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Mike Stone – Why Does the Left Betray its Own?


Mike Stone mentions three Leftist widgets that got thrown to the wolves (Weinstein, Degeneres & Cuomo) but there are more: Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rose, Les Moonves, Roger Ailes to name a few. Even Rubert Murdoch was menaced by “sexual misconduct” charges.  What did these people do to upset their masters? Did they refuse to sacrifice children? It may be a way of keeping the go-fers living in fear. Or, it is another example of Satanism destroying its own. Because that’s what Satanists do- Destroy.

by Mike Stone


Remember Harvey Weinstein? He was the biggest producer in Hollywood, winner of multiple Academy Awards, the man responsible for launching more careers and creating more movie stars than anyone. 
He was friends with the Clintons, a donor to every leftist cause under the sun, and a man everyone wanted to meet and know. Then, seemingly out of the blue, he was levelled with a series of phoney rape hoaxes and now he’s in prison, alone and forgotten. What happened?
There were rumors at the time that Weinstein was silenced because he was planning to make an anti-vax film. In today’s context, that seems plausible. But could that story really be true? 
Surely, if someone had explained the situation to him, he would have dropped the film. In fact, someone with Weinstein’s talents could have been used to promote the current virus hoax. There has to be more to the story. What happened?
Fast forward to today and New York governor Andrew Cuomo is getting the same treatment. Just like with Weinstein, women are appearing out of the blue, months or even years after the fact, and levelling accusations at him. 
Why are these accusations only now coming out? Are any of them true? Is Cuomo even straight? I saw a picture of him with pierced nipples and, as far as I know, the only men who get their nipples pierced are homos.
As governor, Cuomo did exactly as he was told. He shut down the state of New York. He destroyed thousands – possibly millions – of jobs, businesses and livelihoods. He herded people who tested positive for the phoney virus into nursing homes in order to kill other residents. 

Cuomo served their cause, so why the sudden reversal? Why is he now being taken down? Why is he getting Penced?
Ellen Degeneres is another one. She was a one-woman wrecking crew, doing everything she could to destroy society by promoting homosexuality, transsexualism, Obama’s fraudulent presidency, you name it. 
Whatever the Deep State wanted to promote, she was their go-to person. And she did it all under the guise of being a loving, almost saintly, individual. But then last summer, articles started appearing that accused her of being the meanest person in Hollywood.
Just like with Weinstein and Cuomo, the accusations came fast and furious, and seemingly out of nowhere. Just like with Weinstein and Cuomo, the accusations came months and years after the fact. Just like with Weinstein and Cuomo, the accusations appeared to be part of an orchestrated and coordinated attack. What happened?
Yuri Bezmenov frequent mention of the fate of useful idiots when they are no longer needed. According to Bezmenov, they are simply lined up against a wall and shot. No surprise there. The history of communism is filled with double-dealing, back-stabbing and treachery. Is that what we saw with Weinstein, and what we are now seeing with Cuomo?

We can only speculate as to why these three pillars of the commie left were thrown under the bus. Obviously, somewhere along the line Weinstein, Cuomo and Degeneres must have pissed someone off; someone far above them on the food chain. I wonder who that person or those persons might be. Perhaps the answer lies in the one group no one is allowed to criticize.

If you’re a commie reading this, watch your back. Those people that you think are your friends and supporters now, won’t hesitate to destroy you if it means advancing themselves or their own agendas. That’s how leftism and communism works. The left eats its own.——Mike Stone is the author of Based, a young adult novel about race, dating and growing up in America, and A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles – – Available on Amazon.
RelatedCuomo’s Seventh Accuser

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