmartTV privacy policy that they shouldn’t speak private matters too close to their TV, according to BBC News.

According to Daily Mail, this is the disturbing phrase caught in the misnamed “privacy” policy, which allows this company to share this information with any party it sees fit: ‘Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party through your use of voice recognition.’


Today, Mark Steele, who exposes the truth about the 5G dangers is facing time in jail because of speaking the truth. This is to silence him as well as others who expose the truth about other “sensitive” issues. He says, “My local authority Gateshead Council has orchestrated a criminal case and civil cases to silence me with the criminal appeal listed for the 28th of March 2019. They are seeking to imprison an honest citizen for speaking out about their covert activities namely the fitting of dangerous technologies that they didn’t at first comprehend due to their complete disregard of the law.” (EMF Refugee blog).

Mark Steele in Court in the news

This is what Project Camelot said about this:
“Gateshead Council are seeking to get Mark Steele JAILED for asking persistent questions about the 5G Roll-out in his home town … but each and every resident in Communities across the UK and the West need to be demanding answers from their elected representatives! 5G is scheduled to be rolled out across the UK and much of the so-called ‘Developed World’ in 2020 …”

Please support his campaign at GoFundMe.

fighting 5G


There were simultaneous fires in the 5 cities in South Korea when they activated the 5G. The Hindu reported on the activation of 5G in South Korea on April 4, 2019 and look what happened next day and reported by The Telegraph on April 5, 2019.

The Sun provided a map of the five cities affected by this disaster.

There was a total media backout on this. There were 10,000 firefighters, 20,000 soldiers involved in the rescue operation. There were many casualties. How can it be? Because they were unnatural. They were caused by EMP – Electro Magnetic Pulse which one of the results are such unnatural fires (Raising the Frequency).


As millimeter waves of the 5G don’t travel well, as they beam at such high frequency that can only travel in direct line from one point to another, they can easily be blocked if there are any physical obstacles in the way, according to

Trees can block the 5G signals so they are being cut to the stump where they deploy the 5G wireless technology. You can see in the following pictures how they cut trees in the UK, Serbia, and in other places. Please pay attention to something similar in your environment.

Massive cutting of trees in Serbia, according to Balkan Green Energy News.

Trees being cut to the stump for 5G, according to Digital Survivor.


Contrary to the rumor that this technology is not deployed in Israel, it is being deployed here with vengeance, although it was partly developed in this country.

Shai Danon interview about 5G in Israel with Paul Seils

The Municipality of Haifa, the city where I live, replaced, according to Colbo Haifa Newspaper, 6000 regular, unharmful streetlights with extremely harmful LED streetlights which is part of the 5G rollout.
Haifa participates in a forum which is entitled “Forum 15” of the “Independent” cities in Israel. These cities implement the U.N.’s Agenda 21 by joining ICLEI, an NGO that serves as the local arm of the U.N. for the implementation of Agenda 21 locally worldwide. This NGO is called “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,”  commonly known as ICLEI(pronounced Ik-lee). It is implemented locally by municipalities of major cities worldwide, including London, Berlin, Rome. From my research, in 2008 fifteen cities in Israel joined this NGO, according to YNET News.
The founding cities of this forum are, according to Forum 15’s site, Ashdod, Beer Sheva, Givataim, Herzliya, Hadera, Holon, Haifa, Kfar Saba, Netanya, Petah Tikva, Rishon LeZion, Rehovot, Ramat Gan, Raanana, and Tel Aviv-Jaffa.
The wording describing the goals of the organization sound very appealing. However, you need to pay attention to the implementation of these goals.

The protest against the 5G rollout in Israel

The Protest against the 5G rollout in Israel

Photo: Avishag Balev

More about the first protest against 5G in Israel on No Radiation for You blog.

