Pope proclaims God loves homosexual man. Most homosexuals are that way because of porn exposure that escalated, the absence of a father or a good father, or child molestation.
Flashback. The Homosexual Agenda.
Traitorous Brennan threatens GOP leaders.
Fake Christian William Barber misleading millions towards a Marxist Hell.
Flashback: How William Barber fleeces the sheep.
Liberals have 4:1 advantage in college commencement speakers.
Bernie Backers deteriorating Army.
NAACP leaders racial profiling narrative challenged after bodycam released.
Obama begs Jay Z to rein in runaway slaves from the liberal plantation.
China to end child limit as soon as this year. Economic struggle results from low fertility rates.
More deep state lies: The FBI was trying to “Protect” Trump.
The guilt of German citizens under Hitler.
Media see only one collusion story.
The Christian Paradox in America.
7th graders told to declare submission to Allah in Virginia.
Jesse Lee Peterson interview with Amber Rose.
Time to admit Professional Sports are bad for society.
Schlicter: Liberal lies and slanders.
Overbeck: Five ideas that won’t stop school shootings, and one that will.
Schaper: Make schools safe again!
Italy to kick out 500,000 migrants.
Walsh: A man went to prison for killing his unborn child. He should be released immediately.