The glaring hypocrisy of all Democrats criticizing Hakeem Brown

When news broke of City Council member Hakeem Browns horrendous criminal past, including punching his pregnant wife in the stomach, allegedly resulting in the probable death of his child, there were many area Democrats who were aghast.
Open Vallejo, who is to be commended for superlative reporting, isn’t in Vallejo to help Vallejo. He is sponsored by outside forces who hope to control Vallejo by whipping up race tensions and attacking our stability with repeated attacks on the police. Since Open Vallejo has begun work in Vallejo, there has been a massive breakdown of law and order, and their many libels and slanders, always reflecting badly on Vallejo police, never on Vallejo criminals of all colors, has led to the highest rates of murder, rape, and violent assaults in Vallejos history, this year.

Evidently, the outside forces who fund Open Vallejo, Geoff King, and his fellow mercenaries, do not want Hakeem as Mayor, so Geoff King was commissioned to launch his hit job. Geoff King is not a random do-gooder here to help Vallejo. He and Open Vallejo, among with the Vallejo Times Herald, the ACLU, BLM, B’Nai B’Rith, Freemasons, and many other organizations, are here to control Vallejo, though they don’t always get along, like most families.
Yet, consider the Democrats, especially the Democrat women, who are clutching their pearls in dismay over revelations of Hakeems brutality towards women. These hypocrites support abortion, which murders babies far more painfully and effectively than Hakeem punching his pregnant wife in the stomach.

These white liberal women who pretend to be so appalled by Hakeems actions, openly support abortion and the genocide of the black race, though they always publicly pretend to care a lot about “people of color” as they support the disastrous welfare, education, and entertainment systems that have led to so much dysfunction in all races in America, but, which has been most telling in the black community, due to deliberate policies of white, Democrat, Communist sympathizers, like Woodrow Wilson, and his Federal Reserve and income tax, FDR and his New Deal, JFK and his New Frontier, and FDR’s protege LBJ, and his Great Society and War on Poverty. It’s no coincidence that Democrat cities have the highest crime, poverty, and homelessness, particularly among “people of color” as they are fond of saying when their faux sympathies are paraded for public view. The Democrats only pretend to care about “people of color” to Manipulate the black, Asian, and Latino communities, gaining their votes, giving Democrats power and wealth, and leaving minorities in dysfunctional and deteriorating cities. But, every election, lying Democrats are back to promise “change”. It’s as if the dysfunction the Democrats create is a perfect persuader for people to vote Democrat to get rid of it, but it never happens.

All Democrat Presidents since Wilson have always worked to expand Government, shrinking individual liberties, and expanding taxes and regulations. They have been aided by lukewarm Republicans who sometimes did as much or more than Democrats to enslave America. Tricky Dick comes to mind and his dealings with Communist China.

Sadly, it appears that Hakeem, after his troubled past, like Malcolm X, began to see that the police weren’t the problem, and he is right. But, in a city full of people who are living a lie, which is necessary for any Democrat to be elected, Hakeems discovery of the truth, and his support of the police, led to a vicious backlash against him, which ended with the revelations of his violent past.

While Hakeems violent past precludes him from any leadership position, he has much to offer Vallejo still, if he gives up his pot business. Pot does distort thinking, and does lead to increased violence, as Hakeems life demonstrates.
That said, the entire Democrat party is unfit for leadership, and it is that entire party that introduced drugs into the black community.

It Is Time For Courage, Commitment And Confrontation – Christians Obey And Serve God, Not ‘Man’, And The 1st Amendment Doesn’t Have An Asterisk Explaining Exceptions

– ‘What the government funds, it runs. With nickels go nooses. With shekels come shackles – always.’ 

By Don Boys, Ph.D. for All News Pipeline

“Government has no authority to control a church!”

Well, that’s not precisely true because if a church receives tax dollars, it is obligated to give an account for the use of that money and slavishly obey the government’s demands. If a church takes its currency, they must accept state control. With nickels go nooses. What the government funds it runs. And finally, with shekels come shackles—always. 

That is a good reason for church officials to refuse any government money. A free and independent church can and should refuse to obey any government order to close or limit attendance. Moreover, a church should never send information to the government except to support a member’s giving record. I would never send any other information to any government agency. After all, what does no mean? No law means no rule or regulation or requirement. 

Because of the recent crisis with the Chinese coronavirus and subsequent shutdown, some arrogant governors have ordered churches and synagogues to close, often permitting other entities to remain open. And they always permit protestors to do their thing even if it involves rioting, looting, and burning of private property. 

It seems local, and state governments are quick to protect the constitutional rights of liberal protesters to protest—even if they are violent; while very hesitant to protect a Christian’s constitutional right to attend church. 

Some churches have been permitted to meet but with restrictions as to the number, practicing social distancing, mask-wearing. But no singing, shaking hands, or hugs. However, there are no loopholes; the federal and most state constitutions forbid any control of a local church or synagogue. 

Restrictions may seem reasonable during a crisis, but the First Amendment doesn’t have an asterisk explaining exceptions. If a church decides to disobey the government—local, state, or federal—then the church membership had better be sure they agree with that decision—they will not back down; they will not pay any fines; they will not close down temporarily or permanently. 

If government is going to close a church, church officials should force the government tyrants to close it in full daylight with the cameras rolling. 

(ANP EMERGENCY FUNDRAISERDue to unexpected medical and emergency repair billsplease consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this ‘Info-war’ for America at this most critical time in US history as we approach the 2020 election during a time of systematic ‘big tech’ censorship and widespread Democrat corruption.)

The unprincipled mayor or governor will probably campaign for reelection by saying, “I closed down those dangerous churches, and will do it again if necessary.” 

If a church is closed, the members should rent a store building or meet in a home while suing the government for ten million dollars. After all, church freedom is supported by the U.S. Constitution. You can still pray for officials while you sue them for a few million to teach them a constitutional lesson. 

Because of the failure of American Christians to impact culture and impress upon the Supreme Court a sense of decency and law, we are about to see the equivalent of a major war: the clash between our government and churches. When the nation and faith have been in conflict, American Christians have usually modified their faith rather than confront the authorities. Now is not the time to modify anything. It is a time for courage, commitment, and confrontation. 

And jail time if necessary. 