Trees Cut to the Stump


cut trees to the stump - Holon

Photo: Nava Aharoni

Kfar Saba

Trees cut to the stump - Kfar Saba


Impact of radiofrequency radiation on DNA damage

Wi-Fi is a Real Danger for All Humanity / Dr. Martin Pall

The Connection between Radiation and Miscarriages,7340,L-5059921,00.html

The epidemic of cancer at Rosh Ha’ain – the residents are against the cellular antennas (in Hebrew),7340,L-5470117,00.html

“Clear Evidence of Cancer” Concludes U.S. National Toxicology Program Expert Panel on Cellphone Radiation


The dangers of millimeter waves of nonionizing electromagnetic radiation had already been known in the 1970s. Translations from Russian of studies from the former USSR Science and Technology Biomedical Sciences (GUO 28/77) (1977) show the biological effect of millimeter radiowaves, including “Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitative changes of the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processes of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism”.
It should be noted that “The degree of unfavorable effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.”
(Article by N. P. Zalyubovskaya, Khar’kov, Scientific Research Institute of Microbiology, Vaccines, and Sera imeni Mechnikov, Kiev Vrabchenoye Delo in Russian No. 3, 1977, pp. 116-119).



According to Daily Mail Online, scientists, including doctors from the University of Columbia, appeal to the UN “to encourage the WHO to develop stricter EMF guidelines, while also educating the public on the risks.”

According to ReachMD, the French parliament passed a comprehensive law that “protects the general public from excessive exposure to electromagnetic waves” in January 2015. Wi-Fi is forbidden in nurseries and allows primary schools to only turn Wi-Fi for specific lessons for children under 11.

You can read here the EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2015 for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illness
According to this organization, the treatment for EMF-related illnesses is to reduce or completely eliminate the radiation source.

According to ReachMD, 220 scientists from more than 40 countries have signed an international appeal to WHO and the UN that calls for protection from EMF exposure.


People are fighting back by sharing their experiences online. You can read testimonies of microwave sickness on 5G Information.

An ex-DHS employee reveals that the shortage for TSA personnel is due to the current 5G millimeter wave technology used that caused a huge number of agents to suffer from cancer, according to 5G EMF Dangers.

According to Alt Health Works, people in California are fighting against installing 50,000 new 5G cell towers that are forced on them even in their own backyard!

Class Action Lawsuit against the deployment of 5G in the U.S. against the FCC by Municipalities Across the USA, according to


Increasing number of people from all professions, ages, and walks of life from around the world experience similar symptoms due to the presence of mobile and wireless devices. The FCC recently extended its current policy of involuntary irradiation of the public without adequately studying the potential health impact on everyone, especially, those most vulnerable to exposure to radiofrequency radiation. These vulnerable populations include pregnant women, young children, unborn children, the elderly, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the chronically ill, and the disabled (Ronald Powell, PhD, Letter to FCC on 5G expansion).

International appeal to stop 5G on earth

Dr. Scott Eberle, a highly respected hospice physician, described his own development of electro-sensitivity in the November 2016 issue of the SCCMA Bulletin. He makes great effort to continue living his life, maintain healthy existence, working in his profession, and interact with his colleagues.

• International Appeal – Scientists call for protection from non-ionizing electromagnetic field exposure
• Scientists and Doctors Demand Moratorium on 5G

• Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD in Opposition to 5G Spectrum

• In 2016, 235 medical doctors and scientists signed the 5G appeal which was submitted in 2017 to the European Commission.

• The International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space by doctors, scientists, and environmental organizations. As of June 7, 2019, 100,091 from at least 187 countries signed this appeal.

Dr. Sharon Goldberg Testifies at Michigan’s 5G Small Cell Tower Legislation Hearing October 4, 2018

A written statement has been submitted by Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc. a non-governmental organization in special consultative status. It stated that “5G is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under resolution 39/46” (What Is 5G and the IoT?).


As people are becoming more aware of the health risks associated with 4G/5G densification, they take action worldwide. Cities call and issue resolutions for further research on these technologies before deployment.

It’s no surprise that Geneva and Brussels managed to halt the 5G rollout. The United Nations Office is located in Geneva and NATO headquarters and the European Union Institutions are located in Brussels.


