Jan 22- Serial Killer Trump Attends Funeral of His Vax Victim

(Vax victim “Diamond” on the left was a Trump booster, excuse the pun.)
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Trump will take the blame for “vaccine” holocaust he helped engineer

Video of Silk in link below.  I hope DJT had a center front-row seat.


The memorial for Lynette ‘Diamond’ Hardaway, half of the pro-Trump vlogging duo ‘Diamond and Silk,’ took a dark turn on Saturday as her sister, Rochelle ‘Silk’ Richardson, detailed the late 51-year-old’s final moments and alluded to a nefarious poisoning plot she claims caused her death.

The three-hour service held in North Carolina saw hundreds of Make America Great Again (MAGA) figures in attendance, including the former U.S. President himself, and featured musical performances and talks from conservative figureheads.

The right-wing tribute to Diamond took a turn however as prominent anti-vaxxer and Diamond’s sister Silk took the stage – questioning whether Americans are being poisoned spurring Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to demand an investigation into the COVID vaccine.

Instead of asking if Americans are vaxxed or unvaxxed, the real question to ask is: Are Americans being poisoned?’ Silk asked the pro-Trump crowd filled with friends and family.People are dropping dead around here, and nobody is talking about it! They are dropping dead suddenly and unexpectedly.’

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