The U.S. Supreme Court declared, contrary to thousands of years of almost unanimous belief, that same-sex “marriage”was constitutional. Well, even if everyone agrees that it is acceptable as well as constitutional, it is a convoluted, controversial confrontation with a holy God who spoke authoritatively long ago. Moreover, all dedicated Christians who are more concerned about offending a sovereign God than offending pathetic pompous politicians and judges will reject that illogical, illegitimate, and illegal ruling. 

Here is one citizen who will resist the first day it becomes illegal to preach that homosexuality is an abomination or that Islam is a politically protected religion. I will preach on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court (or declare on a national television talk show) that the U.S. has overstepped its bounds and is a rogue government. Resistance may mean persecution, prosecution, and prison, so I’ll have my toothbrush with me since I may be dragged off to jail. Maybe Christians should fill the jails in civil disobedience and be obedient to the Bible. 

Is this generation better than present-day Christians in Red China, Red Russia, or Red Korea? Are we to be protected from persecution while our theological ancestors were not protected? 

Disobedient churches may lose tax-exempt status, but we probably shouldn’t have had it anyway. Preachers and church leaders have been bowing before the golden calf of tax deduction for many years, and such obvious idolatry must stop. While no church should ever pay a tax to a government (since a sovereign never pays taxes to another sovereign), the personal tax deduction is not a biblical principle. Some churches have already repudiated their 501 (c) (3) status and continue without problems. 

Many nations don’t permit citizens to deduct gifts to their churches when figuring taxes, and that policy hasn’t harmed churches. It liberates church leaders from bowing before the golden calf. Government should stop all, and I mean all tax deductions for all charitable, educational, and scientific (religious and secular) giving! 

No Christian should give because of a tax advantage anyway. He or she gives because the ministry or charity is a deserving institution. 

The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 B.C.) and some of his disciples were expelled from one Chinese state, traveled to another, and came upon a woman weeping beside a newly dug grave. Confucius asked her why she wept, and she told him that a tiger had killed her husband, father-in-law, and now her only son. Confucius asked why she lived in such a dangerous place, and she replied, “Because there is no oppressive government here.” 

Walking away, Confucius told his disciples, “My children, remember that oppressive government is worse than a tiger.” All governments are getting more and more oppressive, and while they are not as oppressive as China, North Korea, Russia, etc., the difference is in degree. 

I’m not surprised at the arrogance of Canadian, British, and American politicians and judges, but I am surprised at their lack of shame. Proponents of restrictive laws strut through government buildings wearing jackboots, and Canada, Britain, and America are only a goose step away from the formation of miniature Mussolinis who will try to control all churches. Even those who reject 501(c) (3) status will not be safe for long. 

An old dog may not learn new tricks, but a dedicated Christian can and should learn to do right rather than wrong. It’s a matter of the will, not the mind. Maybe modern church failure is a result of a faulty mind and a feeble will—as well as failed leaders. 

Church leaders must disobey intrusive laws and fill the jails in peaceful protests. Like the Disciples in Acts, we must obey God rather than man. 

Government not only cannot control a church, but it cannot control my conscience either. 

Here I stand. I can do no other. 

I believe someone else said that five hundred years ago. 

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

Councilman Hakeem Brown must resign

For the past eight years, I’ve spoken against the legalization of pot in Vallejo and America, being rewarded with threats, bullying, intimidation, and attacks on my business for my efforts.

I warned that pot was directly related to violence, and that the legalization of drugs was closely linked with the downfall of nations, states, and cities, as we saw with China over two hundred years ago. After opium was introduced, she completely collapsed in a century, and had Communism take over, murdering 60 million Chinese.
Was this warning heeded? No, it wasn’t. Though Osby Davis valiantly fought against it, the rest of the City Council buckled to it, including former police officer and cureent a Mayor Sampayan, who definitely knew how much drugs and crime are related from his years on the force.

The City Council meetings to legalize pot from 2013-2015, were some of the most rowdy, chaotic, and disruptive meetings ever to be held in Vallejo. One meeting had to be halted ten times because of interruptions, IN A SINGLE NIGHT. Councilmember McConnell and Councilmember Miessner were the two biggest proponents for weed legalization, and there was a young man who kept coming to speak up for legalizing weed, and lecturing the city on their “systemic racism”. His name was Hakeem Brown.

My first encounter with Hakeem Brown was back in 2014-2015, when I attended a meeting the city put on to discuss avenues for legalizing pot. As was my habit, I showed up to discuss why I opposed pot legalization, and spoke for about three minutes, with the usual effect of being ignored and given sour looks by pot dealers who loved their profits more than the people their product poisoned.

After I spoke, in the same manner I opened this correspondence with, remarking that drug legalization resulted in populations being enslaved, a young man approached me and said my comments sounded “rayciss”. Back then, I was young and dumb, and didn’t know about the Cultural Marxist hoax, and how that was being used to silence the 63% of Americans who were white, and the smaller percentage who happened to be conservative, and Christian. So, I honestly thought I had offended Hakeem, and tried to placate him by explaining I wasn’t a racist. Little did I suspect this was simply a tactic Hakeem and others use to silence those who disagree with them, make us feel guilty, and to give themselves an unearned air of moral superiority.

I sporadically saw Hakeem at City Council meetings in the next few years, only to speak up for his drug dealing, and he occasionally spoke at hot button meetings, like speaking against the Orcem Cement Factory. This earned him many radical leftist fans, who immediately turned on him a few years later when he was supported by the police and the pro-Orcem Jumpstart committee. Understanding the Hegelian Dialectic and how the Democrat party has functioned since Woodrow Wilson’s election to the presidency in 1912, I wouldn’t be surprised if pro-Orcem and pro-police, Jumpstart forces are funded by the same folks who fund anti-police, Anti-Orcem, anti-Jumpstart forces. However, I digress.

In about 2016-2017, I was volunteering at the former Franklin Middle School, and Beverly Hills Elementary School, two schools I once attended, when Hakeem came to attend meetings as well. At Franklin, we got into a conversation, the details of which I don’t especially remember, but I do remember that Hakeem, when disagreed with, brought the race card into the conversation, and that it was tense. I remember the teacher facilitating the event nervously trying to mediate, which, considering Hakeems temperament and clout in the community, was quite a task. If I was afraid of criticizing Hakeem in public, because of the intimidating aura and demeanor he used to bully people with, I am certain others felt the same way, especially women public employees, who could lose their jobs for offending a high ranking Democrat.

