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Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

Illegitimate special counsel Mueller says Manafort attempted to tamper with witnesses.  His purview was Russian collusion, and he is completely off the trail. 

Next up at Supremes: State attack on Christian Florist. 

FB gave data access to Chinese firm deemed threat by U.S. Intelligence

Mueller demands jail for Manafort, for his trying to “tamper” with witnesses. 

Spade kills herself with a scarf.

Trump taunts Eagles players after nixing White House visit. 

Geert Wilders to spearhead Tommy Robinson protest in London.

Nancy rages at SCOTUS ruling: Bake that cake Evangelicals!

Coburn: How to restore the U.S. Constitution to it’s rightful place. 

Victor Davis Hanson: Elites value Mellifluous illegality over crass lawfulness. 

Trump effect hits Europe: Let’s Deport. 

Prager: The idiots and ingrates at Google.

Rep. Dave Brat: When red states go blue. 

Dunaway: 5 tips for life for grads and others. 

Lebron: No one wants an invite anyways.

Franklin Graham: There’s an agenda to lure children into promiscuity.

Walsh: The huge absurd lie that liberals are telling about the Masterpiece Cakeshop case. 

McConnell cancels Senates August recess.

Hersh: Anti-Trump FBI is the missed story of all time.

Moore: 6 reasons to still hate Obamacare.

Iran just threatened to murder 9 million Israelis again. 

Lowry: Christian baker 1, Officious bureaucrats 0

SCOTUS ruling: Broad enough to matter.

Shapiro: Are Dems blowing it?

Sessions announces new push to crack down on violent crime and illegal immigration.

Massie: Are Kanye and Roseanne really conservatives?

The very wide narrow ruling

Gingrich: President Trump has paved the way for a free speech comeback.

Philly Mayor taunts “fragile egomaniac”

California primaries take top billing as voters in 8 states head to polls.

Half U.S. homes overvalued in April.

The one topic Democrats don’t dare bring up in today’s SoCal primary

David Koch steps down from company, political groups. 

U.S. said to ask OPEC for 1 million a day oil barrel increase. 

The U.S. Navy is developing mothership drones for coastal defense. 

Apple unveils ways to help limit I-Phone usage.

World’s oldest person is 129 years old. 

Wild brawl erupts at funeral home in NY, cops beaten. 

How Jesus died: Rare evidence of Roman Crucifixion found. 

London crime wave: 1 year old baby, woman stabbed in broad daylight. 

Trump impatient for DOJ IG’s report on FBI.

Matthews: Democrat Elitism Nauseauting.

Graham: DoJ’s IG Report Not an ‘Adequate Substitute’ for Special Counsel — McCabe, Comey Need to Be Worried

Giuliani criticizes Gowdy, Nunes for breaking with Trump on spygate. 

Seth Macfarlane compares not baking gay wedding cake to discriminating against black people.

Delusional Taylor Swift criticizes those who oppose homosexuality. 

Policy allowing children to identify as transgender without parental consent reversed. 

Tracinski: The Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Majority want’s to kill freedom softly. 

Pullman: Melinda Gates bashes white guys, say’s she will discriminate against them.

Davidson: A footnote in the SCOTUS Masterpiece ruling bodes ill for religious liberty.

Marcus: Trump shouldn’t punish patriotic Eagles for PC Bro Chris Long’s antics. 

Maitra: Campus suppression is so bad that academics are holding conferences in secret. 

Payton: The Joy Reid Saga proves there are different standards for liberals and for conservatives. 

Del Arroz: It’s time to fight until the left follows the same rules they force on the right. 

Toplansky: New Jersey and Gun Control.

Religious Liberty Takes the Cake

Barr and Bee: What Do They Really Represent? Trevor Thomas

Are We Fostering Food or Famine? Viv Forbes

Waiting for the Next Religion Christopher Chantrill

Western Liberals and Religious Tests for High Office Ojel L. Rodriguez

Howard Schultz resigns as Starbucks chairman, may run in 2020

A closer look at SCOTUS’s gay cake decision

‘Sticks and stones’ in the age of PC

How Christians fight back on wedding cakes

Conservative America’s mainstream media war

The very wide narrow ruling

Goldberg: If arrogance were a crime, a lot of journalists would be in jail. 

Miss America pageant axes swimsuit competition, will no longer judge on appearance.

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