5G devices should not be brought home at all, including 5G smartphones and routers. Try to use a “dumber” phones – landline and previous cell phone generations.

I ditched my smartphone this week although I love it. Here’s my new “dumb” phone Nokia 3310.

New dumb cellular phone

Photo: Shoshi Herscu

I’m doing this to stop the slippery path to 5G total control, digital prison, and enslavement. If you want to see where we’re heading look at China.

Do what I did: ditch your smartphone for a “dumb” phone to stop this slippery path to genocide and total control; basically, we’re heading a genocidal tyranny… It’s up to us to decide our fate! Convenience and slavery or little less convenience and wellbeing!

Here’s the video I shared last week that explains why I did it. This is a video made by Amazing Polly, a brilliant Canadian commentator and vlogger. I suggest that you subscribe to her channel and follow her.

Grounding or earthing on a daily basis can be really good for you.

I also found some good suggestions how to reduce EMF exposure written by Dr. Joseph Mercola on Humans Are Free. Take whatever suggestions you resonate with:

  • Using Stetzer filters to decrease the level of dirty electricity or electromagnetic interference being generated
  • Connect your desktop computer to the internet via a wired Ethernet connection and be sure to put your desktop in airplane mode.
  • Opt for the wired versions.
  • Avoid carrying your cellphone on your body unless in airplane mode and never sleep with it in your bedroom unless it is in airplane mode.
  • Seek to radically decrease your time on the cellphone.


We are our own saviors and we are the ones who will determine the final outcome.
I’m dedicating this track to all those involved in the fight for liberating humanity and earth worldwide. We are the ones who fight for our health, lives, freedom, happiness and well-being which are our birthright!

Thanks to Mark Steele who shared this track with me.

The Score – Born For This

“I believe, I believe
We can write our story
I believe, I believe
We can be an army
We are the warriors, who learned to love the pain
We come from different places but have the same name
‘Cause we were born for this.”

Telecom Worker Destroys Cell Towers

This story was very important and still is, while it happened in March of 2010, it is still pertinent to today and now more than ever! Click HERE for the article.

from EMR Australia – Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Warning against rolling out more towers especially 5G

What inconvenient truth led a highly-regarded radiation expert to take the law into his own hands and demolish six mobile phone stations? As he faces sentencing this month, John Patterson talks to EMR and Health about the story behind the news. 

John Patterson is a pleasant, considerate and well-mannered man with an easy smile and a wicked sense of humour. He is also one of Australia’s leading radiation experts—a man who has been at the cutting edge of communications technology for the past 33 years.

Yet on 14 July 2007 John Patterson broke into a truck yard, ‘borrowed’ a former British army tank and proceeded to systematically demolish six mobile phone base station in the Sydney suburb of Mt Druit, before his vehicle stalled at the site of the seventh base station and he surrendered to police.

Why did he do it?

According to John, mobile phones and their base stations pose a devastating risk to human life, to nature and to the planet that supports it.

Background and experience

John’s unwelcome conclusion is one that he is, unfortunately, extremely well-qualified to make.

John is one of Australia’s leading radiation experts—a man who has been at the forefront of technology for more than three decades; a man with a passion for electronics.

A telecommunications engineer, John has worked with every communications technology there is. Employed by the Overseas Telecommunications Commission (OTC), Telecom and Telstra, he built, tested and commissioned communications systems and completed over 54 engineering courses in order to keep up to date with the newest technologies. John was one of Australia’s leading radiation measurers, a trouble-shooter and the man who found the solutions to the toughest problems.

As early as 1978 OTC trained John in ‘radiation awareness’ and advised him to keep a diary of his experiences with the cutting edge radiation-emitting technology with which he worked. At that stage, no one knew what the effects would be.

All too soon John was to find out.

Health problems

As his career progressed, John became a very sick man. ‘The more I was exposed to, the sicker I became,’ he said. The crunch came after two mobile phone base stations were installed—one on either side of his workplace. By that stage, John was having regular heart attacks which continued for four years.

