The book you see in this picture is mine. I have had it for many years. It was written in 1870. It is going in the trash. I loved reading the book many years ago. Hannah has many great things to say and most seemed to be biblical. Of course, I wasn’t nearly as mature in my faith back when I read it as I am today, but someone once told me that she had left the faith in her older age.

I found this article about her life recently. Her and her husband were evangelists. It turns out that her husband was a serial adulterer and later abandoned the faith, and her three children all rejected the Christian faith too. “Hannah W. Smith was laden down with heresies, rejecting the Bible as the sole authority of faith and practice, the Trinity, and the blood atonement, and renouncing the doctrine of eternal judgment, believing that all men would be saved. She taught religious pluralism, saying that ‘a good Creator can be got at through all sorts of religious beliefs and all sorts of religious ceremonies, and that it does not matter what they are.’

“She despised the doctrine of the husband’s headship. As an early feminist she said, ‘I know nothing more absolutely unjust in itself nor more productive of misery to the woman than the assumption of the place of authority on the part of men. It reduces women at once in principle to the position of slaves.’

“When she was criticized for preaching to men, she sought an inner revelation rather than turning to the Bible. She says, ‘He … gave me such A STRONG FEELING that it was His mind, that now, whatever is said against it, it makes no difference.’

“Hannah Whitall Smith was a mystic who was not content to walk by the light of the literal teaching of Scripture. She represents the majority of professing Christians in these end times who have some authority above and beyond the Bible (though many will not admit it).

“There is the authority of Rome, Ellen G. White, Joseph Smith, an inner light, end-time prophesying, charismatic soothsaying, gibberish tongues, second blessings, fire baptisms, spirit slayings, rock & roll worship, contemplative prayer experiences, mystical and allegorical interpretations.”

The proliferation of female preachers we are witnessing in our nation comes from the same place of Hannah. She didn’t believe Scripture was sufficient. She needed to make up her own bible with her own god. She didn’t trust God nor His Word. This is a dangerous path to be on, women. Female preachers have left the narrow road that leads to life. God demands our obedience. Trust and obey Him! His ways are good and perfect. Stop listening to and learning from female preachers and authors who have walked away from the Lord and His ways.

And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
1 Peter 3:15,16


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