Hakeem has many good qualities, and it should not be forgotten, that the list of rules he gave his wife, which she and others viewed as “controlling”, are nothing different from the order God created for the genders to excel in their respective spheres. That said, these rules cannot be enforced with brute and cruel violence. A woman’s suitability to be a wife should be determined before marriage. If she refuses to obey her husband, no wise and virtuous man will have anything to do with her. She will have to settle for a cruel and a foolish man, who will often enforce his will brutally, as Hakeem demonstrated in his younger years.
However, Hakeems criminal past, including the murder of his own child by punching the mother in the stomach, leaves him unqualified for any leadership position. He has no moral authority, and would invite the lawlessness and disrespect of authority that is already running rampant in Vallejo, to multiply. It is no coincidence that the election of Hakeem to the City Council, who easily has the worst criminal background of any candidate in Vallejos history, has coincided with the explosion of crime, with Vallejo on pace to have the highest levels of murder, violent crime, and rape in its entire history.

Hakeem must resign, and forsake his campaign for mayor, for the sake of the city, his family, and all that is decent and good. His story is powerful and can be used to instruct others with, but not in a political leadership position. The crimes committed, which can be forgiven, are too serious of a nature to permit political leadership.
It is also necessary for all those who supported Hakeem for City Council and Mayor, to seriously evaluate themselves, and to ask themselves how is it they could have supported someone so obviously unqualified for public office?
Thank you,God bless.

ENOUGH CENSORSHIP! It’s time for the DoJ to SEIZE Facebook and Twitter, arrest Zuckerberg and Dorsey over malicious blocking of bombshell NY Post article exposing the Biden crime family

Image: ENOUGH CENSORSHIP! It’s time for the DoJ to SEIZE Facebook and Twitter, arrest Zuckerberg and Dorsey over malicious blocking of bombshell NY Post article exposing the Biden crime family

(Natural News) With Facebook and Twitter now deliberately blocking any sharing of a bombshell NY Post article that exposed the Biden crime family as corrupt, treasonous liars, the time has come to call for the DoJ to seize Facebook and Twitter, shut down their illegal operations, arrest their CEOs (Zuckerberg and Dorsey) and charge them with conspiracy to defraud the United States of America.

These tech giants are deliberately engaged in election rigging, selectively blocking links to timely, well-researched investigative articles that reveal the crimes of the Biden family, all as part of a coordinated Big Tech conspiracy to install a Democrat in the White House no matter what the cost.

This is the new mantra of Democrats: Lie, cheat, steal, commit fraud, censor, threaten, commit violence… do anything it takes to “win” because they are so filled with fabricated hatred toward President Trump, they cannot stand to live for another four years with him as America’s duly-elected president. And they certainly can’t stand to see the truth come out about Hunter and Joe Biden (nor Hillary, Obama, Comey or Brennan for that matter).

As explains:

A “smoking gun email” obtained by the New York Post shows Joe Biden lied when he said he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

According to an email dated April 17, 2015, Biden, who was then the sitting vice president, met in person with Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma.

Bursima is the sketchy Ukrainian energy company that put Hunter Biden on its board and paid him a reported $50,000 a month — a month! — even though Hunter has no known energy sector experience and doesn’t speak any of the languages spoken in that country.

The date of the email is important. The meeting between Pozharskyi and the then-vice president would have taken place eight months before Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid from Ukraine unless the country agreed to fire a prosecutor who was looking into Burisma. The prosecutor was fired.

In 2018, Biden bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations about how he got the prosecutor fired.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

And the investigation into Burisma was shut down.

A coordinated conspiracy among the media and Big Tech to shut down the story and protect the Biden crime family

So Zuckerberg and Dorsey are committing criminal fraud to rig the elections. They are maliciously blocking the NY Post article by falsely claiming the URL might contain “malicious code” or something unsafe. This is exactly the tactic that Google used against Natural News several years ago; fabricating false claims of malicious code and then using it to censor content they wanted to suppress.

Meanwhile, the left-wing media is blacklisting the entire story, hoping people won’t find out about it since Big Tech is also blocking the story. Twitter even censored White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany today to try to shut down any knowledge of the story. Think about that: A radical left-wing tech company that caters to communist China is now blocking the White House and getting away with it!

We are now living in a communist China-style country, or the former Soviet Union where only “official lies” are allowed to be accessed or shared. Any information that makes Democrats look bad is instantly blocked and smeared, and any person who attempts to tell the truth about the crimes of Democrats is banned or de-platformed.

As House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is now saying, this is flatly unacceptable in America!

“Censoring speech to silence political opponents is what you’d expect from countries like China, North Korea, or Iran,” McCarthy wrote in a tweet. “Not American companies like Twitter and Facebook—against one of the nation’s largest newspapers. #StopTheBias!!!”

Senators Cruz and Hawley have chimed in, accusing Big Tech of interfering in the election. And it’s clear that Big Tech’s attempt to cover up this story has now become the bigger story, causing even more publicity about the Joe Biden crime family activities that the techno-tyrants are trying to cover up in the first place.

It’s time to arrest the CEOs and seize the treasonous tech giants

Here at Natural News, we say enough of the treasonous censorship! This repeated abuse of power by the tech giants to selectively block all information that might hurt Biden and help Trump is obviously coordinated election interference. These actions are fraudulent and illegal, and they constitute the very same kind of election manipulation that Robert Mueller charged so-called “Russian companies” with attempting to carry out in 2016. Except in this case, it’s a million times larger and far more dangerous to our constitutional republic.

We cannot maintain a free society if the public is not free to read, share and debate important journalistic investigations into the corruption of public officials like Joe Biden. These investigative stories are essential to the very process of a representative form of government, where voters must be informed in order to make educated voting decisions.

But that’s exactly the point: Facebook and Twitter don’t want people to be informed. They want you to be kept in the dark, isolated from the truth about the Biden crime family, so that you foolishly vote for a criminal to take over the White House and run the country with the same degree of lawlessness and corruption that Hillary Clinton brought to the 2016 election.

That’s why this needs to be stated right now: Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are enemies of America and treasonous, criminal operators who are a clear and present danger to the very fabric of this nation. They must be stopped from continuing to damage our elections, and they must be criminally indicted, prosecuted and punished for their crimes.

America cannot continue to exist if people like Zuckerberg and Dorsey are allowed to exercise monopoly control over nearly all online speech. They need to be taken down by every lawful means available, including declaring these treasonous tech tyrants to be engaged in acts of sedition and insurrection against the United States of America. Charge them with treason.

