My home was not one of peace when I was growing up. My mom and dad argued regularly when my dad was home which wasn’t often because he worked so much. They were not happy together at all. There were times in my teenage years when I wish they would have divorced, but those thoughts were fleeting.
However, they stuck it out until the day my mom passed into the arms of Jesus. When my mom was around 80 years old, she began having mental issues of not remembering and not being able to speak clearly. She was dizzy constantly too. My dad made a promise to himself that he was going to spend the rest of her life caring for my mom, and he did.
She began seeing all of the good in my dad. He definitely has the gift of caring. He’s a doctor, so it was a good gift to have as a doctor. He did anything he could to make her life more comfortable. She frequently bemoaned the fact that she had spent almost all of their married lives arguing. She regretted it terribly. He was a good man, and she could now see this clearly.
I often hear women bring up the idea that it’s better for children to grow up with divorced parents rather than be raised in a home with a lot of arguing between the parents. This isn’t true. Children need and want their parents under their same roof (unless their mother or father is physically violent with them).
My sisters and I have been talking a lot about our childhoods recently. We all felt very loved and secure in our home growing up. We knew my mom would always be there for us, and my dad would be home every night and on the weekends. This instills SO much stability in children. We are all secure and stable adults because of it. One’s childhood can affect them for life. Our childhoods mold us into the adults we are today.
It’s FAR better for children to have their parents living with them than suffer through the devastation of a divorce. Step families and all of the fall out from divorce is far worse than having arguing parents.
With up to 80 percent of divorces being initiated by women, women NEED to hear this message. They need to hear how devastating divorce is upon the children. I was just talking to a woman recently who told me her parents divorced when she was 30, and it still hurts her deeply today. Numerous people agree with this. In fact, most children from divorced parents feel this way.
Women will fight this since they don’t want to believe that their divorcing their husbands for reasons other than adultery and abuse was okay. They weren’t happy, or they had grown apart, or they didn’t get along, or any numerous reasons just doesn’t cut it for children. My mom and dad were completely opposite in almost every way, but they stuck it out for life.
Instead of seeking one’s own illusionary happiness, seek the goodwill of your children instead. Become the wife that God has commanded that you become. Allow His Word to transform you. DON’T be conformed to this world! You will never reap God’s bountiful blessings if you do things the world’s ways.
My parents were both so thankful they stuck it out. As an adult, my children have many happy memories of their grandparents being at their weddings TOGETHER. Going to holidays at my parent’s home and celebrating many things together as a whole family. Our family was united, not divided because of the choices my parents made, and we are thankful.
For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Divorce is Far Worse Than Having Parents Who Argue