“Anti-Jewish” Dresden Manifesto (1882) Conceded Defeat

(Left, Adolf Stoecker (1835 -1909) was the court chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm II, a politician, and a German Lutheran theologian who founded the Christian Social Party and attempted to roll back Jewish control. He helped organize the 1882 “Anti Jewish Conference.”) 
Is this why Dresden was so maliciously destroyed in 1944? 
The current COVID ruse to bring in (((Communism))) is thethe outcome of realities identified in this manifesto.  

A Dresden conference shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 139 years ago and explains why the West’s racial cohesion and Christian heritage are under vicious satanist attack. Read this and ask yourself, “Could Hitler have come to power without Masonic Jewish complicity?” 

(Note – This is a key article I repost every year as I have many new readers.) 

The Secret Masonry is setting up “our own, to all appearance, off position which in at least one of its organs [Nazis] will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards.” (Protocols of Zion, 12.11)
But no man said anything about him [Jesus] openly for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)
 “A new war in defense of democracy and of alleged law is being prepared in all haste. An alliance of all the Jewish groups is already complete; it bears the official title of the alliance of the three great democracies, the English, the American, and the French. . . . Israel requires world war and soon!… Israel is positively of the opinion that time is getting short. To their mind, their world war is a necessity in order that, in the name of indivisible peace, all that portion of mankind who wish to cast off the Jewish yoke, may be laid low.”    — Revue Internationale des sociétés secrétes, April 1937  


(Slightly revised from Jan 6, 2016 ) 
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The last significant effort to defend Christian national values was the “First International Anti-Jewish Conference” held in Dresden in September 1882. 

The conference attracted 300 prominent businessmen, aristocrats, politicians, clergy, lawyers, physicians, farmers and intellectuals from Germany, Austria, Hungry and Russia. They produced a manifesto addressed to “the Governments and Peoples of Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism” which shows how Jewish hegemony was a fait accompli 138 years ago, and explains why the West’s racial cohesion and Christian heritage are in serious disarray. 


The Manifesto begins by saying Europe has been invaded by a foreign race more dangerous and insidious than Arabs, Tartars or Turks in the past because of “its means and objectives.” 

Jewish “emancipation” following the French Revolution (“Equality, Fraternity, Liberty”) removed protections against “a race whose first and foremost thoughts and energies are everywhere aimed at putting other nations in the moral and material shackles of slaves…” 

“According to the Jews’ religious and national traditions, all of these peoples were created merely to serve them. The principle of equality was also applied to a race that does not wish to be equal with us, that considers itself a people privileged by God and [regards] the rest of mankind as lower beings, impure animals. The principle of fraternity was also applied to a race that does not even acknowledge non-Jews as neighbors and fellow human beings and according to whose Talmud non-Jews are enemies destined for eradication.”

Left. Merkel receives an award from her masters.
“Moreover, cheating, stealing from them, bleeding them dry, bringing ruin upon them, perjuring against them, dishonoring, and even killing them constitutes an activity pleasing to their God. Small wonder, therefore, if modern liberalism, identifying more and more with the ascendant Jews, has taken the shape of pseudo-liberalism. In the Jews’ hands, it has turned into a convenient tool for realizing their plans for world domination and putting irons on the European peoples.”

As a result of Jewish monopoly on government and finance, “the farmer, the big landowner, the industrialist, the artisan, the merchant, etc. , have all gotten caught up in material dependency upon Jews…they were forced to turn into their obedient servants, their train bearers. What’s more, the Jews hire influential men who are active in public life to fill well-paid positions at banks, railways, insurance companies, etc. These individuals are thus virtually kept as Jewish vassals and are the most zealous and influential supporters of Jewish power in the legislatures and governments. “

As a result of Illuminati Jewish instigated wars, “the governments of some indebted countries have become nothing more than Jewish institutions, Jewish collection agencies. This explains the complete inactivity of these governments with respect to the Jewish question and also their hostile behavior against their own populations in favor of Jewry.” 


Due to media ownership, “until recently no newspaper in Central Europe would have dared to speak the truth vis – à – vis Jewry. Thus the Jews have become absolute masters, fabricators of public opinion. Any complaint raised against them, however, justified it may be, is suppressed. Any article that addresses the subject of Jewish dominance to the slightest extent is done away with.” 

Political advancement “is dependent upon the favorable position of the Jewish press…As a result, intellectual slavery and moral cowardice vis – à – vis Jewry is one of the most characteristic features of our age.” 


Ambitious Christians  “become train bearers of Jewish power; they turn into traitors to their own nation and race and thus to their own blood relations. In many countries, the Jews have adulterated the system of [Freemason] lodges, stripped it of its essence, and degraded it into one of the most dangerous and effective instruments of Jewish power.” 

“Mainly by means of the press, Jewry increasingly undermines the Christian religion, which … during Roman times,… saved the European Aryan race from moral bankruptcy, on the one hand, and semi-civilized barbarity, on the other, and also regenerated it. It did so by setting the civilization and culture of the European Aryan race on firm religious, moral, and social foundations.” 

“Christian religion is the most powerful reaction against Jewish tendencies to achieve world domination. It is an insurmountable protest against the elevation of the Semitic above the Aryan race, and so it is only natural that the Jewish clan is a sworn mortal enemy of both the founder of this religion and the Christian religion itself. 

Accordingly, Jewry can only firmly establish the superiority and rule of the Semitic race when it has managed to defeat the natural reaction opposing it and to destroy the institution of Christianity.” 