In his impeccably-maintained diaries, John detailed the health effects that he observed in himself and other workers, many of whom later died. ‘Telecom had a very high number of suicides,’ he recalls.

The symptoms he observed, in order of occurrence, included:

  • short-term memory loss (including momentary lapses)
  • long-term memory loss
  • involuntary contraction of muscles and tendons
  • sleeplessness
  • chronic fatigue
  • problems with balance—at first walking, then riding
  • sore neck muscles
  • jaw out of alignment
  • vertebrae in shoulders and bottom four vertebrae out of alignment—caused by cramping of muscles
  • misco-ordination between eye and muscles
  • reduction in elasticity in body, especially throat, resulting in a ‘choking’ effect when swallowing
  • thyroid problems
  • heart problems (including heart attacks)
  • stomach valve not opening properly, leading to heart burn and nausea
  • changes to gait
  • numbing of the skin
  • black rings around the iris
  • kidney problems
  • liver problems—leading to skin problems, rashes and pimples that don’t heal. (John saw at least 1000 workers with similar skin problems.)
  • inappropriate emotional responses.

The concern for John is that the symptoms he once saw only in exposed workers, he’s now seeing in members of the public—including very young children.

Mobile phone radiation

John Patterson does not own a mobile phone—nor do many people who’ve spent time talking with him. However, he does own an impressive array of technical equipment with which he is able to measure the effects of this and similar technologies, which puts him in a strong position to offer advice.

Mobile phone technology uses a combination of frequencies that John was taught were too dangerous to be used together. It was designed to create new channels for interstate communications and undersea cables, says John.

‘It was never meant to be sprayed out in a circle.’

As early as 1978 John was warned by OTC that it could take four days to recover from one exposure to digital radio waves. Yet consider the number and frequency of exposures one commonly receives today!

Analogue phones affect only part of the body, he says, but digital phone signals affect the whole body.

According to John, mobile phone signals diminish the ability of pharmaceuticals to work and they carry disease.

For people wanting to know whether mobile phone radiation is affecting them, John suggests two quick tests:

‘When you are in a room with a mobile phone, walk outside and notice the change’. This is radio awareness which John was taught in the 1970s by OTC.

Try adding a list of numbers (or, if you are able, translating a document from one language to another). Notice what happens to your concentration when the mobile phone is switched on and signalling.

Mobile phones and powerlines

On one occasion John measured radiation levels in a suburban preschool with a concrete parking area at the front. Across the car park an electrical cable conducted electricity from the powerlines on the street to the building.

As parents waited in their cars for their children, they made calls on their mobile phones. John found that the overhead power line picked up the mobile phone signals and transmitted them to a property using the same phase of the power line, four houses away.

Powerlines can act as conductors for mobile phone signals whenever phones are used beneath them. This happens when a person makes a call on the nature strip, perhaps waiting for a bus. And it occurs when drivers using mobile phones pass beneath a power line that is crossing the street.

These signals are then conducted into people’s homes.


WiFi computer connections use digital technology, with similar consequences for users. The effects will vary according to whether a person sits at critical distances from the computer such as one wave length or half a wavelength.

Why digital radiation affects health

According to John, the digital radiation from mobile phones and base stations ‘will cause a complete collapse’.

‘We need a field structure to support life. The earth has a biogeometry that we have evolved in. If that field structure didn’t exist, we wouldn’t have evolved to what we are today,’ John explains, referring to naturally-occurring waves such as Schumann waves.

Digital technology has a ‘terminating field geometry’. In other words, it interferes with the body’s ability to respond to the fields inherent in nature.

According to John, the key reason why digital signals interfere with the body is that they affect the natural spin (polarity) of the body’s cells. ‘The body is like a spinning top charged through nature’s fields and waves. Synchronicity to these fields creates good health. When we’re unsynchronised to the spinning top effect, sickness and disease appear.’

‘Continual exposure to the polarisation of mobile phones is diminishing our ability to recognise nature’ and this, John believes, is the heart of the problem of electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

Radiation from digital technology enters our body, John says, in just the same way that another ubiquitous, every-day form of radiation—light—enters our body. Through our eyes and through our skin.

