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News, Friday December 14th, 2018

Unconstitutional!! Federal judge strikes down Obamacare!

Clarke: Wanted: New Conservative Fighters.

The Birth of Cultural Marxism: How the Frankfurt School changed America.

Is Cultural Marxism America’s New Mainline ideology?

Neo-McCarthyism vs. a Communist China world order.

Bullied 9 year old girl was picked on because she was black and had white friends.  She committed suicide.

Lifson: Inspector General discovers that Team Mueller scrubbed Page and Strzok text messages during critical post-election period!!!

Lifson: FBI defies subpoena for docs on it’s raid of Uranium One Whistleblower

Joondeph: When does Trump say, ‘Enough is enough’?

Noonan: Trump, like Obama before him, appealed primarily to emotion. 

Gottfried: A successful disruption.

Buchanan: It’s about to get worse!

Rasmussen: America’s War of Independence, Civil Rights movement were part of the same Revolution. 

Federer: Was this the only President uninterested in power?

My name is Bosch, and I’m a recovered Muslim.

Paris police bracing for more violent protests.

Chaotic moment for countries that long underpinned global order.

Villalobos: The GOP needs to stop being the stupid party.

Talgo: A Green New Deal is bad for all Americans.

Moran: Far left is raising money on Patreon to ‘Inspire insurrection’.

China greatest threat to American privacy.

Showalter: Michael Avenatti: The Jackass, dissected.

Sharma: Don’t expect new, unbiased social media anytime soon.

Lifson: Ted Lieu is angry that conservatives noticed he said ‘he’d love to be able to regulate the content of speech’.

Moran: Congress passes bill to make members pay for sexual harassment claims. 

Arvay: Scientific American:  If you like Trump, you suffer from ‘antagonism’.

Marsolo: Democrats can’t stand the thought of protecting Americans.

Stark: Calling their bluff.

Cusmariu: SCOTUS bows to Planned Murderhood.

Hellner: Trump Derangement media yawn as Trump increases opportunities for poor, minorities.

Rat comes clean.

Kellyanne and Chris Cuomo slug it out on CNN, for 39 minutes!

California could have seismic impact on 2020 Presidential race.

Geraghty: America was always diverse.

Walsh: The left attacked a white college student for saying he loved white people.  Here’s why that’s wildly hypocritical.

Israel’s Southern Wall cut illegal immigration to zero.

NeverTrump Weekly Standard to shut down.

Sikorski: Solzhenitsyn’s ‘In the First Circle is a surprisingly appropriate Advent read. 

Hunt: What shall we do with Lizzy Warren?

Skurkiss: The French Dilemma

Eggers: How ballot harvesting became a new way to steal an election.

Hines: Why does Lin Miranda-Manuel enthusiastically support a Domestic terrorist?























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