Monday, June 11th, 2018

De Niro unhinged: Throws F-Bomb at Trump, calls Trump Hitler to kids.

Standing ovation from the Hollyweird leftist loonies.

Thomas: Celibacy and STD’s.

Arvay: Marriage in chaos.

Harvey: The increasing meaninglessness of American life.

Marcus: Bourdain: Casualty of the leftist mindset.

Curtis: Truth, Veritas, and Knowledge of  history

Hall: A pound of flesh at the speed of justice.

Atkisson: Excellent analogy on the crookedness of Dem’s Trump “investigation”.

Willie Brown warns Dems they may be in for a surprise with Cox.

Frustrated Nunes gives FBI, DoJ ultimatum to supply informant docs

World awaits Trump Kim summit.

D’Souza to compare Trump with Lincoln in upcoming film.

Walsh: If we want to prevent suicide, maybe we should stop celebrating suicide.

Wit, wisdom are likely tools of Kim’s toolbox.

Obama secret meetings with 2020 Dem contenders.

Showalter: MeToo: Democratic Party leader Eric Holder is looking for new Weinsteins to defend

Two primaries on Tuesday illustrate why the ‘Blue Wave’ is far from certain

Eagles playing out of their league.

Summits tricky: Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan all learned the hard way.

Ramadan Rage: Jihadists have killed injured 1,365 with one week to go.

Pollak: a tribute to Charles Krauthammer.

Italy blocks ship carrying 600 migrants.

Ken Starr: Trump has ability to fire Mueller.

Sunday, June 10th, 2018

High stakes in Singapore.

North Korea Summit set.

Trump Kim Summit: Security tight.

Federer: The place we built America’s great Naval Heritage. 

Study: Haven’t read a book lately?  Blame Netflix.

Brace for world economies most important week of the year.

Soros: “Everything’s gone wrong!”  

Soros: Living in my own Bubble.

Kelly: White House is a miserable place to work.

Sessions struggles to get planned marijuana crackdown going.  Has no support from Trump or Congress.

Delingpole: Epic renewables fail as solar crashes and wind refuses to blow.

Watch: Trump mocks CNN: “Fake News CNN, the worst.

Black leaders call for old fashioned values to beat failed schools.

The Secret Societies that killed Uncle Sam.

McCullough: 5 Reasons Trump will win 40 states in 2020.

Bolyard: They’re here, they are queer, and now they are coming for Christians, and our jobs.

The Barbary Pirates: Islamic terrorism and America’s first Naval Military Victory.

Hawkins: The more men are bathed in femininity the more “toxic masculinity” you will see.

Trump blasts Canada for false statements.

Kudlow calls Trudeau’s remarks “amateurish”, “a betrayal”.

China, Russia solidify growing Eastern Bloc.

Young reporter in leak investigation enjoyed meteoric rise in D.C. journalism.

In this city, police, camera’s and the internet watch you.

Suicide hotline calls jump 25% after celebrities deaths.

Amazon blasted over China factory conditions.

Auto lenders ramp up risk to win new buyers.

Trump approval better than Reagan and Obama at same point of their presidencies.

The 8 states that will determine which party will control the House of Representatives in 2018.

Erdogan predicts war between Crescent and the Cross over Austrian mosque closures. 

Islam means submission, will you submit or resist?  #FreeTommy rally in London.

In London, march for Anti-Semitism.  March not considered incitement.

Hunter: Krauthammer is dying with dignity while the liberals are living with none.

Bialosky: The real divide in America.

Gutnecht: The Boxer.

Feldman: Secrets travel fast in D.C.

Trinko: The left achieves perfection in D.C.

Philen: Trump Vs. the media.

Dodwell: A protracted trade war? Not necessarily

Kramer: Exposing BDS

Knight: The Revolution will not be finalized.

Straker: Trump called anti-science for rejecting liberal scientists.


Saturday, June 9th, 2018

Krauthammer reveals he has weeks to live in heartbreaking letter.

French: It’s not bigotry to believe homosexuality is a sin.

Massive crowds gather to hear Geert Wilders demand Tommy Robinson’s release.

Flaws in Death “Roe”.

Erickson: the new bigotry.

Gavin Newsom: Mr. Me.

McCarthy: Leak investigations, journalists, and double standards.

Exclusive: Marsha Blackburn: yes, social media companies need regulation.

College course: “Objectivity”, “Meritocracy” are among white mythologies.

Federer: Why June 9th should go down in infamy.