It’s time for Trump to unleash the military police, seize these techno-fascist corporations and force them to stop the “digital bit burning” across America. Because Zuckerberg and Dorsey are more dangerous to humanity than Stalin and Hitler.

Vallejo Mayoral Candidate Hakeem Brown ought to resign.

Every human has some things in their lives that they are ashamed of, so the recent Open Vallejo article about Hakeem Brown is understandable.

But, what we learn is that Hakeem has been violent for decades, was married to multiple women at the same time, punched a pregnant woman in the stomach, causing her to miscarry, and tortured women. That is never qualities you want in a leader, regardless of whether they have repented or not.

I can understand Hakeems frustration with today’s feminist movement, which is evil and wicked, and teaches women not to obey their husbands, but brute violence is not the answer.

Hakeem should resign, as he does not have the moral authority to lead. It’s one thing if it was a non violent crime, but, regularly beating women and dealing drugs all his life is absolutely outrageous!

Sweden’s reputation for sex is justified.

As in most Communist countries, Sweden eschewsfamily values such as consecrating sex for marriage.Virgins are scorned and ostracized. 

by Maureen Johnston( 

During my high school years in 1981-82, I  became close friends with an exchange student, a girl from Sweden in my small farm midwest hometown. We were 17 years old.
At that time, in my high school, most of the girls were virgins and any girl that was discovered to have had sex was shunned, ostracized, and called a “slut”
And the boys treated non-virgins girls badly too, lots of name-calling and disapproval
So after this Swedish girl and I became close friends she confided in me that she had had sex already at 16. It was surprising because she was so sweet and innocent looking with her fair skin, natural blond hair, and blue eyes.   I was shocked that she had had sex –because we thought girls, who had sex were bad girls who also smoked pot, drank, got in trouble, and did badly in school. But she was none of that.  She was sweet, very smart, kind, gentle, and shy and very feminine and pretty at 17 years old.
Then she told me HOW she lost her virginity.  She said that in Sweden being a Virgin is the total opposite understanding –it’s a BAD thing.  In Sweden, having sex is considered very important and healthy for a teenager’s overall health and well being. Thus Swedish parents encourage their daughters to have sex as soon as possible and get rid of this nasty virginal condition.  What?
I was so shocked as she told me this.  Then she said her parents had a summer house in the north of Sweden and they pressured her to get a boyfriend, which she did, at about 15 or 16, and then the parents took their 16-year-old daughter and her 16-year-old boyfriend up to their summer house, dropped them off to be alone there and told them not to come back until they had had sex.  The teenagers were left at the house for the summer to fornicate.
I said weren’t you worried about getting pregnant –No my parents had already taken me to a doctor and gotten me on the pill!
Wow! I was so dumbfounded –I just could not believe it.  There was absolutely no concept that virginity was special (created oxytocin bonding) and that there was a privilege and responsibility to a man for the right to have sex with a woman that he would be able to care for her (emotionally, financially) and a child that could potentially come out of that union and would be part of an established stable family unit.  None of that. Sex and procreation were stripped apart and it was just considered a healthy exercise to do like jogging.
Then another thing happened, during high school with this Swedish girl. We went swimming at the lake one summer midwest day. Afterward –she just took off her wet swimming suit and was about to lay on the towel naked. Her hosting mother quickly grabbed a towel and throw it around her and said, “No No we don’t go naked in America like that -we use changing rooms.” –I was stunned and amazed that she had absolutely no shame or sense of modesty about exposing her naked body right there where lots of other people were around enjoying the lake.


The Swedish girl told me that most Swedes go naked at public saunas and their various public beaches. She said around age 11 or 12 she had some shyness or felt a little uncomfortable as she was developing breasts –but she was forced to sit naked with her family and neighbors in these public saunas and became disconnected from a personal sense of privacy about exposing her naked body to any person.
I wondered what happened to a generation of Christian Swedish people, their morals, to break down and completely flip the script like that?
In college, around 1985, I met a male Swedish Harvard law student, who mocked the American women and culture that supported virginity until they were either married or in love in a serious relationship This Swede acted like it was such a crazy weird thing that young college American women “protected” their virginity. He incredulously asked me, “Why are you Americans doing that?”
I did not know why we wanted to stay virgins, aside from the Bible teaching that, but I had an intuition that it was important. Then later I learned about Oxytocin Bonding and how the mortality rate of women goes down with each lover. And how super unhealthy it is for women to have multiple sex partners on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level (Now I know Why: I actually teach a pre-teen/teen self-esteem chastity class on the subject.)
A woman’s body literally changes its various DNA factors to match up/harmonize with her male partner to prepare her body to accommodate the DNA of her partner for a future baby. Generally, a woman who is a blood type A cannot share blood and organs with a blood type O, unless he has been her sex partner for a period of time, usually about 6 months for her body to adapt and switch over to harmonize with his blood genome and various DNA factors. None of this happens to men during sex, they stay the same. It the woman whose body is forced by nature to change and adapt for childbirth and also to her peril. So when the Bible says that a man and woman become one in marriage –meaning sexual intercourse – it is literally the woman’s body that moves over to become one with the man’s. (Ephesians 5:31; Mark 10:8)
So a woman’s body goes through PROFOUND changes from sex with a male and to have a woman change partner like its nothing, ignores that her body literally goes through somersaults with each new male sex partner that causes various health problems and a shortened life span. Too many male sex partners make women crazy. Then men complain that women are unhinged –but society/culture allows men to think nothing of having sex with various partners over their lifetime with no responsibility to any woman.
Women are pawns in the free-sex culture. An easy sex society eventually collapses.
Please watch this link: Every sexual contact with a different man/woman changes the body of oneself.

25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden wins the election

Sunday, October 11, 2020 by: Mike Adams 
Tags: Alt-LeftanarchyelectionsJoe BidenKamala Harrisleft cultOrwellianPresident TrumpTyrannyUnited Statesvote
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Image: 25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden wins the election

(Natural News) With extremely low voter enthusiasm for Joe Biden, he can only “win” the election by cheating: Rigging the votes, censoring conservative voices online, destroying mail-in ballots for Trump, encouraging dead people to vote Democrat, and so on.

In 2016, the biased media ran with an endless stream of faked polls and projections that claimed Hillary Clinton would almost certainly win the election, but they failed to account for so-called “shy” Trump voters: People who voted for Trump but didn’t talk to pollsters about their votes because of the extremely intolerant attitudes of Leftists who now label all Trump supporters as “actual Nazis.”