The 1882 Manifesto deftly describes the impotence of Christian leadership which is just as obvious today. There was no “Second International Anti Jewish Conference.” The participants recognized they were fighting a lost cause. They did not propose measures because “this nation of parasites has become much too deeply ingrained in the body of our societal and state life for this first congress to operate under the delusion that its potentially detailed propositions could be carried out today.” 

This was in spite of the fact that Eugen Duhring, left, laid out a detailed program the previous year (1881) in his book “On the Jews.” Ironically, it required the Illuminati Jewish-sponsored Nazis to enact many of Duhring’s proposals, which were similar to racial policies in effect in Israel today. 

The rise of the Nazis led to the genocide of about six millionGerman antiSemites (i.e. Nazis) in WW2 and some 50 million other non-Jews. Given the 1882 assessment, do you think the Nazis could have achieved power without Illuminati Jewish sponsorship? As in chess, often you sacrifice a player (i.e. non-Zionist Jews) to win the game.  

Generally, the tone of the Manifesto gets more petty and racist, tarring all Jews with the same brush, saying all Jews are cosmopolitans with no loyalty to country or attachment to land, incapable of honesty, hard work or scientific and creative originality, driving farmers to destitution with their usury. 
While I agree with the Manifesto’s description of Organized Jewry, & its goals, many if not most Jews were patriotic, hard-working and wanted to assimilate. An estimated 100,000 Jews served in the German army in WW1, and 18,000 won the Iron Cross. 12,000 died in action. In the 1930’s, 60% of all German Jewish marriages were interracial. The Illuminati had to create Hitler to force them to go to Israel. 

Christian leaders should have encouraged the process of Jewish assimilation already underway. Instead, the 1882 Conference concluded that the only solution was expulsion. 
“Europe belongs to the Christian peoples and therefore should not be the testing ground for the hunger for power of any hostile, domineering, non-Christian national element. The history of past centuries amply proves that legal decrees restricting the Jewish race – no matter how strict they are – do not achieve the desired result.”

Whatever we think of this Manifesto, it does provide a unique historical perspective on our world today. We are living in the twilight of Christian civilization which has suffered a series of colossal failures and defeats which have been disguised as just wars, civil rights, diversity, sexual liberation, feminism, gay rights, migration, etc. But this perspective can strengthen our resolve to oppose the further degradation of society by the satanist Illuminati. 

RELATED – German Jews Would Have Backed Hitler 
————- 25% of Germans, 42% of children are from Migrant Backgrounds
Makow –  Anti Semitism has Respectable Pedigree 
———    World War One- First Christian Holocaust ———Hitler was a Godsend to IsraelDetails of Zionist-Nazi Collaboration

MacDonald – Anti Semite Conceded Jewish Hegemony in 1879



On Instagram last week, I shared a tweet of mine and below it I wrote out Titus 2:3-5. “The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

One woman then asked me if women in the workforce are blaspheming the word of God. I decided to check out some things in the old commentaries about women being keepers at home and blaspheming the word of God. It’s interesting to note that they don’t say anything about “careers” since women didn’t have careers back thencontrary to popular opinions.

“Home duties, cares, pleasures, sacrifices of self—these God-appointed duties ought to fill the mind and the heart of the young wife.” (Ellicot Commentary)

“House-wives, not spending their time in gadding abroad, but in looking to the affairs of their own families.” (Matthew Poole’s Commentary)

“Keepers at home: minding their own family affairs, not gadding abroad; and inspecting into, and busying themselves about other people’s matters. And this they say is what is meant by the woman’s being an helpmeet for man, that while he is abroad about his business, she is , “sitting at home”, and keeping his house; and this they observe is the glory and honour of the woman.” (Gill’s Exposition)

Instead of women having careers back then, the women would try to find ways to be outside of their homes, being busy bodies, gossiping, and doing anything they could to get out of their home duties, just as women today will go “run errands” frequently to shop when they don’t need a thing. Nowadays, women can easily neglect their home duties by spending their days scrolling through social media and being busybodies and gossipers.

What do the old commentaries say about blaspheming the word of God?

“That the word of God be not blasphemed – That the gospel may not be injuriously spoken of, on account of the inconsistent lives of those who profess to be influenced by it. The idea is, that religion ought to produce the virtues here spoken of, and that when it does not, it will be reproached as being of no value.” (Barnes’ Notes) We blaspheme God’s Word when we don’t obey Him, what He has called us to do.

“That the word of God be not blasphemed:as for the discharge of their duty towards God, so for the credit and reputation of the gospel, that for their carriage contrary to the rules of nature and morality, as well as of religion, the gospel may not be evil spoken of, as if from that they had learned their ill and indecent behaviour.” (Matthew Poole’s Commentary)

“These words refer to all the exhortations from Titus 2:2 onwards, but more particularly to those clauses enforcing home duties immediately preceding. There was, of course, the fear that wives, carried away by religious fervour, might neglect the plainer every-day duties for the seemingly loftier and more self-denying occupations included under the head of religious works.” (Ellicot’s Commentary) This one was interesting to say the least! This would include all of the female preachers/speakers who leave their homes, since they’ve either had a “vision” or “heard a word from the Lord” that their ministry outside of the home is more important than the one inside. (Did you know that many cults have been started by women “hearing the voice of the Lord”?)

So after looking at this, do all women in the workforce blaspheme God’s Word?

Women who don’t want to be home and raise their own children but would rather have a career, yes, they are blaspheming God’s Word.

What about women whose husbands want them to work? In this case, it’s the husband who will be held accountable for asking his wife to leave her God ordained role for money.