Farah: Why are Americans killing themselves in record numbers?

How LGBT activism works: Mountains out of molehills. 

40 Years later: Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard speech blazes a beacon for renewal.

Dad’s funeral: Final notes regarding a Civil Rights Pioneer.

It’s the Trump economy, stupid.

Why President Trump ought not to pardon Muhammad Ali.

The mischaracterization of Alice Johnson’s crimes is wrong, she deserved punishment.

What ancient Sparta can teach us about politics today.

Meet Virginia Hall: One of the unsung heroes of D-Day

Muslim mafia protests exclusion from Trump’s Ramadan dinner. 

Austria expels 60 foreign Imams, closes mosques.

Trump issues warning on trade as he leaves G-7 summit.

In Trump, some see end of world order.

Activist pope warns oil executives that climate change “may destroy civilization”.

Video of TSA agents searching 96 year old woman in wheelchair sparks outrage.

Chinese hackers stole sensitive Navy undersea warfare plans…

American supercomputer is best in the world.

China hosts Russia, Iran, as U.S. relations tense.

Russia is building a giant war cloud. 

Clinton defends Franken: I’m just old fashioned.

Steve King: GOP hell bent on amnesty, listening to what donors want. 

Coulter: Jeff Sessions only one in Trump cabinet doing anything to stop illegal immigration. 

Goldberg: For Bill Clinton’s MeToo moment: He did nothing wrong.

Klayman: expect a toothless IG report.

Schaper: California Primary Reflections (Trump’s Strange Endorsement Makes Sense Now)

The Pentagon’s cloud deal.

Fifty years after Tet.

Friday, June 8th, 2018

Bourdain found dead at 61.

Another celebrity suicide.

How College literally drives kids nuts.

Bombshell: Iran admits to facilitating 9/11. 

Suicides up to tenth place for leading causes of death.  One of three, including Alzheimer’s and drug overdoses, that are increasing.

Justice department seizes reporters phone and e-mail records in leak investigation. 

Trump: No White House invitation for Curry, James, or their teams. 

WALSH: What Really Lies At The Root Of Our Culture’s Suicide Epidemic

Battle for Religious Liberty Continues After Supreme Court Win for Christian Baker: Congresswoman Dianne Black

Pelosi freezes during simple math problem:  63-15 is 47…right?

Atlanta Sex-Trafficking Sting Results In Hundreds Of Rescued Children And Arrests, Report Says

Tommy Robinson disappears: Free speech in England is dead.

Ireland opens door to demographics disaster.

China and the clash of civilizations.

Mata Hari journalism? Veteran Senate Intelligence Committee staffer, in romantic relationship with NYT reporter, arrested in probe of leaks

What the NBA can teach Justice Kennedy.

The lawless, porn-respecting , MS-13-loving, humorless American left

The End of Merit

Progressive Jihad on the Prairie

What I Learned About ‘Progressives’ When I Came to America

You Don’t Get To Rewrite the Constitution Because You Dislike Donald Trump

56 lawmakers call for investigation into Planned Murderhood after sex abuse cover up.

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Rising suicide rate cause for concern.

More evidence of internet  cabal’s far left goal line.

Spalding: A tale of two commencements addresses, Hillary and Solzhenitsyn. 

Rodney Howard-Browne & Paul L. Williams: Uncle Same was murdered.

Federer: Andrew Jackson: Talk about a tough childhood.

Limbaugh: Trump’s fake news claim totally justified. 

Put aside devices, take time for solitude…

Victor Davis Hanson: Europe’s vanishing calm.

Limbaugh site hit with “Deceptive” warning. 

Herland: Social disorder and Christian decline.

Why intelligence agencies abuse of power should be a litmus test for the right. 

Elder: Black motorists lying to cops—who is doing the racial profiling. 

Horvat II: Good times return, but not babies.

The demonization of whites by Mrs. Bill Gates and others.

Sobieski: Trade deficits paying for China military buildup. 

Trinko: The corruption of science.

New DOJ report: 1 in 5 federal prisoners are illegal aliens.

You’re fired: Mulvaney fires entire CFPB advisory board.

Hunter: There is nothing liberalism won’t ruin. 

Ron Paul: Cashless society very dangerous.

3 lessons for your kids from Robin Williams suicide.

Google car for liftoff.

Putin warns World War 3 will be the end of civilization. 

Steve King sounds alarm: Establishment stampeding towards amnesty cliff.

House GOP in 11th hour attempts for immigration reform.