‘The radiation that enters the eyes is responsible for synchronisation and timing of the brain to body. The component that enters the skin is responsible for timing and synchronisation from body organs to the brain,’ says John.

Multiplying effect

Science has tended to look at the effects of radiation from just a single mobile phone at a time. But in reality, we are exposed to radiation from multiple mobile sources simultaneously. According to John, radiation from mobile phones and base stations interacts to create problems far worse than from a single phone or tower.

Consider for example what would happen if you placed a number of mobile phones, all operating at high power, inside an enclosed metal shell. You have created, John explains, a microwave oven. Yet this is exactly the situation that we find during peak hour in a crowded bus or train carriage.

Now imagine a corridor with rooms on either side opening on to it, such as you would commonly find in a school, a hospital or a shopping arcade. Now suppose that in each room one or more mobile phones is in use. The energy radiates out of the room and down the corridor. This creates an effect—known as cavity resonance—where the strength of the signals is amplified, creating hot spots in certain parts of the corridor. When a person reaches that point of the corridor he or she is affected by a relatively high level of radiation—even though no mobile phone is actually in use there.

Hot spots are also created by the intersection of waves—or black spots, as John calls them—from mobile phone base stations and other transmitters. Where they occur, John has seen distorted growth in trees, uncalled for emotional outbursts and, if they occur on a road, a high rate of traffic accidents. They pose a particular risk to motor bike riders as they affect balance.

In one home in which he measured, the wife routinely blacked out when she sat in a particular chair. Needless to say, it was a hotspot for radiated signals from nearby antennas.

What does this mean for you and me? It means that each of us is being passively irradiated—whether or not we like it—not just from mobile phone base stations and transmitters, but from other people’s mobile phones. It means that phone users are creating a confluence of radiated signals that are interacting with each other, affecting our bodies, our minds and our behaviour.

Phones and vibrating machinery ‘No mobile phone should be used in any vibrating steel area,’ John advises strongly. The electromagnetic radiation from the phone is absorbed by the vehicle and reradiated. This creates a potent combination of high and low frequency signals that is particularly harmful. Drivers of bobcats and other industrial machinery are advised to take note.


John has identified a number of problems with Australia’s radiation protection standards.

‘The old Australian/New Zealand Standard C95.1 stated that there should be only one pulse every ten minutes’. However, this was removed in the subsequent standard (AS2772.1) and there is no current restriction on the number of pulses to which a person can be exposed. In one office John measured 33,400 pulses per second! This is over 20 million times the number of pulses considered ‘safe’ in the old standard!

Current international standards are based on heat, which John considers to be an inappropriate basis for addressing health effects. ‘We should measure the relationship of the electromagnetic field to the bioelectric field,’ he says.

Therefore, rather than measuring the amount of radiation absorbed in the body in watts per kilo, we should measure in decibels (dB), John says.

Demolition of the towers

What was it that led to the demolition of the 6 mobile phone base stations in 2007?

‘In 1997 I took a legitimate measurement. I submitted an OH&S report that [the measurement] was a “dangerous occurrence”. This is the highest rated danger on the OH&S scale and meant that by law the installation should be shut down immediately.’

The result, however, was something quite different. John was sacked on the spot. Moreover, other staff members who found out about the measurement were also sacked without warning.

John then proceeded down the legislative channels that were available to him. He contacted in turn Standards Australia, the Australian Communications Authority, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, the Local government Association, Federal Parliament and finally the military. None of these agencies provided any support, though some authorities confirmed that John’s measurements and his conclusion were both correct. Finally a parliamentary committee concluded that John should deal with the problem in his local area.

So he did.

John appropriated a tank—and the rest is media history.

John’s attempt to obtain justice, to see the dangers of mobile phone technology addressed has cost him dearly. He has been gaoled, drugged and brutalised. He has lost his home and his savings. He is now working voluntarily for the firm that owns the tank he used for the demolition of the towers. He now faces final sentencing on March 5.