What about single women? Widows sixty years old and older who must work don’t blaspheme the Word BUT in God’s Word, the older widows are to be cared for by relatives and the church (1 Timothy 4:4,9), not have to leave their homes for the workforce. So, in this case, the relatives and churches are blaspheming His Word for disobeying God by not providing for the older widows.

What about the younger widows? God’s exhortation to them is to marry, bear children, and guide the home (1 Timothy 5:14). What if no one asks them to marry? In 1 Timothy 5:16, we are told, “If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed.” So the families/relatives are to provide for the young widows until they get married. The children have already lost their father. They don’t need to lose their mothers too. If the families don’t provide for the families and the church refuses too, then both are the ones who will be held accountable. There’s no place where widows are encouraged to go out and make their own money to provide for their families.

What about single mothers who have divorced their husbands, because they weren’t “happy” and now must work? Yes, they blaspheme God’s Word since they are commanded to be keepers at home and through their actions, prevented this from happening. In divorcing their husbands, they were forced into the workforce and away from their homes and children which all greatly harms their children.

What about single mothers who, by no choice of their own because their husbands divorced them, must work? No, I don’t believe they blaspheme His Word, but they should seek the Lord daily and ask for Him to make a way home for them, since their children still need and want them home.

What about single mothers who had babies out of wedlock? Any sin against God’s commands blasphemes His word. Their fornication blasphemed His Word. Their children are suffering due to their fornication. But are they now blaspheming His Word by not being able to be a keeper at home? This is a hard one to answer. I don’t know. All I know is that they need to seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to make a way for them to be home full time. Their children need and want them home full time just as much as other children.

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
Matthew 12:31

When Do Mothers Blaspheme God’s Word?

Makow – Feminism is a Poisoned Apple


(People who are satanically possessed can no longer recognize evil, i.e. feminism, let alone resist) 
Virtually everything deemed “progressive” and “modern” is, in fact, satanic, designed like the vaccine, to destroy those foolish enough to eat the poisoned apple.

“Why does a man love a woman? Because she surrenders her power to him.  Yes, a man’s love is a function of his egotism. He loves her because she gives herself to him. She empowers him and becomes part of him.  This is how two people become one.”

Revisioned from August 14, 2020By Henry Makow PhD

Cabalist Jews and Freemasons have
been corrupting and undermining society for at least 200 years in advance of imposing their perverse tyranny in the form of the coronavirus scam today.
Virtually everything that is deemed “progressive” and “modern” is in fact Satanic, designed to destroy those foolish enough to eat the poisoned apple. Humanity is satanically possessed by Cabalism – Cabalist Jews and Freemasons i.e the Illuminati.
Feminism is designed to destroy the heterosexual dynamic, marriage, and family. Three generations of women have been indoctrinated into a self-destructive set of beliefs. They have been taught to seek power when they really want love.
How can a woman find permanent love? By finding a man worthy of her trust. For a woman, love = trust. The heterosexual dynamic is the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love.
Why does a man love a woman? Because she surrenders her power to him.
Yes, a man’s love is a function of his egotism. He loves her because she gives herself to him. She empowers him and becomes part of him. This is how two people become one. Sex is the emblem of this exclusive bond.
Naturally, he wants her to be happy. He isn’t domineering. He loves and respects her. Paradoxically, the more she surrenders to him, the more he belongs to her.
Sexual intercourse is an act of possession: a man possessing a woman. Obviously this must take place in the context of a committed long-term relationship, ideally marriage. Women want to be possessed by loving husbands.

The Satanists (Communists) have convinced young women that men are wife beaters and family is oppressive. Women just swallowed the poison. Millions are bitter and alone.
Sex is another factor. Women need sex as much as men and more. They need a lot of it. They’re not getting it.
Women need a husband’s passionate lifelong love more than anything else in the world. When a man makes love to his wife, he is expressing his feelings, not just his lust. He is saying she is the most desirable woman in the world.
In a hookup situation, a man is just relieving himself. This is the opposite of the adoration women crave.


As a result, many women on the Left are sexually frustrated and dysfunctional. They compensate by lesbianism, obesity and radical politics, exactly what Satanists want. 
These women make a virtue of necessity. They act “chic” and pretend to stand for social justice. 
Really they are just dupes. 
Roadkill on the highway to dystopia.
FEMINISM HAS CHAMPIONED PORNFeminism pretends to champion women. In fact, it destroys femininity. 
Women want a committed lifelong relationship. He is her King. She is his Queen. Her sexuality is the crown jewel of this marriage.  

For women to give this to all-and-sundry is self-defeating, to say the least. For women to pose naked is dehumanizing, de-sexing, the equivalent of a hysterectomy.
What qualities make a woman attractive to a man? Are they only physical?
They are innocence, submissiveness, sweetness of temperament, modesty, dignity, character, cheerfulness, resourcefulness, talent, purity, warmth, wit, caring, intelligence.
Are these qualities fostered in our hook-up culture? By hopping from bed to bed? By teaching girls that their value lies in their sex appeal? By teaching that masculinity is toxic, and lesbianism is cool?
Of course not because Satanists want men and women to be incompatible. They want women to take direction from them, not from loving husbands. Thus many women are gofers for the Satanists, especially in media, education, law, and government. These Leftist women are dupes and traitors to society.
The coronavirus hoax proves society has been subverted by people who want to enslave us. They are Freemasons and Cabalist Jews empowered by the Cabalist world banking cartel.
They want us to eat the poisoned apple
and die.
Shall we oblige? —-
RelatedPossessiveness is Part of Marriage
—————— The Lost Art of Femininity
————Why Kabbalah is Satanic
—————– Satanism Explained
—————– Exterminating the Goyim is the basis of Kabbalah

Friendship and truth

Friendship.  It is a beautiful idea, and when we look back at history, we see many wonderful friendships based on a love of courage, virtue, and truth.  There was David and Jonathan.  Jesus and his Apostles.  C. S Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.  In today’s world we are constantly lectured by the psychobabblers that if we aren’t popular, and we aren’t having sex with people we aren’t married to, that there is something deeply wrong with us, and we have to get their advice to figure out what it is, and of course, we must pay them for this advice.  Sigmund Freud, the Father of psychiatry was a world class libertine and a fraud, and his opinion isn’t worth two hoots.  Yet, psychiatrists today get paid billions of dollars today, after paying billions to universities for ‘training’ to learn this nonsense, and then, when your average hurting human comes to them, they feed them this gibberish and the cure for their patients is worse than the original disease.