Now in 2020, the shy Trump voters are even more numerous. They come out in rallies, and they will reliably head to the polls to vote on November 3rd, but they don’t talk about their support for Trump, or they would be fired from their jobs, harassed by friends and neighbors or even violently attacked on the streets.

This means that in a fair election, absent any cheating, Trump wins by a landslide. But that’s why the lawless Left is doubling down on their cheating this year, pulling out all the stops to suppress every Trump vote and rig as many fake, counterfeit votes for Biden as possible.

Because of their commitment to cheating, Democrats have a chance of stealing the election and claiming they “won.” Make no mistake that in the days after the election, Democrats will magically find hundreds of thousands of “lost” ballots in car trunks, in exactly the right districts in the right states that they need to “win.” This is their classic strategy, and it’s how former Sen. Al Franken stole the vote to become a U.S. Senator. (Read about the “Protect the Vote” effort here to stop Democrat cheating.)

Because of the Democrats’ commitment to cheating, stealing and committing fraud, we must all be prepared for the possibility of Joe Biden cheating his way to victory. Although the real chance of such an outcome is small, it isn’t zero. And voters need to know what Biden and his handlers have in store for America if they seize power in January.

Study this list and share it everywhere, because Democrats have a detailed plan to utterly ruin America and plunge the nation into extreme poverty, destroying the Middle Class while left-wing authoritarians maintain monopoly rule. Here’s a tour of what that plan looks like.

25 NIGHTMARE things that will happen if Joe Biden “wins” the election

#1) Medical tyranny – Biden and his handlers will enact nationwide mandatory face mask rules and nationwide vaccine compliance rules. Those who refuse to comply will be banned from working, using public transportation or appearing in public places.

#2) Pack the court – Democrats will expand the number of US Supreme Court justices to whatever number they need in order to achieve a liberal majority. Because Democrats always cheat. If they can’t win by following the rules, they change the rules! Joe Biden currently says that voters will have to elect him first to find out if he’s going to pack the court. (Hint: Yes, he is.)

#3) Criminalizing “climate deniers” – So-called “climate deniers” will be criminalized, and any who deny the climate change narrative in their online posts or speech will be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned under President Kamala Harris, who has openly promised to do exactly this.

#4) Medical dictatorship – You will be subjected to endless lockdowns and made a prisoner in your own home, while the left-wing media keeps declaring “new cases” of covid have been found. This will be used to utterly crush the Middle Class and end any constitutional freedoms remaining in America.

#5) Defunding the police – Police departments will be defunded nationwide, leading to a collapse in the rule of law across every major U.S. city. This, in turn, will lead to chaos and violence as criminals run free, supported by left-leaning District Attorneys and left-wing politicians. Remember: They want to replace cops with criminals because the criminals will carry out the jobs that Democrats need done in order to make money from criminal operations (child trafficking, drug running, gun running, kidnapping, political assassinations, etc.)

#6) Reversing Trump-era court nominees – Already Joe Biden is claiming that an appointment of Amy Barrett to the court is somehow “unconstitutional,” and Democrats are now absurdly claiming that Trump is “packing the court” in an illegal way. Once Biden becomes president, Democrats will push to removeGorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett from the court, claiming all those appointments were illegal because Trump was an “illegitimate” president. Just watch…

#7) Nationwide bans on all AR-15s and similar semiautomatic firearms – Kamala Harris has already promised that she will use executive order powers to ban all AR-15s “in the first 100 days” of her presidency. This would instantly turn tens of millions of Americans into criminal felons if they don’t agree to turn in all their guns. If Americans comply, they will be completely disarmed while facing extreme government tyranny — exactly the scenario that Democrats want to achieve before they initiate the mass genocide against Christians and conservatives they have planned (see below).

#8) Green New COLLAPSE – Under a Biden presidency, the Green New Deal becomes law, banning all combustion engines and obliterating affordable travel and transportation infrastructure. The will unleash extremely destructive collapses in farming and food production, transportation and personal freedom. (See more details below.)

#9) Rolling blackouts as the power grid fails – The Green New Deal will see coal-fired power plants shuttered and natural gas plants taken offline, resulting in the very same rolling blackouts and power grid failures that California is currently experiencing under its own “green energy” initiatives. Power failures will lead to business shut downs and a massive wave of unemployment and bankruptcy, further crushing the Middle Class in America.

#10) Agricultural collapse leads to mass famine – The Green New Deal, combined with renewed federal regulations and covid lockdowns targeting farms and food facilities, will lead to a catastrophic collapse in food production across America. With combustion engines banned, farms will have to resort to animal-powered plows and harvesting operations that will collapse food production back to 19th century levels. This will result in a 90+% plunge in food output, unleashing mass famine across the nation. Essentially, America will become North Korea in terms of famine and tyranny.

#11) Ending the Senate filibuster – If Democrats gain control of the Senate, they will end the Senate filibuster, and use their newfound majority to ram through every radical law and court appointment they can imagine. This will also be used to redefine the US Supreme Court and pack the court with Democrats. Once Democrats manage to change all the rules in their favor, Republicans will never again have even a sliver of a chance to regain political power in America.

#12) Investigations into deep state traitors are scuttled – With Biden as president, all the DoJ investigations (Barr, Durham) into left-wing deep state traitors like Obama, Brennan, Comey and Clinton will be brought to a screeching halt. No one will be charged or prosecuted for their crimes against America, because the criminals will be back in charge. And don’t even think about Joe Biden being investigated for his illegal bribery and family money laundering schemes involving Ukraine and China.

#13) The end of free speech for America – While Trump and the GOP are beginning to push back against Big Tech censorship and the criminalization of conservative speech, under a Biden presidency, Big Government would merge with Big Tech to create a fascist anti-free speech “online Berlin Wall” of tyranny. Any person uttering any criticism of Kamala Harris would be immediately de-platformed and called a racist, no matter what the content of their criticism. All Black politicians will be granted completely immunity from criticism, and all White people instantly demonized and criticized for the way they were born.

#14) Huge increases in taxes on the working class – While Trump and the GOP passed generous tax cuts that allow the working class to keep more of the money they earn, Biden and Harris have promised to reverse all the Trump tax cuts and hike taxes on working people. They dishonestly claim they would only tax “the rich,” but none of their tax schemes function unless they raise taxes on the Middle Class, since that’s where the bulk of the national wage income is earned. Under Biden, you will work harder to keep less of your own money, while the rapidly expanding government confiscates your wealth and hands it out to People of Color as “reparations.” (See below.)