NASA: building blocks for life found on Mars.

Kate Spade meds

FEC Dem who targeted Drudge admits agency biased against Republicans. 

Mag: Dems are totally blowing it. 

Progressives: Stop comparing immigrants to gang members.

McCarthy: Andrew McCabe seeks immunity….for what?

Geraghty: Bill Clinton’s lessons. 

Restaurant bans professor for rant against white kids. 

Pullman: 7 takeaways from ACLU spin following their Masterpiece cakeshop loss. 

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

DOJ watchdog finds Comey defied authority as FBI director.

Dems great hope: Newsom vs. Cox in CA governors race. 

Trump issues new pardon based on Kardashian meet.

$119 billion: trade deficit with China hits new record. 

Obama admin secretly gave Iran access to U.S. financial system. 

Lila Rose: Planned Parenthood covers for abuse.

Warner: Athletes can no longer play nice. 

Start of exodus of rich New Yorkers and Californians after tax changes?

US house prices are going to rise at twice the speed of inflation and pay: Reuters poll

Prostitute scandal hits Mexico world cup squad. 

Troubling U.S. Navy review finds widespread shortfalls in basic seamanship. 

Man kneels at celebration of America event at White House. 

Rudy: Kim got on his hands and knees and begged. 

Lawmakers press FB on Chinese data sharing. 

New details of Dykstra arrest emerge.

California Primary: Voters Recall Democrat Josh Newman over Gas Tax Vote

Exclusive — DeSantis: If House Leadership Wanted Answers on FBI Scrutiny of Trump Campaign, ‘We’d Get Them Very Shortly’

DeSantis: Comey Said McCabe Stood Tall — Now McCabe Wants Immunity Because He Knows ‘He’s in Jeopardy’

Walsh: Millennials are selfish and entitled because their parents were selfish and entitled.

Domenech: Why it’s absurd to pretend the Enlightenment is responsible for slavery. 

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

Illegitimate special counsel Mueller says Manafort attempted to tamper with witnesses.  His purview was Russian collusion, and he is completely off the trail. 

Next up at Supremes: State attack on Christian Florist. 

FB gave data access to Chinese firm deemed threat by U.S. Intelligence

Mueller demands jail for Manafort, for his trying to “tamper” with witnesses. 

Spade kills herself with a scarf.

Trump taunts Eagles players after nixing White House visit. 

Geert Wilders to spearhead Tommy Robinson protest in London.

Nancy rages at SCOTUS ruling: Bake that cake Evangelicals!

Coburn: How to restore the U.S. Constitution to it’s rightful place. 

Victor Davis Hanson: Elites value Mellifluous illegality over crass lawfulness. 

Trump effect hits Europe: Let’s Deport. 

Prager: The idiots and ingrates at Google.

Rep. Dave Brat: When red states go blue. 

Dunaway: 5 tips for life for grads and others. 

Lebron: No one wants an invite anyways.

Franklin Graham: There’s an agenda to lure children into promiscuity.

Walsh: The huge absurd lie that liberals are telling about the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. 

McConnell cancels Senates August recess.

Hersh: Anti-Trump FBI is the missed story of all time.

Moore: 6 reasons to still hate Obamacare.

Iran just threatened to murder 9 million Israelis again. 

Lowry: Christian baker 1, Officious bureaucrats 0

SCOTUS ruling: Broad enough to matter.

Shapiro: Are Dems blowing it?

Sessions announces new push to crack down on violent crime and illegal immigration.

Massie: Are Kanye and Roseanne really conservatives?

The very wide narrow ruling

Gingrich: President Trump has paved the way for a free speech comeback.

Philly Mayor taunts “fragile egomaniac”

California primaries take top billing as voters in 8 states head to polls.

Half U.S. homes overvalued in April.

The one topic Democrats don’t dare bring up in today’s SoCal primary

David Koch steps down from company, political groups. 

U.S. said to ask OPEC for 1 million a day oil barrel increase. 

The U.S. Navy is developing mothership drones for coastal defense. 

Apple unveils ways to help limit I-Phone usage.

World’s oldest person is 129 years old. 

Wild brawl erupts at funeral home in NY, cops beaten. 

How Jesus died: Rare evidence of Roman Crucifixion found. 

London crime wave: 1 year old baby, woman stabbed in broad daylight. 

Trump impatient for DOJ IG’s report on FBI.

Matthews: Democrat Elitism Nauseauting.

