
Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza.

The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.

The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.

COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness. 

Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.

The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers. 

In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into into disarray.

This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.

This was abject nonsense. There was no evidence that the asymptomatic infected anyone. Those at risk of severe illness were the small minority of people who already had serious comorbidities, often due to their age.

The mass house arrests (lockdowns) and other measures, such as wearing face masks, were then used to increase the infection risk, to reduce broad levels of population immunity and give the false impression of an extraordinary public health threat. The removal of health care for every other disease, including cancer and ischaemic heart disease, coupled with the health costs of increasing deprivation and immunosuppressant policies, were then exploited to bolster the illusion of a pandemic.

This does not mean that COVID 19 didn’t kill people but those who died of the disease were a small percentage of the total numbers claimed. COVID 19 had no discernible impact upon all-cause mortality. The increase above one of the lowest ever 5 year mortality averages was mainly caused by the withdrawal of health services, as increasing numbers of people died in their own homes or in overburdened care settings, without receiving normal medical attention. 

Despite these efforts, mortality in 2020 was still only the 9th highest in the first two decades of the 21st century and one of the lowest age-standardised mortality rates in the last 50 years.

COVID 19 presented virtually no risk to those of working age an none at all to the young. There was no evidence that children were either at or presented any risk. The school closures were part of the pseudopandemic psy-op. They gave the misleading impression of an emergency and provided fraudulent justification for vaccinating children.

The pseudopandemic was planned to lead to the complete transformation of our culture and society. It has irrevocably changed our relationship with governments, has caused catastrophic economic disruption, shutdown global trade and saw millions become reliant on government subsidies. The pseudopandemic was the opening salvo in a global coup d’état.

The new pseudopandemic biosecurity apparatus is designed to control our behaviour as we are forced through a global transformation. Those behind the pseudopandemic intend to change the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) and establish global governance in the shape of technocracy. Technocracy is a neofeudal, totalitarian system based upon communitarian principles.

We will be offered the illusion of participatory democracy through our required participation and belief in “civil society.” Civil society will be a “stakeholder” in the Technocracy. However, civil society will only be allowed to pursue polices set at the global level.

Applied psychology was used throughout the pseudopandemic to fix our “choice environment.” We were conditioned to believe that following the rules was the responsible and moral choice. In reality our behaviour was being deliberately altered to ensure our compliance with the diktats of the biosecurity state, preparing society for the transition to technocracy.

The new global IMFS is built upon carbon trading and a $120 trillion carbon bond market is currently under construction. Assets are being defined in terms of their Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics which rate investments depending upon their environmental, social and governance (ESG) score. 

These metrics have been established by the World Economic Forum working in partnership with the central banks, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other stakeholder capitalists, such as the investment firm BlackRock.

The global system of central banks, headed by the BIS, are “going direct” by directly funding government policy. They have linked monetary policy to fiscal policy which means ultimate control of all government spending by the BIS. The Financial Services Board of the BIS regulates ESG’s and determines the value of sustainable financial assets.

In this way, the global technocracy will facilitate the continuation of crony capitalism, as only the right stakeholders will receive the approved ESG rating. Those who don’t will not be able to raise the investment capital they need and will be forced out of business.

“Going direct” began before the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global pandemic. All of the economic and financial responses to the pseudopandemic, such as furlough and business support packages, were agreed as part of the “going direct” plan in August 2019.

The so called economic stimulus of Quantitative Easing (QE) is a fraud. It is based upon the unbridled monetisation of debt on an unprecedented scale. Going direct means that the toxic junk assets of the financial institutions have been taken on to the balance sheets of the central banks. Thus creating unimaginable levels of public debt that can never, and will never, be repaid.

The QE money, created out of absolutely nothing, has been pumped into the financial markets for the continued enrichment of the right stakeholders. The vast expansion of the money supply will shortly lead to hyperinflation. The mass unemployment that will occur as a result of the austerity, caused both by the staggering levels of debt and our transition to a new IMFS, will create stagflation.

The new net zero carbon economy will mean permanent austerity for the majority. The Technate will provide a universal basic income (UBI), or some variation of the concept, to be paid in Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC). This will mean that no one will have their own money, other than the chosen stakeholders, as all transactions will be monitored and controlled by the central banks.

Those who oppose the neofeudal authority of the corporate, stakeholder Technate and refuse to comply with the imposition of biosecurity obligations will have their CBDC restricted or switched off. The pseudopandemic has established the framework of the biosecurity state that will control all our lives. The vaccine passports are the gateway to full biometric identity for every citizen in the new normal Technate.

We will be required to show our biometric ID on demand. Access to goods and services will be monitored and restricted as desired by the Technate. UBI and CBDC combined with biometric ID will ensure our compliance. The central planners of the Technate will oversee the AI controlled system which will automatically limit the freedoms of those who defy the rules decreed by the stakeholder capitalists.

Money, as we currently understand it, is no longer required by those behind the pseudopandemic. The net zero carbon economy enables them to seize control of the “global commons.” This means that they will have dominion over all of the Earth’s natural resources. All land, the oceans, the atmosphere and even space is being converted into assets via Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics.

Not only will we have no money of our own, we will be unable to access the resources we need to survive without permission from the Technate. While this system of technocracy has been planned for more than a century, it was the financial collapse in 2008 that led the pseudopandemic planners to increase the pace of transformation. The monetisation of debt had long been the source of their authority but this IMFS was unsustainable. As all money was debt, its eventual collapse was inevitable. It passed the point of no return in 2008.

