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Monday, May 28th, 2018

Obama’s spying scandal is starting to look a lot like Watergate.

Flash floods hit Baltimore.

Robinson Muffled.  Silenced for “breaching the peace”.  Same offense the New Testament Christians were frequently charged with.  The entire reason why the Founders gave Americans free speech and the First Amendment was to prevent this.   An English judge apparently doesn’t realize this.

Teen robbers run over and kill female police officer in Baltimore.  

Supreme Court to soon decide cases on baking homosexuals cakes, gerrymandering, and unions.

Algerian blogger appeals ten year jail term.

Trumps Memorial Day Proclamation: We revere those who have died in noble service.

Report: Star players considering sitting out season if Kaepernick, Reid not signed.

MSNBC’s Mitchell: NFL “hypocrites” for requiring players to stand for anthem, as many fans don’t stand.

Photos: 1 million bikers ride into D.C. to pay homage to the fallen.

Media double down after N.Y.   Times gets busted peddling fake news.  

Do you have a sexless marriage? 

In the age that gave us Memorial Day, Abraham Lincoln explained why the fallen fought.

Schlichter: Real conservatives refuse to kneel before their liberal overlords.

Why children are necessary.

The rules for a long and happy life.

It begins: church sued for refusing to host homosexual event.

Town sued for collecting three tickets per hour, day and night, collecting millions.

Jesse Lee Peterson: Democrats don’t want blacks to be moral and law abiding, because you can’t control moral and law abiding people.  

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