True friendship must be based upon truth.  The advise of Polonius in Hamlet is excellent still, “This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canstnot then be false to any man.”  If we are not first the friend of God and our own conscience, we cannot truly be the friend of any other human, for any friendship that exists with other humans in the absence of the friendship with God and our conscience, must be superficial, shallow, and inferior to the friendships formed when we first are friends with God and our conscience.  

Reviewing the Ten Commandments, it is clear that the first four deal with man’s relationship with God, the fifth deal with man’s relationship with the humans God tasked to bring him into existence, namely his parents, and the sixth through the tenth deal with man’s relationships with his fellow humans.  In today’s sick society, we have schools, the media, tech companies, television, movies, and celebrities lying to us that relationships with humans who blatantly defy God is more important than our relationships with God himself and his commandments.  Which explains why we have such a corrupt and ignorant society.  

‘One man with God is a majority’, said Brother Andrew, and how true that is.  Friendship must be based upon objective truth, for it is impossible for two people who have different subjective truths to long remain friends.  Often you see in the Bible, which is the ancient document with the most manuscript evidence in human history, that Godly men were alone.  Abraham had no friends when he left his home.  Isaac was alone often.  Jacob wrestled with an angel alone.  Joseph went into slavery alone.  Moses was alone in the desert after fleeing Egypt.  David was alone when running away from Saul.  Christ was alone in the wilderness when tempted by the Devil, and Paul was often alone in jail, and in his missionary trips. You can’t write massive letters, and his made up over half the New Testament, when you are enjoying the company of friends, you must be solitary to think and write coherently.  

Too often Americans sacrifice the truth out of a desire to get along with others.  But, you never find a man of God doing that in the Bible.  There is tact, kindness, longsuffering, and patience, but never did you see a man of God willingly give up his truth out of fear of man.  That said, there were three instances of Abraham and Isaac, out of fear, not telling the truth that Sarah and Rebeccah were their wives, nearly leading to their wives being taken as wives by foreign kings.  

We will not be popular for telling the truth.  As Tertullian said, ‘The first reaction to truth is hatred’, and as Plato said, ‘No man is hated more than he who tells the truth’.  But, does that mean we don’t tell the truth?  Must we cower and cringe in fear, when God commanded,  in 2 Timothy 1:7, ‘For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind’?

Our destiny depends on how we respond to adversity.  We will be remembered by our courage or cowardice.  Future lives will be made better or worse by our example, and it is our duty, to live a life of truth, service, love, and compassion.  There can be no love and compassion without truth.

Often friendships are pursued for selfish reasons, but a friendship pursued for selfless reasons means it is based upon mutual love of truth, and of service to God and others.  The greatest friends are those who are first the friend of God.  

Viewing others experience and my own, it becomes apparent that those are true friends of others who have first practiced denial of self. Those who indulge self make poor friends.

Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 27:6 – Faithful [are] the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy [are] deceitful.

Proverbs 22:24– Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:

1 Thessalonians 5:21

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Know thine enemy

It is impossible to fight an enemy you do not know and cannot see.

Why is it important to “know thine enemy”?

Arguably, Robert E. Lee lost the battle of Gettysburg because if a lack of intelligence. Normally, J.E.B. Stuart would give reconnaissance, giving Lee a good idea of the enemies size, and location. But before July 1st, 1963, Stuart was on a foolhardy mission behind Union lines, and was unavailable to give Lee updates. As a result, Lee was seduced into a battle where he did not know the enemies location or strength, and, was forced to fight on very unfavorable terrain, with his troops attacking uphill for most of the battle, with ferocious cannon fire raining on down from the formidable heights of Culps Hill, Little Round Top, and Cemetery and Seminary Ridge. It was a devastating defeat for the South, and the turning point of the Civil War, though the South was controlled by the same bankers who control both parties today.

Both Republicans and Democrats are controlled by the owners of the Federal Reserve, who are Talmudic Jews. Every President from Woodrow Wilson onward has been controlled by these snakes. That includes Reagan and Trump. Trump is a double crosser. Clinton, Obama, Trump, and Biden are all controlled, it’s a cleverly contrived act, and why is anyone surprised? Reagan and Trump were both actors, the Talmudic Jews have owned Hollyweird from the start, and are very good at making up stories to deceive people. They even boast about it in their movies, two examples being “Wag the dog”, and “Primary Colors”.

The real enemy is the owners of the Federal Reserve, “The synagogue of Satan”, “the MoneyChangers”. But, 99% of Americans don’t know this is the enemy, and even worse, those of us who do know this is the enemy, don’t know their names, where they live, or their plans.

Meanwhile, while we investigate, their agents are online to sow confusion and mayhem. You can recognize their agents by those who show up to slur this as “anti-Semitic”, and the rest of the labels the Cultural Marxists love. No one has ever rationally refuted what I’ve said which has been researched with hundreds of books. Yet, these comments get massive criticism from anonymous nobodies, suggesting the bankers have armies of fake accounts, to give the illusion of widespread support for ideas thy like and disapproval for ideas they dislike.