#15) Surrendering to communist China – Under Barack Obama, America was being deliberately crippled to weaken it while China gained strength to eventually invade and conquer the USA. Joe Biden’s family members took money from China while Biden helped funnel military secrets to the CCP. Under a Biden presidency, Chine will be given increased access to U.S. ports on the West Coast, and an increasing number of communist Chinese troops will be invited to stay in the United States as part of UN-sponsored “peacekeeping” exercises which are nothing more than a cover story for the Chinese invasion of America (that Biden supports, of course).

#16) Banning “ghost guns” nationwide – It is currently legal for U.S. citizens to manufacture their own rifles and pistols for their personal use. These homemade guns are called “ghost guns” because they have no serial numbers. They are one of the last defenses against the tyranny of the gun control mandates of an authoritarian government, because “ghost guns” cannot be tracked and don’t exist on any government paperwork. Expect Biden and Harris to immediately ban ghost guns nationwide, further intruding into the rights described by the Second Amendment. People who currently own ghost guns will be criminalized and told to turn them in or face prosecutions. (Hint: I’m not turning mine in. I’m making more…) Visit to purchase a Ghost Gunner machine that allows you to make your own AR-15s at home.

#17) Reparations for Blacks – Under a Biden presidency, efforts will commence to confiscate earnings and assets from White people (who never owned any slaves, by the way) and redistribute that money to Blacks and People of Color (none of whom were ever slaves). This effort is called “reparations” and it goes hand-in-hand with the entire White guilt narrative of the intolerant Left, which now says that White people are evil because of the way they were born, while Black people are superior and must be given extraordinary powers and authority in society (that they didn’t earn) because of the color of their skin, even when those Blacks are incompetent and utterly unqualified for such jobs, which is very often the case. How many Black police chiefs in America are incompetent and unqualified but got the job because they were Black? Answer: Most of them.

#18) Outlawing all private health care insurance – Under the Biden presidency — which will of course quickly become the “Harris presidency” — all forms of private health insurance will be outlawed, and everyone will be forced into a new “Medicare for all” scheme, which is essentially Third World health care with long wait times and “death panels.” As you might expect, FDA attacks against nutrition, herbs and natural remedies will also be ramped up to keep people trapped in the Big Pharma racketeering scheme that pays kickbacks to lawmakers and bureaucrats (in both parties).

#19) Federal bailout of Democrat cities and states – As left-wing cities and states are currently plunging into bankruptcy, President Trump is refusing to place the bailout burden on taxpayers. He doesn’t want American workers from across the country to have to bail out failed left-wing cities and states that are steeped in corruption, waste and fraud. But a Biden / Harris presidency would open the floodgates of federal money, sending trillions of dollars to Democrat jurisdictions to fund their money skimming operations, bloated pension bailouts and fraudulent government contracts that are nothing more than a means to funnel money to wealthy donors who support Democrat politicians. Case in point: Whatever happened to California’s high speed rail project and the billion dollars that funded it?

#20) Rise of the thought police – Under a Biden / Harris presidency, the DoJ and White House would openly encourage universities and local governments across the country to teach Critical Race Theory and punish people for being White. Anyone who expresses a pro-Constitution, pro-Trump or pro-liberty idea will be immediately fired from their job, removed from public office, eliminated from corporate boards and essentially removed from society. The Left will metastasize into Nazi-like authoritarian obedience state, complete with actual thought police who report “thought crimes” to authorities. This will of course be strongly aided by Big Tech’s surveillance and censorship capabilities.

#21) Forced low-income housing in suburbs – This program, originally launched under Obama, sought to invade suburban areas of the country with low-income housing in order to nullify the conservative votes of surburbanites. The program will be renewed under Biden / Harris, and it will force the construction of low-income, crime-ridden apartment complexes in suburban neighborhoods as part of an “integration” program that’s really just a vote rigging scheme. The upshot is that White, Middle Class neighborhoods will be forced to house low-income, crime-ridden housing projects that bring drugs, prostitution and violence to the neighborhood. Combined with the “defund the police” initiatives, this would put suburban areas of the country at the mercy of left-leaning criminal gangs and drug lords, which is exactly the way the Democrats want it.

#22) Door-to-door “purges” of Christians and conservatives – Once the left-wing militants (Antifa, BLM, government thought police) are fully deployed across the nation, they will launch a door-to-door “purge” campaign to hunt down and execute any remaining individuals who are Trump supporters, Christians, conservatives or constitutionalists. No such people can be allowed to remain in the society of the “Left Cult,” where absolute obedience to the LGBT agenda (see below) is required, and people must worship Kamala Harris as a god (or be exterminated). Note that this purge will only take place after the Second Amendment has been obliterated and the population largely disarmed.

#23) LGBT indoctrination of children and legalized pedophilia nationwide – The LGBT agenda will be in full force under a Biden / Harris presidency, with mandatory LGBT indoctrination of all schoolchildren and the nationwide legalization of pedophilia (which has already been partially legalized in California). School teachers will be openly encouraged to sexually “experiment” with young children, because it’s part of the Left’s culture of “grooming” young people for the sexual predators who rise to high positions within the Democrat party. Any who oppose the pedophilia will be called “intolerant” as the Left will claim that “love knows no age.” Much of this effort has already begun, and Netflix is already broadcasting mainstream pedophilia (“Cuties”) as part of the indoctrination program.

#24) The national voting age will be lowered to 14 – What Democrats have come to learn is that young people can be easily brainwashed and forced to obey absurd left-wing demands. The media’s contrived celebration of climate change puppet Greta Thunberg is part of this effort to position teens and children as “world leaders,” demanding that every citizen express total obedience to the whims of teen girls who push globalist lies. Much the same was true with David Hogg, the gun control teen who was engineered and shaped into a gun control fanatic, whom no one could criticize without being viciously smeared by the globalist-controlled media. Under Biden / Harris, this effort will expand from merely having young people positioned as thought leaders to having young people vote! The voting age will be lowered to 14 — or possibly even 12 — so that all future elections are determined solely by indoctrination and social media brainwashing, both of which are incredibly powerful influencing factors for young people who lack wisdom and life experience. When Dems can’t convince intelligent adults to support their Marxism and communism, they simply target the children.