How to reduce exposure

John has some well-considered advice for those wishing to reduce their exposure to mobile phone radiation.

  • Minimise the use of mobile phones in buses and trains in peak hour.
  • Avoid closed rooms with mobile phones.
  • If you use a mobile phone in the car, wind all the windows down—(‘For a mobile phone signal to go through 3 mm of glass it has to double its power.’) Tinted glass is less permeable to mobile phone signals again, causing the phone to increase power.
  • ‘Pregnant women definitely should not use mobile phones. The foetus absorbs the radiation that its mother absorbs.
  • Don’t send SMS messages as the mobile phone transmits at maximum power for this.
  • Don’t use mobile phones inside bobcats and vibrating industrial machines
  • Industry should double-check the work of its employees because momentary memory lapses affect productivity and pose a liability risk.

Shocking! 5G Cell Tower Components Labeled ‘COV-19’

Ethan Huff

Reports are coming out to show that some of the electrical components being used in 5G tower installations bear the marking of “COV-19,” which just so happens to be almost identical to COVID-19, the name used for the infection supposedly caused by the Wuhan coronavirus.

shocking! 5g cell tower components labeled 'cov 19'

The “Patriot Street Fighter” account on Telegram is one of the latest to share video footageof the components, which can clearly be seen with the marking of COV-19 on their chipsets.

5G component installers all around the world have reported similar markings on the equipment going into their towers, which shows that the phenomenon is strangely widespread and clearly not coincidental.

As you may recall from early on in the plandemic, reports emerged about how Wuhan, China, where it all originated, had just turned on its 5G towers at almost the exact same time that area residents started to get sick. Some of them got so sick that they dropped dead in the streets, or so we were told.

Donald Trump fast-tracked the rollout of 5G here in the United States not long after that, and here we are a year later with many who are sick and dying, purportedly from the “virus.”

What is really going on here? We will leave it up to our readers to decide if there is a connection between 5G and the symptoms and sickness associated with the Chinese virus.

Be sure to watch the following video from, which shows yet another COV-19 chipset component being used in 5G installations (WARNING: LANGUAGE):

Also read: Woody Harrelson Says 5G May Be Tied To Coronavirus Pandemic

Vaccines And 5G, Not Some Phantom “Virus,” Are Spreading Disease And Death

Throughout the past year while tens of millions of Americans were on lockdown, telecommunications carriers were busy installing 5G chipsets in towers all across the land, including at schools where developing children spend all day in the classroom.

Could it be that 5G radiation exposure produces the very same symptoms that are now being blamed on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19)? What about Chinese virus injections? Are they, too, producing symptoms that mirror those caused by exposure to 5G radiation?

Perhaps the jabs and the towers are delivering a one-two punch, creating the same health problems together.

All of it combined is a recipe for health disaster, and yet the mainstream media is solely focused on the “virus,” with the occasional mention of a “rare” blood clot or death.

Try as they might to convince us all that only the “virus” is dangerous, while everything they propose as the “solution” is perfectly “safe,” millions are waking up to the fact that it is all a sham.

“Oh dear, technocrats, the cat’s out of the bag,” wrote one Brighteon commenter.

“Targeted frequencies causing certain designer illnesses in conjunction with bioweapons.”

“If real, what more proof do you need, 5G deniers, than the wording stamped right on the custom-made RF modulator module (which determines output frequency)? The FCC must be investigated.”

Another responded by recommending that those interested check out the book The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Lifeby Arthur Firstenberg.

“Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before — from an environmental point of view — by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet,” part of the book’s synopsis reads.

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite to control Population and make Millions?

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite to control Population and make Millions?

Herland Report: Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: Former Arizona police officer-turned conservative political commentator Brandon Tatum unloaded on President Biden and the press for politicizing the Derek Chauvin trial, and insists that so-called ‘systemic racism’ is simply manufactured by politicians and the media to earn votes and make money.