They love those defending Biden and Trump, because that plays right into their agenda. This comment will be downvoted and irrationally attacked by dozens, likely. The Talmudic Jews control both sides media, schools, tech companies, Hollyweird, victim groups, Communist China, corporations, and so much more!

Be careful, the bankers are masters of supporting both sides in wars, and gaining more power and wealth as a result. They did it in both World Wars already, and are likely cooking up World War 3 right now.

To be clear, the greatest enemy any of us faces is our own sins, and if the battle against those are not won, all victories against external enemies matter not at all.

Former Gates Vaccine Scientist Predicts Mass Genocide

We are “at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal.”



A former Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Senior Program Officer in Vaccine Discovery, former Head of the Vaccine Development Office for the German equivalent of the CDC, and university professor, has released an open letter to the scientific community and to the world warning that the present mass vaccination program may “wipe out large parts of our human population.”

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche writes in his Open Letter, which he submits to the world science community for open discussion:

“…it’s becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction…”

While the science behind his explanation is somewhat complex, Bossche argues that vaccinated subjects and Covid-19 seropositve people will lose “both, their acquired and innate immune defense against Covid-19.” (Dr. Bossche Open Letter post at Twitter)The new technology in vaccines which has never before been tried on people, mRNA technology, has so far resulted, according to a reporting platform run by the CDC, in over 1,000 deaths possibly, but not for certain, related to the vaccinations, and nearly 20,000 “adverse events.” The system is the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. One of the best resources for following adverse events is Barbara Loe Fisher’s website The Vaccine Reaction.


Separately, different groups of doctors and scientists have issued statements warning of the unnecessary risk of the vaccines for a 99.4% to 99.8% survival rate virus, which is similar to normal flus. For most age ranges, one has a greater chance of dying of flu than of COVID. 

One group, America’s Frontline Doctors, has published the white paper “On Experimental Vaccines For COVID-19”. The doctors predict long-term vaccine reactions will be blamed on a “new strain.”

Another group, Doctors for COVID Ethics has published “Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns.” One of the signatures of that letter is a former Chief Science Officer and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon.

In January the government of Norway issued a warning over the safety of the COVID vaccines for people over 75 who are frail or had other conditions, which is exactly one of the target populations in the US.

Statement by Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundaton.

To all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entire world population. I am anything but an anti-vaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to spread this emergency call.
As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19- pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly and strongly enough.
As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists. However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely inappropriate, and even highly dangerous, when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic.
Vaccinologists, scientists and clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patents, but don’t seem to bother about the disastrous consequences for global health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into a wild monster.
Racing against the clock, I am completing my scientific manuscript, the publication of which is, unfortunately, likely to come too late given the ever increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants. This is why I decided to already post a summary of my findings as well as my keynote speech at the recent Vaccine Summit in Ohio on LinkedIn.
“Last Monday,” continued
RelatedVanden Bossche Interview on Brandnewtube————Vanden Bossche Two-Minute Appeal to WHO


Mike Stone – Why Does the Left Betray its Own?


Mike Stone mentions three Leftist widgets that got thrown to the wolves (Weinstein, Degeneres & Cuomo) but there are more: Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rose, Les Moonves, Roger Ailes to name a few. Even Rubert Murdoch was menaced by “sexual misconduct” charges.  What did these people do to upset their masters? Did they refuse to sacrifice children? It may be a way of keeping the go-fers living in fear. Or, it is another example of Satanism destroying its own. Because that’s what Satanists do- Destroy.

by Mike Stone


Remember Harvey Weinstein? He was the biggest producer in Hollywood, winner of multiple Academy Awards, the man responsible for launching more careers and creating more movie stars than anyone. 
He was friends with the Clintons, a donor to every leftist cause under the sun, and a man everyone wanted to meet and know. Then, seemingly out of the blue, he was levelled with a series of phoney rape hoaxes and now he’s in prison, alone and forgotten. What happened?
There were rumors at the time that Weinstein was silenced because he was planning to make an anti-vax film. In today’s context, that seems plausible. But could that story really be true? 
Surely, if someone had explained the situation to him, he would have dropped the film. In fact, someone with Weinstein’s talents could have been used to promote the current virus hoax. There has to be more to the story. What happened?
Fast forward to today and New York governor Andrew Cuomo is getting the same treatment. Just like with Weinstein, women are appearing out of the blue, months or even years after the fact, and levelling accusations at him. 
Why are these accusations only now coming out? Are any of them true? Is Cuomo even straight? I saw a picture of him with pierced nipples and, as far as I know, the only men who get their nipples pierced are homos.
As governor, Cuomo did exactly as he was told. He shut down the state of New York. He destroyed thousands – possibly millions – of jobs, businesses and livelihoods. He herded people who tested positive for the phoney virus into nursing homes in order to kill other residents. 

Cuomo served their cause, so why the sudden reversal? Why is he now being taken down? Why is he getting Penced?
Ellen Degeneres is another one. She was a one-woman wrecking crew, doing everything she could to destroy society by promoting homosexuality, transsexualism, Obama’s fraudulent presidency, you name it. 
Whatever the Deep State wanted to promote, she was their go-to person. And she did it all under the guise of being a loving, almost saintly, individual. But then last summer, articles started appearing that accused her of being the meanest person in Hollywood.
Just like with Weinstein and Cuomo, the accusations came fast and furious, and seemingly out of nowhere. Just like with Weinstein and Cuomo, the accusations came months and years after the fact. Just like with Weinstein and Cuomo, the accusations appeared to be part of an orchestrated and coordinated attack. What happened?
Yuri Bezmenov frequent mention of the fate of useful idiots when they are no longer needed. According to Bezmenov, they are simply lined up against a wall and shot. No surprise there. The history of communism is filled with double-dealing, back-stabbing and treachery. Is that what we saw with Weinstein, and what we are now seeing with Cuomo?