Graham: DoJ’s IG Report Not an ‘Adequate Substitute’ for Special Counsel — McCabe, Comey Need to Be Worried

Giuliani criticizes Gowdy, Nunes for breaking with Trump on spygate. 

Seth Macfarlane compares not baking gay wedding cake to discriminating against black people.

Delusional Taylor Swift criticizes those who oppose homosexuality. 

Policy allowing children to identify as transgender without parental consent reversed. 

Tracinski: The Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Majority want’s to kill freedom softly. 

Pullman: Melinda Gates bashes white guys, say’s she will discriminate against them.

Davidson: A footnote in the SCOTUS Masterpiece ruling bodes ill for religious liberty.

Marcus: Trump shouldn’t punish patriotic Eagles for PC Bro Chris Long’s antics. 

Maitra: Campus suppression is so bad that academics are holding conferences in secret. 

Payton: The Joy Reid Saga proves there are different standards for liberals and for conservatives. 

Del Arroz: It’s time to fight until the left follows the same rules they force on the right. 

Toplansky: New Jersey and Gun Control.

Religious Liberty Takes the Cake

Barr and Bee: What Do They Really Represent? Trevor Thomas

Are We Fostering Food or Famine? Viv Forbes

Waiting for the Next Religion Christopher Chantrill

Western Liberals and Religious Tests for High Office Ojel L. Rodriguez

Howard Schultz resigns as Starbucks chairman, may run in 2020

A closer look at SCOTUS’s gay cake decision

‘Sticks and stones’ in the age of PC

How Christians fight back on wedding cakes

Conservative America’s mainstream media war

The very wide narrow ruling

Goldberg: If arrogance were a crime, a lot of journalists would be in jail. 

Miss America pageant axes swimsuit competition, will no longer judge on appearance.

Monday, June 4th, 2018

Trump: I can pardon self. 

STD’s rampant in America, particularly in liberal California.

Watch Video: Free Speech under attack in California!

Breaking: SCOTUS rules for Colorado baker who refused to bake cake for homosexual wedding!!!!

SCOTUS scolds Colorado for showing hostility to religion. 

Political violence in the streets of downtown Portland as Antifa battles Patriot Prayer Group. 

Italy’s Salvini: “The good times for illegals are over.  Get ready to pack your bags!!

Klukowski: Sitting presidents cannot be prosecuted or forced to testify.

Heather MacDonald: Rage and Race at Yale

Jesse Lee Peterson: Roseanne’s lynching is an insult to blacks.

Ludwig: Erotic manias and disappearing fathers. 

Rail: Cleaning up after Obama and Hillary.

Kashuv, Grant, Devlin: Five tips for young conservative activists. 

Knight: An Orwellian gagging of the media. 

Of course Obama’s race protected him from negative media coverage. 

U.K.: 40% of terrorists jailed in last decade will be back on streets by end of 2018. 

Billy Jeff interview gone ugly.

Broaddrick: Why didn’t NBC ask Bill about when he raped me?

Democrat rep: Mark Zuckerberg lied to Congress. 

Bernie attacks Disneyland.  One man who believes in socialism fairytales attacks one of the biggest producers of fairytales in America. 

Kirchick: The roots of Russian aggression.  Don’t blame the West.

Victor Davis Hanson: California and Conservatism.

SCOTUS throws out case of illegal alien right to abortion. 

Chuck Norris: My Commencement speech address.

Bill Clinton: I don’t owe Monica an apology.

Schlichter: Conservatives must build their own culture, or be exiles in their own society. 

Morefield: To avoid a 30 year old squatter, teach your kids the value of work. 

Blackwell: The internet sales tax: a threat to federalism and small businesses.

Jacob: The First (and most important) First Amendment.

Haskins: California’s newest assault on religious liberty (and adoptions)

Henry: Why MSNBC doesn’t fire Joy Reid, even though it’s obvious she is a liar. 

Boyd: The HuffPost ruined an entire family for one person’s tweet.

Gleason: No evangelicals don’t want the Middle East destabilized to bring about Armageddon. 

Manheimer: Three Climate Change Questions

Marcus: Life with father, a dying breed.

Sullivan: Socialism begets Socialists.

Curtis: The question of genocide

Showalter: Google up to it’s old tricks, Nunes has a bead on them. 

Moran: Bill Clinton: If it were a Democrat president, impeachment hearings would have started. 

Lifson: Italy’s government battles Soros. 

Klavan: the Democrats descend into farce.

Malor: SCOTUS’ missed opportunity with Masterpiece cakeshop decision. 

