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Communists trying to steal US Election!!

November 4, 2020 


Trump, via tweet, which was then censored by Twitter.
“We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed!”Mail-in ballot delays are hitting now: WI (no way we’re announcing tonight),MI (Friday), PA (no count anytime soon) and GA (biggest Dem county stopped counting, Trump leading by 300k).
MI, PA, NC, WI, GA —- Trump leads in every one of these states. So the Dems have stopped counting votes here. — Call these states for trump and he wins. 

by Henry Makow PhD
This is the most important US election in history and the Communist Deep State is trying to steal it. 
Literally, our freedom is at stake.  Our future, and that of our families, is at stake. 
Communists don’t play by the rules. They believe the “end justifies the means.” 
They stoop to censoring, intimidating, or even killing anyone who stands in their way. 
They are quite capable of rigging this vote. 75% of my readers agree (see Twitter poll.) 
When you count the vote, you could run a mule as your candidate, and be assured of victory. Hunter Biden’s laptop has shown that his father is a Chinese agent, but the Communist MSM suppressed this information.  The “big guy” is a gangster, a traitor, and an unrepentant pedophile. He is also senile, bordering on demented.  But, when you count the vote…
I just can’t believe that nearly 70 million Americans voted for a man affiliated with Antifa and BLM who rioted, looted, and turned their downtowns into war zones. A man who was taking kickbacks from the Chinese. 
Only someone who planned to rig the vote would run this embarrassment. He is a raised middle finger to America and all it stands for. He exemplifies the contempt that Satanists have Americans.
A well-connected contact sent this yesterday afternoon. I ignored it because I was confident Trump would win a landslide victory. 
Demonrats/Globalists have hacked & hijacked the voting system and the Military “white hats” are trying to get it back.  Within the Military are Globalists, who are working for the Biden/Commie/Globalist team The hacked/hijacked voting system will make it look like Biden won by 3 points.The Military “white hats” are very concerned –my contact said, “This was not supposed to happen, the Trump Military “white hats” thought they had this loophole secured, however, they do not, they lost the server  –it was stolen -removed by the Globalists and the Military “white hats” are looking for it. The stolen server will just say that Biden won.Does this sound insane?     Yesterday my contact was very calm –he told me, Trump has the votes and can win this fair and square and they are prepared for the Globalists corruption –But today he is totally panicked –he is a high up person that will be put on a death list if the Globalists get in, so he may have to flee the country– just like Trump said he would do if the Globalists get in!

We cannot allow tyranny to be imposed by subterfuge. We have to draw the line. This election is that line.
Whatever his shortcomings, Donald Trump is a major obstacle to globalist plans. He must emerge victorious or we are doomed.———
RelatedTrump Charges Counting Fraud Trump’s Election Night Statement

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