We can only speculate as to why these three pillars of the commie left were thrown under the bus. Obviously, somewhere along the line Weinstein, Cuomo and Degeneres must have pissed someone off; someone far above them on the food chain. I wonder who that person or those persons might be. Perhaps the answer lies in the one group no one is allowed to criticize.

If you’re a commie reading this, watch your back. Those people that you think are your friends and supporters now, won’t hesitate to destroy you if it means advancing themselves or their own agendas. That’s how leftism and communism works. The left eats its own.——Mike Stone is the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.
RelatedCuomo’s Seventh Accuser


ER Doctor – “We’re Being Deceived and Manipulated


left. Mark Trozzi MD
There is one honest courageous doctor in Ontario, who takes his medical vows seriously.
“Both in my regular ER and my “COVID-19 designated” ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient.” 


“I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19.”

“My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer’s money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal.”

My Personal Testimony 

 My name is Mark Trozzi. I am a medical doctor; I graduated in 1990 from The University of Western Ontario. I have been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years; and I have been on call in multiple emergency units since the onset of the so-called “pandemic”, including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19. 
I am an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and I hold teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen’s University and The University of Ottawa.
What follows is my  observations and opinions; I am bound by my personal and religious convictions to speak openly and honestly. I do not have authority to tell you “the truth”, but I will share my honest experiences, perceptions, and digests of hundreds of hours of research on the subject of covid-19.
At the onset of this “pandemic”, I was cautious and hence meticulous with N95 mask use, hand washing, social isolation and distancing etc. I studied coronavirus science and was deeply involved in many emergency department drills to modify our practice in profound ways to deal with the “killer virus” we were advertised. However, various things soon made me consider that we were being deceived and manipulated. 
Here are a few:
The “first wave” of the “pandemic” was absolutely the quietest time in my career. I have worked very hard and been very busy over the past twenty-five years in ER. 
However, both in my regular ER and my “COVID-19 designated” ER, there were almost no patients, and almost no work. I had multiple long ER shifts without a single patient. 
Meanwhile, when I would go to the local grocery store, the propagandized public, God bless them, would usher me to the front of the antisocial distance line, thanking me for everything I was going through as a front-line emergency doctor. 
They believed that the ER’s and hospitals were full of patients dying from covid, and that I must be exhausted and at risk of dying myself from exposure. I began contacting doctors and friends all over Canada and the US, and found the same pattern: empty hospitals, and propaganda saying that they were full of patients dying of covid.
Early in my studies, I investigated zinc and hydroxychloroquine, which based on sound physiology, may genuinely help those rare persons who get very sick with this cold virus. I was surprised that this treatment was simply brushed aside and dismissed by most of the medical community.
Researching the World Health Organization, of the UN, I learned that the Chinese dictatorship (PRC) had propped up a ******* communist “Dr” Tedros, as the head of the WHO; and I learned how the PRC had been involved in: the virus release; the cover-up for weeks; the disappearing and suppression of honest Chinese doctors and scientist; the spreading of the virus to the world (sparing Beijing where the PRC elite live);  and dramatic abuse of the Chinese people in their well-timed lockdown, which was filmed and transmitted to the world to create the panic that herded all of us into surrendering our economies and civil rights.
 I learned how Canada’s chief public health officer Dr Tam, is on the oversight committee of the WHO with Dr Tedros, essentially making her a ******-agent; and I listened to her often-******* dissertations to Canadians regarding covid-19.
 At every level, hospital administration has had no apparent choice, other than to submit to the endless top-down roll out from governments, of questionable new rules, protocols, and procedures.
 My honest conversations with coworkers about my research and observations, became a problem. Caught in this quandary, an important administrator who I greatly respect, told me that “my thoughts made others uncomfortable, and made it difficult to keep everyone motivated and compliant” with all the new protocols and restrictions. 
Sympathetic to the sad situation, I maintained my clinical position by promising to “bite my tongue any time I thought I was going to speak about COVID-19” in the hospital. This was ultimately ethically impossible for me, and I have recently removed myself from the ER to avoid conflict.
I have never seen a patient sick with COVID-19; I have seen some positive PCR tests in asymptomatic people, and watched people be imprisoned in their own homes and isolated from family and friends. 
My research into the PCR test has convinced me personally that it is misleading, manipulatable, and being used to drain endless taxpayer’s money and future debt, to dramatically enrich the very criminals running this scandal. 
My province alone has performed ~50,000 PCR tests daily. Meanwhile our federal government is bringing in hundreds of thousands of doses of potentially dangerous experimental injections of modified viral genetic material, calling them “vaccines”, and having the military manage them. Is this reasonable for a predominantly mild and non-fatal viral illness.
I have watched the suppression of doctors and scientists who performed serum antibody studies, whose findings showed that the virus was much more widespread, yet generally nonfatal, and asymptomatic or very mild in most cases; and that in many regions we had likely already achieved natural herd immunity by summer 2020.
Look at this study performed in Wuhan itself, which shows that the virus was done there by June 1, 2020 just two months after their brief lockdowns ended, and no one was spreading it, not even the very few people with a positive PCR “test” (and they were not sick): 
I noticed that after China’s theatric lockdown, they quickly went back to business as usual, while all our economies were frozen; they gained tremendous control over the world’s marketplace. It seems a great, though evil strategy!POLITICAL MANIPULATION OF HEALTH CARE WORKERS
I perceive that many things we learned in medical school about infectious disease, have been brushed aside and replaced by constantly expanding lists of often ******* mandates by public health officials. Doctors, nurses, and teachers are especially important to the success of this COVID-19 deception, as we are leaders in society and people trust our advice. 
So, it is no surprise that I have found free speech and thought have been very suppressed in our ranks. Rather than endure the punishments of dissenting, we can choose to experience the short-sighted perks like extremely quiet days in the ER, replacing our traditional hands-on work with Zoom sessions from home; and accessing a variety of new COVID-19 ******* codes. 
At one point, an option existed to make more money than I normally make working in a busy  ER, to just stay home and be available in case the covid swabbing nurse needed to video conference with me.
There are many positive and negative motivators being used to manipulate Canadian doctors, nurses and teachers, to inadvertently participate in this grand covid deception; but  this is destroying our society. To use a Titanic metaphor: “even the luxury suites on the Titanic end up at the bottom of the ocean when she sinks”. Also, much of what is being done, including the experimental viral genetic injections, seem to violate the Nuremberg code regarding medical experimentation with full informed consent by the participants. Doctor’s and nurses face tough decisions. My career as an emergency physician always provided me an opportunity to practice my religious and ethical beliefs of honesty and kindness, while making a good living. Now maintaining the career I love,  would require participating in the deception, violating my oath and spiritual beliefs, and in my opinion committing crimes against humanity as defined by  the Nuremberg Code.
I empathize with all my fellow doctors and nurses. We are all victims of the covid abuse.
I researched and perceived how  corrupt oligarchs seem to have planned this crime against humanity. This planning included Event 201 which was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University in October 2019; and the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Viral outbreak simulation planning called “Operation Lockstep”. 
Both these projects described how a viral outbreak would be used to bring in an authoritarian system with the loss of our human rights and freedoms. I also observed how their cohorts in big tech like Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube worked to censor and deceive us all; it’s genuine propaganda.
The forced wearing of masks by most of the world’s population is not unanimously supported by real science. These masks cause significant harm to our psychologic, social, dermatologic, dental and otolaryngotic health. Though I generally have great health, the masks have given me rashes and nasal symptoms whenever I have had to wear them for prolonged periods, which resolve whenever I  do not wear them for a few days. What I find most disturbing is the elimination of facial expressions, and hence normal visual social interaction.
 The history of past attempts at vaccines for coronaviruses, revealed some very dangerous side effects in animal models, and the efforts were abandoned.  Why would we take a dangerous vaccine for a generally mild illness, to which we develop herd immunity anyways? The current roll-out of fast tracked expensive experimental “vaccines” is burying the taxpayers in endless debt to the rich and powerful villains of this story. Yet, we the people who have been imprisoned and abused in this scandal, are being manipulated into taking  new strange injections, in hopes that we might regain some of our freedom.  Additionally the so called “vaccines” are not vaccines (unless we change the definition of vaccines). Rather they are injections of Corona virus genes. See the section This Is Not A Vaccine