“I think we’re living in the twilight zone,” Tatum said of the Chauvin trial. “This conviction, in my personal opinion, did nothing for our country. People are living a lie. I mean this is one police officer, one person in the community, they found him guilty, this was the swiftest justice I’ve ever seen in my life. The day after the film came out he was arrested. He was tried. 10 hours of deliberation, he was convicted. I’m not really sure why people are acting like this is monumental,” writes Tyler Durden, Zerohedge, quoting Tatum.

“Also, he did not get a fair trial in my personal opinion. There was a lot of obstruction that happened. They paid the family out $27 million before the jury could be selected. I mean, they’re going to have a case in appeal. I don’t know why people are celebrating and I don’t know why this is such a big focal point other than – people are making money off of the pain of people in our country.”

The BBC host then asked Tatum if he was upset over this “landmark” case?

“This is not a landmark case, this is a political agenda,” Tatum shot back. “They’re pushing laws in our country. Policing in America is not inherently racist. We don’t live in a racist country. This was an interaction between a police officer that I thought did the wrong thing, and a black man who was on drugs high, resisting arrest, and ended up being killed by that police officer. That’s as simple as it can be. The President of the United States got out and made a fool of himself trying to promote racism in a simple police encounter that the officer got convicted on.”

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: “So you reject President Biden’s comment about systemic racism and it being a stain on the whole nation?” the host replied.

“Yes, President Biden is an idiot in my personal opinion, and he’s just talkin’ because he’s a politician. Systemic racism – I mean if you look at Joe Biden himself, he spoke at a Klu Klux Klan-member’s funeral and did the eulogy of Robert Byrd … We don’t have a problem with racism in our country, we have a problem with people not following the law. We also have a problem with politicians making up things so they can get re-elected. And that’s exactly what has been happening. That’s why you never see anything change. They’re lying to us.


Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: The host then tried using woke racial statistics, arguing: “So the rate of people being killed by police – the rate is higher amongst black people than amongst the rest of the population. How do you account for that if that isn’t a systemic racism problem?”

Tatum shut that down with force, replying: “First of all that’s not true, twice as many white people are killed by police every year. Twice as many white people are killed unarmed by police every year – you just don’t see it.”

“There’s a gentleman named Tony Timpa. I bet nobody has any idea who Tony Timpa is. Tony Timpa was murdered in the same fashion as George Floyd was killed, but because he was white, we don’t hear about it and nobody cares about it. Nobody’s talking about police reform when he was suffocated and killed. But they only talk about it because George Floyd is black.”

“Black people commit over half of violent crimes in this country, and only make up 13 percent of the population. They commit over half of the murders in this country, but only make up 13 percent of the population – and we can agree that 13 percent of the population aren’t the criminals.”

“There’s only a small fraction of the black community that’s doing this. So that explains why police are in the black communities more, and that explains why black people are incarcerated more. They are making up lies saying that it has anything to do with racism.”

“Do you understand that there’s black police officers too that patrol many of these majority-black cities? Are they racist? No, that’s not the case. They’re just making things up in my personal opinion, and they’re riding a wave of dead black people in order to make money and get political leverage.”

Bribing young people to get the death vaccination!

By Catherine Smith

April 27, 2021

West Virginia will give $100 savings bonds to residents between 16 and 35 who get COVID-19 vaccinations, the New York Post reported.

The Republican governor Jim Justice announced the incentive measure Monday as a large share of the state’s eligible population have not received even one dose of the vaccine.

“We’re going to give a $100 savings bond to every single one that steps up and takes their vaccines,” Justice said at a Monday press briefing, according to WSAZ. Those young people who already received their vaccine will be paid retroactively.

Justice said he would like the state to vaccinate roughly 80 percent of residents between the ages of 16 to 35.

Last Friday, state officials urged young residents to get vaccinated, WOWK reported.

“We have doses available. Plenty of doses available to get to West Virginians,” said retired Adjutant Gen. James Hoyer, who is leading the state’s Joint Inter-Agency Vaccine Task Force.

As of late last week, about 40 percent of the state’s eligible population had still not received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to WOWK.

West Va. to Give $100 to Young People to get COVID Shot