With their going direct plan in place, the stage was set for the pseudopandemic. SARS-CoV-2 provided the perfect opportunity and the core conspirators behind the pseudopandemic had trained extensively in readiness for the operation. We were then barraged by a mainstream media propaganda campaign and military’s information warfare units were deployed to control our “choice environment.”

Scientific and medical doubts were censored as the suspension of normal democratic processes was exploited to introduce the biosecurity state. Laws were passed to allow government to commit any crime it wished in pursuit of stakeholder capitalist sustainable development goals. Laws to end the right of protest and censor free speech are moving unopposed through the legislature as national governments, who are no more than stakeholder partners within the new normal technocracy, prepare us for the coming Technate.

For the core conspirators of the pseudopandemic this is the realisation of their long held dream of global governance. They are steeped in the mythology of eugenics and population control. Once they have total control of the global commons they will no longer need us as consumers and are intent upon significant population reduction.

As insane as this all sounds the evidence, explored in pseudopandemic, is overwhelming. We are facing global neofeudalism unless we act now. Herein lies our hope.

The core conspirators have no real power. It is an illusion that they are desperate to maintain. They invest billions in propaganda, hybrid warfare and security systems because they are terrified that we will realise what they are doing. 

Their plan can only succeed if we believe their lies and comply with their orders. If we don’t there is nothing they can do about it.

We can reset the world.


Glen Oliver Muise – Authentic Canadian Defies the Globalist Traitors


Glen Muise, 66, left with cat Clyde,14, sent this letter to his local newspaper in Nova Scotia.
“Now, the delta variant, which has the exact same symptoms as my hay fever which comes every year. You can’t make this stuff up. I woke up this morning as I do every June and July with a runny nose and a scratchy throat. I guess I’m doomed.”

Glen Oliver Muise is from a long established Acadian Family.  He is a former coal miner and activist who graduated from university in 1989 majoring in political science. He ran for Mayor on Cape Breton in 1995, and exposed the whole Agenda 21, sustainable smart city bullshit. He was jailed on trumped up charges but they could not get him off the ballot. They stacked the ballot with liberals and fixed it so he could not communicate with the outside. He has been boxed in and on the no-fly list ever since. The only candidate for Mayor that has run for office from jail. He had the flu last November; they would not test for antibodies because they knew it was just the flu.

To The Editor,

The past 18 mos. have produced unintended consequences for our medical community. The simple act of warning patients of poor choices concerning personal medical decisions has disappeared. Doctors are being warned if they step out of line during this “emergency” and promote anything but diagnostics of coronavirus, they will be dismissed or refused services at local hospitals as observed across Canada.
Our own Chief of Emergency medicine, Dr. Chris Milburn,left, has been dismissed without cause.
His Crime, questioning the narrative of a Public health officer who has never treated a patient: A person who was relegated to tracking bacteria by paper and diagnostics . Now he has us in his grip. The “Emergency” he declared on the given timeline. Why do I say that? When I had the virus last November, several other people had it too. The lockdown was scheduled for Feb-March so infections on Cape Breton were not disclosed last November. WHY?The doctors have no voice in treatment; they have been under a spell, a contagion of the mind. When I visit a doctor and tell them I have a disease with no symptoms, they tell me I have a mental disease as there are no symptoms to treat.
I leave without finding the asymptomatic virus hiding within my DNA unless I take a PCR test which can find my grandmother’s corona virus from 1918 given the cycles they magnify in the PCR test.
The continuous virtue signalling of uninformed people is very apparent when you see grown adults wearing masks outside in 30c weather with a 25k breeze. When you see children who are not getting sick being forced to wear masks inside poorly ventilated spaces .
Across Canada only 1300 children have tested positive from PCR testing, most false positives. 1 death of a 13 year old overweight girl with preexisting conditions.
There is no reporting of adverse effects of the MNRA injection. Doctors are forbidden to warn patients of side effects from the injection for fear of losing their licence. The reason being given is that if you tell people they may experience side effects from the injection of an unproven vaccine ,their brain may give them a false positive even when magnets stick to their injection site (proven) or if they get sick or die from the injection. They call death from vaccines a breakthrough event. Bizzare.
How many PCR tests have been given in Nova Scotia; how many were false positives and how many people have died from the virus and not underlying conditions?
What level of magnification were used?
Any test above 27 cycles is not reliable yet it shut us completely down. 99.3 percent of covid cases survive and I am one. The Flu disappeared and covid emerged strange days indeed; most peculiar momma.
Now, the delta variant, which has the exact same symptoms as my hay fever which comes every year. You can’t make this stuff up. I woke up this morning as I do every June and July with a runny nose and a scratchy throat. I guess I’m doomed.
No wait, I have the antibodies they will not test for. What a relief. Science says, when you survive a viral load of any virus we retain antibodies to prevent a future attack,that’s what the natural immune system does, that’s science.
They called the flu covid, They fooled everyone into taking a MNRA genetic enhancement of which we have no tests to prove how dangerous or beneficial the jab really is.
(These signs have appeared in Glen’s neighborhood. We are a people under siege by a traitorous government.)
They stopped all animal testing when all the ferrets died. HUMMM. After just 1 month, every big pharma company had the jab ready to go and save them from bankruptcy as many were in trouble. Research it!
Moderna had never before made a vaccine. Just trust them.They are big and they only make a few mistakes and by the way you can’t sue them if they kill your family with the jab or make them sick for life.
In closing, How long will people put up with this nonsense? Fear of getting sick when 99.3 % survive is irrational . Turn off the TV . —–RelatedGlen Muise on Bitchute
———-Medical Mafia in Saskatchewan fire Dr. Francis Christian