Recently, I have made some tough personal decisions; surrendering income and personal security, to choose an ethical and honest path forward, that may help contribute to an outcome that is true and just; and to the return of our free society and civil liberties. I believe that we are almost all victims in this, regardless of where we are on the path for the recovery of truth.


Freemasonry is the Real Taboo


In western society, personal success depends on your complicity in a diabolical Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and your willingness to betray your fellow citizens. We hear a lot about Jews but rarely hear Freemasons mentioned. Why is that? They are the covert instrument of Rothschild power.Here I review, James Wardner’s Unholy Alliances (1996) the only book to expose Masonic control of US politics. Online here.

What can we expect of government when most politicians belong to a satanic cult?

“We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities…[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses.” (Protocols of Zion, 12) c.1892

Updated from March 6, 2014


by Henry Makow Ph.D. 

I devoured the second season of House of Cards like a box of chocolates.  But I couldn’t be bothered to watch the current fifth season: too much bullshit. Not a word about Freemasonry. 
Most congress critters belong to this satanic secret society, but you can watch a series pretending to unveil Washington politics, and not hear the word “Freemason” mentioned once. (The show also avoids any mention of Jews and Zionist influence.) Actually there is one Masonic reference, the upside down flag in the series logo is a Masonic sign of distress, perhaps a wink to people in the know.

Search “How Many congressmen are Freemasons?” on Google and you’ll find practically no information.  Just a story about the Congressional stenographer who broke down in October 2013 and blurted about  Freemasons and the devil controlling Congress  (Here is her account.)
There’s no reminder of the 2004 Bush-Kerry election where both men confessed to being members of the Masonic Skull and Bones, but couldn’t talk about it because, “it’s a secret.” No kidding.
How gullible can people get? Both Presidential candidates belong to a secret society. Nothing happening here. Move along folks. The watchdogs of freedom, the mass media, didn’t even tug on their leash. 
Today, I found this 2016 list of 50 “non Jewish” Masonic Senators. 



(Wardner, left, is a dentist in Florida) 
The pioneer on the subject of Masonic control is James Wardner in a 1996 book entitled Unholy Alliances. There has been nothing important written since. It’s significant that Masonic power is kept quiet while Jewish power is trumpeted. Here are 10 facts about their control of Congress and the Judiciary in the recent past. You can be sure that things have only gotten worse. 

