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Protocols of Zion: Liberals are Shills for Communism & Satanism


Liberals are dupes, what Communists call “useful idiots.” I was one for most of my life. “Championing the oppressed” was a pathetic way to justify my life and meet women while being blinded to the real enemy. As a liberal, I believed we stood for “the public good” while conservatives were for mindless, selfish greed. In fact, socialism is a ruse used by Cabalist central bankers to put their shills in power in order to corrupt and pillage the goyim.  

The Protocols of Zion confirm this truth.

“When we introduced into the State organism the poison of liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness–blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony.” (Protocols 9)

“In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under the alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes…”   (Protocols of Zion, 6)
In her book, School of Darkness, Communist defector Bella Dodd revealed that Communism is a satanic cult based on Cabalist Judaism.


From Oct 9 2009by Henry Makow Ph.D. 


 As I will demonstrate, liberals, funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds (Soros), etc., are unwitting pawns of a satanic Communist agenda. They are dupes, like the lower Blue Degrees of Freemasonry. This sounds extreme but unfortunately, it is literally true.  

Bella Dodd (1904-1969) a lawyer and Political Science professor, was a Communist Party organizer from 1932-1948 and a member of the National Council of the CPUSA from 1944-48. 
In her book, “School of Darkness,” she said Communists infiltrated and took control of liberal and socialist groups and unions. (She took control of the NY State Teachers Union.) She said Communism is a Satanic cult that is conspiring to enslave the world. 

In testimony to HUAC in 1953, she revealed some Liberals “have allowed themselves to become supporters of the very members of this conspiracy. This is not liberalism, not liberalism in the finest sense of the word. This is just allowing the Communist to pull them into a propaganda environment which says that “anyone who is close to the Communist is a liberal. I do not believe that is the definition of “a liberal.” 

She offered the classical definition: “A liberal is a person who believes in the right of the individual to function. The Communist does not believe in the right of the individual. They believe only in the right of the collective. The individual is only part of a collective group, and whenever he doesn’t move according to the collective, he is ousted from the group.”

Mr. Kuzig: “So you would say that when so-called liberals today, self-denominated liberals, support and work with the Communist program, they are being deluded into thinking they are helping a liberal cause when it is not liberal.” 

Dodd: “One of the great tragedies today is that these Americans do not realize that this would take civilization back to a barbarism which existed long before the Christian era... The Communists have a way of changing names and labels…How shall we recognize them, then? …by the fact that they believe that there is no God; that a person is just born, grows, dies, decays, and that is the end. They believe that the individual doesn’t matter; that the collective matters. They believe that certain people should have the power to run a country.”


The Protocols of Zion make it clear that the Illuminati bankers promoted liberalism and equality only to overthrow the gentile aristocracy and church. “While preaching liberalism to the goy we at the same time keep our own people and our agents in a state of unquestioning submission.” (15)

“In order to annihilate the institutions of the goyim … we have replaced [their mechanism] by the chaotic license of liberalism. We have got our hands into the administration of the law, into the conduct of elections, into the press, into liberty of the person, but principally into education and training as being the cornerstones of a free existence.” (9)

Their control is based on the paralysis they induce in representative government. “We replaced the ruler with a caricature of a government–by a President taken from the mob, from the midst of our puppet creatures or slaves. This was the foundation of the mine which we have laid under the GOY peoples…” (10)

Through their control of the press and education, they lionized “sedition-mongers” which in turn has protected them. “This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle.” (19)

As for equality, the founders of Communism write:” Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the people the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” …” baits” [which] carried away the well-being of the world, true freedom of the individual, formerly so well guarded against the pressure of the mob.” 

“The would-be wise men of the goyim, the intellectuals…did not see that in nature there is no equality, there cannot be freedom: that Nature herself has established inequality of minds, of characters, and capacities,… it was based upon these things that dynastic rule rested: the father passed on to the son a knowledge of the course of political affairs in such wise that none should know it but members of the dynasty and none could betray it to the governed. As time went on, the meaning of the dynastic transference of the true position of affairs in the political was lost, and this aided the success of our cause.” (1-25)


As well as controlling society, the Rothschild banking syndicate uses the Left to extort and undermine the competition. During the French Revolution, the Rothschild mansion was spared by the rioting masses. The Bolsheviks were instructedto appropriate Russian factories and hand them over to the bankers.

We are all liberals in the classical sense of believing in individual freedom. But the Illuminati bankers have changed the definition of liberal to the spurious notion of championing the underdog. This has been used to divert, divide and undermine the majority, and subject the individual to the collective will which they define.

Until liberals wake up to what the Protocols refer to as “the true nature of things,” they will continue to embrace their own destruction and that of Western civilization. 

Cancer infects mankind. Central bankers who control the economy belong to a Cabalist Satanic cult called the Illuminati. It originated in the Sabbatean-Frankist Jewish heresy of 17th and 18th Century Europe. This occult movement is behind the “Enlightenment, “revolution,” “secularism” and “modernity.”  It is behind socialism, feminism, Zionism, communism, and fascism.

The Illuminati control government, education, and media by subtle networks like Freemasonry and intelligence agencies. They use these levers to degrade humanity to be cattle and serve them and their god, Lucifer, in a “New World Order.” Mankind is on the receiving end of their hate, the victim of a cruel hoax of cosmic proportions. 

From Oct 4, 2009


Henry Makow – BELLA DODD- THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS COMMUNISM——————Feminism Founder, Betty Friedan “Mommy was a Commie”
—————- Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists

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