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Vaccines: Why Are People So Reckless?


COVID VaccinesPeople make no sense …
by Jennifer(
I have had occasion to discuss the COVID vaccine with people who believe in it, who have already gotten and/or who plan to getting it.  
When I try to warn then of all the dangers and side effects including death 
Here are the responses I get. 
 “I hate my life –I would be grateful to die from the vaccine –it can’t be worse then my life” –50 year old male married computer engineer graduate degrees

“We all have to go sometime”  unknown woman 50s waiting in line at the pharmacy to get the COVID vaccine

“If its my time -then its my time I’m ready go…” 85 year old woman widowed, attorney – JD from University of Chicago 


“I don’t care if I die from COVID or the COVID vaccine –I’m just getting the vaccine so I don’t spread it to other people–a courtesy.”  -woman unmarried, 45 years old hispanic teacher. 

“Only a very small percentage die or have side-effects from the vaccine, but there is a bigger risk of dying from COVID.  So, it’s worth it to me to take the risk.  I already go my first shot.” 70 year old male unmarried attorney 
” I got the shot !  No mask.  I had to go out of my way to get my husband and I the shot. We drove to another county because its so packed with long lines in Los Angeles.” –60 something year old woman married, educated Middle Easterner.
One Week Later:  I run into this same woman in the park walking my dog and she is wearing a mask.  “I thought I wouldn’t have to wear the mask anymore. But now they are saying we still have to wear the mask…I got the shot because I was under the impression it would protect me from getting COVID and passing COVID –but evidently that is not the case… I don’t know why I got the shot …. Do you think the vaccine is dangerous ?”


My Reply: ” Yes, I think people who got the shot will be dead in six months to a year.”
The woman just wondered away from me in a state of disbelief and dissociation. Another woman in her 60s was in ear shot and she said thats not true. The vaccines are safe and they work.
Well we will see in one year who was right.

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