Bill Clinton: Metoo?

Billy Jeff say’s he wuz the real victim. 

Clinton book backfire. 

Woman rejects taxi driver’s offers to come in her home, he rewards her by lighting her doormat on fire. 

Sunday June 3rd, 2018


New browser created to hide your personal details. 

The Muslim Authoritarian Mentality. 

Rudy shocker: Trump has power to pardon himself.

Growing forces oppose presidential subpoena

Adams: Politically correct child molestation. 

Federer: More evidence we are a Christian Nation.

Devin Nunes warns Google may need to testify if Anti-GOP search results keep showing up.

Devin Nunes hammers Twitter for censoring Drudge Report.

White House moves to head off historic subpoena.

Tommy Robinson and our free speech rights.

Portland bakery fires two employees for refusing service to a black woman after closing time.

Oklahoma becomes 8th state to be banned under California’s ridiculous and absurd travel ban based on nonsensical sexual orientation.

James Clapper: A lying charlatan.

Curtis: Harmony and discord in Italy.

Talgo and Jarratt: Government can’t cure our education problem, only parental choice can.

Trump to host Ramadan dinner.
Islam: A religion of peace.

New Italian government vows to create jobs, deport migrants. 

May Jobs reports great for everyone – except Democrats running for office.

Britain says militant Islamic threat to stay high, may rise. 

Dowd: Obama is just too good for us. 

Turnoff: Netflix popularity plummets among Republicans.

NASA chief Bridenstine: China pulling ahead of U.S. in some aspects of space race. 

Santorum: Obama exacerbated racism in America.

People are seeking overthrow of entire regime in Iran. 

Trans student invades boys bathroom: “because I can”. 

California clears way for personal flamethrowers. 

Hunter: Liberals (once again) exempt themselves from the rules.

McCullough: That time we lost our First Amendment right to free speech.

Raleigh: Tommy Robinson’s arrest shows it’s time for Britain to save itself from PC culture.

Bialosky: Intolerance of the left blossoms under guise of attacking Trump for intolerance. 

Continue reading “Sunday June 3rd, 2018”

Saturday, June 2nd, 2018

Help stop China takeover of America’s biggest port!

Williams: Capitalism vs. Socialism

Freeloader Kim: America needs to pay for my hotel!

McAlister: The real reason the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign.

Google labelling Republican state senator a “Bigot”!

Sad!  Inside a porn addiction clinic with patients as young as 8!

Limbaugh: Story of decade being suppressed.

Mattis warns of consequences if Beijing keeps militarizing S. China Sea. 

Federer: Prime enemy of our civilization still a threat.

Hougham: America’s peculiar institutions: Abortion and slavery. 

Strong again!  Atlanta Fed boosts 2nd quarter GDP forecast to 4.8%!

Sour grapes Nancy: Strong employment numbers mean little. 

Wolves in sheeps clothing.  Joel Osteen church has $90 million annual budget, 1.2% goes to spreading the gospel. 

Was LAPD fatal shooting of 14 year old Jesse Romero justified?

Defending the Constitution means defending biblical morality. 

What are Islam’s claims to Jerusalem?

“I think Facebook is dead”: An interview with street artist Sabo.

A view from the inside of Trump’s 2016 victorious Presidential campaign.

How to reduce healthcare costs by 92%.

Reddit overtakes FB to become third most visited site in America. 

Sweet and sour diplomacy: How Trump’s “maximum pressure” is forcing Kim to the table. 

Nolte: the degenerate media gleefully trampling on morality. 

Weinstein’s new rape allegations may be on camera. 

Continetti: The world as it wasn’t.  Obama’s delusional view of the world.

Goldberg: Great oaks have deep roots.

McCarthy: The Papadopoulos case needs a closer look. 

Bush economist: Economy just getting revved up!

Pedophile who raped wife (his wife went on to commit suicide), and threatened to kill President Obama, is now running for Congress, thanks to Virginia Democrat governor McAuliffe’s allowance of felons to vote and run for office. 

Crouere: Democratic midterm hopes are crumbling. 

Gaffney: Free Tommy.

Driessen: Speculative climate chaos v. indisputable fossil fuel benefits. 

Sobieski: Opening the White House to the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Gottfried: By what right do you judge?

Israel vs. Iran.

Marcus: the passing of my father, the Reverend Dr. Lloyd E. Marcus. 

Skurkiss: Are Democrats becoming the stupid party as well as the evil one?

Torossian: Left wing intolerance.