#25) The outlawing of Christianity and the government burning down of all Christian churches nationwide – Finally, the rise to power of the cultist Left and the Godless Democrats will sooner or later require outlawing Christianity and condemning the Bible as “hate speech” (this has already begun on Big Tech platforms). Under the totalitarian rule of Biden / Harris, the government will start burning down Christians churches nationwide, even as many of those churches beg to be left alone because they are promoting LGBT and gay marriage philosophies. But Satan has no tolerance for any church to exist other than temples that worship Satan himself. So every place of worship that recognizes Jesus Christ will be demolished, and every person who dares to practice Christianity in public will be arrested and probably tortured, China-style. This is why Democrat governors are already singling out churches for punitive lockdowns in New York, Michigan, California and elsewhere. It’s a trial run for the complete outlawing of Christian churches.

If you want to live in the nightmare world described above, vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

On the other hand, if the descriptions above sound like some sort of Orwellian nightmare, and you’d rather not live under that tyranny, vote for Trump.

Compare that nightmare to the alternative: A Trump second term, where the enemies of America are defeated

Under a Trump presidency, we’ll get:

  • Increased law and order, with the violent streets thugs and terrorists being arrested and prosecuted, making America’s cities and suburbs safer.
  • More efforts to end Big Tech censorship and tyranny and make the internet free for everyone.
  • Prosecutions of deep state traitors like Obama, Clinton, Comey and Brennan.
  • Defense of America against the communist Chinese.
  • Defense of your Second Amendment rights and the right to self-defense.
  • Lower taxes, lower regulation and lower drug prices.
  • An ending of lockdowns. No mandatory vaccines at the federal level.
  • An ending of “Critical Race Theory” and other racist, bigoted Left wing indoctrination tactics.
  • Federal prosecutions of Antifa and BLM terrorists.
  • Stronger border protections and national defense against China and Russia.
  • Greater economic opportunity in the USA, with a renewed manufacturing economy and upward mobility.
  • Reforms of universities to end their racism against Whites (the DoJ has already launched a lawsuit against Yale).

The choice is clear. If you value freedom, honesty, security and safety, vote for Trump.

If you love demons, pedophilia, fraud, collapse, destruction, suffering, communism and hatred, choose Biden.

The Biggest thieves and murderers in world history.

When you pay an income tax, where does your money go? It goes to the owners of the Federal Reserve, set up by Talmudic Jewish bankers, that’s where. The entire United States and the world is in debt slavery to these snakes.

What are the names of the Federal Reserve owners? We know initially it was set up by the Warburgs, Schiffs, Morgan’s, Rothschilds, etc, but today, we don’t know who the invisible Government is, or where they live.

What crimes are they guilty of? They funded Communism and murdered 100 million. They have controlled the Democrat party since they got Wilson elected in 1912. They import drugs, and use the United States military to do it. They have controlled America’s military ever since they got Wilson elected in 1912, using it to gain more power and wealth for themselves with the two biggest World Wars in world history.

They control the media, as 90% of the media is owned by 6 corporations, owned by our Shadow government. They promote porn, abortion, homosexuality, and contraception, as they know, just like Pharaoh did, that you have to stop people from having children if you want to keep them in slavery.

They control the schools and tech companies, and they hate Christianity, as only Christians pose a threat to their unlimited power and wealth. They control the entire world, and America is the last stage of conquest for them.

They control the ACLU, NAACP, BLM, ADL, SPLC, and many other victim groups. They use these to attack Christianity and to spread race divisions, to divide and conquer America.

These snakes created the coronavirus in China, and are using their media to have China and America blame each other for it, leading to potentially World War 3.

They deserve the death penalty for their crimes against humanity.

Mike Stone: Are you ready for Civil War.

October 10, 2020 



Election Day is Coming: Are You Ready?

by Mike Stone(
Election Day in the United States is less than three weeks away. Are you ready for what promises to be possibly the darkest day in our nation’s history?
If you’re wondering what’s going to occur, I’ll tell you right now. Donald Trump is going to win on Election Day, but Joe Biden – or more rightly, Kamala Harris, the real head of the Democrat ticket – is not going to concede. Biden and Harris will be supported by every Democrat politician across the country, as well as the entire mainstream media, large swaths of the alternative media, and the usual assortment of turncoat Republicans (Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, etc.) They will attempt to drag the proceedings out for weeks, while hundreds of thousands of fraudulent mail-in ballots begin to show up and be counted. In the meantime, they will encourage massive – and I mean massive – civil unrest. You’re going to see rioting, looting, and burning on a scale you’ve never seen before.
Are you ready for all of that? If not, you may want to start preparing. My advice is to spend a few hours on the weekend prior to the election stocking up on food and essentials (maybe some ammo too). Then on the day itself, to wake up as early as possible, vote as early as possible, and go straight home.
Don’t go to work that day. Don’t send your kids to school that day. Hunker down and prepare to defend your life and your property, if necessary. I wouldn’t go to work the day after the election either. 
The day after the 2016 election I was confronted in an elevator by six angry individuals. I didn’t say a word to any of them, but one looked me over and said, “You look like you’re gonna make America great again.” 
Then another one asked if I voted for Trump. “Yes, I did,” I replied. I thought I was going to have to fight my way out of there.
Don’t be complacent or think you’re safe because you live in the suburbs. The mobs are already organizing to march through suburban neighborhoods all over the country, throwing rocks through windows and destroying property. Yours could be next. If you live in a state with a Democrat governor, it’s really going to get worse, because they will encourage the rioting and violence.
Am I being an alarmist about all this? Maybe. But what have we witnessed for the last nine months, not to mention the last four years? 
What did we see last week, but concrete proof and evidence that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey, John Brennan, and others, with the support of the entire mainstream media apparatus, conspired to overthrow the government of the United States? You don’t think they have something massive planned for this election? You don’t think they’re going to pull out all stops this time around?
Of course, they are, and they’ve already tipped their hand. Hillary has already told Creepy Joe not to concede under any circumstances. The Fake News media has run story after story preparing the public for massive resistance and insurrection following the vote that day. Every television network in the country is running stories on the need to postpone the results until the fake mail-in ballots are counted. Now Nancy Pelosi is talking about some kind of 25th Amendment chicanery to unseat Trump if he wins.
All of the above could be stopped very easily if Attorney General William Barr would arrest and prosecute the coup planners. They are committing treason, after all. But he’s not going to do that. In fact, he’s not going to arrest or charge anyone involved in the upcoming riots either. He’s tipped his hand. He’s part of the Deep State too.
You know who will get arrested and charged though? Honest, hard-working Americans who attempt to defend their life or the lives of their family members. They will get prosecuted. Look at the McCluskey’s of St. Louis, or Kyle Rittenhouse, or that bar owner who tried to defend his property.
So get ready for what’s coming. Stock up on supplies. Vote early. Go home and stay home. And pray for divine intervention.—————Mike Stone is the author of A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon. 