1.  Wardner lists names of 75 congressmen who were Freemasons in the 1980’s but there were probably many more. These included both liberals and rednecks indicating a House League: Bob Dole, Jesse Helms, Mark Hatfield, Lloyd Bentsen, Robert Byrd and Arlen Specter. 


Presidents who were Freemasons: George Washington. James Monroe. Andrew Jackson, James Polk. James Buchanan. Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt, Howard Taft, Warren Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, LBJ, Gerald Ford, G.H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.  Since Garfield was shot and Harding poisoned, apparently not all Masons understand that their function is to advance Communism, i.e. Jewish banker world domination, Satanism.

2.  In 1987, Freemason and Senator Alan Simpson (left) bragged that “Forty one members of the Federal Judiciary are presently Masons.” (67)

3.  Masonic authority Henry Clausen boasted in the early 90’s that Masons include “14 Presidents and 18 Vice-Presidents of the United States, a majority of the justices of the United States Supreme Court, of the Governors of the States, of the members of the Senate, and a large percentage of Congressmen. Five Chief Justices of the United States were Masons  and two were Grand Masters.” (67) Wardner adds that these two Grand Masters were John Marshall and Earl Warren who effectively ended prayer in schools.

4. This is nothing new since Thaddeus Stevens, Pennsylvania’s delegate to the 1830 Anti Masonic Convention noted that “though but one hundred thousand of these people of the United States are Freemasons, yet almost all the office of high profit and high honor are filled with gentlemen of that institution.” 

5. Freemasons in Dwight Eisenhower’s Cabinet included the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense,  Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Commerce and Ike’s Chief of Staff, Sherman Adams.

6. Apart from President Truman himself, left, Masons include the Secretary of State, Commerce, Defense, Attorney General and his four Supreme Court appointments. Truman said, “Although I hold the highest civil honor in the world, I have always regarded my rank and title as a past grand Master (of the Grand Lodge of Missouri) as the highest honor that has ever comes to me.” (61-63)

7.   FDR was an ardent Scottish Rite Mason. Masons in his Cabinet included the Vice President, the Secretary of the Treasury, War, Commerce, Attorney General and six of his eight Supreme Court appointments. No surprise that Empire State Mason boasted in Feb 1953 that if “World Masonry ever comes into being, historians will give much credit to when FDR was President.” 

8. President Warren Harding (1921-1923) was a Mason and by 1923, 300 of the 435 members of the US House of Representatives (69%)  and 30 of the 48 Senators (63%) were Freemasons. In 1929, 67% of Congress were Masons.  (p. 56)

9. Leon de Poncins wrote that the First World War was contrived to create a Masonic Super State in the form of the League of Nations. The Treaty of Versailles deliberately led to revolutionary unrest in Germany, the Civil War in Spain and finally to the Second World War. “It is a frightening thought that an occult organization …can direct the course of European politics, without anyone being aware of the fact.” (p.55) 

10. In 1834, a report to the Massachusetts Legislature concluded that Freemasonry was “a distinct independent government within our own government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy and the oaths and regulations which its subjects are bound to obey.” (p.54)

Wardner concludes that the tentacles of the Masonic lodge pervade society. There are at least 160 different organizations that require its members to be Masons, including higher ranks of the US military. (p.70)  In 1950, Masons estimated that nearly 10 million adults were directly linked to Freemasonry through the nation’s three million Master Masons. 


(Satanic hand signs exposed.


Clearly, Freemasonry (Cabalism, Satanism) is the secret religion of the West. This is the real party and we’re not invited. We have to make do with an ersatz version of democracy, freedom and culture.  No wonder vapid white men with pinched pussy faces run the country; no wonder people are so artificial and false and we have constant scandal, corruption and war. 

Clearly, the whole Gentile establishment is complicit in the subversion of humanity. Anti-Semitism is a diversion. How many of the Internet anti-Semites ever mention Freemasonry? Of course the Jewish leadership is also guilty. Almost all leadership is. How much easier for Freemasons to slough off the blame on ordinary Jews who are just as clueless as ordinary Gentiles. 

Clueless because they watch House of Cards and think it actually depicts political reality.


Must see- the whole storyThree lectures by Dr. James Wardner on Freemasonry in America



✨ Yesterday, I proved that women overwhelmingly reject being taught to learn what pleases their husbands and to be sexually available to them no matter who delivers the message or how it’s delivered.

✨ First, I shared a post with my write up and a link to the pastor who preached on this topic. Women were furious with him and me for even pointing out the good things he taught, even though I shared the things I disagreed with.

✨ Next, I shared the following tweet I had written about the same main points that the pastor had made below it, but I used Scripture to back it all up. Women were furious with me.

🌻 “But I keep my under by body, and bring it into subjection” (1 Cor. 9:27). We are to discipline our bodies and be master over them, not allow them and their appetites to master us.

🌻 “Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency” (1 Cor. 7:5). Be sexually available to your husband.

🌻 A huge reason for marrying is for sex. “Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband” (1 Cor. 7:2). “For it is better to marry than to burn” (1 Cor. 7:9).

🌻 How do we know men are visual? “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Matt. 5:28). Jesus is teaching this verse to men. He knows they are visual. He created them.

✨ Finally, I shared the following tweet I had written that teaching these biblical truths causes women to be greatly offended. Many were furious with this tweet.

✨ It’s not about the messenger at all. It’s about the message that they react so vehemently against. Every messenger can have a different way to present the message, but it will invariably offend many. I know. Every time I have written on this topic, many women are outraged and offended.

✨ Check your hearts, women. If this offends you, how will you handle the coming persecution that we’re promised?

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
2 Timothy 3:12

Never Be Offended By Truth