Related- America on cusp of a Civil War: No matter who wins the election, there will be no peaceful transfer of power.

Police use of deadly force is not about racism

The headline screamed out, “Black Americans 2.5X More Likely Than Whites to Be Killed By Police,” which is the kind of assertion that is used to claim police are systemically racist. It leads to fewer police, fewer arrests, more crime, more racial discord, and more innocent black deaths.null

Accurate, honest statistics show just the opposite, however. When police must use deadly force, whites are more likely to be killed than blacks. But we rarely see these statistics, because they do not support claims of systemic, systematic racism against blacks.

The sad reality is that as a percentage of their total American population, black deaths by police are around 2.5 times white deaths. But this has nothing to do with likelihood, because the vast majority of people of both races have near zero likelihood of being killed by police.

In fact, up to 88 percent of people killed by police were armed and being arrested at the time of their deaths. Such people are indeed at greater risk of being killed. However, racism has nothing to do with it.

On a per-arrest basis, the data say whites are much more likely to be killed by police than blacks. If so, the police are clearly not racist. Indeed, they seem to be deliberately trying not to kill blacks.

Statistical reality must begin with the fact that black males represent 6.5 percent of the U.S. population – but according to FBI data they constitute 54 percent of arrests for robbery and 53 percent of arrests for murder. Far worse, nationally syndicated talk show host Larry Elder points out, in 2018 there were approximately 7,400 black homicide victims, more than half of America’s total homicides, and nearly all were murdered by other blacks. (Has Black Lives Matter or NFL-NBA athletes ever acknowledged any of this?)

Those are the real reasons blacks outnumber whites in the nation’s prisons – the real reasons more blacks are likely to be killed during arrests and other confrontations with police.null

Even more telling, when we look at the issue that motivates and infuriates Black Lives Matter (BLM) and its allies – unarmed blacks killed by police – we learn that the Mapping Police Violence database tabulates “just” 25 such police killings in 2019, resulting from shootings, tasers, beatings, chokeholds, and vehicles.(A Washington Post databaserecords only police shootings.) And then this:

A wave of gun violence swept through the nation over the [July Fourth 2020] holiday weekend, leaving dozens dead from coast-to-coast – with children as young as 5 among the casualties,” the New York Post despaired. In Chicago, the article continued, police reported 87 shootings and 17 deaths, and nearly a dozen of [those shot] were children caught in the crossfire. The vast majority were black.

Think about that. In one weekend, in one city, we had three-fourths the number of deaths that BLM is raging about, for the entire nation, over the course of an entire year. Or consider this:

“Every single person who has been shot in New York City [so far] this July, nearly 100 in total, has been a member of the minority community” and “97% of shooting victims in June were members of the city’s minority community,” NBC News reporter Tom Winter tweeted. New York City witnessed a 204 percent increase in shooting victims over the past 28 days, compared to the same period in 2019, he added.

Meanwhile, Darrius Sutton participated in at least three drive-by shootings after he was released from NYC jails without bail on attempted murder charges – a far too frequent occurrence in De Blasio Town. Again, no comments, no outrage from BLM.null

What about retired and active law enforcement officers like David Dorn  and Patrick Underwood? What about Mekhi JamesLeGend TaliferroSecoriea Turnerand too many other Black children gunned down by their fellow blacks? Seven-year-old Natalia Wallace was playing with other children in Chicago over this year’s Fourth of July weekend, when thugs leapt from a car and sprayed gunfire into a crowd, killing her.

Why don’t their black lives matter to Black Lives Matter, its often violent supporters, and its corporate, Hollywood, and pro-athlete funding sources? Does anyone really think the solution is “defunding” or “reimagining” police forces – perhaps replacing thousands of police officers with social workers?

The victims’ families certainly don’t. Natalia’s father told local news media he wants more police, not less. Her aunt said, “We talk about Black Lives Matter, but at the end of the day, we’re killing each other off. We’re killing our babies.”

Police have to deal with way too many criminals, attacks, confrontations and murders, especially in poor and minority areas of our cities. They never know who will pull a gun, even during a routine intervention, traffic stop or domestic disturbance – or which incident might be a setup, an ambush. That’s part of the reason some officers are jumpy or feel they must use potentially deadly force when they would much prefer not to. But racist tendencies, much less systemic racism, have nothing to do with it.

The United States once had systemic, government-decreed racism. This is no longer the case, and elevating individual, thankfully now pretty rare, cases of racism into something systemic gets us nowhere.null

It is much more likely that what is happening today is the result of too many black boys being raised fatherless, by gangs, amid street violence – and to their not attending school, and thus growing up with no education, skills, or future. They likewise receive no grounding in civics, humanity, morality or religion, and have few scruples and little remorse over murdering someone to settle a score or perceived insult.

Just as in medicine, getting the diagnosis wrong can be much worse than useless. Trying to blame or cure systemic racism or supposedly widespread individual white racism will only make matters worse. Blaming people for things they are not doing just makes them angry. Intimidating them into silence over these accusations just makes them resentful.

Honest, probing social science, media coverage, and debate could help us find solutions. Name calling, guilt trips, and false assertions of systemic racism will make the situation worse. That people are being told everything is due to racism is tearing us apart, instead of pulling us together in search of solutions. It is a political trick that is causing horrific, widespread social upheaval, whether by accident or design.

Marching, screaming, burning, looting and simplistic, deceptive slogans are not solutions. They are not even calls for constructive action. They are certainly not calls to ponder the points presented here and in countless other articles and reports – or to reexamine some of the well-intended but woefully misguided government programs that helped get us where we are today.null

Angrily demanding that “things have to change” is not a step forward. It may even be a step backward, if it leads to more confusion. Promoting racial division and discord will ensure that the real causes of crime, violence, and murder in our black and other minority communities are never addressed

These issues cry out for attention they are not getting. Perhaps after the election, after the insanity and riots are over, we can have honest, no-holds-barred conversations about this, without being shouted down and canceled out. We must hope so. Otherwise, our nation’s future is bleak indeed.

David Wojick, PhD is an independent analyst working at the intersection of science, technology and policy. He writes regularly about climate change, energy and social issues.